《Dungeon Games》Chapter Nineteen: Days of our Lifes
Here you are folks, Chapter Nineteen! I will warn those of you ahead of time, as the title suggests, this is more of a recount of Sidnie's Daily life through the year at key points coinciding with a few upgrades/evolutions. I have some cute moments set up, and a little more growth in her child like personality. The Demons have begun to be good, kind of. Don't ask her Daddy, he will cry! hahaha.
I hope you enjoy this Chapter however, and are ready for tomorrow/the day afters time skip.
P.S I had made a mistake in chapter 18 with the Imp numbers, I have since corrected the mistake. I had them far, FAR to numerous that early.
August 15, 3218
“How are the Hell Hounds doing today, Leo?” I had decided to split the pack the day before, and after coming back from breakfast with Mommy I wanted to see how the night had treated them.
So far it appears the guess of Fluffy leading both Packs with them only half a mile between them. We will need more time and observation to be sure he retains that leadership. One thing, the Hell Hounds have begun breeding upon separating the Pack. Each of them show a population limit of 640, leading them toward the 1,280 we had hoped to occur.
There has been a development within the Wolf Pack that takes up the other half of the territory. I have seen Large Shadows along the corruption border, far larger than the Dire Wolves that had shown themselves. I believe we are contending with Werewolves now. They are Tier 1, from my observation, however the Boss has undergone a change as well with the numbers. We will need to somehow make up for this, aside from numbers and strength.
I frowned at that, looking at the two Burrows that contained the two Hell Hound Packs. The enlarged image showed Fluffy running between them right now, his two Liquid Flame Hell Hound Variant guards trailing him with a small number of five Lava Hell Hounds a little further back.
Fluffy had begun forming a kind of honor guard around himself, a few days of working toward intelligence gain had shown remarkable growth within him.
We had taken the fact that Red now ‘requested’ to speak to me again as a sign that it depended on their intelligence, and for some reason Red was the smartest of the succubii, even after subjecting one Hell Fire Imp to the same training Red received, and evolving her into a succubii. I had controlled her over the last 14 days, and she has shown nothing like Red’s own level.
perhaps a matter of time spent controlling them? Leo had several ideas, but had recommended focusing the experiments on my personal favorites within the demons rather than risking creating another as powerful as them within their respective Tribes.
I didn't really understand that, though Leo had tried to explain it would prevent internal struggles, and I didn't fully understand why they would fight if another showed up. But I took Leo’s word for it, and had begun focusing on Fluffy for the experiment.
The increase in Pack cohesiveness, and Fluffy’s own methods of utilizing the Packs in the Hunts from the first one we had done showed remarkable information that we could use. One thing that was interesting as well, the Lava Hell Hounds were common occurrences in both Packs because they were so near. Likely added toward the fact Fluffy retained leadership of both.
This opened a great many possibilities in regards to Red, and Obsidian with her brother Frag. Though I had spent the majority of my points on unlocking further knowledge on blacksmithing for the Husks, and Rock Bitters. They had begun improving the quality of reforged weapons.
I had also purchased the Mine option, unlocking Mines within the Dungeon World. Oddly, each territory of the three Tribes currently had access to one cave that held minerals of different quality and type.
I’d have to see what I could do with that for Fluffy and his Pack later, for Red and the Imps I had begun unlocking basic mining and crafting knowledge for them, while the Husks were already having their Rock Bitters mine the Mine for the precious materials, and practice making proper weapons for them, including proper armor.
The materials found within the mine were Copper and Tin. It had taken them time and practice to mix it into Bronze properly. But they were now creating properly crafted armor, and weapons for the Husks. Obsidian had actually had a massive two handed axe crafted for her, while her brother had received a Mace and shield. The other Husks each used spears, or hatchet axes that had been discovered through experimentation, and the books found in the repaired library.
A few of the Rock Bitter Imps had even begun working toward gathering books from around the keep, and within the lower area to place them in the Library, several taking residence deep within to maintain the books.
They were among the smartest of their breed. I wondered what would occur when they were ready to evolve.
The Mines in each Territory were also only two levels deep, but I had the option to dig further later. The problem was the cost to unlock new materials within the Mine as they were dug deeper into the earth. To increase the metal quality, the cheapest was 15,000 points. It only increased from there, though each mine had the chance to find new ones on their own, though rare, or by exploring and claiming new mines within the area or around it.
The main point was I was bringing in a current 2000 points per hunt. This had taken a great deal of time and effort to have occur. It helped that within the Husk area stronger Monsters had begun appearing, the feline Kobolds had actually made an appearance within their territory. The Husks loved the challenge, and they seemed to contest the Undead spawning points often. They bickered over Territory at the edge of of the corrupted portion of their territory.
