《Dungeon Games》Chapter Twenty: Wolves Vs Ghouls!
August 1, 3219
I turned 12 today, and so far it has been wonderful! I woke up, and did a few things with Leo, he had gained a large coastline with the Expansion slot for the table, though nothing but fish seemed to be within the Ocean waters, it was to far from my Demons right now to require anything more.
But it was pretty to look at sometimes. I had also managed to unlock the library for Red, and her Tribe in the Rocky Crag area. I had not named any of the Tribes locations yet, I wanted to wait and be sure of them first.
But the method they had used to discover it was through digging a new area near the main building, Red’s home, it was an ancient ruin filled with musty old books, though well preserved. A lot of the Imps had taken to reading them, and the succubii had made it their den of Magical learning.
We had actually gained the first Succubii Variant from this process, it had taken her being born from one of the few Succubii who managed to have a baby with the male Imps. She was a Wind Succubii, she was able to control powerful air currents, instead of the Shadows that normally were controlled by Succubii. It was a common occurance, and I had unlocked it for when they acquired Demons that could have Babies with them properly. For now, she was the only one, but Red seemed to have taken a liking to her.
Speaking of Red, she had discovered an ancient tome within the Libraries center, preserved to perfection, and completely black, the writing on each page was red in coloration. I had learned from Leo that is was an artifact, the first truly discovered, and would allow Red to master Dark Magic far quicker than she had been, trapped at the 30% bottleneck.
I had smiled at that, she had been too demand to talk to me, at least. A small relief, our conversations of late had made me feel like I was being stalked by some evil predator that wanted to eat me!
But the area had opened up several options for Red, the succubii and Imps. The Common Imps were showing an increased intelligence thanks to it, and displaying very weak magical powers, though only within Red’s Tribe. I had managed to help enforce this study habit as well, and it made me smile.
They were growing, and I loved watching them do that. The area had completely corrupted as well, within the walled areas. The Lava pools had combined to a Lava Lake, and Reds home had grown several stories, becoming like a tower overseeing its barren domain. A small portion had even been corrupted outside the Walls, just at the forest's edge, but seemed to have stopped there for now.
The Husks had grown as well, I had unlocked the Tier 2 Evolution of Pit Fighters for them, and they were larger filled out versions of the Husks. A mass of defined muscle where once only a half starved stringy looking creature had stood. They used the Imps, Rock Bitters, and Husks as common Labor and soldiers. They had taken the House system and advanced it into castes. The strong still ruled the weak as well, though Obsidian had stopped putting their own Imp against the wild feral Imps they captured, along with the growing numbers there, a few Evolutions had become known, though they were far more vicious and savage than mine.
Leo said that all naturally spawned Monsters were as they should be, without an A.I or Owners interference. I knew he was right, but it was sad to see. They were cute, but cruel and evil. Obsidian had no issues in using them in their tournaments, the ones they captured alive at least.
Obsidian and her Brother were Pit Fighters as well, and with the increase in mining, I had them dig a level deeper, they found more powerful minerals and had found artifacts of their own. Obsidian had received a two handed Axe made of her namesake, apparently, with a huge red gem placed within the blade. Leo had called it a Two Handed Crescent Axe. It apparently had the power to do something with that gem, but he couldn’t tell because it was a system spawned item that unless used, would remain a mystery.
Frag had received a Lance made of the same material, though missing the Red stone within. They were ancient weapons and used very effectively against the Feline Beast Kin that had once been Kobolds.
The Pit Fighters coming had forced the System to create the Beast Kin, tier 2 Monsters. They had expanded the corruption within their territory as well, and the naturally spawning wild life that was used as a food source had mutated, they looked feral and demonic, like the wild Imps and their own Husk Evolution. Thought he Wild Demons were contained, Obsidian had struck them down hard in the beginning, and was using them as chained guard dogs in the more dangerous area, killing them when the numbers grew to large.
I did not like what she was doing, but for some reason what I wanted only affected how they acted to their own people, and the Wild Demons were not their people.
Fluffy had gained an artifact as well, he had killed a Wolf that was classified as a Boss Monster, though not the one that led them all within his territory that one was a Dire Werewolf, and avoided for the time being.
The artifact was a stone, Leo called it a Mana stone. I had made controlled Fluffy, under Leo’s advice, and had him place it within the first Burrow. The Mana Stone had fused in the center, creating a haven of Demonic Energy that the Hell Hounds, Dark Hounds, and Lesser Orthos, could use to actively use the immense natural Demon Energy within their bodies.
