《Dungeon Games》Chapter Seventeen: Husks on the March
“Sweetheart?” I felt a gentle nudge, and curled into a tight little ball, snuggling the skeleton toy I was hugging tightly and tried to ignore it. The bed moved a little, and I felt Mommy’s arm wrap around my side, vaguely.
“Come on Baby, time to wake up.” I groaned and nuzzled against her. Keeping my eyes shut.
“Oh you little slug child. If you don’t wake up I...Will...Tickle you!” I felt Mommy suddenly start flexing her fingers and tried to escape as quickly as I could, and ended up falling onto the floor. It hurt a little.
I sniffled and glared at Mommy. “Mean!” She just snorted at me. Mean Mommy. I sniffled again and tried to get up.
“Call me mean Sweetheart, but I figured you’d want to know that Franny and Jessica had stopped by on their way to school, and asked me to tell you they would be coming over today to show you what they have managed to get from their Races.”
That cheered me up, I had not seen either of them for almost a week! I knew they were busy but I had missed them a lot. I’d called them, but they were not able to come over at the time. I beamed at Mommy and jumped into my bed to snuggle her.
“Yay~! Thank you Mommy!” She just smiled and hugged me before getting up to leave. I pouted a little, I’d wanted more cuddles.
“I’m going to make Breakfast, do you want to join me Sweetheart?” I nodded and got up to follow her, she poked my cheek making a weird face like a duck by pursing her lips. It made me giggle. She mentioned how she was so mean, letting my friends come over, waking me to tell me and for breakfast.
I pouted at her and said she was, for rubbing it in, and threatening to tickle me while I was sleeping. She laughed at me, and we began cooking breakfast, after I said hello to Leo of course. Mommy had said hello, and goodmorning as well, and got a very funny message after my greeting.
Good Morning Sidnie, enjoy your breakfast. Good Morning ‘Mommy’ Thank you for telling Sidnie, she had been moping around lately because she missed them. I did not know what to do to aid.
I giggled, I’d gotten use to Leo saying things out of the norm for an A.I at Amatuer Rank with a barely half formed personality. Mommy had said ‘You’re welcome’ out of habit, but seemed stunned, and whispered to me if he normally talked like that, I had just nodded. She made a ‘hmmm’ sound and we went to make Breakfast. I had a feeling Daddy was going to have a LONG talk with Mommy, between yesterday and today. I giggled, I’d save Daddy with cuddles!
After we ate Breakfast, Mommy asked if I wanted her to brush my hair. I nodded, and ran to grab my brush, and rushed back downstairs to the coach she was sitting on, and sat on the floor. She laughed at how eager I was, I just enjoyed spending it when she brushed my hair.
She took a portion of my platinum blonde hair, and began working the brush through it slowly, and carefully. Before a lot of my hair would get pulled out because of my illness, but now only a few strands came away. I heard Mommy sigh, it sounded relieved, and she continued brushing while I tried not to wiggle.
“You’re hair looks more vibrant than it did a week ago, I’m so relieved.” Mommy said aloud, and I smiled a little. She was lost in thought and talking out loud. She never realized she did and I didn’t want to interrupt her.
“Your poor father will be beside himself as you grow older, and into your looks. My beautiful little girl. It will be funny to watch.” That made me confused, but she had stopped thinking aloud at that point. Why would it worry Daddy if I grew into my looks?
I ignored it, and just lost myself in the feeling of having my hair brushed for a while. Once Mommy finished, she told me to go have fun with Leo, and she would let me know once Franny, and Jessica showed up, considering it was just now turning 11 A.M that would be a while. I’d missed the first hunt as well. I would have to do something else now to help.
The fact I did not want to control any of them right now helped me to not feel as bad about it. I could do a lot by just talking to Leo, and the both of us working toward upgrades. I planned to split the Imps today, and have the Husks evolved. They would need to fight through the Undead in the ruins to claim it, but it would be worth it.
When I arrived in my room, Leo was waiting for me. More or less, at least.
Did you enjoy your Breakfast, Sidnie?
