《Dungeon Games》Chapter Thirteen: Advancement
I woke up slowly today, I felt like I had slept for days, or rather had not slept much at all. My head felt all stuffy. I groaned, and rubbed my eyes, stretching and attempting to get up but my body refused to do what I wanted it to. I groaned again, and waved away the blue prompt that Leo sent. I could not read it anyway.
After about twenty minutes of this, I was finally awake, and looked at Leo’s prompts.
Sidnie? Are you well? You ignored me, and seemed to groan in pain.
I made an mmm sound ,and nodded, my long hair covering my face for a moment. “I’m k. Just sleepy still.”
I stretched again, and yawned but could see out of my foggy eyes now at least. Why did I feel so sleepy? I groaned and got to my feet, stumbling a little and making my way to my bathroom. I went about the mourning routine, potty, and brushing my teeth and combing my long hair out. Once I finished I went back to the Dungeon World Table, and was able to at least think now.
“So, what happened? It looks like there are more Imps.” I said frowning, checking the clock to be sure. just a little before 10 A.M
The last hunt allowed me to purchase the Imp Population, and we should be able to upgrade to a settlement by the end of today, sidnie. The Imps will likely reach the max population they can hold in a full day's time. Depending upon birth rates. They are normal, but the Imps breed fast. I expect the first births to occur around the time you go to bed tonight.
I nodded a bit at that. Good, that meant in a few days we should reach a max population, and another day or so and we would have them fully grown. The extra numbers would help them grow from the enclave to a Settlement anyway. I looked forward to seeing how the plain rocky area would grow.
“Can you show me Fluffy again?” I asked excitedly, I really, REALLY, wanted to pet him. But it would have to wait. A moment after I asked, an enlarged image of a nearly adult Fluffy showed itself. He’s grown larger, he was a good two inches larger than his mother now, and his Siblings were full grown as well. Fluffy dwarfed them a bit, and seemed like he would grow larger still. He was currently sleeping while curled around his mother, and it was so very cute!.
I watched them for a bit longer, it was very nice to observe. I looked forward to petting him now. I giggled a little at that. Since Leo would not let me watch Red, or tell me why I could only really focus on Fluffy, for now. I giggled again when he rolled onto his back, legs in the air, and his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. Puppy!
I had Leo get rid of the display after a short time. I couldn’t spend the rest of the day staring at Fluffy.
Sidnie, Red has seemingly taken a liking to that newborn Hell Fire Imp. She has not allowed it to leave her side, and return to the actual mother since the time it was born. It is showing an odd form of attachment.
That was odd, and unexpected.
“Could it be because she was the only one for the last week?”
Perhaps, Sidnie. It has just shown another aspect of Hell Fire Imp personalities. It seems she is highly possessive of this infant, rather adolescent, and refuses to allow anyone to be near it.
That meant she probably hurt some of the Common Imps, Leo didn’t seem to like telling me things that were violent, he reminded me of Daddy like that. It actually made me smile a bit.
“How is the training going for the Imps?” I asked after a bit.
Another three have reached level 10, and one of the Imps currently have a maxed out the amount of Strength they can handle. I have observed this young one pounding out a place of power within the Imp Swarm. He is only able to pound rocks really, but he is very powerful for an Imp, I believe he may be of use as research material to create others with this strength.
I have been studying him for this purpose, he only has another four days before his lifespan of a week is reached. However I have refined the strength training method, and been able to reduce what is needed by a small amount, and have begun adding in intelligence training for a few of the younger Imps.
Red has also shown a remarkable increase in her intelligence, and has begun formulating more complex strategies without needing directed, or points spent to do so.
That was good, though I did not like that they were being so violent, even though it was their base nature to do so. Maybe I could find a way to do to them, what the Hell Hounds had gained? I’d have to think of a method with Leo some othertime.
For now I focused mostly on having him begin working with that male Imp that was so strong, having Leo use him as a base for breeding with the others for the time being, perhaps increasing the starting strength of newborn Imps as well. It would affect the Hell Fire newborns in each little some with a higher strength stat early on as well. Perhaps even allow them to max it out with the intelligence stat for when they become Succubii.