Fluffy had used it to corrupt their land further, and at about twenty feet outside of each of the Pack Burrows, a wall of Black slab littered with lava veins had burst from the ground, walls. Fluffy had created walls around where his pups were. Leo had entered his mind to find that out.
I smiled, and touched the large Image of Fluffy gently, he was my favorite, my puppy! He was also the one I had affected the most, according to Leo. His Packs had taken on a very interesting aspect, he had compared it to Native American Tribes from our ancient history. They seemed to respect Nature, in their own way, though only the corrupted Nature they created. They Were still Demons, after all. But aside from how aggressively they acted against the Wolves, they tended to not actively torture, or frighten their prey now.
Fluffy, he really was much cuter with the second head. More to pet one day! I giggled at the idea of having his hulking heads on either shoulder while I hugged him, and wanted that to happen badly now. I sighed, letting it go. I had tried to send an Imp to Fluffy once, the second I entered his domain, Leo had cut the connection, one of the Hell Hounds had killed my Imp a second later.
I learned what Xenophobia was then, and I wanted to change that somehow, one day. For now I had to live with them being separate tribes, and hope to bring them together someday, somehow.
Once I had finished our daily routine, Leo and I went downstairs to eat with Mommy, and Daddy who had come home the night before. I ran over and hugged Daddy when I saw him, kissing his cheek.
‘Good Morning Daddy!”
“Good Morning Cuddlebug!” He said while smiling and pushing me toward Mommy who wanted a hug too.
I hugged her, and we ate Breakfast. Talking about what we would do today, Jessica and Franny were coming over, and Daddy recommended allowing a mini tournament between us three. I had declined, I didn’t want to fight my friends Monsters, not unless I had too. But I was also very attached to my Demons, they liked their Races, but I loved mine.
So Daddy had acted as an announcer, and I had been the cheering crowd. It had actually been fun, the rules were set. 20 of their Creatures, Tier 0 only, and no Variants. They could surrender if they chose, and because they had turned twelve a few months ago, they would begin gaining points like normal. Though Daddy cheated and rigged the system to let them both keep the accumulated points from this single fight.
“so they can enjoy it more” He had said. I’d giggled, he just didn’t want either of my friends sad at losing yet.
It had been fun, I had oohed, and awwed and cheered at the moments needing them. They heard me, because they had both had their controlled Monsters bow before they engaged, Jessica had been funny, having the Female Ghoul she controlled rise onto two legs, and do a curtsey, while Franny had her Controlled wolf dance and hop in a small circle while barking. I’d giggled at that.
What happened next I had not giggled at as much, but was intrigued to watch. It was not their first fight, they had needed to battle in school once they turned 12 as part of the Dungeon War Course that had become part of our school system. It actually aided us in our school work, mostly Science, Economy, Mathematics, and management skills, among other subjects.
From the basic setup both of them were using, they had gained a little bit of experience already, and against each other.
Jessica was using five of her Ghouls as odd relay scouts, she sent them into the forest, set in Fall, and buried themselves into the leaves and dirt. The rest, she had move in a pack grouping. The way her Ghouls were spread out, the five she was using as an odd scout relay, when Franny and her Wolves got near, they would be able to announce the location.
Franny, for her part, Split her wolves in two separate forces, and sent them wide around the forest. Pincer maneuver. I smiled, remember when my Imps had learned this in the first Hunt. Franny also had one or two wolves per pack several feet ahead of the main groups sniffing the ground carefully.
Seems she was planning for Jessica’s method of combat. They had both seen each other fight, and fought each other in the course then. I actually felt really left out, I wanted to be in school with them. But, fighting them was something I would not enjoy much. They were my best friends, and regardless of the winner, we’d hurt our creatures.
When they met in combat finally, one of Franny’s wolves had located the furthest most Ghoul Relay on the left. The wolves savaged it, censored of course, and Jessica with the full grouping of her Ghouls went bounding through the woods toward the cry that it had let out before dying.
Franny didn’t have enough time to so much as retreat from the location, the Ghouls were agile and fast when they ran. Kind of lopping in their odd hopping run. The Ghouls smashed into the Wolves that were in the Left group, while Franny’s other force heard the Howls, and had come charging through the forest to join the rest of the Pack.
They had charged into the Ghouls from the rear, and had been met with claws and teeth as they engaged a prepared rear guard.
