《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 8: Beginning Rebellions
Harry was reading in the library, enjoying a peaceful evening before the ball of energy, also known as Elizabeth, that went to help his aunt returned. Until the moment, it had been an excellent summer vacation. Many of his plans had come into fruition, though it was unfortunate that even away from school the interest that Albus Dumbledore had on him did not diminish. Sirius had tried to convince him to invite the man over until Harry reached the limit of his patience and hit the man with hard truths about his illegal imprisonment and his irresponsibility. The boy had almost felt pity for the man, who had looked haunted for days. However, he had spoken nothing but the truth. After that event, his godfather had looked at his case with impartiality and put the headmaster at arm's length.
Remus Lupin was a good man whose worst flaw was his gullibility. The mam had revealed everything he knew about Harry to the headmaster. The boy only found out because Sirius and Remus were shouting at each other in the restaurant. It was good that Harry decided to keep him at arm's length and he was never invited to the castle after the stunt Sirius had pulled in Yule, bringing a guest without notifying the others. However, his godfather's loose mouth gave him unnecessary variables he would need to take care of sooner rather than later. Harry lamented the fact Remus felt so indebted to Albus Dumbledore because he would have to be treated as an unwelcomed acquaintance instead of the family his parents would have wanted him to be.
His friends, on the other hand, were as loyal as ever. Being in the Guild had unified them in unexpected ways. Harry had never had friends before and having someone who you could rely on was a strange yet exhilarating experience.
Aside from his personal matters, his new businesses were prospering quite nicely. The shops were thriving and the restaurants were always full, while the shoe shop had been a revelation for the magical world. Before, the only kind of shoes available were either dragon hide boots and closed leather shoes, both with different materials and prices, but they were the only ones. People had waited since the morning for the shop to open and were amazed at the variety of models and colours. Implementing the system muggles did for shoe sizes was not easy for the people to accept, but curiosity won over. It amused Harry to no end seeing notable blood purist families wearing muggle designs.
Aside from that, paying a second visit to the Asian Empire had been delightful, he had bought ingredients he would have never gotten in Europe and the books he had managed to acquire made him giddy. Harry had partaken in a few meals with the emperor, sharing their relief at having a peaceful time while the girls tortured another innocent. Much to his delight, he had discovered that the types of teas he enjoyed could be grown in greenhouses and plans to add one for this specific purpose were made.
Taking advantage of the holidays, his aunt had begun teaching him about blood magic. It was a complicated art that had innumerable purposes. Thanks to aunt Eleadora's lessons, his views on magic began broadening.
Harry didn't understand how people could not see that the only differences between dark and light magic was the ability to control it. Dark magic was not inherently evil, she is wild and hard to tame, you need the discipline to calm her or she consumed you. Light magic herself is tame, far too docile and inoffensive, which also made it addictive because of the little control you need to perform her, anything wilder and you lost control. It was good to find a balance, remembering that neither were good nor evil, they were magic and simply existed.
“Young Master, your friends arrived,” Ella announced, taking him away from his thoughts.
“Thanks, Ella,” he told the little one and walked out of the library.
“Harry!” Draco exclaimed and hugged him. There it went his peaceful evening.
“Stop being so brash,” Daphne reprimanded the boy and walked to the couch.
“The goes the ice queen,” Theo muttered in a low voice, intelligent enough to not provoke her ire.
“Let's take a seat,” Harry ordered.
"What will we do once school starts again?” Blaise asked to no one in particular.
“I have no idea, the Slytherins love our new common room and there have been no suggestions,” Daphne said with a frown.
"We can have a place for the Guild,” Marcus commented. “I don't mean to offend but the cold hallways do not motivate me to exercise.”
"We will have to ask the elves for a good place,” Theo agreed.
“I discovered what happened to Quirrel!” Draco interrupted, his eyes twinkling in that strange way they only did when there was some juicy news, as the blond boy liked to call gossip. “Dobby heard my father and other school governors talking about how the sick the man was. Apparently, a healer recommended Quirrel to enjoy his last months of life so he decided to retire,” he commented, his eyes glinting in excitement.