The Common Imps would allow for a stronger Husk once I was able to begin evolving them. There was no points evolving more Hell Hounds, because I had a stable population right now, so Husks would become the main focus for that strength stat so high.
“Leo, can you work out a training to increase how fast the Imps move while flying?”
I believe I can, Sidnie, but it would require an Imp with some leadership position to start it. I can direct thoughts, but it would be easier to have someone take control and cause it to occur.
I frowned at that, I was not sure I was ready to get back into one of them. I wanted to, for a lot of reasons, but it was still a bit frightening even with Daddy saying no more scary stuff would be seen. I sighed, and nodded some.
“Alright, tomorrow?” I asked a bit hopeful, even though it was my idea.
As you wish Sidnie, in the meantime I shall work on a method to help you direct them for it.
I smiled at that, and spoke more at length about some of the changes that had occurred with him. I liked the changes the Nurture trait had begun to show, and I brought up maybe trying to do these hidden changes with the Imps as well. He seemed to pause before responding to that though.
We could attempt it, Sidnie. But I believe the key point to that trait unlocking as it did was because of the extreme emotion you had when you took control of Fluffy’s mothers. We could create a similar circumstance within the Imps, but I would prefer not subjecting you to that experience again. Beyond that, the Creator has left a few instructions in that regard, and limited when and how you can enter as part of the censorship for the time being.
I swallowed a little at that. I did not want to experience that again anyway. So I just nodded. “Ok, try it through a different method you think will work then, Leo.”
I shall, sidnie, and I will keep you apprised of each portion as it occurs. Failures, and success.
That made me smile, he was a sweet A.I, and it was beginning to become easier seeing it as the norm for him. I also felt I might be taking advantage of the uniqueness, and not doing enough myself. That made me a little upset, and I had to think of ways to become more involved with growing the Demons, and the Dungeon World.
The main factor in doing that would, of course, be taking control of one of them. Red would be who I wanted, because I could pet Fluffy! But I doubt Leo would let me for whatever reason he had. I’d find out eventually. I hated secrets. I huffed a little bit, but moved on. The best method would be through Fluffy in that regard, I may not be able to pet him, but if my interacting can influence them to some degree, then I could help them grow and maybe later make my Race just like the tournament Winner had, coordinated. I know I wished to care as much for my Demons as she had her Rabbits. It still made me want to cry when I thought about the end, her look.
“Leo, can I start having an active role in the Hell Hounds through Fluffy? It might help us understand more about what got Fluffy too.”
That would help greatly, Sidnie. But are you ready for it? The last time caused a ‘Panic attack’ I do not wish you to experience another.
I nodded. “I can do it~!” I said it with more confidence than I had. I’d try to do it, for Daddy, and Mommy, and myself.
“Maybe be ready to cut the connection just in case?” I offered after a moment.
I shall monitor it and use my best judgment, Sidnie.
I said thank you, and he said you're welcome. We started drifting off into the idea of him setting an exact hunting schedule time frame for both Species so I could be awake and present for the results. I agreed, and we set the first hunt of the day to occur at 11 A.M, and the second to occur at 8 P.M. Both just before, and just after I fall asleep, and wake up.
After several hours I heard Mommy call up from downstairs for me. I went to the stairs, and after seeing why I was called rushed down the stairs to get hugged by both Franny, and Jessica. The must have come to see me after school. They both had their tables with them, so they had to have gone home first for a little. I was happy to see them.
“Hey Sid! How are you doing today?” Jessica asked me, Franny just smiled more and held her portable table in front of her a bit.
She seemed a little down, I frowned and told Jessica how I was. “I’m ok, I was just talking to Leo, and working on the Demons. How are you both, Jessica, Franny?”
I looked mostly at Franny, and Jessica pursed her lips, placing a hand on her hip before suggesting we go to my room, I told Mommy what we were doing, and she smiled saying alright.
Once arriving in my room, they said hello to Leo, and he responded before going back to what he was focusing on. They set their tables up, and hooked them up to mine, connecting the A.I which had Leo become excited, I think he enjoyed the company of another A.I.
Then we sat down on my bed and they laid out what occurred, Franny blushing a lot while Jessica stated what happened rather matter of factly, throwing sly glances at Franny, she was enjoying her reactions.
