《Dungeon Games》Chapter Eighteen: Birthday Blues
August 1, 3218
I was lying at the foot of my bed, arms crossed under my chin and watching the Dungeon world, a year had gone by, I also turned 11 today. Daddy was late, again. Ever since they announced the Demon Race officially, he has been bogged down with requests for them to be made available for purchase, along with other things I didn’t want to think about.
The fact he also announced the new Race, Angels, about a month later created another mass of crazy people bogging him down at work made me upset as well. I missed him, and he knew today was important for me. It was the one day a year he promised to always be here for. Well, it was here, and Daddy wasn’t around.
I was moping, and I knew it, but he had promised me. I sighed and rolled over onto my back, and let my head hang off the side of the bed, my hair falling in a wave to the floor. I wiggled my head and made it create a waving days that made me smile a little.
Jessica and Franny had already come and gone. I’d enjoyed our time immensely, and we had played, watched a new tournament, had cake and ice cream. They had grown taller than me, and Franny was apparently beginning to get hit on a lot at school, she was a ‘budding’ young lady, according to Mommy.
I felt it was because her boobs had grown again. I grinned at that thought, she was embarrassed about it, but it was funny. Jessica told me that they always stared at her chest, and that had made her blush. I’d found it cute, so I picked on her at the time as well.
I got up, looking at the clock. 9:50 P.M. I sighed, Daddy probably would not show up. I reached over and grabbed the Skeleton Doll I had gotten from Jessica last year and snuggled it while returning to look at Leo’s budding Dungeon World.
I had spent the last year reading, researching, and developing my Demons. I’d increased the lifespan of Fluffy, Red, Obsidian, and her Brother Frag to survive this long. It had cost a decent amount of points each time, but was worth it. They were my favorites, and I loved them.
They had also finished repairing the keep, weeks ahead of schedule because of the increase aptitude of the Rock Bitters, and Common Imps in that area. We had also discovered the lower section of the keep was a dungeon area, and held a treasury, and an underground armory. The weapons were mostly decayed beyond repair, but they had, had materials, and methods of using them transcribed in the armory. It had increased the Husks presence, and power immensely.
The Library, the one I had helped speed along, held mostly books on the culture of the previous tenants, and the Husks had actually begun forming along those lines. They began creating Houses within their population, four of them, and each fought the other for more power. Obsidians was currently the leading house.
The Library also had mathematics, as well as a few philosophy books. The Imps were more interested in them, and once they began learning from that it increased the intelligence level slowly, as well as gave them better ways to repair the walls, and Keep itself.
The really interesting part had happened a few days ago, when the final repair was done. The entire Keep changed almost instantly, the accumulated Year of Demon Energy forced it to rapidly change, along with about a mile of the land surrounding it. It was like the Ruin needed fully repaired before it would begin gaining the corruption, and once it did, it all changed instantly in a massive overload of it.
The Keep looking like a huge spire of molten rock now, and the terrain was vastly different from the green life just outside the slowly growing corruption border. No natural tree life remained there, it was twisted, and corrupted, and even some of the natural occurring prey and predator species had changed, mutating an extra head for a bunny, or having fangs and become carnivorous. A cave within the area had even spawned a pale gray Imp tribe, we learned we could not control it, but they were vicious, and attacked anything that came near.
The Husks made a sport of pitting captured ones against their common Imps, and fighting them. I never watched these though, it made me sad. Though Obsidian had slowly begun putting a stop to it. I think when I controlled her, and my emotions ran a little when I knew it was happening, the leak forced her to change.
Fluffy, and his territory had changed as well. It was now directly split between the Wolf Boss that had grown stronger, and a large single pack, and his own with him. It was split down the middle, one side lush forest, the other demonic and corrupted from Fluffy’s pack.
Red had solidified her power base in the Imp, now Village, as well. There were actual houses built into the Rocky Crag that grew and spiraled up, the previous hovels doing the same. The old birthing chamber had grown into a kind of large hall and Red and taken this as her personal home, and where she met the other Succubii, and Imps under her command.
The walls had grown, the outward facing spikes, like the Keeps, were larger and thicker along the base, and had started growing upward. The Towers, like the Keeps, were numerous, though they had three towers to a Wall. They had formed a connection up top between them for the Imps and Hell Fire Imps that acted as Archers to rest and take cover.
