《Dungeon Games》Chapter Twenty One: Dark Wisps Hunger!
August 3, 3219
Affordable Purchases for the Demon Race (All trees)
Dark Wisp Evolution - 2,300 Points
Imp Population Increase to 25,600 (Affects all Tribes with Imps within the Population) -25,000 Points
Succubii Population Increase to 300 - 30,000 Points
Hell Hounds Population Increase to 2,560 (Affects all Packs) - 25,000 Points
Lesser Orthos Population Increase to 800 (Affects all Packs) - 15,000 Points
Dark Hound Population Increase to 200 (Affects all Packs) - 20,000 Points
Husk Population Increase to 800 - 15,000
Pit Fighter Population Increase to 400 - 30,000 Points
Lesser Fiend Evolution (Common Imp main tree) - 50,000
Minor Gargoyle Evolution (Rock Bitter main tree.) - 50,000
I sighed, still expensive, but the rest involved elaborate buildings that were nearly 500,000 Points each. At least with these, I could manage. I had no intention of spending points on Population Increases right now, or Imp Evolutions. At least not right now. I didn’t want to risk increasing the danger levels in each area with a sudden Population rise, or another addition of Tier 1 Creatures from the Imps main evolutionary pathway.
Instead, I had planned to split another Imp force from one of the areas, either Husk, or Succubii. But in a far smaller number, it would let them grow, and change instead of fending for their adorable lives as the System rushed to fill the changed danger. It wouldn’t be much, but IMps were very weak, even with all the training I have done with them.
My focus would be taking a large chunk of the Husk Common Imps, the weaker ones Leo had been trying to hide from me, because of their treatment, and use them to set up a tribe further out, at the very border of the Massive forested area, now with large corrupted Dots blotting out the green.
It’d be on the same lake the Hell Hounds use, though it is large enough that well over 75% of it is outside the Hell Hound Territory, and they would be far enough away from either Fluffy’s Packs, or Obsidians domain to encounter them once I evolved to Dark Wisps.
I have selected the weakest of the common Imps, Sidnie. The Rock Bitters would not join when I selected the separation option. It is very similar to the Hell Fire Imps. They seem connected to the Tribe they were birthed into.
I frowned, but would be unable to do anything about it. Sighing, I told him it was ok. He estimated it would take three Hours of my time for them to leave, while he kept the Husks, and Pit Fighters from killing them while they left, which gave me time to go and eat Breakfast, and see Mommy.
I smiled, telling Leo to let me know when they arrived. There was a small Ruin of an old town just at the edge of the Lake, and while I had no desire to rebuild it right now, there was only the odd Wild Dog there. No skeletons, luckily. The 500 Imps I had sent would easily be able to handle the amount of WIld Dogs, and claim the town for their own.
I also kind of felt Dark Wisps were like ghosts, and the Town all ruined and abandoned made me think scary movies and that it would be perfect like it was! I shivered just thinking about it.
I ate Breakfast, alone, Mommy had needed to leave shortly after finishing it. Something to do with helping Daddy at work. I sighed, feeling a little lonely.
“Leo? Wanna join me?” I asked, a little hesitantly. I didn’t even know if he could do this while focussing on moving the Imp numbers safely through Obsidians territory or the more dangerous areas within them.
Of course, Sidnie, I will be somewhat slow as my main attention is split at this time. But I will be present for the Breakfast Ritual if you wish.
I smiled then, seeing his Prompt erase itself, but remain displayed through my watch. A neat trick he had developed if I were lonely, to make it feel like he was still present, which he was anyway, but this made it feel more real to me.
I ate in silence, letting him focus on the Imps, instead of me. It was still better than feeling, lonely. I thought about what we could do with the Dark Wisps in general, and realized I really did not know almost nothing about them. I just assumed they would be ever hungering Demons that would destroy my ecosystem.
The Book had little on them as well, which was a little depressing, but it would unlock more basic things once I unlocked them.