“I did!” I grinned a little and went to look at the Imp Settlement, having Leo enlarge it I frowned some. There were a lot more than yesterday. Of the 1600 some odd Imps I had taken with me in the hunt, only around 800-900 had survived. This was a lot more than that. I asked Leo, of course, and he said that he had spent a little more than 50 points to increase their reproduction rate a great deal in a one day setting. I asked how much, he said around 150 Points.
I blinked a little bit, it made sense though. We had lost a lot of Imps, and without the numbers would not be able to split the Imps up for the Ruins. It had the added benefit of increasing the amount of Hell Fire Imps a great deal. There were 800, according to the numbers display when I looked at that area for Demons. The only good thing is that Leo had explained that all Hell Fire Imps would also end up birthing Common Imps as well, so it would keep the Hell Fire from overpopulating and utterly wiping out my regular Imp supply.
“How many points do we have after the last few hunts, Leo.” I wanted to make sure I could do this properly.
The last several Hunts have given us a total of 8034 points, Sidnie.
That was more than enough! I smiled, and had him select 50 of the strongest Imps, a mix of 25 male, and 25 female for pairings early on. The Male Imp Leo had been cultivated through strength and speed exercises alone was first and foremost of those to evolve.
They lost their wings entirely, and the black and red skin changed to a faded, and somewhat ashe like grey color. The kind also gained a rigid form of appearance, like the bones beneath were a kind of armor. It caused the Husk to look a little frightening, each one stood at 6’ feet tall, and had small black talons on their fingers, not enough to get in the way of weapons, but present enough to be used. Each of them also gained a form of leather armor, covering the adult parts quickly, it took another 200 points from our current total.
The faces were the oddest though, they looked like adult people, until you reached the mouth. The lips were thin, and drawn back showing a huge array of sharp fangs that stuck out of the mouth, as though they did not properly fit. They were each like this, male and female.
The bodies proportions seemed really thin, you could see their bones, but they each held dense like muscle. Maybe they would fill out as they Evolved? I smiled, aside from the mouth part, I liked them a lot. From there Leo sent a suggestion into the Husks mind, and roughly half of the Imps present, none of the Hell Fire Imps seemed to line up though, it was only the Common Imps that began to flock and swarm around the Husks.
I asked Leo about this, and he said something odd. It seems the Hell Fire Imps are not being ‘allowed’ to leave. Red is calling them to her alone. I shivered a little, remembering her voice again. I let it happen though, maybe it would lead to a new discovery.
Once it was all done, the 50 Husks, and 1600 Common Imps left the Settlement, and I saw the population counter change to within the limits the settlement could hold them. The suggestion that turned in their minds was to split from the main location, and head toward the North West, 10 miles out, hunting for something that called to them.
The ‘call’ Leo had told me, was nothing more than him forcibly placing the suggestion that something powerful lay within that direction, and as their nature took over, they went there thinking that they were chosen over the other Imps.
I frowned at that, but it would get the job done. I was not ready to control one right now, I was still somewhat scared of the possible result, or I would have led them myself. As it was Leo just continued feeding the strong impression they needed to go there for something of power, or that would give them power.
The Imps were an easy matter, he had near full control of them in that regard, the Husks he could only continually send that suggestion for the time being. I watched their progress, of course. I was interesting watching them move through the forest that surrounding the Imps main area, and was a part of their hunting territory.
They encountered a few native creatures, Feline, Wild Dog, and several Wolves were appearing to make up for the sudden increase in Imp Numbers, as well as the Succubii. The Husks killed them all without trouble using the few spears and wooden bucklers that had been made.
The result increased several of the Husks levels by about two. They looked like they reveled in the fighting as well, they seemed to enjoy fighting in general a great deal more than the Imps, Hell Hounds, and Succubii. Leo mentioned this to me, and I could only really agree with it.
They did enjoy fighting, a lot, he panned away from the ones that stopped after each fight to do something to the corpses of the fallen. I could guess what they were doing, and was glad he did that for now.
Once they reached the very edge of the territory that would become theirs upon taking the Ruins over, they encountered the first real trouble, they had a gorge to cross without a method to do so. I watched as the Husks went to a large group of trees, and used the Imp to, well batter them. Two Imps died in the result, but the tree chosen was decaying, and looked old so it fell to create a kind of bridge for them.