The last wasn’t needed fully, though the avian predators had begun to make an appearance, a few falcons mostly. They still got attacked often by the Felines, the Two Tailed leader had become a Boss in his own right and seemed intent on fighting my Demons, he had become a Tier 2 Monster over the year, and always escaped when Red went out to hunt personally.
The Lava pools in the area had grown a little larger, and veins of it ran throughout the Village. Fluffy’s area had also begun to show a Lava pool formation, and a new Variant had been born for the Hell Hounds, a pure red version that seemed more volatile than the others, prone to explosive anger fits, but loves the Lava area. Lava Hell Hound, was the Variant name. It was actually a common one, I had found that odd. But the cost for making it a common occurrence had only been 12,000 points, so I had taken it when I found it. It allowed a variety for the Hell Hounds they had been lacking, even with the other Liquid Flame Hell Hound that had been born after we understood the method. Still nearly impossible to get one bred, even if Fluffy is the Daddy.
I sighed, I had increased each of their populations as well. The Imps were very large, and I had stopped after making it 12,800. That was more than enough of a swarm for the time being. The Succubii I had increased to 300. Red seemed to enjoy it a lot, though Leo still Refused to tell me what she did.
When I had asked Daddy about it, he had gotten a funny look and ran away as if he were facing the most frightening thing in the world. I had decided at the time to not ask again for a while.
The Husk population I had increased to 400, and they were enjoying it immensely. It had led to a larger presence of Undead spawned Monsters, which they crushed whenever possible for sport, and a lot more powerful Wolves, Dire wolves were now common in their area, and the Cougars had become Pride oriented, and I think I had seen one with a mane at one point.
The Hell Hounds I had gotten to 640. They were able to hold their territory now, very safely. I had been contemplating splitting the pack as well, but keeping them in the area to see if Fluffy retained leadership of both packs, while managing to increase the overall presence of Hell Hounds to 1,280, assuming both packs retained the population limit while separate if in the same controlled area.
I looked at the clock, 10:30 P.M I felt like crying, I had not seen Daddy for nearly a month, and today was a day he PROMISED he would be here for. Daddy was an idiot!
Leo was trying to cheer me up, of course. He had reached the 57% personality formation stage, and was far more active and active in our relationship. He acted a lot like a brother, I assumed, and a butler. I had no real idea if that was accurate, because I had no references but Mommy had mentioned it once.
I just shrugged him off, and got ready for bed. I wouldn’t wait anymore! I huffed, and threw myself under the blankets and hid. Daddy was stupid!
I had fallen asleep, after a while. I woke up at 9:30 A.M when my alarm went off. I had begun using one so I could get up early and do my homework, and then sometimes surprise Mommy with Breakfast.
I sighed, and rolled back over. I didn’t want to get up. I was still sad about Daddy not keeping his promise. After about fifteen minutes of this, I decided I didn’t want to stay in bed either, so I got up and went downstairs to see if Mommy had made Breakfast, or if I would be surprising her today.
She was in the kitchen cooking, and at the table was Daddy…
I frowned, and when he saw me he called out smiling.
“Hey Cuddlebug, I’m sorry I didn't make it. Something happened at work.”
I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him before running back upstairs. Stupid! Mean! Idiot!
Sidnie, are you alright?
Leo was worried, of course, I had just gone down to do what had become normal. I sniffled a little, and rubbed my eyes. “Daddy is an idiot.”
Before Leo had time to process what I had said, Daddy came to my door and was knocking.
“Cuddlebug, let me in. I need to talk to you about yesterday.”
I huffed, but said come in. He looked upset, I didn’t know why or really care. Daddy had broken a promise.
“Cuddlebug, I know I broke my promise. I didn’t mean it, and I had little choice. I cannot take it back, and I wish I could. I know you’re mad at me, and upset. Mommy explained how late you stayed up waiting for me. I am sorry Sweetheart.”
I frowned at him harder, he was trying to say sorry, but Daddy sucked at apologies, he always made them longer than they needed.
“You broke your promise Daddy! I haven’t seen you for a long time, and you promised I would yesterday for my birthday. That’s all I wanted…”
I started to tear up some. Daddy came and hugged me, I finally cracked after some time and hugged back. “Why Daddy?” I asked after a moment.