The Ghouls had been surrounded, but the other pack didn’t kill the Relays that had been placed, it allowed Franny’s A.I to see their advance and help her maneuver them into a position of defence.
It had quickly turned into a basic melee though, each side ripping into the other. I cheered for them both, while pretending that watching it didn’t bother me. It did, to a degree. But they were good, the years spent prior to legal age for Dungeon A.I’s were well spent, they were not as advanced as others with two year old A.I’s, in terms of Race, but they had experience handling the creatures of their respective Race, and training.
But the lack of experience and real fighting had made them turn it into a melee in the end.
The winner, was Jessica, thanks to her interesting method of scouting with her Ghouls. They both received the points they would have if they had won, Daddy had been firm stating it was a one time thing so we could all enjoy ourselves, though the winner had gotten an extra 100 points for winning as the prize.
It was fun, afterward, both Jessica and Franny had only used the most common of both Races, and nothing that would ruin the power structure within their Dungeon Worlds, so it was no real loss, aside from numbers. I didn’t feel that way, each Demon I would lose would hurt me, but I also wanted to play and advance.
They talked about ways to improve their early game, because they couldn’t fully grasp the fighting beyond melee without experience.
I had recommended Jessica actually make use of the trees, like we had seen when we first got our Dungeons, that Rabbit User Suzuki do. Jessica had thought that was an amazing idea, her Ghouls, while hardly quiet, could indeed make use of the higher ground that each forest area gave.
Franny, I recommended sending small scout packs of two or three in every direction, with order to retreat if they found the enemy, howling for the others to regroup, while the main portion remained slowly moving behind, alert.
It was simpler, but more effective than just splitting into two large packs and remaining easy targets.
Franny had nodded, and pulled out a REALLY thick notebook. We had asked what that was, and she said it was her log. Helped her keep track of everything.
I think I just stared at her curiously, Jessica had smiled ruefully.
‘That’s our egghead for you, always prepared.”
Franny had just smiled and said ‘Yep’
I’d giggled, of course. With them coming over at least once a week whenever able, we had grown closer, it had made me wish I were better as well. They always talked about school, and I had felt left out. But they included me in what they talked about. Franny had actually ended up dating Todd for a little while, but she had broken up with him because he’d made fun of me. I had told her it was ok, but she had said no.
Apparently no one was allowed to make fun of the sick girl that never got to go to school, and had to do things online at home. I’d smiled all the same and hugged her.
Jessica had ended up joining one of the clubs based around Dungeon Wars. The school had countless clubs for it, each dedicated to a faction mostly. Undead, Wolves so on and so forth. Franny had joined the Wolf one. Jessica the undead.
They learned more about the Race as a group, and anything Uncommon and below that was discovered for Variants was shared. The Rare and above were discussed, and small hints given, but never openly shared. If it were a Hidden unique, they remained a secret and were showed off. It was a complex, odd system, but fun to watch, according to them.
We talked a while longer, enjoying each others company while Daddy was putting up the miniature Arena table he had brought from work to test, and had used Franny and Jessica as the testers.
Apparently it was meant to be used in the School systems from now on, a bit more advanced arena table than they already had, more compact. When he finished putting it up he came over and kissed my forehead and told us to have fun talking. He was going to take Mommy on a date because it had been so long, and he feared she may smack him if he were not romantic soon.
We had giggled at him, while Mommy look scary, she didn’t like him talking about her like she was a demon focused on violence. He got smacked upside the head anyway, and they went out. I’d giggled again, it had been funny. They always did this before going on a date to try and get me to smile.
The good thing, for me, was Jessica and Franny were going to stay the night tonight! I poked Franny in the cheek softly.
“Franny! What do you want to do?” I asked her when she glanced at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t mind, we can watch T.V, I think there is an Adept Tournament going on right now, the Amatuer National Finals are not scheduled for another week so we can’t watch it. I think the Adept Tournament is the last normal one before their National Finals as well.”
I looked at Jessica, and she nodded in agreement, so we settled down to watch it, I had run upstairs to kidnap one of my blankets so we could all cover up with it while we watched.
Leo POV -
Sidnie was watching another tournament with her friends for her birthday. It was something dealing with the Adept Rank, and well enough beyond whatever capabilities we would possess that I found little reason in observing. Better to allow her quality time with her friends.