The Feline Kobolds were fighting fiercely with the Patrols of Husks they had patrolling the corruptions border, slowly expanding it by centimeters every day due to their presence. The Husks had increased the Patrol size, and had even added several common Imps to the Patrols because of the massive aggression the Feline Kobolds were showing. A few even held manes of what I believed to be a Lion that had evolved into one. He was the strongest of the Feline Kobolds, and had actually managed to decimate several patrols at the border, according to Leo.
I had yet to witness this, but I would probably have to take control of Obsidian at some point to help cut down the numbers assaulted the Husks. I had finally managed to set up most of the basics, and through research and with Leo’s help I had a proper idea of how to help them advance without spending points.
One option that had opened I would purchase in time, was the ability to give Red, and her Imps a Library themselves. It was under advancement and within the discovery section. I wasn’t sure how that would happen, but I assumed it would be from digging an area out within the Rocky Crag.
I smiled down at Fluffy when he reached his other Pack. He was regularly moving between them. Though both Packs had a tenuous understanding between them, Fluffy was the only reason they were not fighting, according to Leo, and I had to agree.
The Pack mentality trait showed separate for both packs, Fluffy was the only one that showed both within his description when looked at. It was confusing, but at least for the time being my plan had worked on splitting them.
I watched Fluffy play around with a few of the Packs younger generation. I thought one or two were his, the ones he sired seemed to be larger than Normal Hell Hounds by a few Inches, but none reached his own massive size.
Leo and I had learned that my direct control of the Demons I preferred actually seemed to make them stronger, his system passively helping to increase their strengths. We had learned this thanks to Red. She had begun vehemently disliking me controlling the other Demons under her leadership. Selene aside when i spoke to her, Leo had said she had killed the one I was using to test the intelligence level.
I was sad at that, I had actually like the little Succubii, but I could not control everything that occurred, neither could Leo. He focused on aspects, but didn’t really see a need to stop the natural course each Tribe took. He had even taken pains to not allow me to see when these events occurred, I knew he did it thinking I hadn’t slowly noticed. I thanked him silently for it.
I sighed a little. I had even spoken to Red once more after the first time. Leo had told be careful doing so. Red had an agenda, whatever he meant by that. I also was careful anyway, her voice was disturbingly growing more enjoyable to me, and it confused me greatly. I had asked Leo, and he said it was a part of her growing strength. She had mastered a portion of her Seduction ability, and all but mastered her fire magic. Darkness was trapped at 10% right now. But she had been able to help the other succubii make the connection, and one or two of them showed a higher proficiency for the Darkness Magic.
Breeding the Succubii was difficult, because for some reason the Imps could not properly mate with them, Leo had said something about Succubii being difficult to get pregnant because of the size. Leo refused to elaborate, regardless of how much I pestered.
I had finally stopped bugging after about two days, but I was still curious why their height was an issue. I frowned, thinking about it a bit, then shrugged it away. As a result the only way to have the succubii population continue was to evolve them separately until a male species of the proper size was formed. Weird that height was an issue.
I had asked if we could attempt to breed the very Rare occurrence of a Male Hell Fire Imp. Leo had stated he was trying, but had not found a way aside from pure chance to even make it occur once. With luck if it occurred, we could make it a more likely event, even though they were considered freaks of nature as it was meant to be an all female Species.
December 2, 3218
Mommy lifted me up and I placed the star on our Christmas Tree. I giggled when she lowered me a little, then tossed me into the air and caught me after i finished.
“Mommy!” I said startled at it while I giggled.
She smiled at me, and set me down on the ground. We had just finished setting up our tree, we always did it at this time in december
“Mommy! Guess what I finally managed to do!”
“What’s that Baby?”
“I have unlocked the Dark Hound, and Lesser Orthos Evolutions for my Hell Hounds. it cost 35,000 points total, and I plan to have Fluffy become a Lesser Orthos, while having my other two Liquid Flame Hell Hounds become the Dark Hounds!”
Mommy blinked, imagining something bad based on her expression, but from what I had seen in the supplied image it flowed seamlessly and looked natural, just like a normal Canine but with two heads instead of one. Though with Fluffy it looked like two Husky Heads, which made him far cuter to me.
The Dark Hounds were thinner, kind of lanky and taller. The heads were more like a wolves now as well, they also only had one head. Mommy said that it looked like something called an Irish Wolfhound.
