《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 9: Four Times Trouble plus Two
Time flew by for the Guild between easy classes, monitoring their house, and their training. The idea of having a place for their personal use plagued them to the point they had asked a Hogwarts elf for a room to use. It was curious they had been guided to the seventh floor, to the opposite wall where a man was teaching ballet to trolls. The school elf had paced three times in front of the empty wall, where a door appeared. Come and Go Room, that is how the elf referred to it, and while most of the members approved of the room Harry voted against it.
“But why? We will have everything we need here” Draco whined.
“This room was created by the founders and improved by Hogwarts for the use of any student in need. We want a room and that is different, it would be an insult to her to use one of the rooms designed for everyone for our own benefit. This castle has many places we can use, we do not need this,” with those words he had left and the others followed, understanding the boy's deep respect for magic.
It was curious how magic seemed to like the respect given, that same evening they walked towards their common room but found themselves in a different place. It seemed like a dead-end but in the rock was carved a door containing the school crest, shrugging Harry pushed it open and looked inside, many torches were illuminating a space so ample it rivalled the great hall with easiness. A pile of books was deposited near the door, ancient-looking and some in languages they did not recognize. The group was once again amazed by Harry's natural understanding and love of magic, which she seemed to reciprocate. When he thanked the castle for the room provided they knew they had found their headquarters and followed his example, a warm feeling enveloped them and they understood that the castle was very much alive and happy to be respected.
Harry's elves had transformed the room in a few days; the efficiency of the little ones still amazed them to this day. Now, the room had many different areas: a part with dozens of dummies to practice on, a rocky place perfect to duel, a space dedicated to exercise (which much to Harry's amusement and Theo's horror resembled a gym), a special room for potion brewing, and a sitting place in hues of white, green, and golden. The enchanted lamps illuminated the place and he considered beginning to sell them, for they were much more useful than candles and torches.
“I really like this place,” Marcus commented while searching in a white bookcase. “It is much easier to study here than in the common room or the library.”
“I know... We are ages ahead, but the defence moron is useless,” Blaise complained.
“True, he also seems to have something against Harry, but the man is too much of a coward to act against him,” Draco commented. “Never mind that dunce, we have Professor Flitwick and that man is great.”
“He is great when he is not cleaning the floor with us; he takes special enjoyment in doing so,” Theo complained.
“You have to admit that we won’t have a better teacher,” Harry interrupted the boy’s whining.
“I have never denied it, but only you can have him teach you twice a week. The bimonthly reminder that I am nothing more than a training dummy is more than enough,” Theo huffed.
“Harry, the Carrow twins have a simple request,” Daphne informed interrupting the boy’s tantrum and waited for Harry’s acknowledgement to continue. “They asked to share a room, their father is... One of the worst persons in existence and they are scared to be alone,” she sighed.
“They will have it, did they mentioned anything else?” Harry asked curious about the twins.
“No, you have seen them, they tend to be aloof but I have known them for years.”
“Very well, Ella?” he called his friend.
“Sir called?” she asked popping in.
“Yes dear, I have a favour to ask you. Find Flora and Hestia Carrow, wait for them to be alone though, ask them how they want their new room. You can assign someone else if you don't have time, but please tell me what you think of them.”
“I will do it Sir!” and she popped out, a few minutes later she was back surprising the ones in the room. “They just asked for a room with two beds, nothing more sir,” she said frowning.
“Mmm, please get them decent beds and everything you think they will need.”
“I will tell Nile, the girls were polite and kind. They are two good girls who are scared,” the little one lamented.
“Thank you for your insight Ella, you are amazing,” he complimented and the elf popped out after many effusive thanks. “Marcus, what do you know about them?"
“Excellent at potions and charms, though they don't talk much all the teachers like them.”
“Good, I think it is time to expand the Guild. Daphne, bring the girls tomorrow on their free period, Marcus bring the ones you were thinking of after dinner,” he ordered and both nodded.
The next day two slight girls entered the room, he was pleased to see how much control both of them had over their reactions. He eyed them for a few seconds, approving their expressionless masks and controlled breathing.
“Hello, please take a sit. I have a few questions to ask you, but I want you to be honest, no one will punish you,” he promised with his most soothing tone and the girls relaxed a little. "What do you believe about blood superiority?"
“Our father tried to raise us with that belief,” the one in the right began.
“However the woman that raised us was a half-blood. She was really kind to us...” the other muttered.
“So we don't believe in it.”
“Excellent, now what do you think of house-elves?"
“Our house elf protects us every time she can,” the one in the left begin looking at her lap.
“Since we can remember she heals us...” her twin said taking a deep breath, but he could still see it. They were like him and he would protect them.
“That is good to know, now the last question, you have a week to think about the answer. Don't forget it is your decision and no one will ever hurt you for it. Would you like to join the Guild?"
The two girls looked up in surprise and then at each other... Another two members were added.
That evening during dinner, he sent the twins along with Draco and Daphne to their new room after they ate. The girls, while still distant, looked more relaxed and had enjoyed the food, taking an especial liking to the chocolate ice cream. It seemed that whether magical or muggle, females were weak for that treat. Now the boys sat in silence, waiting for Marcus to bring the next possible prospects. The door opened and the boy in question entered, followed by two nervous-looking students, who paled the moment they saw him, not even paying attention to their magnificent surroundings.
“Good evening, please take a seat,” Harry announced breaking the silence. “You are not in problems so there is nothing to worry about, though I have a few questions. Your honesty won't be punished so please, speak freely,” he explained and both relaxed in the slightest. "What do you think about blood purity?"