Instead I focused mostly on the Demons. Thanks to Sidnie’s planning we have established a very profitable point accumulation system through the three different Tribes and their hunting methods. It still hardly allowed us to upgrade anything quickly, but it was a quicker method than we had begun with.
The Husks we allowed to wage their war with the Feline Beastkin all around their area, just outside the corrupted portions of their territory, along with the Wild Demons. They were the only Territory that had so many Tier 2 based creatures to fight within the Felines, and another semi sentient Natural Spawning Monster in the Wild Demons.
The fact those Wild ones had taken the evolutionary route of the Husks made me wonder if they would follow that route, or if through observation I could gain another Evolutionary pathway for the Husks for later use.
As it was the Husks, and Pit Fighters represented a huge Military asset for Sidnie’s future plans, and I would guide them as best as I could toward her goal. I checked the basic methods I could do without her permission for the time being, we had more than enough points to do a decent amount with any of the Races, though personally I felt we would need to unlock Dark Wisps in time.
Husk A.I expenditure tree -
Advanced Weapons Training (Allows for complicated fighting styles with their weapons to take form) - 4000 points
Advanced Metallurgy (Ability to find rare minerals while mining increased. Works for all Demons within Territory) - 3000 points
Advanced Military Tactics (Allows for quicker thinking while in battle) - 7000 points.
Basic Training (Increases base strength and skill) - 600 points
Basic Magic Training (Allows any creature within the Husks Domain to learn Magic through extreme effort. Ability may be purchased through Advancement Tree by owner for a considerably larger sum) - 50,000 Points.
Basic Metal Smithing (Increases the likelihood of proper Weapons being forged) - 10,000 points
Formation Training (Allows the Husks, and resulting Evolutions to fight in tight formations) - 9000 points.
I contemplated the options, the one I wanted most was the Basic Magic Training, but the cost would be too much to ignore, though we could afford it at this time. Something to contemplate and speak with Sidnie about.
I double checked our current point count, a solid 97,453 points. The only things we could even truly afford in terms of advancements that required Points and could not be learned the hard way well and truly exceeded the number we had on hand. The cheapest, not including population increases, was 400,000 right now.
I also did not wish to deplete a massive sum of our Points by purchasing more than one or two options, Sidnie would not mind that as much.
I regarded the Husks, and the Pit Fighters themselves within their keep. They were forming a patrol, and Obsidians Brother, Frag, had begun taking part in them more often after the last three had been decimated. He was amongst the strongest of their kind, Obsidian went out often as well, but seemed more focused on building up on their resources. She was currently forcing their Rock Bitters to dig deeper into the mines.
They had a relatively solid foundation for each possible outcome, for the more advanced options, so for now I would simply help in areas that would make it easier for Sidnie to begin having them do on their own.
I purchased the Advanced Metallurgy option, to allow for future Materials to be found and used to craft stronger armor or weapons for the soldiers, and then I purchased Basic Training to help them build the foundation that could lead to Advanced Weapons Training. I left it at the 3,600 points I spent for the time being.
Changing my focus from the Husks, I moved toward Red’s Territory, attempting to keep from looking at the frighteningly intelligent Succubii. I had attempted to have Sidnie stop increasing her life span, but to no avail. I did not like the few glimpses of thoughts I had read while within her mind in regards to Sidnie. None of them bared repeating, or telling. It would lead to complicated questions I did not wish answered for Sidnie at this time.
The Creator had been made aware, but aside from his minor hernia over the concept of Red having an extreme desire to corrupt Sidnie, did nothing. He trust my ability to monitor and maintain the situation.
Personally, I felt that was foolish. Sidnie was growing at an accelerated rate, the continued interaction with her friends, the research, and the stories told to her along with the hidden conversations with her mother in regards to how babies are made, I had nearly had a heart attack once Sidnie began asking to observe that, luckily, I had a timely error when she did.
The Creator did not see Sidnie growing up, and it would bite him in the end when he realized she had. It explained why he had me relate every daily log of her activities to him at least. A doting parent that was forced to be separate due to unfortunate circumstances.
The Succubii in question was currently doing things that should not be seen with several of the Imps, and other Succubii. I checked the current table of expenditures I could purchase for them, ignoring the scene below as best as I could.
Succubii A.I expenditure tree -
Advanced Magical Theory (Opens the possibility of offspring becoming specialized Variants) - 20,000 points
Magical Training (Help progress what can be done with their current magical level) - 7000 points
Basic Training (Increases the base abilities to further how much, and how often they may use magic in combat) - 4000 Points.