I know I needed to also start working toward unlocking some flying Demons, more so because there have been Eagles flying around, Leo stated that they had actually killed a few Imps, from both Tribes, and even a few Hell Hounds.
Apparently the Flying Monsters were not confined to a single territory, which worried me if the larger threats would begin spilling over Territories before long, it also led to an issue with the lake that I was sending the new Imp Tribe to.
The Fish around the portion in Fluffy’s territory were larger, and looked like something called an eel now. They were dangerous, and even possessed traits of a snake. They were icky, honestly. But Fluffy liked to hunt them from time to time.
I sighed softly, a lot to think about. I had to find a way for my Imps to retain a population, and survive in this new area with no real protection, as well as make sure the Dark Wisps did not decimate the Ecosystem causing it to create creatures on a far stronger level to deal with them. It was complicated, and kind of hurt my head to think about.
I finished Breakfast, and did the dishes like a good girl! Mommy would be happy for it. Grinning as I left the kitchen I began to watch a little T.V. Daddy was on it describing the soon to be released Angels! It sure had taken them a while to get all the bugs worked out of the Race.
“So, Professor, you were the lead Designer behind the Demon Master Race, correct?”
“That is correct Bob, I started the Idea a few years ago, and after several attempts got the method passed on to be implemented as a new Race for Dungeon Wars. Of course, I had to add in the enemy of Demons as well, Angels. It simply rounded it out fully.”
“Amazing, Professor, now then. People have been asking why this one has taken so long to release, any comment on that?”
“Well, Bob, the simple matter is that we had the hardest time figuring out how to track the Evolutionary Pathways that would be set, not excluding the ones that would be discovered through trial and error that the A.I and Owner have forced to occur outside our parameters. It has led to a long trial and error process, but as it had with the Demons, though to a slightly lesser extent.”
“Amazing, so you are saying that some people will discover Species not within the Book released later this year to help guide the Master Players, or that the company has no knowledge on? For Demons as well?”
“That is correct. You see, each Master Race is an odd Race. They are termed that because of the difficulty in both starting it, and growing them. But also because they seem to adapt and grow with the A.I. If you will recall the Master National Tournament Five years ago, shortly after we had released the Mechanical Race, the Player who had first won it had shown a Species that was not even named at the time, the Synthetic Species. It led to huge controversy, and expanded our knowledge of what our A.I and several Races were capable of. So we have been developing more and more Master Races to expand that knowledge further.”
That was amazing! Daddy was awesome! It meant maybe even I could find a new Species of Demon not known, maybe even Variants. I giggled, excited to try and do just that now and surprise Daddy.
Before I could begin watching again, Leo informed me the Imps had arrived, and asked if I would like to be present to watch when everything occurred. I turned the T.V off and rushed the stairs as fast as I could, breathing heavily when I reached the top i entered my room.
Slowly calming down a little, I’d overdone it in my rush up.
Sidnie, are you well?
“I’m ok Leo, just went a little too fast.”
He seemed to ‘look’ at me, but finally enlarged the entire Town and a portion of the Lake. The town was really creepy looking, decrepit and old. Perfect for a Horror movie setting. I giggled a little, but then saw the Imps on the outskirts.
Leo had stated they had lost around 20 of their number on the trip, but were in tact as a small Swarm. The Town, after he examined it closer, held 10 Wild Dogs, and 5 Cats. A small number, but the Imps would have a problem fighting them and winning.
“Should we test the Dark Wisps, you think? ‘
It would not hurt anything, and would allows us a little more understanding before combining the Imps with the Dark Wisp populations fully. I would still send in the Swarm when able, to add to the success rate of claiming the old town.
I went ahead and picked a few of the Imps, Twenty in total, split between male and female and moved them away from the Imps group with Leo’s help. I purchased the Evolution, and watched as my Imps fell to the ground, curling into little balls and then they seemed to get darker, the Red in their skin disappearing, the black becoming the main color.