“Any ideas on who will be our teacher this year?” Theo asked with a pronounced frown.
“Gilderoy Lockhart,” Daphne announced, “mother is his fan and knows everything about him, including that the ‘poor dear is having money problems’,” she said in a high-pitched tone, mocking her mother.
“So we are getting a desperate man for money. That explains why the list materials have all of his books,” Marcus scowled.
“Mother said she is not buying that monstrosity,” Blaise chirped, “I don’t think any of you should buy it either, my mother doesn't have a high standard for books and I’m not willing to discover what made her hate them so much.”
“Do you have any suitable member prospects?” Harry asked, changing the conversation to something productive.
“The Carrow twins, they will begin school this term. Their father is a brute and their aunt is a sadistic harpy. Their babysitter was a half-blood that basically raised them, they don't believe in blood purity,” Daphne informed the others.
“Terrence Higgs is one of the best in his year, he never bullied younger kids, I don't have any idea of what his beliefs are but we can find out. Adrian Pucey is in the same year, he has excellent wand work. He was raised with the purist dogma, though, ever since that night, I have never heard him talk about pureblood superiority,” Marcus said, looking thoughtful.
"We will have to pay attention to other houses this year,” Harry muttered after taking a moment to consider the suggestions. “Do any of you need to go the Alley?”
“Nah, we all went at the beginning of the summer and it is good to know the owner of the clothes shop,” Theo said, smiling at him.
“Madam Malkins and Gladrags are desperate for clients, only a few purebloods keep going. The uniforms in your shop are more comfortable,” Daphne informed Harry, a wide smile spreading her lips. “It was finally time for them to get some competition, Malkins made a fortune through being the only shop that sold Hogwarts uniform and Gladrags sold overpriced atrocities naming them fashion.”
“Yeah, besides, the new uniforms happen to make me look better,” Draco added, earning a huff from the girl.
“It is amusing to see father having daily internal breakdowns because he has to admit muggles are not useless. The day mother got him a suitcase he did not come out of his room for a few days. He likes to pretend they are wizarding inventions,” Marcus said, failing at trying to hide his smile.
“You should open a shop inspired in muggle desk material, I think that will be the final straw for my father and he will finally have a heart attack,” Daphne suggested, her face was adorned with a sweet smile that made most of the males in the room uncomfortable.
Draco Malfoy had lived like a prince all his life, being taught the blood superiority dogma and the Malfoy personal dogma: Malfoys are superior to anything and anyone else. Everything had changed when he met Harry Potter. For the first time in his life, his family name was unable to get him something. For the first time in his life, he was seen for being Draco and was given the opportunity to leave his father's shadow. Not for one moment he had regretted taking the decision to join. Seeing Harry interact with his elf had confused him, but when he tried the same with Dobby, he was astounded by the change. Now, the elf looked healthy, not like his previous rickety self. He had taught his little friend correct speech through long months of arduous teachings. His efforts had been rewarded with stories of his great grandparents and his father as an infant, which never ceased to amuse him... Loud bangs on his door took him out of his musings.
The bangs only got louder and his heart sped up with every explosive knock, to the point of almost drowning the noise coming from the outside. The boy’s breathing had turned shallow and his chest was heaving, the signals he was entering into shock. He did not know whom or what had penetrated the manor’s defences but he needed to run away. A pop beside him made him jump, pointing his tremulous hand that held a wand to the intruder. Much to his relief, it was Dobby.
“Aurors want to enter young master's bedroom,” the elf informed him with wide eyes.
"Why are Aurors here?!” Draco exclaimed, unable to find the reason for their presence, but relaxing at the knowledge that his home was not being invaded.
“They are looking for Mister Malfoy's secret room, but don't worry; I won't allow them to enter,” the little one promised.
"Would you tell me what secret room Dobby?"
“Of course, young master! The room where your father keeps evil artefacts, illegal ingredients, and a particularly nasty piece of evil.”