“I was raised with that ideology,” Terrence began explaining after long seconds of silence. “Once I began attending Hogwarts though I saw how many Muggle-borns had more innate talent than pure-bloods. I was confused but the pattern did not change, so I began wondering why I was raised that way because my family is a fifth-generation magical, including me,” the boy said, trying to keep his calm while he explained and finishing with a steady voice.
“My family is a pure-blood one, not as old as the Malfoys but we are proud of our roots,” Adrian stated with a tense posture expecting a punishment that did not come so he continued talking. “I don't mind half-bloods but I dislike muggle-borns with zeal, they have no respect from our traditions and believe they are better,” he muttered grinding his teeth in anger and the boys understood where it was coming from.
“Did it ever occur to you that they don't follow the traditions because they do not know them?” Harry asked.
“They could learn,” he argued and Harry had to congratulate the boy for sticking to his ideals.
“The problem, Adrian, is that they don't have a way to learn. How did you learn? I bet your parents taught you. First-generation magicals are unable to get any kind of information, don't forget our traditions were declared as illegal decades ago so no information is available. Even the history books were edited to hide that part of our roots, therefore they believe we share the same traditions and the school only reinforces that idea,” he explained to the boy who looked like he wanted to argue but was unable to find a decent argument. “Few families still practice the old ways, but in their desire to not mingle with first generations, they forget they could teach them and expand the number of people that practice them.”
“I have never thought it that way...” he answered looking thoughtful. “But what about the old lines? Many are getting extinct and muggle-borns don't have any special powers as we do.”
“I have to ask you something, what is the ability the Blacks are known for?"
“Metamorphmagus, but the last time it showed was six generations ago,” the boy stated confused.
“Right and wrong. Nymphadora Tonks, daughter of Andromeda Tonks neé Black, is a metamorphmagus. She is training to be an Auror if I am correct,” he explained and the boy's eyes widened in surprise. “Andromeda married a first-generation wizard named Edward Tonks; it seems the ability needed new blood to appear once again. Lily Evans, my mother, had astounding ease for wandless magic that I inherited. I believe new magicals are born within muggles to strengthen magic and create new lines. After all, wizards had to come from somewhere,” he explained and the boy seemed to have a meltdown. “Anyhow, I have another question, what do you think about muggles?"
“If I can be honest,” Terrence began looking around for approval. “I admire the way they have advanced; they have things that amaze me. However, the way they treat their world, destroying everything in their pace in order to feed their greed, disgusts me. I would rather have no contact with them” he finished looking resolute.
“I don't know much about them except for what my father taught me,” Adrian said with a grimace.
“I agree with you Terrence, they destroy without care but they can create wondrous things. Adrian, do you know about the new stores that opened in Diagon Alley and what products they sell?"
“Of course, the backpacks are amazing and the shoe store is one of the best places. The restaurant food is delicious but I have yet to go to the café but mother loves it,” the confused boy stated.
“Did you know all of those stores base their ideas on the muggle world? Backpacks are common and you can find a restaurant on every street,” he explained, and once again, the poor boy looked lost. “I am giving you the opportunity to join the Guild, you have a week to decide and we won't hold it against you if you deny our offer. It is late so you can leave for your rooms, goodnight,” he dismissed the boys.
“Goodnight,” both boys said in unison and left.
"We should hold a talk with all the Slytherins about this,” Marcus said once the boys left. “It will make things easier to understand and they will be more willing to follow the rules.”
“You are right... Tell the prefects that tomorrow every Slytherin needs to be in the common room after lunch.”
“It is good that tomorrow is Saturday,” Blaise mussed.
The next day the Guild plus the two new snakes waited in the common room for the rest of the house to arrive, lounging in their sitting place until the door opened and the prefects guided the house in.
“Everyone is present,” Marcus announced walking to them.
“Good, the reason why all of you are here is nothing to worry about. This Noble house’s reputation has never been better thanks to your excellent conduct,” Daphne congratulated all the presents, who relaxed noticing they were not in trouble. “The reason for your presence is because until the moment we have not shared our reasoning behind our first and most important rule, a mistake that we noted yesterday. Muggle-borns as you call them, or first-generation magicals, as we prefer to call them, do not follow our traditions, which we learned from our parents from a young age. However, you forget our beloved roots were declared dark five decades ago by an incompetent Minister who believed they were the root of every Dark Lord. Therefore no books are available, even history has been tweaked to hide them. When first generations arrive at the magical world, they are led to believe we share the same traditions and customs, with the current headmaster only enforcing that idea by celebrating their holidays. They have no other way to learn because we have blocked all their paths, we know or noble ways but we refuse to share them and Knocturn Alley, the only place where they could get books pertaining the subject, has a zero-tolerance policy against them. It is our duty as citizens of Magical Britain to teach them our ways so that in a future that ridiculous law will be abolished,” Daphne explained with that regal air of hers, which made people agree with her.
“We believe first-generation magicals are born within muggles so they can bring new blood and strengthen our own,” Theo began explaining. “I am sure most of you know the Black family, who aside from their madness, are also known for being metamorphmagi. It has come to our attention that people believe the last time that trait has appeared is six generations ago. That information is wrong. Nymphadora Tonks, daughter of Andromeda Black and Edward Tonks, is a metamorphmagus. Her father is a first-generation magical. It seems the Black’s needed new blood for their prized trait to reappear,” he explained, shocking people into silence.