Battlefield understanding (Allows them to understand when to flee, gain distance, or remain close instinctively after reaching a certain point in intelligence.) - 9000 Points.
There were more options, though the points were far too high to contemplate at this time. My only saving graces was that these did not increase in price.
Advanced Magical theory would be the best option, it would allow an increase in possible Variants based on what the Succubii themselves learned and how much they learned before having offspring. That was a minor concern now, but would grow once we received male Species from the Imps Evolving along their proper line of Fiend.
For now I purchased Basic Training for the 4000 points. I wondered why it was so much more expensive than the Husks, but assumed it dealt with the fact it was based in magical use, rather than physical.
I turned my attention from them, and focused in on the Hell Hounds, Fluffy’s Domain. He was Sidnie’s favorite, obviously based on the fact they had two Tier 2 Evolutions from the Hell Hounds within the packs.
I took a moment to regard the Culture they seemed to be mimicking through interference on Sidnie’s part, though unintentional. They mimicked the Ancient Indians, the more warlike Tribes, the main reference when I examined the ancient History points was something called the Cherokee Nation, after the ‘White Man’ came. Fluffy and his packs were obviously warlike, in how they acted against the wolves, but they had an odd nature about them in how they treated naturally occurring Prey.
The Husks seemed to be an odd mixing of Medieval Europe, and Ancient Roman cultures with the House system, though the Military was obviously European in origin. Meanwhile, Red and her Succubii were a female dominated society, even the Common Imp females had begun to run the show. It was a great deal like what the books referred to as Amazons. They dominated and more or less enslaved the male sex as mating tools.
Fluffy was currently on one of his excursions between the newly walled off Pack Burrows, that was an interesting structure. The Dark Hounds acting as sentries on the walls made to accommodate a purely Canine Species, while the Lesser Orthos were the shock troopers, and main damage dealers in heated combat.
That Mana Crystal had unlocked a lot of options for them, and for Sidnie and I together. It was a fascinating discover, and I hoped the others discovered something like it, not just a book or pointed objects.
Hell Hound A.I expenditures -
Pack Understanding (Allows the separate Packs to work in commune thanks to Fluffy leading both) - 3000 points.
Advanced Coordination Training (Allows for advanced and complex hunting methods to be learned easier) - 10,000 Points.
Advanced Passive Demon Energy Increased (Allows for faster spread of corruption within the Territory, along with more unique changes based upon Pack aspects.) 5000 Points. .
Basic Training (Allows greater success rates in hunts, and coordinated movements as a Pack.) - 1000 Points.
Hmmm, I contemplated the options. There was currently no need for the Demonic Energy increase, the corruption was moving at a steady pace already, any faster and the Wolves would likely mount an assault, which regardless to how Fluffy thought they would survive and win, they would not.
The Wolves had advanced greatly, and the Boss was something that should not exist at this time, a byproduct of being the first Boss class Monster to spawn Naturally, no doubt. I feared for the Packs, as Sidnie would if she were made aware, but it would be needless worry for now. The Wolves were content where they were, with the skirmishes being a trading ground of meat for either side.
I went with the Basic Training for the Hell Hounds, it would create a pathway toward Advanced Coordination without me needing to put the idea into their minds with point expenditures. I also went ahead and purchased the Pack Understanding, Sidnie would prefer that I was sure.
In total, I had decimated our Point count of 97,453 Points, by a large amount. 11,600 Points to be exact. But We would make them back in about a week, or two depending on the take from each hunt.
I ended it at that, and went to move my attention back to Sidnie, and the Girls. They had fallen asleep on the couch snuggling, with the T.V on. I would smile, if I could, with my view through the Watch on her Wrist. I went to speak with the other A.I, both had advanced and could fully talk with me at this point, I enjoyed when we were connected to do so, it allowed me others of my kind to speak and grow with, just as Sidnie did with her Friends.
Obsidian POV -
These lazy Rock Bitters, and their Imp family! I whipped another of the Bitters into action when he slowed his pace. The force of the whip strike shaving chucks of his Rock covered hide off to reveal the pink muscle beneath it. The Bitter cried in agony, but it would grow back.
I snorted, the weaklings could not even keep pace while digging deeper into the Mines, after I had ensured they were not used as sport in the Arena no less, thankless worms!
I growed at another that seemed to be tiring, already a dozen or so Rock Bitters, and Imps lay dead behind us. The fallen in the path toward new glory.