I grimaced at the way they had treated the Imps but I couldn’t really stop it, and I could only change so much of the Demons nature to rule over the weak. Another half hour brought them to the Ruin itself. Like before, it was a run down, and damaged keep with a large courtyard and surrounding wall with holes in multiple places, along with the crumbled watch towers all along it.
It held two main gates, both destroyed, however all along the outer rim of the walls, and leading in were dozens of Skeleton Knights. They were a Tier 1 evolution from skeletons, they focused on an offensive/agility based method of fighting, unlike the defense heavy Black Knights that the guy Griffon had used, which focused on pure defense.
I watched as the Husks saw the Ruin, and began to...cheer, and roar in what looked like happiness at the sight of all the armed, and armored enemies in their path. They forced a simple three line block, the ones with the bucklers up front, and everyone behind them wielding a spear, then they sent in the Imps, all 1600, minus the two, swarmed forward in a rush at the 10 Skeleton Knights outside the wall. They crashed into them in a wave, looking to grab and rip bones from beneath the armor.
The basic effect of having a swarm of Imps cover you, and start biting and clawing was meant to create fear, the undead did not feel this, and just began to hack and slash at the Imps that covered their bodies. Several Dozen Imps fell, but by the time the Husks, now chanting an odd tune, arrived, the 10 Skeleton Knights were destroyed, and the ones wandering the courtyard had begun to take notice, moving toward the gate at a shambling pace that reminded me of Zombies for some reason, but the Skeleton Knights were faster than that in combat.
The front rank of Husks, the ones carrying the Bucklers charged forward, away from the block, and met the first two dozen Skeleton Knights in open melee, they used the shield to great effect, using the odd amount of strength they possessed to bash the heads off of several, or splinter the bones in the chest area to pieces. The spears were relatively useless against monsters that could just ignore the piercing damage they did, so a lot dropped the spears and began to use their hands and the shield alone. Grabbing key bone locations and ripping the bones out.
It took several minutes, but each skeleton fell, they lost around three Husks in the fight itself, then the next line of Husks charged forward to the larger number of Skeleton Knights that had been drawn to the sound from within the Keep. They used their spears to swipe the Skeleton Knights aside and to the ground, trampling them.
The ones that had wielded the bucklers were stripping the Skeleton Knights they had slain of their armor, and weapons. Mostly rusty old swords and daggers, with some old hard leather armor pieces, but they took them all the same. Ignoring the second line that was fighting now.
The Imps, having lost around two hundred of their number, had begun to fly in from a short height above, swarming the Skeleton Knights on the walls that had appeared from one of the towers, they wielded bows, with some bad wooden arrows that did not fly too terribly far, but seemed to pose a danger.
The Imps focused on them, and the Second Husk line finished off the Skeleton Knights they had fought, then began scavenging the bones for weapons, and armor. The third line had already moved, rushing into the keep itself. Leo showed the inside, now that the Husks had entered, and they were met with several dozen of the Skeleton Knights.
A lot more than what had been outside, nearly 100, but they charged in while shouting, smashing into the undead, and they were laughing while they did it. It was very, disturbing to watch. Several of the Husks fell after a bit though, and they just fought harder while the first line, with the bucklers, arrived after finishing their scavenging. They flooded into the room, wielding the old swords and daggers with an almost expert touch. I guess they came with the knowledge upon evolving, that helped.
They relieved the last five, having lost a third of the Husks within it, and pushed into the keep. Using the shield to great effect, along with the old swords to smash through bodies. The second Husk line joined soon after, they dual wielded the short spears, and the swords, whirling around within the shield line, and in front before retreating back.
They were displaying advanced tactics in concert with the others on, what was basically, their first battle. It had to be an innate trait, and I would have Leo show me the Husks section later. This was amazing to watch though. No blood, the monsters were already dead, and the only really scary part for me was how much the Husks seemed to enjoy and revel in the rapidly growing one sided fight.
They had reached the top of the stairs, leading toward the second level, and more of the Skeleton Knights poured out from above to meet them. I frowned at that, and asked Leo. He said that until the Ruin was claimed, they would spawn to fight the Husks and Imps. Well that was just mean!
But the Husks fought on, and from the windows the Imps swarm came in, they entered the fighting, several dying to the swing of Husks lost in a battle lust. But they had the numbers still to swallow that loss.