“At school today during gym class, Franny got confessed to and she was so nervous she stuttered and couldn’t say anything.” She giggled a bit, and I tilted my head confused.
“It was Todd, her crush!” She elaborated, and I was still kind of confused. Why would that make Franny look so embarrassed, or cause her to stutter?
“Why do you make it sound like it was bad? Franny, you have liked him for the last few months right? I remember you talking about him. What’s wrong?”
She hesitated, and her face got brighter. “When I finally was able to say anything I made a sound, and it caused the whole gym to start laughing at me. Todd just left with an odd look on his face.”
Odd sound?....oooooh, she pooted. I giggled some after I realized what she meant, and once Franny looked like she was about to cry and pulled her in for a hug. “It’s ok Franny, you still have me and Jessica, I don’t care if you make sounds like that, I’ll still hug you!”
I grinned, and Jessica joined the hug pile. It was a great deal of fun making Franny frustrated. We kept teasing her a little longer, but finally, after she laughed about it, we changed the subject. They asked what had been happening in Leo’s world lately. I grinned, and asked Leo to show them Fluffy. He displayed an Image of Fluffy playing just outside the Den entrance with one of his siblings, play fighting really.
“Ohmygod!” Jessica, and Franny said at once.
“So cute!” was Jessica’s follow up.
“Fluffy!” was Franny’s and I smiled at them both.
“This is Fluffy, he’s a Variant of the Hell Hounds, it’s called Liquid Flame. Leo, please show the Varian section for me.”
Liquid Flame Hell Hound - Variant.
Type of Variant - Hidden, Unique.
Cost to unlock this Variant is 5,000,000 points.
Both Franny, and Jessica blinked at the cost, and then started in with the questions. What was it that made him, could I get more, and so on and so forth.
“we believe it deals with the father having survived a hunting method with some Water Monsters that have grown within Leo’s World. The probability of another being born is low, even if I have Fluffy Father them. Perhaps a 1 in 2000 chance? We don’t know enough about how we got him to either lower the cost, or increase the probability even slightly. But I want too. He is so Fluffy! You should have seen him as a puppy…”
I froze a second, and both of them looked at me. My eyes must have teared up some because Jessica moved closer and hugged me. “What’s wrong Sid?”
I sniffled, keeping the tears back. “I, I killed the Packs previous leader with Fluffy’s Mommy. The Leader was gonna kill Fluffy because he was a Variant, would be powerful, and was different. I...stopped it.” I gagged a little, remembering the taste, and JEssica and Franny soothed me a little.
If we can change the subject, please, Sidnie is experiences an emotional distress. We unlocked the Nurture trait, a rare occurring trait, and that should no longer occur. The mothers now care for their pups, much like the Wild Dogs, and the now occurring Wolfs of my world do. They will grow closer, and perhaps unlock pack mentality on their own now.
I nodded, and Franny perked up, chiming in. “I Just obtained that for my Wolves! It cost me 100 points, but it was worth it. They are a more coherent unit, and follow my orders when we hunt far better now!”
I looked at her a bit, and smiled, wiping the last tear trace out of my eye.
“That’s amazing Franny! Have you had any Variants be born, or Evolved them yet?”
I saw Franny tilt her head, and had her A.I, Grendel show me the Evolutionary Pathway, not all of them were unlocked, or showed the names, but it was a straight pathway, with branches going left and right.
“The main Pathway leads down the Wolf, Dire Wolf, Great Wolf route, as we know. The Strength based will lead them down Werewolves, and the Intelligence will take them through the Kobold Stages more. I have decided I will focus on Kobolds, like I said before, but I am also working to move them down the main pathway, and I want to try and unlock a Fenrir. Variant wise, I have unlocked the Earth Wolf. The ones I am breeding are very in tune with the nature around them, and the Den has changed thanks to their Magic exertions.
It’s just an uncommon Variant, but it cost me a good deal of my Points right now, along with the Population Increase, and working on Intelligence increases. I also only earn around 150 points a hunt, and I have them hunt three times a day. so I am able to work toward my goals.
I can only say I am glad that I don’t have your limitation of the price increasing with each purchase made in that tree, or Evolutionary route. You get a lot more points than I do, but after a certain point you get nothing from those large intakes. At least, not toward advancements you may need.”