“Lily Evans, my mother, was one of the most powerful witches of her generation. She was responsible for many of Voldemort’s losses, to the point most death eaters tried to avoid any kind of confrontation with her and my father. She was the youngest Charms Mistress in three centuries and the youngest Enchantress in seven, having also won many duelling championships while she still attended school. There is not one person who can deny her power,” Harry stated, many faces filled with admiration at her accomplishments, but a few darkened. “She competed neck to neck with the head of this house in potions, but was not planning to seek her mastery. She had a talent for wandless magic that few could ever hope to emulate and I inherited her ability... We believe new generations strengthen the magic of old lines and have the potential to create new ones. You are not forced to believe in what we do, but research about what we have told you today,” he said and many nodded.
“We know that you have been told that muggles are nothing more than beasts, but that is not true,” Daphne began explaining. “They are our polar opposites and advance so fast that most of the times they destroy what sustains them in the first place. However, the things that they manage to create without the help of magic are nothing less than astounding. I know all of you have heard of the new shops in Diagon Alley and that most own their products, I am pleased to tell you that their ideas are based on muggle objects. Backpacks, fountain pens, briefcases, different shoes, restaurants, and cafés are common in the muggle world,” she declared and noticed with a great amount of satisfaction the revelation had caused many people to enter into a shocked daze. Flint seemed to be having a brain shortcut along with many other fanatics and Parkinson's wide eyes were directed at her clothes and shoes with horror.
A few days after the overwhelming information was delivered, most of the Slytherins were in zombie mode until they assimilated the facts. While few were reluctant to admit muggle inventions were useful, most took it in stride and continued using them.
Another event that pleased Harry was the slow, yet steady growth of the Guild. Everyone got along with each other, thing that would be almost impossible with a big group of people, but they somehow managed to pull.
After the eventful weekend of the Guild, they were enjoying a tranquil time at their headquarters when they noticed the wards announcing two people at the door. Curious, Harry asked Blaise to open it. Two read heads were looking at a piece of parchment when they noticed many eyes on them; they straightened up looking so surprised their eyes almost came out from their sockets.
"We were ehm... Exploring,” the one in the right said and the others nodded.
“I see... It is good that you were not following us. Come in, but I must ask why are the Gryffindor devils wandering in the snake's den?” he asked, enjoying the twin's admiration while they eyed the room.
"What is this place?” one asked.
“Mmm, let’s make a deal... You will be allowed to join in if you tell me how you found us,” Harry offered with a smile, they looked at each other's eyes and nodded.
“Would you explain what this place is first?” one said looking around.
“This is our humble abode, the headquarters of the Guild,” Marcus explained with a smirk.
“It doesn’t appear on the map, we just saw you disappear so we got curious,” one explained taking out the piece of parchment.
“This is the Marauders Map, the key of our success,” the other presented the map with obvious pride. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he recited while touching the map with his wand and on the parchment appeared the map of Hogwarts.
“By any case is the map made by Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail?” Harry asked while the others were examining the parchment.
“How did you know?” one of them demanded, narrowing his eyes.
“My father was Prongs and Sirius is Padfoot,” he explained and the twins looked at each other once again, having another silent conversation they nodded.
“The map is rightfully yours,” the one with the almost invisible scar in his jaw said, handing the younger boy the parchment.
“You can keep it, I don’t really have the need but we can find a way to replicate it... Thinking about it my father left a journal, but it was full of pranks so I have not read it until now, I can lend it to you if you want,” he offered.
“We only play pranks on bullies,” the one with more freckles in his nose announced.
“And to test our ideas,” the other added.
“But we want to know what kind of pranks they played,” both said at the same time.
“Good, but first I need to introduce yourselves properly. Fred and George is not the same person, so if you would...” that simple phrase convinced the twins of the path they wanted to follow.
In that curious turn of events, the Weasley twins joined the Guild, amazed at how well they got along with the other members. The twins admired their dedication joining their study sessions and the other members of the Guild discovered with more than a little amount of amusement that the twins’ weakness was the female fury. Daphne bullied them into joining their morning exercises and the Carrow twins had managed to include them in the duelling sessions through that unique way females had of scaring males. All in all, they had turned into valued members of their group.
In a similar fashion, Terrence Higgs and Adrian Pucey accepted their offer to join the Guild. At first, their interactions were of the tense kind, but observing the simple camaraderie and easy acceptance, they did not take long to integrate. The youngest twins also began integrating; opening up and little by little, they began trusting the Court.
He would never forget the day they came to him for protection. It had been quite a grim situation, however, it was the day where a before and an after were marked in the young girl’s lives. Both had looked so pale, and one had a letter clutched in her hand. They looked so fragile and innocent, reminding him of his dear Elizabeth when she was frightened. The other members of the court could only watch with concern as the two girls approached him.
“Harry, we know that we can trust you,” Flora said looking at the floor.
“We beg you to help Missy, our house-elf,” Hestia said with tears shining in her eyes and she handed him the letter she was carrying.
The boy understood their fear at last. There exist many kinds of heinous monsters, and it was obvious their father and aunt belonged to that category. The letter contained threats to the girls for daring to best ‘worthy pure-blood males’ in school. The eldest Carrows stated their elf would suffer their punishment until they arrived... It was written with blood.
Harry felt an uncharacteristic rage and it took him all his self-control to contain it. That was the moment he decided those beasts were going to suffer a painful demise in the future. He stayed silent for a moment while plans were formed.
“Ares, Mars,” he called his elves and they popped in, sensing the tense atmosphere they stood straight waiting for orders. “Can you feel the elf of these two girls?” he signalled the twins and both nodded. “Please go to her and take her to the castle, tell her the twins are safe and asked you to retrieve her from that house. In a few hours or at most tomorrow they will call her to form a bond and explain what is happening. The people in the house; make them think they freed the elf and also make them forgetful about the girls,” he ordered and both nodded popping out.