“One of the interns ruined an entire code line for a patch we have been working on to release to the A.I’s. My Boss said I had to stay and fix the entire code with him. I’m sorry Cuddlebug, it was an honest accident but it made me break my promise. Can you forgive me?”
I sniffled and nodded. He pulled me into his lap and snuggled with me a little. Mommy had come in shortly after to check on us. She shut the door smiling when she saw we were ok.
“Daddy, do you wanna see Leo’s World?”
He smiled at me, and nodded. So I showed him, every part that was under my Demons control, I showed him a list tracking our progress from the time he first gave me the Demons, and I showed him my favorites within the Race. Red, Fluffy, and Obsidian with her brother Frag.
Leo talked to Daddy some as well, though I could not read the Prompt. Whatever it was made Daddy look very afraid, and he paled a little before looking at me. It looked like that time I had asked him what seduction meant, and he had ran away. Mommy had explained it later, because I kept asking everyone I could.
I had even asked Dr. Fung, who had just looked at me, then shook his head chuckling.
I smiled sweetly at Daddy and he looked like he might fall down from a heart attack. “What’s wrong Daddy? Are you ok?” I was worried now.
He breathed deeply a few times but nodded. “Yes, Cuddlebug. I am, just realizing that my little girl is getting bigger. It’s a Daddy’s worst fear.”
I asked him why, and he had mentioned something along the lines that every Daddy wants their little girls to stay the sweet innocent girls in pigtails and sun dresses chasing after them to play.
I just frowned at him harder, and he smiled. “I’ll always be your little girl though, won't I Daddy?”
He had smiled truly then, and given me a hug saying of course. Daddy was weird. He left a bit later, he had needed to return to work. I had let him go, it was my fault he had to work so much, and I knew it. I just never liked that he almost never was able to return home, and had thrown a tantrum because he wasn’t here when I knew he would have been if he were able. Daddy had never broken a promise before afterall.
I sighed, trying to cheer up some after he left. Mommy offered to get the recorded Championship match from the other day and play it for me. That excited me some, I hadn’t been able to watch the Tournament much because I had, had a checkup with Dr. Fung at the time.
I sat on the couch and curled up with a throw blanket before turning the fight on. I was looking forward to it, it was a match between two people who had purchased one of the many other Starting Races. One was using Insects, the other was using Bears.
“Here it is Ladies and gentlemen! The final match of this year’s National Amateur Tournament! We have Ryan, the moving Juggernaut of the Bears! Then we have Felix, Insectoid Commander! As you all know, this match decides this year’s new addition to the Adept Ranks, as well as the receiving of the Seldom seen Horse Race, and Adept and higher level Race, who shall win! Let’s watch and find out!”
I clenched my jaw, it had to be the Bear user. We were allowed 100 of our Dungeons Race for the Amateur Battles, as well as being limited to one Species and its first Tier evolution.
I had only so many Insects that might stand a chance against a Bear. I growled a little, this would take coordination and planning. I chose the Ants, my starting Species. Roughly four foot tall insects, and their first Tier Evolution, the Warrior Ant.
60 of the Normal ones, and 40 Warriors. The warriors were nearly eight foot tall monstrocaties that were bred to defend the Hive Queen, once she was unlocked. They were fierce, and vicious in a fight.
I had also chosen the Ants because of all of the Insects, they were among the most powerful based on the amount they could lift, roughly 10 times their own body weight. I hoped that would be enough.
I had a few Variants, but the Rules limited it to one variant in the battles. I figured this would be the best time to showcase it. It was a very common Variant for the Ant Species, an Earthen Ant. Each of the Warrior Ants I was using was of that Variant as well.
The common Ants I dispersed a few Earthen Ants into the 60 of them, and would use them for an ambush attempt.
We entered the battle, and I chose one of the Warrior Ants, I could use the feelers on my head as order relays, and began issuing orders to the common, or Drone Ants, to begin digging. The Earthen Variant of them started, easily parting the earth several feet down, and curving below and straightening into a line. The normal ones dug hauled the excess dirt out, while shoring up the tunnel stability.