“I see,” Draco muttered with a tired sigh, disappointed but not surprised. “Let them in, otherwise they won't leave, but please stay at my side,” he half asked half begged the elf, receiving a nod in response.
Draco watched with amazement as a translucent barrier receded a few meters, only for the door to burst open, crashing with the wall. He would worry about fixing his wall later, his main concern for the moment was observing the Aurors barging in, followed by his parents. Putting his best mask on, he sneered at the intruders with disdain, trying to emulate Harry’s distant demeanour.
“Good evening, of course, you can enter my room. No, I don't mind. Though I am quite sure that that the ones in charge of fixing it will,” he said with obvious sarcasm. It seemed that being told off by a child did wonders to calm down the aurors.
“My name is Kingsley Shacklebolt. Sorry for entering that way but we are under orders to search every room in this house for dark objects. We tried to open this door but it did not budge so we had to use force,” the man explained.
“Did any of you thought on knocking? Manners can do wonders,” Draco commented, his fear making him unable to enjoy the abashed expressions of most of the Aurors. “Please take a seat Auror Shacklebolt, the others can search around. It seems you underestimated the lengths old families go to protect their heirs. Do any of you want tea?” he asked making his best Harry impression, hoping his mask was able to hide the fact that his heart was trying to jump out of his chest.
“Ehm, no, we are fine,” the Auror said, looking fidgety and reluctantly sitting in front of him. “I have a few questions for you.”
“Please, go ahead,” Draco encouraged the man, enjoying the confusion on the Auror’s face. Though what gave him more satisfaction was to watch his father gape at him, it was the first time he had left the man speechless and he loved the feeling. The experience would be even better if the panic stopped gripping his chest.
“Is there any dark object you know of in this house?” the man asked, returning to his comfort zone.
“Of course not, those are illegal. Not to mention that we are a noble house, it would be an insult to our blood to use such low things instead of relying on our power,” he said with a slight sneer and the man seemed to approve of his answer. Unlike his father, who looked paler than usual.
“That is good to know. Is there any secret room in the house?"
“Aside from the one my parents use for entertainment purposes and I pretend not to know the existence of, there is none,” he stated. The man’s face slacked in surprise at the unexpected answer but he composed himself after a few seconds, fighting to contain his growing amusement. The two adult Malfoys, on the other hand, didn't look amused in the least. Narcissa’s pale skin turned to a hot pink and even her husband had a blush dusting his cheeks.
“Ehm, that was more information than we needed, but I appreciate your honesty, Mister Malfoy,” the Auror said with a smile that he reciprocated.
“No other questions?"
“A few that would be useless in this situation,” Auror Shacklebolt said and one of the Aurors signalled at him. “It seems that the room is clear, I apologize for our intrusion.”
“No need to, you were doing your job and it is good to see that you were doing it right. Please, let me walk you to the door,” Draco offered with all the grace he could muster.
"We know the way; we don't want to bother any longer.”
“I insist, Dobby, please walk them to the door,” he asked the elf, who simply nodded in response.
“It was good to meet you, Draco Malfoy.”
“Likewise, Auror Shacklebolt,” Draco answered with cordiality, enjoying his father's expression when he only received a nod of acknowledgement before they left.
“That was brilliant, my dragon,” his mother congratulated him but was interrupted by an irate male.
“May I know what that was?! I will be the laughing stock for those comments. I taught you better than to act like a moron,” his father berated him, wearing that disapproving sneer that in the past had affected him so much.
“Did you want me to tell them about your secret room full of dark objects instead?” Draco asked in a calm tone and his father blanched. “I will continue to pretend I know nothing of your illegal deals and you continue to pretend I’m an ignorant child,” he stated, the anger he had accumulated for years pouring out. "While I know you don't care about this, Grandmother Brigitte would be deeply ashamed. But I do care, so I will pretend not to know for as long as possible. I know you are disappointed because I’m not willing to follow your steps and become a corrupt death eater but at least I know that grandmother would be proud. Please, leave my room,” he asked his parents.