“Thank you,” Flora whispered with tears streaming down her face, her mask breaking.
“Father dislikes the fact that he had daughters instead of sons and he is no longer able to have children. He makes his... displeasure known in violent ways, but Missy takes the worst of it to protect us. Our babysitter tried to run away with us, but we were found... They killed her,” narrated Hestia with no apparent expression, but the pain was there, permeating her voice.
The rest of the Guild heard with horror the atrocities these young girls had been forced to endure, promising to protect them. On the other hand, Harry was planning. Hestia and Flora belonged to the Guild, which meant it was his duty to protect them. For the moment, they would stay in his house for the holidays and summer. He would ask his elves to confuse the monsters so much that they would barely remember the girls. Once they were of age, the monsters would have the punishment they deserved, delivered by the same people they tortured.
“You are safe now,” Daphne said, comforting the girls. “You know? My father also loathes the fact that he only had two daughters. My mother almost died while delivering Astoria so they did not try again. He tried to find ways of cowing me into submission since I can remember, though mother keeps him in check. My elves have always been kind. When mother was busy with her friends, which was most of the times, they played with us and kept us company... I learned a few years ago that they were brutally punished for that,” the girl sighed. “I was furious so I decided to take revenge on my parents. I decided to lace their morning tea with belladonna, though my elves changed them before they could drink it,” she commented with a mirthless chuckle. “That was the day I bonded with them... I can’t believe I just told you that,” Daphne huffed.
“Well, you are not the only one with crappy parents,” Fred snorted. “Our father is always working and most of the times he doesn’t even remember how many children he has.”
“Mother is always fawning over Perfect Percy and Little Ginny,” George said, emulating his mother’s high-pitched tone. “She also tries to control ickle Ronnikins, making his inferiority complex grow. Bill and Charlie try to avoid the Burrow as much as possible, though I don’t blame them.”
“Once we are seventeen we are leaving that house,” the other Weasley commented.
“Yeah, my mother is not that great either, but she is not bad,” Blaise shrugged. “She is out most of the times, either trying to get a new husband or planning ways of killing his actual one.”
“I thought those were rumours,” Terrence muttered, trying to conceal a shudder.
“They are not. I am not sure why she does it, though I have a basic idea. Her first husband was my father and she married at seventeen. Perhaps she got tired of him or maybe he cheated or something similar, the thing is that she poisoned him. I have no idea why she continues doing it, but I guess it pays the bills. She doesn’t have much time for me, though, during her little free time she teaches me some things. Most of my vacations I spend them with my grandparents because few of my mother’s multiple husbands like to have me in the house.”
“Well, my mother is the best woman in the world,” Draco stated. “Although my father makes up for it. He is always saying how inadequate I am or how ashamed of me he is. There is also the usual blabber of muggles being beasts, first generations being dirt, and the ‘oh, so noble Malfoy’s family’... Of course, there is also his daily diatribe of how should we worship Voldemort and how superior pure-bloods are.”
“Ditto, my grandfather is exactly the same. Pure-bloods this, pure-bloods that, and pure-bloods are better. He wants me to follow my father’s footsteps, why? I don’t know, maybe he also wants me to spend my whole life in Azkaban,” Theo commented.
“I guess most pure-bloods have the same modus operandi, my father and yours could be brothers,” Adrian joked, though his face was marred by a scowl.
“Count me in, though my mother is bat-shit-crazy. Between both of them, they are trying to force me to chose a political carrier and follow my father’s footsteps. Be a corrupt politician who believes in blood superiority and would follow the first idiot who proclaims itself a Dark Lord,” Marcus sneered.
“My older brother’s go through all that, I am just the spare,” Terrence explained in self-depreciation. “Most of the times they forget I exist so I return the favour.”
“I guess it is my turn then,” Harry sighed. “I don’t have much to say. Grew up in my aunt’s house where they hated magic, then I was taken to an orphanage where they hated magic. Perhaps I felt lonely for a brief time, though I learnt that I was better and they did not deserve to be in my presence. I was six when the headmaster of my school took interest in me for being so intelligent, he made sure I was transferred to another orphanage. The life there was not bad, the matron had taken a liking to me and most of the care-takers appreciated the fact that I was tranquil. Soon I became the favourite and many did not like that, not that they dared to go against me, of course... There is where I met Elizabeth,” he narrated and noticing the confusion on many people faces he explained. “She is my sister.”
“You have a sister!” a gaping Fred exclaimed.
“And she is also pretty,” Draco confided the group.
“So, she is your adoptive sister,” Adrian muttered. “Why is she not studying in Hogwarts or is she still too young?”
“My sister is one year younger, but I sent her abroad. The attention she would get for being a Potter would be overwhelming and I would like to protect her for as long as possible,” Harry explained.
“Blood adoption,” murmured a shocked Flora, the last Potter nodded in response.
“Father wanted to use that potion to have a male heir. However, it is far too expensive and few brewers are able to make it. Besides, whoever the family adopts will not be accepted as a member of the main branch for the family magic would reject them as soon as they tried,” Hestia explained.
“I am hungry,” Theo almost whined.
With those simple words, the serious atmosphere that had overtaken the room vanished. The rest of the day was spent in the room, easy conversation flowing between the members. What few noticed was the deep bond that was created. No one knew what did the future held, but they were sure whatever it was they would remain together.
Harry watched his companions, it had been an emotionally tasking evening that had drained them all. At the moment, he had no wishes to dine in the great hall so he would ask the school elves to bring them food. Containing a sigh, he watched at the youngest twins, who were napping in the couches.