The limbs combined into the body, and they became little black balls of mist. They looked really pretty, actually. Leo sent a suggestion for them to enter the Ruin Town. They did, and upon running into the first Wild Dog that began barking like mad, each and every Dark Wisp descended upon it, latching on like a tick would.
In a matter of moment the Wild Dog was a husk of dried skin and bone. I blinked, and looked away. It looked like a mummy without the wrappings. That seemed a little extreme, in speed. But as more Wild Dogs ran to the area, the Dark Wisps split, each taking one, or a Cat when it showed up. The process was slower.
I frowned, it was happening still, but at a remarkably slower pace, and the the Wild Dogs and Cats seemed to feel no pain now. The slower it was, the less pain they felt. With two per Monster, they just lay down slowly and passed while the Dark Wisps devoured the Life within.
How was I going to allow the Imps anywhere near them? They would decimate the population in hours.
“Leo, can we...do something about that? How fast it occurs, or their hunger at all?”
I will display the options available, though I am not sure how any single one will aid. The method in which they hunt throws a small wrench into our overall plans for the area, and a third Imp Tribe.
Dark Wisp Upgrades - All Trees -
Dark Wisp Population increase from 200 to 400 - 2000 Points
Dark WIsp Symbiosis (Allows them to create a Symbiotic relationship with living creatures, Unique option) - 25,000 Points
Dark Wisp Mental Fortitude (Allows them to gain a form of intelligent consciousness) - 55,000 Points
Life Energy Value Increase (Decreases the amount of Life Energy a Dark Wisp requires to create an offspring) - 50,000 Points
Dark Wisp Fortitude (Allows the Dark Wisp to withstand basic magical attacks longer) - 55,000 Points
Hmmm, Those were the current affordable ones, a bit depressing because the price would go up by double for all others within that same advancement tree, while other trees would increase by 100. I was beginning to see the massive problem with Demons, more so than before.
THe constantly increasing prices, if not for my Farming methods I wouldn’t even have what I do.
“What is our current Point count?”
Currently we have 102,013 Points, Sidnie. We may have the ability to purchase one or two upgrades depending on the tree we purchase them from, but perhaps we should focus on the Symbiotic relationship for now. It would allow them to not actively kill and drain all life, losing their food source.
Beyond that, I do not know. Perhaps the Mental Fortitude to give them a form of intelligence? From what I am reading at this time they appear to be mindless balls of life eating Demonic Energy, but if we can form a consciousness within the Species, perhaps they would act further upon the Symbiosis. It may require longer to expand their numbers, but the Imps can populate the area quickly, and with the Dark Wisp Lifespan being nearly 10 Months, it won’t matter too much. The issue will be with natural predators at this time.
We will need to repair the town, or at least add something to keep them out and provide a simple defence for the Imps early on.
I pouted a little, this was going to be hard. I’d waited a long time to add Dark Wisps, fearing just what they had done. Had I purchased nothing at all, the price wouldn’t be an issue, but as it stood…
I sighed a little. I’d need the Symbiosis, just to ensure the survival of the Imp population if nothing else, and I would need to purchase the repair option for the town, or at last a wall. The Mental fortitude would help as well.
“Leo, what are the options for this town?”
The options are surprisingly less expensive, and time consuming than when we had to Repair the Keep. Likely a benefit of using the Imps from the Keep, already having extensive repair knowledge, along with the fact a town is not as large a problem as a Keep. It only takes a short time for Red and her Tribe to advance their setting along the Town route, after all. Though we do not need to spend points there any longer.
Lake Town Ruin Options -
Repair town - 30,000 Points - Expected one month repair time.
Add a basic wall surrounding the Ruined town - 15,000 - estimated one week build time.
Turn Lake town Ruin into a fishing town. (Available after repair) - 20,000 Points - One week conversion time.
Leo went on to say there were further options, but most were far too expensive at this time, and grayed out. I’d be using all but a few thousand of my points for this, but I purchased the Mental Fortitude, and the Symbiosis, along with the Basic wall for a grand total of 95,300 Points.