Draco observed with satisfaction as the pale’s man skin turned a chalky white, but the tears of the woman pierced his heart.
Once they left, his hands began to tremble and his breathing came out in harsh pants, his knees gave under him. He didn't regret what had happened, but it was the first time he had defied his father and while he was static, the fear that was beginning to suffocate him prevented him to enjoy it fully. Dobby popped beside him and put a cup of warm tea in his hands which he drank automatically. He entered into shock and did not notice his elf popping him in the Potter castle, but he did felt his friends surrounding him and knew he would defy his father a thousand times. If it meant his friends approved, he would do it over again.
To say Lucius Malfoy was shocked was an understatement. Draco had gone against him. While he had noticed his son had changed during school, he had never imagined the meek Draco would ever rebel in such a way. He had been hurt by the harsh truths his boy spurted, never expecting to hear such a brutal criticism from his own child. Narcissa had broken down in tears, but he was so confused that was unable to console the crying woman. Draco had acted like a true pureblood and that made him immensely proud. However, the things he had said... He had called him weak and a shame for the family, not exactly in a subtle way. The problem was that he couldn't deny a single accusation. His mother would have been hurt seeing the path he chose to follow and, for the first time, he questioned his methods and beliefs.
“I need to speak with Severus,” Lucius absentmindedly informed his distraught wife. He walked towards the fireplace, threw floo powder and enounced his friend's direction, almost giving the man a heart attack when he arrived unannounced.
“The fact that I gave you free entrance to my house does not mean – What happened?” Severus asked the pale man that plopped on the nearest couch.
“Aurors came to my home today... Draco changed so much,” Lucius whispered and narrated what had happened earlier. "What is Draco doing at school?” he asked. A question that obviously surprised the professor. A year ago, Draco did absolutely nothing before asking his father and informed him about every single detail of his life. Things had indeed changed...
“I see he didn't tell you, a Slytherin Guild was formed at the beginning of the year and Draco is part of it,” he sighed, Lucius came out of his stupor with that revelation.
“I... He never told me.”
“I could have guessed. He also befriended Harry Potter and a few others,” Severus said, wearing a sardonic smile and sagging on the couch.
“He never told me... This summer he has been so busy we have yet to have an appropriate chat. He is always at the library or with his friends, and now I learn he is ashamed of me. How ironic, I always tried to motivate him by showing him my disappointment, it seemed the tables have turned,” Lucius muttered, taking a deep breath. “At least he talks with you.”
“Not anymore, ever since he befriended Potter he ignores my existence. It is obvious that between his new friend and his godfather, he chose the former,” the man sneered, but obvious pain could be seen in his expression.
“But he adores you, most of the times you are closer than we are,” the blond man whispered and with a dry chuckle, he added, “Being a parent is not as easy as I imagined.”
“Cheers to that,” Severus said handing his visitor a bottle of firewhisky.
Harry was sitting alone in his compartment while he waited for the others to arrive. Once again, his sister and his aunt, along with his godfather came to see him to the station. He was still thinking about the conversation he had with his godfather regarding Remus Lupin.
“Harry, you should stop being so cold to Moony!” Sirius began his diatribe, “I know what he did was not right but he now understands why.”
“Does he? You may trust him, Sirius, but I don't. Trust is hard to earn and easy to break. He did not even earn it and yet he broke it.”
“You are being immature Harry, you can't hold a grudge forever!” the man exclaimed, looking exasperated.
“Perhaps I am, but tell me, what he has done to earn my trust. He never apologized. Every time we meet, he asks the same things: where am I living? What are my plans for future business? Curious that he wants to know that when we used to discuss the books we enjoy and other themes that I consider interesting. Now, he only cares about the things he had never asked before. If the castle was not under the fidelius I’m sure you would have told him where I lived already and he would have told the headmaster,” he accused the man.
“I... Well... Moony feels indebted with Dumbledore for allowing him to attend school,” the man tried to justify his friend, but winced at how hollow his words sound.
“I know, but if he is unable to choose, I won't force him. I refuse to answer delicate questions and the longer he insists the more I’m convinced he has already chosen.”