“Marcus go and explain to the teachers that both of them are not feeling well and you gave them permission to skip classes, do what is in necessary for them not to be in problems,” he ordered signalling the sleeping girls and Marcus left the room.
“They are monsters,” Draco whispered, referring to the twin’s relatives.
“I am glad those beasts won't reproduce,” a disgusted Blaise sneered and everyone in the room agreed.
“They are pure-blood supremacists who hate the idea of their only children being female. Don’t forget it was common for pure-bloods to kill the first child if it was born female and use the remains to make a potion and ensure a male would be born,” Daphne explained with a stony expression. “The war before the International Statute of Secrecy was established was because of that same reason as was the war between Morgana la Fey and Merlin, Morgana defended the fact that females were equal to males, but Merlin believed that only males had the power to rule. And yet history remembers him as a hero and her as the villain.”
“Who won?” Blaise asked.
“Morgana la Fey,” Harry answered. “She was more powerful than Merlin and the man's desire to control King Arthur because of a prophecy was his own downfall. However, Arthur believed in the man even after his death so he declared Morgana an enemy, not knowing she and his wife were the same person. The detail lays on the fact she did not fight the man, because she had won already. Females were recognized as equals. Not to mention Arthur did not live long and that the Kingdom collapsed a few months later. That done she disappeared.”
“The things we should be learning in history,” Adrian grumbled.
“Only the oldest families have the books recording the events of centuries ago. The Potter library has the most curious information about the first magical clans in Europe,” Harry said with a certain amount of pride in his voice.
“In a future, let’s rewrite history,” a smiling Theo proposed.
October arrived with a particularly sombre note when Fred and George barged in the headquarters looking pale and breathing hard. Harry raised an eyebrow but waited for them to talk.
“Something is killing unicorns in the forest,” Fred said, his chest heaving and wide eyes filled with fear.
“It has been going on for almost a year!” George exclaimed with a hysterical undertone to his voice.
The boy understood their reactions, unicorns were almost impossible to kill. They were unbelievably fast, immune to curses, and hard to find... Something dangerous was roaming that forest. It was easy to conclude because everyone knew that killing such a pure creature brought hefty consequences. It was either someone or something that had lost its mind or was horribly desperate for the magical properties unicorns contained in their bodies.
“Did they find the bodies?” he asked the twins who were more composed.
“They did, Hagrid was crying in the forest and Filch was comforting him. It seems that whatever is hunting them down drinks their blood,” George muttered, paling even more.
Drinking the blood of a being so pure did not only carried horrible consequences such as a cursed life, it destabilized the inner core making whoever was committing the heinous crime dangerous. For an unstable core could be powerful, but it was a time bomb... He needed to take the unicorns far away from the forest.
“Let’s go and talk with Hagrid, the more we wait the more time we give that beast to harm another innocent. Rome?” he called his elf.
“Yes sir?” the elf popped in looking curious.
“I need you to pay attention to my call, recruit as many elves as you need from the castle for this task. I want you to feel all the unicorns in the Forbidden forest and pop them to the sanctuary... Something is killing them,” he whispered and the little elf’s eyes widened in horror.
“We will do it!” Rome exclaimed and popped out.
“We will tell the gates keeper that I know someone who will take away the unicorns to a safe place and they won’t come back until it is safe,” he informed the others and they agreed.
Walking through the castle on a Sunday was a strange affair, they were so used to the noise of people that the empty hallways only aided to sombre their mood. They arrived at the grounds and walked towards the man’s hut, where Harry knocked on the door. They could hear barks inside and a man scolding the dog.
“Who’s there?” the man opened the door pointing them with a crossbow, once he saw the children he relaxed and smiled at them. “What can I do for ya?”
“Good morning Mister Hagrid,” Harry saluted the man. “I don’t know how to explain this so I will be blunt. We know that unicorns are being murdered in the forest, I contacted a good friend of mine that owns a magical reserve and he said that he could retrieve them this same evening.”
“That is so good to hear!” the man exclaimed and began weeping. “I am so sad when I find a new one dead, even Aragog is helping me protect them. Thank you so much!” the man exclaimed and encased him in a bone-shattering embrace. Even if Harry was irritated at the unwelcomed contact, he understood this man had a pure soul, and that somewhat made up for his crass manners.
“We wanted to inform you so you no longer endanger yourself by venturing the forest in search of the beast,” Daphne informed the man with a kind smile.
“Aye, thanks. I have a favour to ask you, my friend Aragog lives in the forest and he and his children are scared of whatever is hunting unicorns. Could your friend also take him?”
“I think we can get your friend a house to live,” Draco agreed, looking at the others.
“You see, well, the thing is that Aragog is an acromantula. I promise he will behave,” the man said and Harry blinked twice in case his ears were playing him a joke.
“I would need to speak with him, the sanctuary contains many species that my friend considers sacred and if the life on one was taken... There would be terrible consequences,” Harry explained to the man.
“Is okay, we have hours before lunch so I can take you there. You will also meet Fluffy, he is my dog and lives in the forest, too big to fit in the house,” the merry man explained opening the door for his enormous dog to come out. If his other pet was too big... He rather not dwell on that thought, the boy looked at his friends and all of them nodded, but he denied with his head.
“Only two can come, otherwise the group would be too big,” he said and they looked at each other, Marcus and Terrence walked towards him. “Wait for us,” he ordered and they followed Hagrid.
Walking through the forest during the day was not scary, but they understood that during the night the huge trees would cast deceiving shadows and the forest noises would drive even the sanest person to insanity. Hagrid hummed a happy tune and called for his other dog to join, they heard heavy footsteps and were frozen in their places when a Cerberus emerged from the tress.