Vibrations in the air, and the swaying trees in the distance alerted me to the oncoming Bears. Crap, he wasted no time, I hoped he exhausted the massive creatures stamina before they arrived. Damnit! I ordered the Ants into the tunnels and followed suit, they were several feet underground, with branching small tunnels, each tunnel dug up to the earth above in a wide circle, but a thin tunnel below. Pitfalls, the plan was simple, make them fall in, and rip as many to pieces as possible before having to leave the tunnels and fight.
We waited, an Hour, Two Hours. Then it happened, a roar went out, and the thud of one of the holes breaking rang through the tunnels. Following that three others, a fourth, a fifth. I wasted no time. I sent a Warrior to each pitfall, and had them pull and yank. They managed to rip the legs off of the massive muscled Bears and without a method to stop the bleeding they would die.
It was, at most, only eight of the Bears though. This was going to end poorly if I blindly charged out to fight them. I ordered the Earthen Ants to dig further along the route the Traps had been triggered, and begin making more over there, along with an exit tunnel.
I could feel the Bears stomping around up top, and the distant roar of one echoed through the tunnels again, they had found the entrance tunnel. It was to shallow for a large creature to get through easily, the Bears were easily three times as wide as my Ants no doubt.
I rushed the drones to continue. They were tireless creatures with no will of their own, so they did so. A few of the common ones died from the exertion, but it was worth it. Once the exit tunnel was dug out, I rushed out with a few of the Warrior Ants, five of them, and screeched out a challenge, clacking the mandibles loudly. What I saw when I fully looked was not good. Large brown Bears and a few small Black Bears covered the plans.
He had forgone the Kobold version of a bear and simply went down the natural evolution, those were Grizzly bears, and Black Bears, the starting Species.
Crap, pure raw strength, and the ferocity to use it. They charged, and I sent two of my Warriors to meet the mass of Bears head on, the down side to a Grizzly, getting them to obey was challenging. I’d smile if I could. The loss of two meant nothing, and they did their job brilliantly, they died for me and angered the other Bears. I Sent the other three to do the same, killing them to increase my chance of winning.
The Bears shredded them, but they got hurt in the process, then they reached the first trap, and kept coming. I had, had my Ants dig dozens this time, just enough to have the Bears massive legs fall into the main tunnel, and each ant below had orders to rip into the limbs.
They did, and the anganized cries of the Bears, Grizzly and Black, rang through the Battlefield. It egged the uncontrolled onward, while the Controlled one seemed to be sitting back, glaring at me.
Perfect, I sent signals through my feelers, I’d had my Drones dig one more straight tunnel on the opposite side, and to the left, of where this trap was. 20 Drones came from the Tunnel behind me, and engaged the Bears that were not in Pitfalls. Meanwhile, every single Warrior Ant I had left arrived from the third tunnel exit, and charged the Lone bear.
I lost almost every single Warrior Ant, and Drone as I called the rest up, but in the end I only needed to kill that one bear, and die he did.
IN the mandibles of my last ten Warrior Ants, while my Drones died keeping the Bear Horde from reaching me. Though it had been close, a Grizzly had almost finished me, but in the end my Ants killed him, before I lost mine.
“Did you see that folks! A display in cunning, and a risky Gambit to lure the Bears, easily enraged, into a trap while the Leader stayed back. Brilliant!..”
“Wow…” I said after the recording ended, and the Insect guy, Felix, won his prizes. He had used a very risky, and dangerous strategy, sacrificing his own Ants to ensure it occurred, taking advantage of a known Bear weakness, at least within the Primary Evolutionary Path.
I had a feeling if not for the fact he could dig though, he would have lost. The Bear Race is nothing to take lightly. I had seen Advanced Tournament fights where one had a Master Race lose to the Bears. They took skill, and time to increase their intelligence, and focus on some aspects of their culture, but they were very dangerous to face head on.
Wow is as good a term as any, Sidnie. I feel his methods were flawed from the ground up however. He used a solid plan, but had the Leader joined the charge, he would have lost. It was a gamble, and a poor one at that.
I looked at the prompt a moment longer. Leo normally didn’t comment on these anymore unless I asked him too.
“Why do you say that, Leo?”
Because he needlessly sacrificed his Ants on a scheme that had a 13% chance of occurring within any planned setting. Also, because you dislike that behavior. I have found three other Methods that could have been better to use in such a situation. I have spent the better part of this last year focusing on the Husks, the Imps, the Hell Hounds, and the Succubii’s training to ensure that such wasted sacrifices will not be needed, unless there is no other choice. I have spent points constantly to train within certain parameters, and I have worked with you on learning new strategies to increase the chances of us winning with minimal losses once we begin to fight.