That was a long speech, but I nodded at it all. Then smiled, and poked her nose gently.
“I know it has limitations, but I get to spend more and more time working on what is needed, rather than what I may want most. It’s a fun thing for me!”
Franny just smiled a bit confused, and nodded, then Jessica butted in, kind of putting herself between Franny and I, and started on her own progress.
“I finally increased my Ghoul Populations, it’s at 600 now, and I have split my Ghouls packs into two separate ones that roam the Dungeon World and discover the Ghoul pits, fighting the natural undead that spawn there and claiming them for later. I can’t use them right now, but imagine when I increase the Pits to crypts, or evolve my Ghouls further, and increase my Population. I will have claimed a sizable area of The current area of my Dungeon World!
Also, I have a Variant as well. It’s a weird one, it’s called Metal, and is Rare. The Ghoul has Metal Spikes poking out of it’s body like shards, and it’s fangs and claws are all metal too. It’s kind of neat looking! Lucifer has also told me that the MEtal Variant has a unique Evolutionary pathway we can use, once we learn more about the Subspecies of Ghoul.
I don’t really have any Traits unlocked like you both though, I mostly switch from pack to pack, their current strongest, and lead them from there. The Ghouls are mostly brainless, and act more like animals, but they can be led well enough.”
When she finished she smiled, and looked at me, and I hugged her too, she was being cute! She always got this way with the Undead, and Franny did with Wolves too. They were as bad as I was about the Game, and learning about the Race they wanted. I did not really get the one I wanted, I had wanted Goblins, but I did love the Demon Race, complications and all.
We talked a while longer, they told me how their A.I’s were growing a bit faster than they thought. Personality formation was at 15% since their last visit. I told them Leo was at 30% and they just grinned at me. They knew he was special as well.
We talked more, teased Franny, and Jessica kept pouncing me randomly to ask questions, and be playful, when leo displayed a prompt for us.
Sidnie? Forgive the interruption, but Red is doing something you may wish to see. I am not sure exactly what yet, but it involves a great many of the Imps being sent into the forest, and returning with small bits of wood. I thought it was a whim at first, but this has been going on for about half an hour. There's a lot of wood being gathered. I believe she may be expanding the Enclave on her own.
I blinked, and stopped my conversation, pointing for JEssica and Franny to read as well. They stopped and grew excited to see what was happening. I had Leo enlarge the entire Imp Enclave area. It was a small portion of the Rocky Crag area they called home. The four medium height walls, well under disrepair due to lack of maintenance.
The four watchtowers beginning to reach the same point, the countless hovels being dug into the rocks to house the Imp Swarm. It looked like the central chamber, the birthing pit was enlarged to covered almost half of the entire Enclave location. They had almost no room to really do anything.
Red had a good portion of the Swarm stand guard over one of the walls, after the last of the returning Imps came back in from gathering the wood, and the other half utterly dismantled the wall, and watch tower. The Rocks were examined by a few with above average intelligence, for an Imp, and separated into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ piles.
We knew this, because Leo had entered one of the Imps minds and was translating the screeching, and what Red had in mind. She was expanding the enclave alright. The wood was to create a sturdy foundation for the new walls, and watch towers.
We watched the half taking down that first wall and watchtower move it out almost 100 yards, and begin building. It had originally been built by a single male Imp, with dozens working in concert with each other it went quicker, and under the gaze of Red who corrected an error, by harming the lazy, it was a far sturdier, and stronger looking wall. It was still crude, and far from what I had in mind for the cities, but it showed a growth, and ingenuity within the Hell Fire Imp.
The wall had a wooden base, the foundation set with a kind of clay mortar found in the more damp areas of the rocky crag, and sued like a king of cement, then the rocks were stacked carefully, and properly on top, the gaps that were present in the last, filled in with the same clay like material, upon which Red had the Hell Fire adolescent heat the mortar with her fire, and hardened it quickly.
I had asked Leo when they learned this, and he said it had occurred sometime a few days ago by accident. He didn’t elaborate for some reason.