I told Mommy that, and showed her Fluffy after I had evolved him. I had also evolved six of the Lava Hound Hell Hounds as well as four normal Hell Hounds into the Lesser Orthos, in both packs. I did the same numbers with Dark Hounds in each pack as well. That had cost me 8000 points, for evolving all the Hell Hounds, Fluffy and the other two Liquid Flame Hell Hounds included.
Mommy listened while I explained and smiled at me.
“Good job Baby! Daddy will love to see that as well when he gets home. No one has reported having more than one Tier 2 Creature in the Demon Race yet, though only one other person has it aside from you right now. That Master Player, what was his name?”
I piped in cheerfully “George! He’s the current number 1 Master Player.”
He was also the only Master Player I tended to watch. He was really handsome, and I had told Daddy that once when we watched together once. Mommy had laughed at the time, and Daddy had gone very still and looked panicked again. I giggled at the memory.
“That’s right! He isn’t as far as you are yet though, he seems to be doing the same method you have been though, slow and steady.”
I nodded, he had said as much in an interview when someone asked when we would see him use the Demons, he had stated that he would not be using them anytime soon, he wanted to slowly build them within his Dungeon World, as well as practicing with them before officially using one in a tournament.
After I finished telling Mommy, and she let me go on about George for a while we went to her room to wrap Presents. Mommy and I took turns Wrapping Daddy’s presents and I wrapped jessica, and Franny’s Presents. They were coming this year, I was truly excited about that. Mommy’s I had already wrapped and went to get it from my room once we finished.
I got Mommy a pair of Gloves she had been looking at, according to Daddy, I was lucky he was home to help me order them online. Jessica I got a Vampire Fang Necklace, and Franny I got a pair of Wolf head earrings to match their Races, and preferences. I hoped they liked them. Daddy, Mommy and I had pitched in to get him a pair of glasses, his old ones were really old and he needed a new pair.
I eyed the box that was marked with my name, and wanted to see, but I had to wait. Mommy had promised I’d love it.
December 25, 3218
It was Christmas! Daddy was here, like he had promised, so were jessica, and Franny with their Mommies and Daddies. The adults were having fun in the kitchen right now. We had just finished unwrapping the presents. Mommy loved her new gloves, and Daddy had given me a big bear hug for the glasses.
Jessica and Franny were both admiring the accessories I had gotten them, while my own present from Mommy and Daddy was an expansion slot for my Table, it increased the size by 5 on each side, so it would be 25 by 25 now!
“Thank you Sid, for the necklace, I love it!” Jessica had said this for the third time, and was smiling at me like it was the best thing in the world. I was just happy she liked it.
“Same with my earrings Sid, they are wonderful!” Franny just liked jewelry, a lot! Jessica actually seldom wore jewelry. They were both stainless steel accessories as well.
“I’m glad you like them! I was worried you wouldn’t” I finished a little softer.
They both tackled me on the couch and I giggled when they tickled me some. Mean! I tickled back and we all three kind of became a giggling mass of goop that couldn’t move after a little. The adults had watched us smiling, I think they were just happy to see us having fun in what was mostly a get together of adults.
We talked after calling a truce. They had each gotten Tier two creatures for their Dungeons. Jessica had grown her Lesser Vampires into Vampires, they now had the full powers, though to a lesser degree than the Master versions. She had also picked a spot and made it a full Necropolis, a minor city of the Undead Race. She said it had taken her almost half a year to save the points for it, because of the limitation. In Highschool she would be just at the level expected. Would likely have another offshoot Species, and Tier two by then as well.
Franny had made the Kobolds evolve into the BeastKin, they retained the overall intelligence from before, but now had greater physical strength. She had plans to Evolve the Dire Wolves toward the Fenrir route, but that was a Tier 5 Evolution, and the last they could gain in that route. She had a ways to go, it was a rare occurrence. She had also created a minor city based off of Roman culture. Apparently she had even formed Houses and a Senate. That she had mostly spent her points on knowledge for them, and the Evolutions was interesting to me.
I smiled at them both, and told them about everything I had done, minus the part about how Red kept wanting to speak with me, and called me ‘Mistress’ for some reason. I had told Daddy, and he just sighed while muttering something about ‘Why did I give her something so adult?’
I’d tilted my head at that, but let it go, Mommy had just laughed at him saying served him right.
I had ended up asking if Jessica and Franny could stay the night, their parents had agreed and we had played the rest of the evening away before falling asleep, worn out, in my bed. It had been a perfect Christmas.
Fluffy POV -
Scents, sounds, sights. The darkness, and decay that was my domain was beautiful, and it was all mine.