You have shot down the idea of fighting Franny, or Jessica, and I understand your reason. So to make up for the lack of experience we both could gain, I am trying to ensure at least the Demons are semi prepared and trained to stand a chance against much more experienced foes.
I was a little overwhelmed, Leo had ranted! He hasn’t done that for a long time. I smiled all the same, he cared about me, and how I viewed the Demons and hated them being hurt or dying.
So that was the reason for pushing for more strategies and working on improving the Ruins smithing area, and unlocking mines so the Husks would no longer rely solely on the Skeletons dropping weapons and armor they repaired or melted down for reuse.
“Thank you, Leo, for everything you do.” I said with as much feeling as I could put in it. I had begun to rely on Leo heavily, for everything, including companionship over the last year/ Franny and Jessica had visited once a week, but Mommy had begun needed to go help Daddy at his work, she was a programmer, and Daddy had begun not being home for months at a time again. Leo was all I had for most of the week, and days.
He still acted like a butler though, and was protective of me kind of like Daddy was. I smiled at the prompt he showed me.
I do not need thanks for taking care of you, Sidnie, you and I are a team.
I really wished I could hug him, honestly. But I could not, so we just talked, a lot. At nights if Mommy was still away, and I was scared, Leo would tell me stories he had read online, or would talk to me until I felt better, and could sleep.
It had become greater, and more common, the further his personality developed. I could say with a great deal of depth that I loved Leo, just like I loved Mommy, and Daddy, and Jessica and Franny.
I snuggled into the couch a bit more, and watched a minor Tournament for Amateurs that started the call for the first of the new season for all Ranks. Each Rank required a certain amount of wins in that division on small, through large tournaments to enter the National Tournament and have a shot at increasing a rank. Only a few in each Division per year advanced.
It took three minor tournament wins to enter the National Amateurs Tournament, it took 4 for the Adept, 8 for the Advanced, and 15 for the Master Tournament.
IF you managed to win the Master Tournament you were not increased in Rank obviously, but you were given one of the select 5 Races that could be gained only through winning it. The Demons were this Years prize, and a lot of Master Players wanted it, but I disliked watching those fights. It was on a massive scale, and hard to understand right now. So I had decided to focus on the Amateur ranks as they would be my first fighting grounds, naturally.
Sidnie, something has occurred within the Imp settlement, Red is...I am not truly sure how this has occurred, and because you tend to ignore her when you do control her she seemed to have been growing more Irate, but she is actually calling for you in her chambers, away from the ears of all the others. She has learned that someone listens, I am beginning to wonder if I should take another look at the Creator's notes again regarding this rare occurrence, whether it is something that can occur within one used often, or if Red is actually that special and connected to you, because none of the other three you control have done this, though they are not as highly intelligent either.
That was scary for me. I had decided to keep controlling her but had otherwise ignored her speaking to me, it had obviously begun to make her angry, and she seemed to mope around a lot, but this shouldn’t happen. I was very afraid to do this, but what Leo said a second later made it so I needed to.
She was threatening to kill off all of the Imps, and Succubii within the area if I did not speak to her somehow. I grimaced, and went to my room, dreading this.
Red POV -
I had called for the one who controlled me from time to time, threatening to kill all within my Domain if she did not come so I might speak with her. I wished to understand, her mind was so infantile, yet she was so powerful.
She connected the dots within my mind each time she took control, yet it never felt as if she were controlling me. I only knew because of the overpowering desire to protect, and defends all within my Domain each time she came, and the caring she held for us.
It had even slowly begun to change me, and I did not like that. But I had no say, I could never push her out, and she had begun to ignore my voice whispering to her mind when I knew.
There was another, one that could not be seen, touched, heard, or felt but it was there. It forced suggestions into us, like when the others separated from us, the Hell Hounds that now were outside our my territory, along with the Husks, and the Imps that left with them.
I vaguely recalled the Hell Hounds, and being pleased such animals were gone, but the Husks, and the Imps, they formed and left without a word, and I felt when they claimed a place miles from us.