“I will try to speak with him,” Sirius sighed in defeat, children were more troublesome than what he expected. “I will be going to my mother’s house and begin the reparations, Nile promised to help,” he told his stubborn godson.
“He has excellent taste, but do hire some curse breakers. If something happens to any of my elves I will make sure you regret it,” the boy said with a smile.
“Yeah, I know,” the man muttered with a pout. “How is the daycare going?”
“Pretty good, actually. It is a perfect cover for all the werewolves’ children to receive education and for first generations to get jobs. The elves are happy to have so many people to take care of and it is quite popular with parents,” he informed the man, smiling a little.
“Yeah, I have never seen so many children in one place... Don’t the werewolves cause problems in the sanctuary?” Sirius asked, tilting his head to one side, reminding the boy of a dog.
“No, a few tried to fight but they are scared of gryphons. Wolfs-bane helps to keep them calm and a few potions ensure their turning is painless so they are not irritable and their aggression diminishes. Aunt Eleadora makes an especial batch of potions for their recovery, so the day after the full moon they feel like new."
“You are a good kid, those people were miserable before,” Sirius congratulated him with obvious pride.
“It is not being good, I know how it feels like to be rejected by something you are not able to control. I’m helping people in similar situations because I know how painful it is,” Harry explained in a blasé tone, not noticing the pain on the man’s expression.
The train of his thoughts was interrupted by the door opening, Daphne and Marcus came in discussing something vehemently. She sat in front of him and passed him the newspaper, reading the headline he almost smiled.
By Rita Skeeter
My dear readers, I must write this news with no little amount of horror. Yesterday morning, Aurors were under orders to give a surprise inspection to Bartemious Crouch, ex-head of the DMLE, for the crimes he committed while holding that prestigious position. What no one expected to find was his supposedly deceased son very much alive! The boy in question was under the imperius, kept in a room under the care of his elf!
Bartemious Crouch senior first tried to stop the inspection and when his son was found, he fought with our Aurors and gave his son the opportunity to escape. Chance the young man took, but not before murdering one of our Aurors and stealing his wand, also murdering the elf that had nursed him for so long. In this tragic way, we discover that the man that once ran for Minister is nothing more than a filthy criminal! I have to wonder, dear readers, if his brutal methods during the war were meant to protect us or satisfy his thirst for blood. It chills me to have once trusted a callous criminal with my safety!
Once Crouch senior was taken under custody, after injuring many Aurors who were only doing their jobs, he was questioned. However, the man refused to give information and the Aurors were forced to dose him with veritaserum to discover any other crimes. Imagine my surprise when the man confessed to change his wife and his son during one of their visits to Azkaban! You need to have no heart to leave an innocent woman and decide to save a murderer instead. Other information revealed was too delicate to publish, my dear readers, but I assure you the current head of the DMLE, Madam Bones, is working hard for our safety.
I have to wonder though, if this man was in power for so long, how many other criminals remain in power. Millicent Bagnold, the ex-Minister that approved all of this man’s sadistic tendencies, has yet to appear, deciding to hide in shame. Albus Dumbledore, the current Chief Warlock, who personally signed many of the documents that allowed Crouch senior so much freedom and let’s not forget his knowing participation in the illegal imprisonment of Lord Black, has yet to pronounce himself.
I believe is time to stop being so passive in the face of corruption. We are magical Britain and we have the power to decide who remains in power. My dear witches and wizards, let’s not forget that we are the ones who put politicians in power and we are the ones who have the power to take them out!
“Inspiring,” Harry muttered, a slight smirk on his lips.
“The Minister is getting desperate for approval, so don’t be surprised if he does something stupid to earn your support,” Daphne warned.
“I don’t particularly care about the man, but the fact that the headmaster has many people to answer to pleases me.”
“He is in the border of getting kicked out of the school, any mistake and he is out,” Marcus gossiped, looking pleased with the prospect. “I respect the man but I don’t like him, he is always changing the name of our festive days to that muggle non-sense.”