It took another hour of fighting, but they did eventually claim the Ruin for their own. It ended when the strongest Husk, the first one, reached the ‘throne’ room, and touched it. It was kind of anticlimactic to me, but it had been an amazing thing to watch.
Leo had the image shrink then, and then told me a new option had opened within the advancement tree under Ruin, it showed a repair list, and the prices, and time, were staggering.
Ruin Sub-Tree
Wall Repair - 10,000 points, estimated time to repair 9 months.
Tower Repair - 5,000 points, Estimated time to repair 5 months.
Courtyard Repair - 5,000 points, estimated time to repair 6 months
Keep First Level Repair and refurbishing - 15,000 points, estimated time to repair/refurbish 10 months.
Keep Second Level Repair and Refurbishing - 15,000 points, estimated time to repair/refurbish 10 months
Keep Third Level Repair and Refurbishing - 20,000 points, estimated time to repair/refurbish 1 year.
Outer wall of keep Repair - 10,000 Points, estimated time to repair 4 months.
Moat Addition to surrounding wall - 20,000 points, estimated time to dig, and fill with water 8 months.
I felt a little like crying, those prices were massive, and the time to build them would take that long in real time. But, at least it showed that effort was done. It must mean that the point cost is to give the knowledge to the Imps, and Husks. Then they repair it based on that knowledge when found, or learned.
I’d have to find a way to help them there, that was a lot of points, but for now they seemed content. I had Leo show me a detailed overview of the Keep, it showed what building were involved. The ones that I noticed first were the throne room, or gathering hall on the third level, the living quarters on the second level, along with a library there that looked like it had a great deal of musty books.
There was a training room, and several empty rooms on the first level, and it looked like a door leading lower that was locked, the option wasn’t present because none of them had entered it yet. That might lead to something good later, I’d have to send one there when able.
The Imps had taken up one of the surviving belfry towers on the roof, that was a little odd, but the Husks seemed to beat the Imps if they were around doing nothing. I had a feeling the Imps would begin being the manual labor for them.
Sidnie, I have discovered something interesting when I looked at the local population limit for each area, in regards to the Imps.
Rocky Crag Settlement Populations/limit -
Succubii (No Variations) - 1 of 50
Imps - 1600 (800 Hell Fire Imp Variant present) of 3,200
Husk Claimed Ruined Keep Populations/limits -
Husks (No variations - 38 of 100
Imps (No Variations available to be born at this time) - 800 of 3,200
This implies they have split, but retain the ability to gain that population, it also implies that the Imps with the Husks will not be able to gain Hell Fire Imps without one being present within their population, or one being bred by accident. This opens a new possibility for us later as we expand the Demons to cover the area.
I grinned as well, I could tell Leo was happy, and so was I. This opened up possibilities for me to adapt each individual Imp Tribe I separated and created to their new environment without having to worry about ruining the chances for survival of the new tribes through Variants of previous areas. This opened up the option of sending out Imps to several areas, and seeing how they thrives, and what, if any, Variants occurred. The problem would be that they would likely begin creating several factions within the Race. I didn’t want my cute Demons to fight each other like that. I’d think of something though, I knew I would eventually. For now, we focused on the Ruin area.
“Leo, can we have any of the repairs yet?”
With our current point count, we can safely afford the Wall Repair, I feel the safety of the Keep should begin as soon as possible, and we can purchase the knowledge for the towers. Beyond that, I can add a patrol shift for the Husks, though I will limit it for now. The females took the hardest hit in the fighting, and they must be used to breed.
Furthermore, if you take control of any of them over time, and use any knowledge you learn of building they can begin without spending points. I shall assist you in finding relevant materials for this if you wish.
I nodded a little. “Please do. Also, start the patrols, and increase the the reproduction rate with 50 points to get them closer to their limit. What is the time the newborns spend in the tummy? Also keep an eye on the local Predator and Prey populations, along with their main areas. I would like to not have something major happen like when I used Fluffy on the Cougar again. At least not yet.”
Leo said the gestation period was normally five days, but with the speed increase they would reach at least 60 before it ended, with several reaching juvenile stage. The Husks birthed two young at a time, twins it seemed, so it would help later. I had him also do the Reproduction increase for the Imps in both place, the Ruin and Settlement for now to get those populations backup.