I needed to understand, if she was powerful, yet infantile perhaps I could control her through the pleasures of my body, or another, perhaps I could warp her, though all attempts were blocked utterly by the other one I knew was there. Each time I sent a thought, before it reached it smashed into a wall that crushed what I wished to do. I had since given up on such actions, not it would have to be through speaking. I wanted that power for my own, or at least dedicated to my Tribe.
I heard the door to my chambers open, and frowned, my tail lashing as I rose. It was Selene, she had saved me when she had been a Hell Fire Imp, now she was a Succubii, like me, though they were all weaker for some reason, and I attributed that to the ‘Mistress’ as I called the female mind that touched my own.
“Selene, I gave strict instructions to stay away from my bed chambers for the night.” I saw her fidget, she seemed scared, and shy at once...innocent.
“Um, Red?”
I blinked, and slowly smiled, she had come, but in Selene’s body. That name, I only heard it ever from her when she controlled me, ‘Red’ was the name she had given me, and a personal thing I had kept private, a name from this being of such power.
“Mistress” I purred, moving closer. “You came, at last we can speak. But why did you choose to take Selene as your vessel, instead of myself?” That was truly upsetting, I did not need a rival, and did not wish to kill Selene, she was my favorite lover.
I saw her swallow a little, the light bob of Selenes throat, the shy and innocent actions of a maiden like attitude making me aroused, but I restrained the initial desire.
“Be-Because I don’t like hearing your voice in my head, it is scary, and makes me feel weird.”
She had stuttered, and I felt my desire flare again, I wanted this innocence, something I had never seen yet understood, I wanted it, I wanted to take it and devour it. I had even moved to do just that, when a powerful and very frightening suggestion struck me, stronger than everything else, and it was very, very clear. Touch her in anyway, and it would end badly. I felt fear, and I did not like it.
I stopped my motion, sticking my lower lip out, attempting to look sultry and use the little seduction I had mastered to make her come to me. She just tilted her head, frowning and taking a step back. No one had resisted, no one had wanted to before. Power! I cannot control her, yet, but I can make her support us.
“I wished to ask, why are you so powerful? How can you control me? What is your aim, your desires, your wants in doing so?”
She frowned in Selene’s body, confused, but answered slowly. So slowly, still fidgeting, causing me to try and fight the overpowering suggestion, to no avail. I was silently cursing the other, whatever it was.
“Powerful? I just...control you, because it helps advance your Species, and the other Demons. I don’t really understand how I control you, and I just wish to watch you all grow, in relative safety, and protect you, and the other three I have grown attached to.”
This time, I paused, frowning. She did not understand how, she did not believe herself powerful, and she was telling the truth, her entire demeanor spoke of nothing dishonest. Her desire, I knew, but to hear it.The control itself, it helped her grow my Species, the Succubii? The other Demons, her other Favorites? A spurt of pure jealousy struck me, that such power was being shared with others, no doubt the giant Blue Hell Hound that controlled the area closest, unnaturally long lived...like...myself? She had kept me alive? Then the Husks my Imps had spied, the two that lead them were the same. Well being the few hundred years we all had to live and grow stronger. We had gone into nearly a thousand years of age, all of us, and secured our power bases...because of this innocent caring for us particularly? It made no sense.
“You, are the reason for my longevity?” I asked.
“What is longevity?”
How..Her mind truly was infantile, she did not understand words, the innocence, she was like a child, a child with so much power. I would make her utterly mine somehow, one day, but for now…
“My life, you have extended it?” She nodded, and I was floored. She made it seem so simple, yet even Selene was nearing the very end of her life span. I did not wish to lose my favorite, perhaps?
“Can you...extend the one you control as well? She is Selene, and the one who saved me all that time ago.”
I saw her frown, the lower lip sticking out unintentionally, and the seduction power seemed so much stronger while she controlled her, if not for the suggestion made by the other I would rape that innocent, and she would never know why.
Finally, she nodded. “I can, but only her. I owe her as well, she saved you, like you said.”
Benevolent, kind, caring, protecting. These were not the aspects of us Demons, though the Hell Hounds acted oddly, from what my spies had said, when around only each other. They showed caring, did she spend more time with them, cause this change somehow?
I didn’t like it. “Am I the only you control?” I asked, feeling I knew the answer. Slowly turning the child innocence to answer my questions, simple ones for now.