“I agree, but let’s not forget our traditions were declared dark a couple of decades ago so few families still remember how meaningful they are,” Daphne sighed.
“Never mind that, we can always fix moronic mistakes. Have you seen the others?” Harry asked with a frown, it was almost a quarter to eleven and they were nowhere to be seen.
On that opportune moment, three boys appeared, however, they were pale and their hands were shaking. Two redhead twins were behind the boys guiding them inside, the two youngsters in front of Harry jumped to aid the newcomers.
“What happened?” Daphne demanded.
“Gryffindors tried to attack us,” Theo explained, calming down a little.
“It was not us!” the twins exclaimed in unison when the girl glared at them.
“It was not them, many seventh years cornered us,” Draco confirmed.
“They stunned two from behind and we stunned one, between the five of us it was easy to knock out the other three,” Blaise explained looking like himself again.
“I must thank you for helping my friends and bringing them here,” Harry told the boys who were looking uncomfortable.
“That’s okay, we don’t like bullies,” the one in the left explained.
“Good to know, would you like to join us for lunch?” Harry asked, trying to find a way of paying back the Gryffindor students for their kindness.
“We have decent food,” Marcus added.
“If that is so, my brother and I will join!” the one in right agreed.
“Good, have you ever tasted pasta?” Blaise asked with a glint in his eye. Harry sighed at the boy’s antics, Italians and their obsessive national pride.
During lunch, they learnt that the twins had four brothers and one sister, and it was inferred that with that awful load of kids the parents did not have time for them. By the way on which they described their younger brother, he seemed to be spoiled but mostly ignored and he was curiously in the same year as they were, it seemed that Harry needed to pay more attention to his classmates. They talked about their older brothers with admiration except for the one that still remained on school, a simpleton with delusions of grandeur and enough egotism to actually believe he was important.
Harry decided he would continue observing the twins. The boy had been surprised by the number of ideals they shared, a thing that awoke his untameable curiosity. A long time ago, he had noticed that the redheads possessed a latent talent, but he had dismissed the twins because of the pranks. Perhaps there was much more hidden under the surface... He hoped that was the case because George and Fred had the potential to become so much more. They were the first official candidates for the Hogwarts court.
The Weasley twins left their compartment when they noticed the sun was setting down, complaining about the tantrum that certain Lee would throw for leaving him alone. Harry was concentrated on his book until Marcus decided it was time to discuss how they would establish the rules of Guild to the new students.
“How will we announce our rules? The other students may get ideas if we don’t,” Marcus commented, breaking the silence.
“Let Theo do it, he is good with words,” Blaise suggested.
“The older students will try to rebel if I do it all alone, I may be good with words but they only respect Harry,” Theo shrugged.
“I think it would be good if Marcus was the one to begin,” Daphne said after a few moments. “He is the oldest and most of the house respects him, he can issue the challenge to the other students... Marcus, you will need to speak with the other prefects. Order them to guide the new students through the long route and explain the basic rules, once they arrive, we will tell them ourselves. I believe it would be wise to have you with us all the time.”
“I have no problems,” Marcus agreed. “You will do the same thing as last year, state the benefits. Everyone believes you are polite and easy to approach so if they have any requests, it will be easier.”
“It is good that they don’t know her,” Draco muttered.
“Harry will be in charge of dealing with any troublemaker,” Blaise said at last. Every person in the compartment agreed and waited to see what the new term would bring.
The Guild led the house towards the common room after the feast, satisfied at how impressive the place was. People divided into groups to receive the first years and leave space between them and the small group.
“Before our new members arrive, is there anyone who wishes to challenge the Guild?” Marcus asked, seeing a few seventh years having an inner debate but deciding to remain silent. The prefect knew he would keep an eye on them in case they decided to cause any trouble. “Good,” he approved with a smirk, the change in the common room remained as a constant reminder that the Guild did not make empty promises. The prefects came in, followed by the small group of children, who looked around in awe.