I could not afford to make anymore Succubii for the time being either, so we spent the next few hours discussing what we had learned, and it allowed Leo a greater understanding of the Husks, he also made odd remarks about making sure what happened with the Hell Hounds didn’t happen again.
Around 3 P.M we finished, and that’s when Mommy called saying that Jessica and Franny were here. I smiled, and rushed down the stairs and was greeting by both of them saying hello to me.
I smiled, I had missed them. I rushed up and gave each a hug before telling Mommy thank you, and dragging them upstairs with me. I wanted to show them what I did as well!
They both looked confused, normally it was them dragging me around, but I had missed them a very great deal, and was to excited about what I had learned! When we got to my room, I explained it all to them, and both my own and Leo’s theory about how this could help us grow further, maybe even allowing us to shorten the time we had to wait between upgrades in the future. The main problem from my viewpoint was that if I did this, before long the entire current ‘continent’ of Leo’s Dungeon World would be filled with Demons, and that would mean I could not safely start new Races, even with Table expansions. The Demons would be just too strong for the others to survive and flourish, unless another island mass formed, which was relatively rare in all honesty.
Franny, and Jessica just said that was amazing! They were happy that I had discovered something new about the Demon Race. It didn’t work as well for Starter and Adept Races because their point costs were low and manageable so populations stayed the same regardless of how often they expanded, the only change that happened was how much a town/den/area could hold.
They set up their portable tables, and hooked the A.I’s together, and I saw Leo send a prompt thanking them, then went to talk with the other A.I. I did wonder what they did together, but went back to my excited retelling of the fight, as well as the results and what it opened up option wise!
Jessica was the most intrigued, because her Pits had a similar occurrence though mostly just on how many rooms were within controlling the amount of Ghouls that could be spawned at any point at time, and how fast they reanimated.
Franny was less interested, but that was mostly because she wanted to build her town herself while controlling her favorite creature.
Once I finished retelling, they debated on pros and cons with me, and we had fun. But after a little while, I changed the subject. We had forgotten the main reason for their visit, aside from seeing me.
“What was it you wanted to show me, guys?” I asked scooting closer to them, and smiling.
Jessica went first, her smile was really big, she got that smile when she discovered something fun to play with.
She had her A.I, Lucifer, show a large image of a cold, and odd looking thing with white hair, and I frowned.
I’d seen it before, in a few of the advanced tournaments, but...more finished looking, and I could not remember what it was. I finally asked her, and she almost bounced with happiness.
“I got a Lesser Vampire! It evolved from my Steel Ghoul as well, and it’s a variant one! It seems to have more affinity with metal in general, and is very strong. I’ve seen advanced players with the Vampire Species, but no one ever says why, or how, they got them. I found out!” She grinned, and zipped her lips.
Franny and I both called her mean for keeping it a secret. But she had somehow gotten a really rare Undead Species through Ghouls, normally people received the Tier 3 Vampire which was just an off shoot toward making a Lich, the actual Species itself had caste systems and when you unlocked them, you could advance the Lesser Vampire up a chain. There were rumors a Master Player had a Dhampir as well, a rare offshoot of the Vampire Species that was on par with the Greater Vampires. The Undead were actually a confusing Race for the starter options. They had a lot of potential, and evolutionary paths depending on both the natural creatures occurring within the Dungeon World, and the Players skill.
I poked Jessica’s nose after a bit and went boop. She laughed, and told us that she had spent almost all her points to unlock the Vampire as a spawn from the Pits, which had in turn needed upgraded separately into graveyards.
She also showed us her control area inside her Dungeon World, she had taken up the entire lower southern side with the Undead, and said that would be her Races Nation later. She planned to use the Rare Lesser Vampire, and it’s evolutions to create an Undead Kingdom. She was so excited, it got both Franny and I excited as well.
Franny spoke up next, doing much the same with her A.I. She showed an image of the Kobolds though. She had reached her desired Species Path, but another image showed up as well. It was a wolf, but a very large, black wolf with silver fur markings. It was a Dire Wolf. I blinked, those were uncommon, but seen often. I was just surprised she had acquired a Species of Wolf based on strength.