“This is Fluffy, raised him myself!” the man exclaimed with pride, the gigantic dog’s heads turned to one side to observe them. “Fluffy, they are friends! Came here to protect the unicorns and Aragog,” he told the dog and it began wagging its tail.
For their own sanity, the young males decided to ignore the excessively amicable Cerberus that approached them. Hagrid continued walking until they arrived at a dark part of the forest, where Harry was able to glimpse spider webs on the forest tops. Fluffy was nudging them with his heads, searching for someone to scratch him and the boy complied with a sigh. They walked further and saw a cave covered in spider’s silk from where a gigantic arachnid emerged. Its eyes were wide and a leg was missing, though the fact that it could probably challenge an elephant was enough to intimidate them.
“Hagrid, my old friend, what brings you here?” the spider asked.
“Aragog! I brought friends with me, they will take the unicorns to a safe place, and I know how you and your children are scared so I asked them to take you as well!” the tall man explained in that cheerful tone of his.
“Is that so? Hagrid’s friends where will you take us?”
“There is a sanctuary that a friend owns, however, there are conditions,” Harry stated at the spider and his friends paled. “The forest is a sacred place for the family, if a single inhabitant resulted harmed you will be expelled.”
“We need to feed ourselves,” Aragog explained and he noticed more spiders arriving.
“I understand that, and you will be fed. Cattle is given to all the carnivores and plants exist in abundance, but I have an important question. How many children do you have and how frequently they reproduce?”
“I have three hundred and thirty-eight descendants. However only one of them is female, she will give birth approximately the same amount of children in twenty years. Unlike normal spiders we live long lives so we only reproduce once, our eggs bloom at different times. Some take years and other months so we will not overpopulate the sanctuary you are offering us.”
“I am relieved to hear that, house-elves are in charge of taking care of you, do you promise not to harm them?”
“We promise, protector child, we are scared because our old enemy is waking. We accept your conditions,” the giant spider said.
“And I promise to keep my word and protect you, Rome!” he called and the elf popped in, ignoring the giant spiders.
“Organize the other elves to retrieve Aragog and his children please.”
“It will be done, the others have retrieved the unicorns and we discovered that only twenty-seven remain,” he said shaking his head in regret.
“Thank you Rome, once we leave, come with the elves to take them to the sanctuary,” he explained and the little one nodded and left with a pop. “That is all Hagrid, Aragog will be safe.”
“Thank you!” the man exclaimed weeping once again. “Do you mind if I stay behind? I want to say goodbye to Aragog.”
“We think Fluffy and Fang can show us the way out,” Harry told the distraught man. “Take care Aragog,” he told the spider.
“Likewise, protector child.”
They walked out of the forest with Fang acting as a guide, the dog seemed to be happy to leave the place, not that anyone could blame him. Harry was thinking about many things, including what to do with the beast that was attacking the unicorns when a sharp pain in his scar made him stagger a few steps. Terrence stabilized him while Marcus pointed his wand at something behind his back. The dogs were growling at something covered in a black cape with a hood that shadowed his features but the putrid odour of rotting flesh was clear to recognize. Whatever the thing was, one thing was sure: it was dangerous... It glided closer when Marcus threw a curse that it avoided and it raised a hand that had a wand. Fluffy reacted that moment and jumped at the thing that ran away from the dog.
The three boys were panting and Harry noticed the pain in his scar receded once the thing left... He composed himself and signalled the dogs to get out of the forest. Whatever it was, he did not like it. If there was something the boy despised, it was feeling weak and that thing had somehow managed to do that. He needed to have his scar reviewed by a healer, he guessed aunt Eleadora would be happy to do so.
“What was that?” Terrence asked in a whisper after a few minutes.
“I have no idea,” Marcus answered looking shaken.
“Whatever it was,” Harry announced, “was on the border of death, its body was decaying so it has a few days at most. That is the reason it was hunting unicorns.”
They walked the rest of the way in silence and Fang ran out of the forest while Fluffy seemed to be happy to take a nap in that spot. When the others saw them, they ran to meet them.
“What happened?” asked Flora frowning at them.
“We discovered what was attacking the unicorns,” Harry sighed rubbing his forehead.
“It looked like a dementor but it was mortal, it stunk to rotten flesh... It was killing the unicorns because it is on the border of death,” Terrence explained looking pale.
“It does not matter, it will die... Unless it somehow gets a new body but it is quite obvious that if it has not done that until now is because it is not able to. Let’s go, everything is done here,” Harry ordered and the group walked towards the castle.
It was quite ironic how October left with the same sombre note it had begun, it seemed that Samhain had quite a perturbing sense of humour. This year they had also decided to stay in the Slytherin common room, professor Flitwick was so pleased with Harry’s advance in the weekly duelling lessons that he had given them permission to not attend the feast as long as they didn’t get in problems. It was the first time that Fred and George entered the common room, it was amusing how they wore their hearts on their sleeves in situations like this.
“So this is the infamous snake den, if we had known before...” George sighed.
“We would have agreed with the hat and be proud snakes,” Fred finished looking around.
“Oh my, the descendants of the family that has belonged to Gryffindor since the school was founded in Slytherin... What a scandal,” Daphne mocked them with a smirk.
“True, our mother would have chewed us alive,” Fred agreed.
“Ah, but their common room is nothing compared to this one,” George said eyeing the lights with curiosity.
“You must have seen this place before, we could only do homework in the library because the only lights we had were torches,” Marcus commented with a shudder.
“Don’t forget it was always cold and merpeople liked to peep on us,” Adrian added.