“Thank you for escorting them,” Theo began, giving the new students a gentle smile and dismissing the prefects. “First, I wish to welcome you all to the Noble house of Slytherin, I know the prefects already explained the basics on how the house works but I have a few things to add. As a noble house we have many rules to ensure our status is not threatened by imbecilic actions,” he announced, pleased to see all of them paying attention. “First, the words mudblood, blood-traitor, and any other vulgar expressions are forbidden. You can believe in blood superiority as long as you don’t preach nor act on it, the moment that we discover you breaking this rule there will be severe punishments and second chances don’t exist,” he barked and examined the ones who seemed to not agree with the rule for further observation.
“Second, no bullying is allowed. If you ever feel the need to compensate your weakness by tormenting someone weaker, then don’t ever let them identify you nor the house. If we hear any whisper from any Slytherin breaking this rule and blemishing this house with their uncouth behaviour, there will be consequences. Third, always be polite. We are the house of cunning and ambition, it is always smart to keep all of your options available. From the smallest house-elf to the most annoying first-generation magical you are to be polite,” Theo finished his speech glaring at the children in front of him. “Any questions?”
“Yes, who do you think you are to put rules in the house?” demanded a daring child who would have fitted better with the lions.
“We are the Slytherin Guild,” Blaise responded with an easy smile.
“And why should I care? I’m a pureblood and I won't obey blood-traitors or a disgusting mudblood!” he exclaimed, not noticing how the older Slytherins inched away from him.
“Is that so?” Harry asked with a gentle voice, placing a hand on Blaise, who was ready to curse the moron. “You just broke our rules, and it was said, there are no second chances,” he announced and the eerie silence that reigned the room was broken by high-pitched screams that horrified the observers. It was curious to see two new girls remaining stoic; he would have to pay attention to them.
“Please stop,” begged an older girl with tears running down her face after a few seconds. “He is my little brother, I promise I will make him behave,” she pleaded and he conceded.
“Please do, I would hate to give another demonstration,” Harry said, impressed at the girl’s courage. It was curious how love made people do stupid, yet amazing things. “I hope I won’t need to punish anyone else,” he said with a smile and sat down again.
“As you were told, we are the Slytherin Guild, it is our responsibility to take care of the house which includes placing the rules and, unfortunately, punishing you when necessary,” Daphne announced in a clear voice that commanded the attention of the first years. “Our duty is to guide and protect the house, so if any of you has any problems with any subjects we will assign someone to help you. If you need anything, do not be afraid to request it as long as it is reasonable. Also, you have to designate a representative in your year to speak with us. Don’t forget the rules and you will enjoy all of the benefits the Guild has to offer. Ask the older students about how much their life has improved since we took charge,” she said and was pleased to see so many people nodding at her statement. “It is time for bed now, have a restful night,” she dismissed them and every Slytherin went to their rooms, leaving them as the only occupants of the room.
“That went well,” Marcus nodded pleased.
“Before I forget again, I must tell you why we were so late,” Draco murmured, looking serious. “Do you remember that Aurors came to inspect my house a few weeks ago?” he asked and they nodded. “Father ordered Dobby to get rid of most things in the room and he told me about his plans. But the thing that worries me is that he said the ‘nasty piece of evil magic’ was out of the room last week, when most people do their shopping for school. I know my father is vengeful and I don’t put it above him to give it to the child of one of the Aurors that inspected my house,” Draco whispered.
“I understand, can you call Dobby? I have a few questions for him,” Harry asked the blond, looking deep in thought.
“Of course, Dobby?”
“Mater called,” the elf said, popping in.
“Yes Dobby, thanks for coming,” the boy told to his elf, whose eyes began to water.
“Hello Dobby, I have a few questions about the dark object that was in that room,” Harry announced, interrupting the elf’s emotional outburst. “What does it do and what does it look like?”
“That nasty piece of dark magic absorbs the soul of a person, controlling their mind and actions. It looks like a diary, so the victim only needs to write on it for it to leech on their core,” the little elf informed with wide eyes.
“I see. Is it possible for you to still feel where it is?”