The good thing is that the two main purchases were from different advancement Tree's so it advanced it by just a few hundred, rather than double.
I winced as I saw the Point counter go down, but it would do it’s job. I experimented a little by sending in twenty Imps, not liking that I had to do so, and the Dark Wisps immediately latched onto them. Just one to each Imp, but the Imps seemed...calm? They screeched at first, but relaxed. They Wisps must act kind of like calming influences once attaching themselves.
I sent the rest in, when after an hour the Imps were not mummies. The Imps went in, and the majority went to work on the basic walls, tearing down and dismantling old buildings with a lot of ease, while about a third cleared out the large communal hall at the center of the town, throwing all furniture and objects into the street, the wood was taken for the walls, the rest was left to sit there.
Leo cut the vision after that stating the Imps were doing adult things, and I stuck my bottom lip out and stomped my foot. I wanted to see! I said as much to Leo who began giving me Error signals. Meanie…
For the remainder of the time, I watched the Imps lay the very foundation of the wall that would encircle them, and Leo informed me he had increased the reproduction rate of the Imps with 100 Points to allow a greater amount in a day's time. They would be nearing the population limit the Town could hold by then as well.
After that, I went back downstairs, I heard Mommy come inside, and smiled when I saw her.
“Mommy! Did you want to watch some T.V with me?”
She did, and we took our time enjoying it for the remainder of the night.
Red POV -
The last dying sounds of a pleased Succubii faded from my chambers, the elegant bed I had made my Imps make for me holding up to the test of a time related stress test while I forced my favorite of pets to become my toy for the evening.
Selene, my favorite, lay on her stomach in a trembling heap, panting and moaning a little with each shiver. She did it more once I removed my tail from between her legs, and ran the very tip of its point up her body, along her spine, and between her half unfurled wings.
‘Mmmm, Mistressss’ she moaned very lightly, and I smiled, baring my pointed teeth. It made me desire for my ‘Mistress’ to be controlling Selene, so I could corrupt that beautiful innocence, and claim her as my own personal lover.
But the other, that second power never allowed me to act upon it when I spoke with Mistress. It was the ultimate tease, and I enjoyed it, but I needed to have her, the only portion that saved me from insanity, and jealousy, was the small amount of the purity she left when allowing Selene to regain control of her body, I corrupted it every time, and reveled in the ecstasy of the feeling, the rush that came from corrupting that sweetness, and it made me want even more every time. I had begun trying to lengthen the Mistress’ visits so more of that oh so sweet purity would remain for me to taste, and savour, allowing me the ability to pretend it was her soft moans and gasps beneath me, or ontop of me as I ravaged her body.
I felt myself tighten, and spent the next several hours taking my exhausted pet over and over until I reached my own apex of pleasure, and allowed her to leave. Happy, but exhausted.
I lounged in my bed, enjoying the ingenuity of my Imps, Hell Fire, and Common. They had done a splendid job with the materials, making a kind of cloth fabric based off of the rags we wore, even discovering a kind of creature with eight legs that produced a strong yet soft material that was made into more elaborate clothing.
They had been rewarded greatly for such a discovery, they had been the first to test my bed and the new fabrics with me.
Getting to my feet, I went toward one of the windows, looking down, our tower had grown, the corruption we exuded as Succubii expanding all around us the further we developed our magic and used it.
It was already around ten stories, and would grow, our once small settlement now the equivalent of a city. I had even delved deeper into the mines, having the Common Imps mine rarer and more prized metals to be traded, or used, should the other Tribes ever decide they wanted to fight, or trade.
I had to plan for that eventuality, my scouts into the Hell Hounds domain, that blue Lesser Orthos was certainly their leader, but each scout only made it a few feet inside now before dying.
They had better luck into the Husk domain, though they two had changed into the Pit Fighters, their controlled influence growing every day, like the other, and my own.