“Work you pitiful worms!” I accentuated the words with a whip crack. They worked harder. I rolled my eyes, Brother was the one having fun now, and I wished to join him fighting the Beastkin worms, but I was trapped here, making sure the mine was finished on time.
I turned, and gave the whip to one of the other Pit Fighters, my Captain of the Mine Guard. “Make sure they work until it’s done, if they all die, replace them.”
He nodded, and began striking them into a greater frenzy. These were the dumbest of their kind, useful only as slaves and manual labor for us. The smarter ones, we allowed relative freedom, working in our library, or the select few as scouts on a patrol mission. Those, I respected to a degree. These worms were nothing compared to them, and would die out in a generation or two. I refused to breed them. They were somewhat strong, were even what the first of my kind had come from, but were utterly useless to us now. We needed intelligence, and strength, not just a small amount of either.
I made my way up the Keeps levels, toward the third level where the Main House Chambers had formed and been built over time. My own House, House Ebony, was the current ruler, and power holder. Though we were always under assault by the other factions and infighting for more power, I ensured we retained the top position. The fact that I remember, vividly, that I had done some things through feelings that were not my own, was a factor no doubt. I felt stronger when it occurred, and it had begun occurring more often of late.
I did not know its cause, nor did I feel anything causing it beyond an odd sensation of emotions that were very obviously not my own, I only knew the results, and I liked results. Brother had stated he felt it once or twice, in one of the few times he had spoken in his life.
The Power was strength, and with it we retained our longevity, and standing within our people. If that meant doing things like keeping our weaklings from fighting in the Arena to appease whatever it was, then so be it.
My Brother should be returning in another few hours from the patrol, I looked forward to the report, until then, I had time to contemplate.
We had begun seeing other Imps, and an odd Red variation like our Rock Bitters near the Southernmost border of our Territory, they were different from the Savages we found, they seemed to have an agenda of their own. Scouts, no doubt.
I remembered old stories of where our people had migrated from, a Rocky Crag area that was the cradle of our Race, but had little stock to place within such fanciful tales. The Scouts were no doubt another Tribe of Savages that would be brought to heel in time.
So I allowed them their little information at our Borders, far from our main Territory, and focused on the Felines. The bloody Lion BeastKin were the problems, they were easily as strong as my Brother and I, and far more numerous.
I needed to begin training Elite Guard to fight them, but that would take time to properly do. Time I feared we did not have. If I could discover what those feelings were, it was as though they were at the edge of my mind while I did things so out of character, but I could not yet grasp where, or from what, they were coming.
I would consult those that controlled the Library, those mystical idiots, and go through the ancient Texts within to find a method that would allow me to discover it.
“...., We have returned.” I heard my name called again, then looked to see Brother and his mouthpiece, an attractive Pit fighter female he had taken a shine to, speaking.
“Yes, I see you both Crystal. Report, and dismissed, I need to speak with my Brother alone..”
She gave her report and left, Brother watching her leave. I sighed, idiot. More Rock than brain.
“She is not of the House Nobility, you may not have her.”
He turned, and regarded me steadily, the heavy voice he rarely used coming out.
“She is mine, you may not dictate whom I mate with.” Stubborn, foolish, Idiot! He would marry one of the short lived other, I had not maintained our House in it’s position of power throughout the centuries just to have it fall because he refused arranged marriages for some common born Soldier!
But I would not be able to stop him, he shared my longevity, for some reason we alone held it within our people. It was a reason we were seldom challenged. No one wished to fight warriors with so much experience under their belt, experience that had come with age.
I sighed, waving it away. I’d talk about it later with him, instead we would discuss the odd sensations that went against our nature, and granted us power when we followed it, resulting from a pleased and happy feeling coursing through us when it occurred. It seemed to occur greater in me, but Brother had also experienced it from time to time.
We would learn, eventually, and he had agreed with me consulting those that ran the Library and it’s few treasures from the Ruins before they were finished. I would discover what caused it, and find a way to use it to my own gains. Until then, I would ignore it. I could do nothing about it now anyway, beyond gain power from the sensations.
I hope you enjoy the different personalities of the current main Dungeon Creatures, Fluffy, Red, and Obsidian as well. I plan for each chapter to have a POV from each, alternating in the order they appear.
Anyway, the debate going on in the last chapter tickled my funny bone. Some are accurate, some are WAY off, but it was fun to read. No I will not answer them, at all, they reveal spoilers and I will not do that to such a degree.