But the wall was also a good three feet taller, and seemed far sturdier. The watchTower ended up being all wood. What they did with that involved young trees that Red had, had ripped from the ground at the edge of the forest where the Rocky crag area ended, and brought back. They were just tall enough to be half a foot higher than the wall, and was set up by using four of them, stripped of limbs and leaves, then bound at the top with sections to create a platform the Imps could rest on safely. Another crude, but more advanced form of building that I thought was beyond them. Just what has Leo been doing for Red to increase her intelligence and thought process this far?
I asked him, he said he has only been having her observe the Imps, with a few basic calculations he had found on my computer in my homework section. Math, he had taught her math.
They did this with the other three walls as well, each wall actually reached the end portion of the Rocky Crag that could be used as small pathways. They experienced a minor issue on the third wall, several Wild Dogs had appeared at all the noise and screeches. The Half of the Swarm set to protect the building one descended on them, and they lost about a third of the Swarm number, but the Wild Dogs had been killed.
Once it was finished, a prompt appeared before me.
Your Imps have advanced the Enclave size by 100 feet, in all directions. The building techniques used, and method of making the walls and watch tower have helped increase the quality of this Enclave to meet the requirements to become a Settlement. The Imp population your Settlement can sustain base on room is now 1000.
Congratulations! Your Race has begun showing the initiative to create, and expand on their own, such occurrences will cost you nothing, and they will now be more likely to do this.
It was a window from the programming, not Leo. Jessica and Franny started talking about how amazing it was to watch the little Imp go about doing this, and how they had beaten the Wild Dogs, even though they had lost around 25 Imps doing it.
Leo said he hadn't expected this kind of thing to occur so early, he did not feel Red, or any of them, were that intelligent yet. Or had that level of initiative. It turns out, he underestimated the Hell Fire Imps capacity, I personally wondered what it would mean once they became succubii, in this regard now.
Jessica and Franny were talking about working on guiding some of these things to occur for their species, the Jessica mentioned she would worry about it more once she gained her first Evolution from Ghouls. Franny said the same, they had not gotten anything beyond the beast intelligence level of the starting Species within their Race.
I grinned at the line of conversation they had going. Apparently Red had made them wish to advance their Race as well. They didn’t wanna fall behind me, and my Race that was a bit more advanced than theirs at the moment thanks to how I had been doing it early. I felt the choices were proper. The downside was that it would be a while before I could properly advance to any form of Tier 2 Evolution, like the Succubii. Not with my plan of adding Husks, and those Ruins they could build upon.
It would take about a month and a half, between it all, before I could possibly afford them, already if I looked at the points required for the Husks, it had doubled to 600, and the Succubii Evolution had doubled from the 1000 to 2000 from the Hell Hound increase, and would double again to 4000 once I gained the Husks. Before I even did that, I would also be working on the Ruins, and the Population increases which would end up increasing the Cost of the Succubii by nearly 100 points each time I made a purchase in another tier. Leo told me it would make the cost for it closer to 6000, plus the 10,000 to get what I wanted for the Husks. I had a lot to do.
But I would be busy doing it, and that’s what made me happy. I wouldn’t be bored, thinking about what I could not do anymore.
I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jessica, and Franny, we watched the Imps make their homes in the rocks, then we all did homework, they did theirs on the portable tablets, and I did mine on my computer, they ate dinner with us, and then went home.
I spent the majority of the last few evening hours after Dinner, and before bed, with Mommy. It made her happy, and I loved cuddling on Daddy’s chair.
Then, around 10 P.M I went upstairs to sleep, I had missed the new hunt schedule change for the day, but I had been busy with Jessica, and Franny, and then I had spent time with Mommy. I’d start doing it more in Fluffy tomorrow. I’d had fun today though, over all, thanks to seeing Franny, and Jessica. Mommy and I had also snuck more ice cream, and she said don’t tell Daddy because he’d be Jealous. I’d giggled at that.
I snuggled in under my big blanket in my jammies, and told Leo goodnight. The now familiar prompt showing me he said the same appearing as I closed my eyes.
Goodnight, Sidnie. Sleep well.
Here you are my Lovelies, the chapter for today, releasing it early for you all. The first small time skip, around a weak, and we can get to some good ol' gritty micro
But I hope you enjoy this chapter, the friendship moment, and the odd blossom of youth, along with Naivety and a kind of funny moment for me. Anyway, have a lovely morning/night
As always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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