“The wonderful magic of elves,” Harry explained to the twins.
They had a tranquil dinner, talking with each other. However, as every good thing in the world, it has to end. The common room door opened and many agitated Slytherins walked in, whispering to each other in hurried tones and avoiding to look their way. A female prefect approached them and silence descended on the room, no one even spared a glance at the lions eating with them.
“I am sorry to interrupt, but I have news,” she announced looking at the floor. “While we were returning a commotion took place in the second floor, Filch’s cat was found petrified, hanged by her tail next to a message written on the wall. ‘The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware’, it was written in blood,” the girl managed to say over her ragged breaths.
“What were you doing on the second floor?” Harry asked with no inflexion in his voice.
“The stairs to the dungeons kept moving so we thought it would be better taking the other route,” another prefect explained seeing the girl’s anxiety.
“Very well, Miss Farley go and rest, an elf will give you a calming draught in your room. Mister Avery, you and the other prefects lead the others to their room, if anyone requires a calming draught or a dreamless potion call for an elf, but panic is no excuse for lack of manners. Goodnight,” Harry ordered and people left the common room. “Let’s go to our headquarters.”
They walked in silence thinking of all the possible solutions to what happened on the second floor. The chamber of secrets was Salazar Slytherin prized legacy from there on it was quite easy to connect the points. The founder had been known for being a parselmouth who owned a basilisk, which solved half of the riddle, though he had no idea how it had managed to petrify instead of kill. The question was who had managed to open it... Then he remembered Dobby warning them about the evil diary, it was in the school but it did not mean it was responsible. Either way, he thought it was time to retrieve the blasted thing and send it to Gringotts for its analysis and disposal, a thing he should have considered doing ages ago but apparently his brain only worked in a rational way when emergencies were present. He opened the door and walked to a couch.
“Draco, call Dobby and tell him to retrieve the diary. Marcus, Terrence, and Adrian your job is to ask the teachers information about the chamber on Monday. My four devils, go to the room of requirement and ask for books about the chambers, Salazar, and parselmouths. Beginning tomorrow look for anyone who was not at the feast and we can begin from there,” he ordered, drafting a letter to Ragnok describing the diary and hiring the bank’s services for an in-depth report about the diary and its later destruction.
“Harry, Dobby brought the diary,” Draco said and he looked at the elf who was levitating the book.
“Thank you Dobby, will you tell me where did you find it?”
“Yes sir, I found it in a red and golden room, between the books of a student,” he described.
“Again thank you, would you do me one last favour and take this letter and that diary to Gringotts? Tell whoever attends you it is urgent, so it must be delivered to Manager Ragnok in person,” he requested the elf, who nodded in agreement and popped out.
“We don’t know whether the diary is connected to the chamber or not, either way, we have to find the place. A basilisk is there, if possible I will offer the snake a place in the sanctuary but if not it is too dangerous to leave roaming in the school,” Harry sighed, feeling already tired.
“I think Rita Skeeter will like this piece of news,” Daphne informed with an evil smile that he somehow reciprocated and was reminded once again why females were such a dangerous, yet beautiful creatures.
The next day the Guild sans lions were sitting in the Slytherin table, being the only ones calm among the tumult that seemed to involve the entire school, including teachers. The tense disposition of the professors made Harry understand they did not believe this to be a joke, which meant the chamber was real and perhaps it had been opened before. The owls flew in and Harry sighed, the school was getting lax if they believed no one would find out about the message. It was a shame that he had been forced to uncover their negligence, but it meant that the DMLE would get involved. Madam Bones was a ruthless woman who did her job and he held a great amount of respect for her by that simple fact.
By Rita Skeeter
My fellow citizens, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that yesterday night, after the Samhain feast, our children were returning to their rooms when horror struck. On the wall of the second-floor corridor was a petrified pet hanged besides a message written in blood! It read: “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware.”
I was horrified to discover our innocent kids were subjected to such a cryptic situation. As it is my duty, I talked with the head of the DMLE to see what kind of measures they were taking to discover the culprit, because this kind of thing goes beyond any joke. Imagine my surprise when she reported having no knowledge, but to my great satisfaction, she took immediate measures. On her frenzy she found a letter delivered the day before that came from Hogwarts, though it was not written by the headmaster Albus Dumbledore, but by the charms professor Filius Flitwick. The same man that reported the dangerous creatures last term when the headmaster refused to do so, even when three students resulted so injured, they had been sent to St. Mungus.
Now though I have a question to ask, why didn’t Albus Dumbledore report this incident when it was his responsibility? Is he trying to once again hide the terrible things that happened under the rug? Does he not care about the safety of our offspring? One thing we know for certain is that Filius Flitwick is an honourable man, who unlike the other authority figures in the school, worries about our children and is not afraid to put his job in the line.
“The woman works fast,” Terrence said impressed, signalling the picture of the wall in all its glory along with the horrified expressions of the students.
“I had no idea professor Flitwick reported the incident,” Harry commented looking impressed by the article, he had given free rein to Rita for it and she did not disappoint.
Albus Dumbledore sagged in his chair once Madam Bones left, he did not want her to be involved. He had tried to convince her that it had been a simple joke but failed. The woman had demanded expulsion and he had been forced to agree, his place in the school was dangling and a breath in the wrong direction would mean he was out.
These months had been nothing but stressful for him. Unicorns in the forest had been murdered and he was sure it was Tom, he had tried to keep professor Quirrel in the school after the DMLE fiasco but failed, and now he was unable to find the possessed man. If that was not enough, the chambers had been open again and he knew who the culprit was.