As always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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8 1810 - In Serial22 Chapters
Righteous Sovereign, Shameless Rogue (hiatus/rewrite)
"…Just, Fair, Kind, the Righteous Sovereign reigns supreme above the Myriad Heavens. Countless creatures sing of his unrivaled attainments, looking upon his divine might with eternal reverence, offering innumerable praises for his perpetual conquest...beloved, what do you think of this Sovereign's ‘correction’ of the 'Hallowed Fate Records'?" the Sovereign spoke as he peered over his shoulder at the peerless beauty behind him. "Just? Fair? Kind? You?! Screw off! You're just a shameless rogue! To dare speak these words so unblushingly, is the thing stuck to your skull a person’s skin or a donkey’s ass?!" Lin Xianyi is in some sense of the word, an idiot. After a lifetime of *Spoiler, read to find out 😜*, his soul is somehow drawn into the body of a child inside of a mysterious cocoon. Waking up as the cocoon shatters, he slowly comes to the realization that he has arrived in a whole new world, the world of cultivation! A world where the strong ruled over the weak, reason be damned! A world all ripe for him to conquer! Or is it...? Follow the ups and downs of Lin Xianyi as he daydreams about his heaven-defying might, his eternal kingdom, and the innumerable fairies in his embrace. All the while everyone else around him schemes to seize everything from him...or not? Maybe some of them genuinely care about this idiot? Who knows? Well, you could! Find out as you follow the tale of the illustrious Righteous Sovereign, an incomparably Shameless Rogue! The cover art was provided to me, free of charge (I did a quick review for her novel), by Ariana Vivoni, it was really a pleasure working with her, 10/10 overall, would do it again. Her novel's also really fun if historical romances are your thing Here's a link to her novel - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/33058/the-beast-and-the-swallow
8 104 - In Serial13 Chapters
Halo: sangheili Walloh's adventure
The adventure of an sangheili who has gone into serious debt, but the finnal push was the betrayal of the prophets. In desperation he tries to escape the covenant, but he finds it difficult considering his high rank as a elite cause some problems...
8 129 - In Serial31 Chapters
bratty girl
lily is anything but a good girl, her being a little and a very very bratty ... it's hard to tame her with only one Dom... Follow lily as she get sent to Forks only to meet a certain Cullen family
8 189 - In Serial64 Chapters
Loving a Liar │Number Five
"I lied to you at a time where lying shouldn't have even been an option. But I was desperate. So when The Handler offered me that, I...I just couldn't say no.""You could have said no. You were just being selfish."[Number Five x Reader][Season 1 completed][Season 2 completed][Season 3 completed][Started: June 6th, 2021][I do not own Umbrella Academy][UNDER-EDITING]
8 130 - In Serial20 Chapters
My Female Masturbation Adventures - Snafus and Successes
This is an autobiography of my masturbation experiences and my life of anorgasmia, and my journey as I try to regain my ability to orgasm.Stories of my masturbation adventures as I discover and explore new ways to masturbate, from the shower massage spray to vibrators and more. I'll also share about my anorgasmia what I'm doing to overcome it. This story will include details of my early masturbation experiences (the good and the bad), along with updates about my recent escapades.~Previously held rankings:Top 0.02%:#4 truestory out of 26.3K stories8/28/22#1 autobiography out of 6.2K stories11/7/22Top 0.03%:#6 personal out of 26.5K stories9/11/22#1 memoir out of 3.4K stories9/2/22Top 0.04%:#2 confessions out of 5K stories9/22/22Top 0.05%:#27 diary out of 58.8K stories9/29/22Top 0.06%:#23 nonfiction out of 45.5K stories9/26/22Top 0.2%:#65 memories out of 42.5K stories10/3/22Top 0.4%:#12 shower out of 3.5K stories9/30/22#38 selfdiscovery out of 10.1K stories9/3/2022Top 0.8%:#10 orgasms out of 616 stories8/18/22#4 vibrators out of 142 stories8/19/22Top 6%:#1 femalemasturbation out of 19 stories8/19/22Top 9%:#6 vibrations out of 71 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings:Top 15%:#1 clitoral out of 7 stories8/21/22Top 40%:#2 femalesexuality out of 5 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings from tags I removed:Top 50%:#1 sexualsecrets out of 2 stories8/21/22#1 showermasturbation out of 2 stories8/21/22
8 247