Two others like me, oddities to our Species, came up to sit beside me, but a small step back. Their tails were wagging, pups never change. They were my offspring, and regardless of the fact they were the age they were, they would be pups all the same.
I was prosperous, I had met all of my Mother's expectations and gone beyond. I controlled two Packs, a massive number of Hell Hounds, Lesser Orthos, and the Dark Hounds, my Offspring had become them through some odd sense of humour.
At least they were my height now. Their mother had died long ago, many suns and moons had come and gone since that time.
I growled at the one to my left, flicking the head on that side at him to glare. He was leaning down to nip at my haunches, a trick he had never outgrown. My female pup on the right huffed in amusement. I rolled all of my eyes, pups.
We had grown, changed, and I felt it was a guided change. I had felt it before, countless times, a soft gentle warmth within me that came and went as it willed. It reminded me of my Mother, and I believed it to be her, watching over and guiding us. I remembered, barely, the time before I had grown.
Our species was violent, cruel, and oft times pup killers. We did not like change, nor did we allow outsiders within our lands. We had not looked out for each other either. We had eaten our own in those dark times. But it had changed, the stories howled when I had been a pup spoke of my Mother, she was the first to change. They all followed slowly, each generation developing our mentality for the betterment of the Pack, rather than only ourselves, unless it involved a fight.
Memories long past, fleeting and vague, but they were there. They had not been before either, my mind had grown, I thought differently. It had started several Full Moons ago. It was around then I had begun to sense the warm, loving feeling that filled me. With the greater comprehension and change I began to remember the past, rather than living in the moment. I had begun to plan.
The Wolf, the beast that dwelt within my lands dividing line would not stay idle forever. No wolf would survive in my lands for much longer either. I had worked hard for the strength we now possessed. When they came, I would slaughter them, for what they did when I was still too young to stop them, for Mother.
It is why I felt that the warmth was Mother. She had not been able to see me grown, and had remained to help guide me toward the power I now possess, and increase my potential. Loving, and warm. I closed my eyes, remembering the last time I felt it. It had been during the last Great Hunt. A full moon, we had found them that night, in my lands. A dozen of the large beasts that had howled their name to the night, werewolves.
I had felt the warmth during the beginning, and it had grown once the ambush had been sprung. Protective, I felt the connection with my oddity grew once again. I could feel the boiling water within my body build and the steam exuded from my body to create a fog.
We had shown the wolves who were truly the Masters of the Night then. We had destroyed them, though I had felt the presence leave once the Bloodshed began in full. Unlike Mother when she was alive, I did not fear she would never return, as when I was a pup. The warmth always returned, Mother always returned to watch over me.
I looked at my pups once more, the first of the Dark Hounds. I huffed, pride was a small joy within my heart when I regarded them. They would grow strong, and lead the Packs in my stead if I ever fell in battle.
I regarded the overlook from the Burrow entrance once more as well, it had been interesting growing use to the second pair of sights, and moving both heads to fight properly, then I turned to return, awaiting the return of the warmth.
I missed it, just as I had missed Mother, before I even knew what missing was, my pups followed me within. We would soon have to gather my Guard Pack and return to the other Pack. I could not allow either to forget who ruled them, though the challenges had slowly begun to stop.
Tomorrow was another Great Hunt, I would feel Mother's Warmth once more, the ancients willing.
Dungeon Population, Species, and Variant List at this time. -
Current state of the Demon Race
Number of Tribes - 3
Area inhabited - Rocky Crags, Burrow, Repaired Ruins (You may apply names to these)
Number of Demon Species (Variants not included) - Six - Populations -
Imp -12,800 (per Tribe)
Hell Hound - 1,280 (per Pack)
Husk - 400
Succubii - 100
Lesser Orthos - 400 (Per Pack)
Dark Hound - 100 (Per Pack)
Number of Variants between the Species - Nine - Numbers present -
Hell Fire Imp - 800
Rock Bitter Imp - 500
Rockhide Husk - 2
Lava Hell Hound - 60 (Per Pack)
Liquid Flame Hell Hound - 0
Lava Lesser Orthos - 50 (Per pack)
Lava Dark Hound - 50 (Per pack)
Liquid Flame Dark Hound - 2
Liquid Flame Lesser Orthos - 1
(Further information available as you grow, and change your Demon Populations, and add further species, and Variants. Will be updated in real time.)
Here you are my lovelies. I hope you enjoy this Chapter, though it is somewhat shorter. I have also given you a Dungeon display of the current Species, their numbers, and the current Variants within the Species/tribe areas. Along with a Fluffy POV. Mature little fella, ain't he? ^.^
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