I asked her as much, of course.
“I felt that after seeing a few other fights on the T.V and of the older kids at school, I should plan ahead. My Kobolds are in the process of building a town, with my help, and the Dire Wolves I have had tamed to some extent to help them fight on hunts. I’ve been introducing a Roman culture aspect onto my Kobolds as well. Since History told us they were both a military power, and technology explorers, I wanted to travel both routes. It will be worth all the effort.”
I smiled at her, she was right, she always enjoyed doing everything she could to learn more. I often wished I was as intelligent as Franny, but I loved her for it all the same. Same with Jessica. We talked for a while longer, and they finally said they had noticed a sharp decrease in the points they acquired now. Daddy’s limiter must be kicking in now. THey pouted about it, but felt it was more of a challenge, and instead were actually taking control of their favorites more and learning more to advance some aspects without the need for points.
I smiled at them, but avoided my experience. I doubted Daddy would want me talking about it much right now. Eventually, they left, after eating Dinner with us first. I made them promise to visit again, sooner this time, or I would be mean and poke them.
They promised they would, and laughed as they left. I went back in to see Mommy smiling at me, and I rushed to give her a hug. “Night Mommy!”
“Goodnight Sweetheart, have sweetdreams”
--------------------One Week Later -----------------------
I was looking at the Ruin, the repairs were going smoothly, and I had learned enough to help the Imps understand how to use tools and repair the furniture, or make new ones. With Leo’s help, so a lot of the costs were cut in half, for the repairing of each level. The furnishing had been a big part. The price reduction allowed me to purchase the rest of the repairs as well.
It showed progress, but would take a long time to complete all the same. The interesting thing however was that the Imps had birthed a Variant, the Rock Bitter. The ability to make this common, and it now stated for the Ruin Imps, cost 12,000 points, because i had unlocked the Hell Fire before. I had purchased it, and it took the majority of my points once the repairs were purchased. I was very happy the costs had been reduced by half with some knowledge.
The Rock Bitter was a wingless version of the Common Imp. They had a longer snout and kind of looked like weird monkey puppies. They were very strong, and the skin was covered in an outer stone layer. They seemed adept at repairing stone structures as well, enough that a few weeks had been shaved off the countdown for the Wall and Tower repairs.
The Husks also birthed a very odd Variant, it stated in the book it was just an uncommon, but I felt it fit them very well. The Rockhide Husk. The grey ashe like skin gained a kind of stone grey color, and an outer layer of stone at vital areas on the Husk Body. Kind of like a naturally formed armor.
They were stronger than the common as well, I had two that had been born Naturally, the first had been a Female I named Obsidian, because she had a black mark on her Forehead. Beyond the simple skin change, and increased strength, the RockHide were more or less the same as the Husks themselves. Maybe an inch or two taller, I couldn’t tell though. They varied greatly in terms of height, from six feet, to seven feet.
I could not increase their population, and it wasn’t really needed right now, so I left it alone. They routinely went out and fought packs of Wolves, Cougars, and a few odd Undead that seemed to spawn every now and then. They lost a lot of their number, but had begun showing an aptitude for smithing, and forging weak weapons out of the broken materials left by the Skeleton horde they had fought to claim the Ruin, and the ones that spawned. The books helped, though they tended to make the Rock Bitters do this, they showed and increased ability with it as well.
I enjoyed watching them build, and repair the Ruin, I had of course checked on Red, and the Imps, they had started increasing the Settlement on their own. It was becoming a kind of Village to hold the larger number of Imps. They mostly were working on increasing the walls, and adding a few towers to the walls. Each of which quickly was consumed by the black rock that had formed before, and it grew with it. I had also added two more Succubii, Red had seemed a little lonely. Leo no longer ever showed me Red unless she was alone now either.
Fluffy had solidified the majority of the area he ran as well, he was systematically pushing the Wolf Packs toward where that first Boss was. I was worried about that, but Leo said it should be fine for now, he was monitoring the situation. Fluffy had also stopped his aggressive push as well.
We had also learned of an option, it had been unlocked after we had set up the separate tribe of Imps with the Husks.