After Harry Potter was placed with Petunia, he received a letter from Gringotts stating that the new Lord Slytherin by right of conquest was Harry. The small vault was created by the last Gaunts and it contained nothing else than a few Knuts, so he had hidden the paper. Unfortunately, it was also stolen last year. There was no other option; it had to be the boy, he was the heir of Slytherin.
The great Albus Dumbledore was at loss on what to do. Sirius was distant and Remus was unable to get any personal information on the boy. He considered approaching the hag that Lily had befriended, but he dismissed the idea as soon as it appeared, hags were dark and the options of him getting any other thing that cursed were nonexistent. Now, he had to plan and be careful with the boy, no matter what mask he used he could see a monster beginning to grow and Severus could see it too. This time he would stop the future Dark Lord...
- In Serial71 Chapters
The One Luna
Luna and his best friend Boni only wanted to play an upcoming MMORPG.But what happens when a System is introduced to Earth. Zombies spawn out of nowhere, beasts start to mutate, new races from a failed world appear out of nowhere.A new world where those who adapt the fastest will be rewarded. FIGHT. STRUGGLE. EVOLVE! Before you can even try to find out why these strange events have happened, you have to be strong enough to even survive in the first place and figure out what rules govern this new world!
8 176 - In Serial71 Chapters
Modern Deity
[18+] Kyte, a student that is days away from graduating high school, ends up encountering a group of people he despises the most. What Kyte never thought was that miracles can happen at any moment, even if they seem to appear too late. After obtaining something that gives him the power and courage to defend himself and get revenge, Kyte realizes that letting his emotions get the better of him might lead him to his demise. *Rated Mature for: Descriptive gore, sexual content, and language. *This is not a light-hearted story, despite some interactions with characters. My story is a natural plot-reveal over time. It takes more than one chapter to create a story.
8 137 - In Serial23 Chapters
The Monkey God
A 27-year-old addicted to hunting for sport had his life end abruptly during a car crash. "Well aren't you an unexpected guest." a voice sounded in his mind. He opens his eyes and all he sees is a beautiful girl in a white dress staring mockingly at him. The goddess in front of him punished him with hundreds of reincarnations based on every animal he killed, but he ended up receiving a punishment harsher than he deserved. When his thoughts were filled with revenge, another voice gave him a chance to achieve it. "Drake Pope, I can give you a chance to get revenge on Delia. Are you interested? " Then he reincarnated into a golden-haired monkey in a world of cultivation where everyone had a chance to kill even the gods themselves. ***Special thanks for the cover:https://www.linkedin.com/in/alkisk/ Credits for proofreading after chapter 17 :addictedgamer (RR handle) ***
8 104 - In Serial11 Chapters
Devour The Heavens
For a thousand years the heaves have been closed. Celestial tribulation lightning no longer falls upon the evil doer. Crimes are commited with no hope for justice. A world balanced on a knife's edge between the heavens and hells, teeters over the edge and threatens to fall. To save the world and make right the injustice in the world. Nero a foreign entity to the world itself commited to a campaign 300 years in the making. With his army behind him, he turned back the forces of hell to their final strong holds. The source of the world's pain lay almost within his grasp. Can he reclaim Galatea the sword that swallows the Heavens or will the world sink forever into the burning hells? Seventeen years after the heavens were closed demon plagues ran rampant. More Ian a young man and only survivor of the Red Vine plague that consumed his village is forced at gun point to climb a mountain. Up on the peaks of the Atlas Mountain range was the Atlas sect. A group of qi experts said to accept any student who can climb to the peak of a mountain and light incense sticks. With his past burning behind him and the sheer cliff in front of him, he makes the climb. The power of the heavens left on earth are waning. Powerful qi experts that once stood against the hells themselves and battle the legendary arch demons have become frail. A great power vacuum has been opened. The only question is who will fill it. Will the humans find a way to stand as equals against the demons, or will demon kind rule over humanity?
8 106 - In Serial35 Chapters
MrBeast x Reader
You move to North Carolina in order to escape your parents, you didn't realize you were gonna bump into someone who'd changed your life.-Events are not gonna be in order, which I apologize for.-*includes swearingNO INAPPROPRIATE THINGS, i think its slightly disrespectful to write things about a real life person that might make them insecure or uncomfortable.This was created before Maddie and Jimmy become a public relationship.
8 192 - In Serial13 Chapters
An Extra-Ordinary Story about Ordinary People
In a different world, a different reality, where ordinary people occasionaly have extra-ordinary powers for no particular reason, we follow a number of characters, trying their best to live in this strange yet normal world. We have our first character, a currently nameless but sentinent creature who happened to find himself in the body of a strange fungus after an unknown incident that robbed him of not only his former body but of his memory, as well. Secondly, we follow Smith, a high-standing man who doesn't even need to explain which Smith he is, on top of the world, yet human enough to meet said fungus. And thirdly, we have another nameless character, who is burdened by the ability to summon things that he doesn't want. A charming gang, who will (most likely) meet at some point. --- All and all, it's a twist on the common super-hero world, where all super-heroes have somehow dissappeared, but not the possibility for new ones. The series that feature the mushroom-dude are the 123 ones, the stories that feature Smith are the ABC ones, and the ones that feature our newest character, the summoner-dude, are the abc ones. Neat, huh? Also, just a word of warning? The 123 ones are kind wierd, and you can skip the first few chapters and go straight to the ABC ones without missing too much. But I'd rather you didn't, since i really enjoyed writing them. In ABC and abc, the format changes to a more typical form, with proper grammar and stuff. So if you dont like the 123, I'd love it if you gave the ABC a chance :^) Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it!
8 125