They seemed to be focused on the Beastkin they fought, and those nasty little savage Demons that reminded me of how I had been when I was but a Hell Fire Imp. Though none of us were so savage any longer.
I snorted, leaving the window, letting the light breeze race along my bare skin before moving back into my chambers fully. I used my tail to open the book resided on a pedestal not five feet from my bed. The ancient Tome, it held secrets, and powers within. Things I would need to take the Mistress as my own, to have her focus only upon me.
I had advanced my knowledge of the Darkness, and had begun testing it with my Hell Fire, combining it. I’d forced a more adept magic user to attempt this after I succeeded, to see what would occur. The Succubii had burst into black flame and perished, a shame as well. I’d liked her.
It meant that only a few might be able to combine them, and the Mistress had no doubt passively given me the power to do so.
I flicked my tail about behind me in irritation. If only that other was not present, I could have had her!
I bit my lip to calm down, piercing the flesh, allowing blood to flow freely down my chin. I’d have her, and keep her as mine. No one else would be allowed the MIstress in the end, and my plans would ensure it.
That calmed me, knowing I would win, convincing myself she would become mine alone. I closed the book, and went to the lower levels of my great Spire. Passing the multitude of Hell Fire Imps and Succubii studying the arcane tomes we had discovered and moved to the tower.
The wind one, her I would taste this evening, a tender young one that seemed to reflect Mistress’ innocence. To corrupt it, even though only a slight amount was present, would be a wonderful thing. I’d even allow Selene to join me, allow her to feel that rush once.
I smiled, looking in on her, before moving on. Yes, a new toy to play with indeed.
We had slowly expanded the Walls within our Rocky Domain, and would continue to do so until the entire length of these budding mountains was encircled and protects from those vile beasts that had begun attacking us.
The fact I’d been able to glean knowledge of projectile weapons had assisted us, now instead of javalines, we used bows and arrows. The downside, appeared with the onset of the wings birds that would swoop down to assault us at times. But we had adapted after the first hundred or so perished.
Now the Birds waited for our Hunting excursions, I enjoyed those times. They tasted very good when fried with our Hell Fire.
The mine I had increased to four levels down, though now we needed to be careful, odd things dwelt deep within the Mines lowest levels, hard carapace bugs that would sneak out and eat those I had mining from time to time.
I did my basic rounds, acting the proper ruler, the proper Demon. Lashing those that were weak, forcing them to the walls for guard duty, picking a few of the luckier male Imps that would join me later, I wished to attempt to impregnate a few of my Succubii, I was growing tired of revolving around the ‘Others’ timing on changing a HEll Fire Imp into one of us. Beyond that, it hurt, I remembered the pain very clearly.
When I finished everything, it was a simple matter of gathering my Selene, and my new toy and taking them to my chambers.
I took the front with my tail, while I allowed Selene to take the back, and we penetrated her together, the rush of corrupting her through the night was glorious, I also had plans for the wind she used, it had given me several ideas for later.
For now, however, I would take them over and over until I was satisfied...
Here you are my Lovelies! I decided I would not be lazy, and post this as soon as I finished. It is sadly a bit shorter than normal, but the next one will be longer. It is dedicated to the Wisps and getting them moving along with the final appearance of those pesky Tier 1 Imp main pathway evolution's to combat the avian menace! hahahaha
But, I will admit, I love writing Red, haha. She is my personal favorite, my little sex crazed strumpet haha.. Shall Sidnie remain a pure sweetheart, or will I give her to Red for a night? Oh the sweet evil Irony of what I decide to do mwuahahah.
Joking aside, I see we passed 500 followers, amazing. Cookies for all!
As always, much love and cookies.
P.S - Thank you for those PMing me with so many options, and evolution's, truly. I cannot use them all, because as this chapter suggests, the Evolution's are not always the same for every Owners and Dungeon World hehe. I hope you all enjoy what I have planned for later. Advertisement Previous
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