Congratulations! You have successfully managed to create a method of point accumulation that has shown a surprising success rate in testing, it has also aided us in understanding methods of Demon use. We at Dungeon Inc. wish to thank you for this, and have allowed the option to increase the lifespan of select creatures for a hefty point sum, We hope you continue to enjoy our product, forever Grow!
I had, at the time, freaked out a little. Leo had explained that the ‘Creator’ Daddy had put us on the beta testing list to help for the release date of the Demons later this month. He had done this the other day when he visited. Sneaky Daddy!
But I’d let it go, Mommy had made him almost cry, and I had saved him with cuddles!
The point cost to increase any Creature's lifespan was 9000 points. It did not increase, but it increased it by 2 months. So it was a choice, I was going to keep Fluffy and Red alive, of course, and probably Obsidian, she was showing a remarkable aptitude for leading the Husks with her brother, I never named him. I may increase his as well. I’d have to soon, Fluffy’s life span would only last another month. And I would have no where near the points to evolve him and reset it with an increase by then, not with everything else that needed doing. It would be cheaper this way.
I had decided to do that, and with the choice made, and Leo made aware, we worked the rest of the day on micromanaging the different Species slowly, and working toward the new goal of learning more about the Species themselves.
Hello folks. Here is chapter 17, tomorrow you get 18 and the first time skip. You will receive another 10 Chapters before book 1 ends and I begin the high school phase. It shall be a truly fun time, and the simple book size of book 2 is a little frightening.
Small sneak peak, we begin having slice of life scenes, Sids reality, her interactions, her budding Romance portions hahaha.
Further more, I am working on something that this Fiction has inspired, and will promote it a little in each of the following chapters. I have not decided on a name, and it will not be released until after book one ends. But it will be a fun, very adult, series.
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- In Serial14 Chapters
A Dearth of Choice (Dungeon Core)
A young dungeon core forms next to a lovely village, full of lovely people who would likely understand its plight of not wanting to murder them all if only it had a mouth with which to speak. Instead, everything goes horribly, terribly wrong. Its literally a crystal, it can't be having a panic attack, can it? This is the story about a village, a dungeon, its desire to provide light and laughter and life. It tries to choose the talents and perks to bolster its life-mana alignment every time, to further its cause. So how is it that it wound up with an undead army and some insane boosts to death-aligned mana? How did everything go so wrong? [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 69 - In Serial7 Chapters
God? Big bang? World Evolvers? Where do we come from? How did earth come to be? Humans are the most aware and unaware animal known to exist. Do we lack chemicals from the periodic table to complete our genetics to the point of no disease? The origin of all life becomes unveiled as a troubled young telepathic student finds his true identity.
8 699 - In Serial32 Chapters
It's All in Your Head
Y/N was only a child when she came face to face with the beast who's able to make the bravest of people wet their pants with a single glance. As she grew older, her fears consumed her very being due to the nightmares plaguing her sleep. Is there any hope of escaping this dreadful creature? Can she ever get away from the Boogeyman, or is there more to the tale than fear and anger?Boogeyman x Female Reader
8 130 - In Serial152 Chapters
Poems from the soul
As the title says, its a poem book :)All poems are based on my life, inspirations from the songs i listen or things i watch and my views on different topics."Dreams come true to those who truly want them"-Said by Stray kidsI hope you enjoy my writings, have a nice day!Best Rankings#1 in poem on 28/9/22#11 in poetry on 15/9/22#37 in poems on 16/9/22 #5 in poembook on 29/9/22 #5 in poetrycollection on 21/9/22
8 147 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Unlucky Bastard is a Child???
"How did I ended up like this? Cale was staring at his imagine on the mirror...he was a child again.
8 115 - In Serial23 Chapters
Sex academy
What happens when you graduate high school, your boyfriend leaves for a college outside of town and your bored of working at normal schools? Well apply to 'sex academy!!' Scarlett Johnson is named the 'school slut' all throughout high school, and although she does like a good one night stand she doesn't really like being called that. I mean some girls are willing to keep their virginity....that's their problem not Scarlett's. So raising her already short skirt even higher and strapping up her stilettos she's gonna waltz into this academy and their not gonna know what hit them. Assigned with one hot piece of ass for the semester, she's gonna straighten up her lace bra and panties and participate as much as she can. So you tell me what happens next!!
8 507