“Oh yes, I could never forget something so foul... It is in the castle, in a high place,” the elf muttered, losing all semblance of colour.
“It seems that your theory is correct Draco... Let’s wait and see what happens. If it results dangerous for the school Dobby will retrieve it, but I’m curious about what it can do,” Harry stated, once again, looking lost in his thoughts.
- In Serial33 Chapters
Dungeon Core? Nah, I Think I'll Just Get Super-Wealthy Instead
The cycle is simple enough. A Dungeon Core is born from a wayward soul. It seeks power and agency, and works to accumulate wealth to fuel its power, in turn using this power to accumulate further wealth. Inevitably, the mind is lost as desperation and ambition drive it to commit darker and darker acts. Shortly thereafter, the adventurers arrive to quell the core. This is a tale that has repeated itself countless times throughout history: all cores desire power. And yet, this core seems to have it backwards. It doesn't want to rule the world. It has no desire to enslave or conquer. No, this core doesn't want to be a warlord, a villain, or a tyrant. It wants to start a core-poration. After all, when money is power, what greater weapon is there than capitalism? Join a dungeon core that wastes an absurd amount of time and effort trying not to be evil on his journey to earn fat stacks against all odds. -This is a 'Dungeon Core' type fiction with LitRPG elements in it. The start may be fairly slow compared to the average. Expect roughly 2.5k per chapter. -I'm only a hobbyist writer. As such, there may be the occasional error and pacing may be poorly-handled. Constructive criticism is alway welcome. I'm just here to write stuff that makes my brain release the g o o d c h e m i c a l s. -I am trashy and I like monsterpeople so you can expect an awful lot of those as we get further in. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy.
8 346 - In Serial75 Chapters
Fed up with a world where science has made every fantasy a reality and people just don’t care about stories anymore, a young video game developer named Kai uses ancient black magic to transport himself into one of his games, titled: Choices. Disturbed by his powerlessness on Earth, Kai makes sure to give himself the ability to change this new world as he sees fit, literally. If you were ridiculously powerful, would you throw away all your morals and do whatever you wanted?Would you find happiness? Would you find love? Or would you end up realizing that… Absolute power is pretty depressing. Note: The format for chapter titles is: “Overall_chapter_number POV_chapter_number: Chapter_title." Look at the POV chapter number to see who is narrating. Thanks to Ia-shub niggurath and peacefulcatastrophe for editing. Also thanks peacefulcatastrophe for the idea for the new cover image: John Martin, 1789–1854. The Deluge. 1834. (Public Domain) You can read it on my website too!Please vote for my story on TopWebFictions! No sign up, just click on the link and vote for as many stories as you like. Signed and fulfilled the Pledge. ~~A Proud Member of Writers to The End; we finish our fictions!~~
8 173 - In Serial7 Chapters
UNDERVERSE BOOK 1: Shadows of the night.
George Winters has always craved for power, it was his first memory and the only one he truly cherished. So when he finally sees the opportunity to have all the power he ever dreamed of through James Versity, the firstborn son of one of the most successful businessmen in the world he jumps at the opportunity. But just how far will one man go for power? And how many will he drag down with him?
8 208 - In Serial12 Chapters
The Wolf Hunter
Calissa's entire life had been dedicated to killing the wolves, to ridding the world of as many of the beasts as she could. Yet everything would change when she fell in love with one of them...
8 86 - In Serial7 Chapters
Ira and Devona. Existara Series
This is a series of short stories for the characters of the Existara series, including backgrounds and side stories. Part 2. The story of Ira and Devona continue on after the events of "Emerald and Wykren"The story continues on to show the new struggles and challenges of the Noxian Trio, or what's left of it...
8 274 - In Serial54 Chapters
Coming Home • taynew [ENG TRANS] ✔
[ COMPLETED ] "Excuse me, you forgot this?" Tay turned to the source of the voice. Behind him stood the figure of the man he love. Someone who unexpectedly appear in the pouring rain of whole city. "Te, let's go home."[ ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOR "Pulang • taynew" ]© daeyumbruh, 2021
8 152