“No, I control Fluffy, he’s my puppy! and I control Obsidian, from the Husks.”
I wanted to kill them both, such power, such raw untapped power, it must be mine alone! Time, I needed strength, and numbers. Time.
The fact she called one Fluffy, it had to be the largest of the three Blue furred Hell Hounds, the strongest of them. Obsidian, that could only be one of the Twins from the Husks that led them, likely the female. She felt stronger, according to my last Imp that returned alive.
I tried to talk more, but suddenly the suggestion was gone, and Selene woke up, looking confused, the Mistress had left. I growled, my tail lashing and flaring my wings. I had wanted to speak more!
I calmed, after watching Selene drop to all fours, and cower in fear, I would get more chances, she had spoke to me, now she would be more inclined to do so again.
I sashayed to Selene, walking around her, rocking my hips and running my tail along her spine, down to the rags that covered her privates, and used it to remove them, before taking her, venting the desire to have the innocence on her body, still holding a small glow of it, I corrupted that small glow throughout the night, and desired far, far more.
Here you are my lovelies, a bit of an early chapter for the day. The first real time skip, with a bit of a minor info dump on what has happened, some of Sids growth, and the surprise Red POV haha. It is also a prelude to some interesting things set to occur within the Dungeon World later on.
As always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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- In Serial55 Chapters
An Empire Divided
The Fey Danan Empire and the Kingdom of Loire, are considering an alliance. A chance meeting presents an opportunity, will you seize it?. Shadows move around the board, will they be brought to light, before nights settles in?.
8 111 - In Serial7 Chapters
Shadow Emperor
This is one of my side projects. It is about a young innocent boy, who has some mishap happening at the date of his birth. Through circumstances he is forced to strenghten himself. His fate was decided long ago, and this story is just the journey to his fate. It is very xianxia/xuanhuan-esque, with some Western elements mixed in. It is a cultivation novel, and it will have gore, sexual depictions, but to an extent. Most of the time it is either fun or exciting, as you will see an innocent boy's rise to the Emperor of the Shadows..
8 92 - In Serial855 Chapters
MAZE - The Endless Quest
As all kids do, Hera wanted to be an explorer. Sadly when she turned 18, she discovered that her stats and lack of skills made her fail the requirements to become one, and she went to work on a bookstore. That should have been the end of her story. But when she wins a lottery to have her level up, she discovers a hidden skill and a rare one at that. The system gave her dream back, and this time she is not letting it go. ############################## The story is about a world where game-like systems are the norm. Everyone has a level, status, and even skills are a common thing. If your stats are good, you can also become an explorer, someone that ventures inside a place called MAZE, a dungeon of sorts filled with monsters, creatures, and things that the natural world is missing, such as magic and demi-humans. The story follows Hera, a woman who wanted to be an explorer, but her status were too low to become one. One day she wins a raffle that allows her to level up for the first time giving her the chance to achieve her childhood dream. It's more about how things work and what you can do with them than about power or revenge. The rhythm might be a bit slow for some, but that is the idea. I want to give sort of a slice of life feeling to most of it.
8 823 - In Serial187 Chapters
Knight of Corruption
Kill. Consume. Survive. Ren Kageyama was reincarnated into a new world with nothing but the clothes on his back. After years of struggle, he stumbles across an ancient and deadly weapon - the sword of one-thousand teeth, Stigma. After touching it he is bound together with the spirit who inhabits the blade and pressed into servitude. If he wishes to prevent his soul from being eaten - he must satiate her hunger by destroying powerful enemies and consuming them. With a blade held to his neck and knights of order pursuing him relentlessly, he must survive in a harsh world and gather strong allies. Will he be able to become the strongest warrior in the world? Support my writing at patreon.com/deadshin for 10 advanced chapters! The absolutely amazing new cover was created by liilica, who you can find here: https://www.fiverr.com/liilica/do-characters-in-manga-anime-style
8 1398 - In Serial33 Chapters
MOONLIGHT SONATA . . . regulus black
MOONLIGHT SONATA ━━━ Regulus Black is the embodiment of bad juju but Hecate Lovegood deserves it. © solntserises cover! @vintagegrace
8 164 - In Serial16 Chapters
Faith In You ✅
MahiRat and RohiRat story. This is my old book which was lost.
8 89