《Dungeon Games》Chapter Twelve: Quality time with Mommy
When I arrived downstairs, Mommy had just let the Doctor out, and was moving toward Daddy’s recliner. She looked sad for some reason. I frowned, and moved up to her, poking her hand.
“Are you ok Mommy?”
She seemed to come to for a moment, no longer dazing, and smiled at me before pulling me into her lap on Daddy’s recliner and just holding me.
“Of course Baby, I’m ok. Mommy just had a talk with the Doctor. You need to promise Mommy something though, ok?”
I nodded and snuggled into her and waited for her to tell me.
“Don’t do anything that can cause another panic attack for Mommy, ok? Promise me sweetheart.”
I looked up at her, and frowned. Why would she ask that? I slowly nodded. “I promise Mommy. I won’t do anything that makes me have another panic attack.”
Mommy’s face lit up, and she seemed happy again. “That’s my girl. Hey, how about we eat some ice cream and watch a show together, huh? We haven't done that in a long time.”
I said yay, and cheered up. The only thing the past tasted good as seemed to be ice cream. Plus I missed spending time with Mommy, and I felt she needed it now. We could cuddle on Daddy’s big chair, and watch a show while eating ice cream.
I grinned at her. “Race you Mommy!”
She grabbed me and tickled me, causing me to laugh and then set me down on the chair while tickling me. I was screaming she cheated and she laughed, tickled me more, then rushed to the kitchen.
“No fair Mommy!” I called, and tried to catch up with her, but I lost. When I finally hit the kitchen she already had the ice cream out and two spoons. Chocolate with nuts in it, Yummy!! I pouted at Mommy. “You cheated. No fair.”
She grinned at me a bit. “Come on then Sweetheart, you get the first bite of this stuff.”
I jumped a little in joy and followed her. Once she was comfortable on the recliner I got up and sat in her lap and she gave me a spoon filled with the paste made ice cream. I ate it, and loved it! I could hardly wait to taste real chocolate again though.
Mommy did the same, and turned the T.V on, one arm was always around me, like she didn’t want to let go. It actually scared me a little, the way she was acting. But I let it go, and we enjoyed the show, an old comedy that was on replay. We had seen this episode before, but loved it.
About half an hour into the Show Mommy’s arm slowly lost it’s constant grip and she seemed really happy from the laughter and quality time. It made me happy, and I snuggled back into her while we finished the show, and the ice cream. It was a perfect moment for me.
Once the show finished I looked up to see Mommy had drifted off to sleep. I smiled softly and nuzzled her one more time before getting up. She needed to sleep. I grabbed one of the small throw blankets beside the couch and covered her up with it. Smiling when she snuggled the soft thing. I loved my Mommy.
Going as quietly as I could, I made it back to my room. I saw my screen was off, so that likely meant Leo was focused on something in the Dungeon World. I still felt he was a meanie. Hiding what it was Red and the others did. But I would find out! I’d just be patient.
Instead I went to the computer, and looked at the Fiend article that was left open by leo. Ok then, it seemed the Fiend was a minor Demon with little power, but great numbers. They had a medium level of intelligence, they could learn to make, and use weapons it seemed. They also had the capacity to discover how to freely manipulate magic without being born a Variant.
basically, they were a larger, smarter form of Imp. Retaining the average numbers that Imps had they could potentially replace the Imps as a Species within Leo’s world. But that would mean if I ever had a Species reliant upon Imps evolving into them die out, I could not easily get them back, so I would refrain from that.
The picture did show it having a baby face, like the Imps do now, though a bit more defined, and lean. Like it was hungry a lot. Black and red coloration pattern as well.
It said they could fly at greater altitudes than Imps, and faster as well. They did not have to rely on swarm tactics either. That could be useful later on.
I continued reading for a bit longer, before rubbing my eyes and going to my bed to look at the Dungeon World. I was happy with the Present Daddy got me. But I had, had scary moments because of it. I should have let Leo block several things like that for me, but without my permission he could not, and I had not allowed him. Daddy made it happen though. I was glad now for it.
“Leo?” I said softly, and a display appeared almost instantly.
Yes, Sidnie?
I asked him if we had enough points for the Hell Fire Imps. He stated that we had, had them. He had purchased them from the last hunt while I was with Mommy. The current point count was 113. The Imp population was already maxed at 200, so it would be a while before we could obtain anymore Hell Fire Imps.
This had also jumped the price of making other Variants common by double, within the Imp family at least. I really hoped it didn’t double the already massive amount it would take for Fluffy.
“Show me the Advancement Tree for the Imps, please.”
Imp Advancement Tree
Imp Population Increase to 400 - 600 points
Imp Enclave upgrade to Village (Size increase by 100 yards, and able to support a population of 800) - 2000 points
Imp Weapon Knowledge (Allows Imps to invent and use new weapons) - 800 points
Imp Stat increase (Increases the base stats of the Imps, Stat select by A.I) - 1000 points
Further unlocks shown upon milestones being reached, or the ability to see them unlocked. Prices will double each time a purchase is made.
The prices for them all were decent, and within a day or two of farming to purchase. But it would soon grow astronomical, and then the fact it increased the costs of all other upgrades within the same line for other species by a base 100 points, along with that being doubled if I purchased from their trees meant I would need to pick and choose my early gains very carefully.
I knew the Hell Hound Advancement tree costs already, they were the same for the time being. Just the Population went from 80 to 160 for them. They wouldn’t need a higher population at the moment anyway.
“Set permission for set subjects to be purchased by A.I without requiring my approval” I said, and a list popped up showing me what I could let Leo purchase that normally required my permission.
I chose Population, and set it’s limit to 800 for now, and then I set the Enclave upgrade to Village, which should have a larger population limit than Settlement.
“Leo, work toward those, but only do them if I’m here, if possible, ok? I liked to watch it occur.”
Of course Sidnie, and thank you for the trust to allow me this option. So shall we focus on the Imps for now?
I nodded. “Yes, they may not be useful in any battles anytime soon, but they are useful for your world. A large population to serve the stronger, more intelligent Demons later would be a could idea. We can use it to start building an actual Race out of the Demons, rather than the separate Species needing to be kept apart because of the possible fighting.”
Understood, Sidnie. I will focus on the Imps, and work toward training the common born toward the Fiend, your knowledge and understanding allowed it to unlock fully, rather than just mine halfway doing it. That is a Tier 1 direct evolution of the Imps.
Would you like to see Fluffy?
That made me perk up. “yes~!” I said instantly, and an enlarged image of Fluffy, now an adolescent playing with his littermates met my eyes. He was easily the largest of the lot, his fangs had grown, and his fur, while long, was less fluffy looking. But he was still REALLY cute, more so with his bright blue eyes.
His siblings by comparison looked more like beasts made to fight wards, and harm or kill others. But I found how they played with their larger sibling cute too. They picked on him, and prodded him. For a moment I thought it would escalate, but before it did the Mother appeared and separated them without a sound.
This has happened often. The Nurture upgrade I was able to purchase within the no permission needed section, has made the Mothers far more attentive, and has lessened the pups mortality rate early on. A few adult males have been taken out due to them attempting to kill a pup, however the majority has learned to avoid the pups now.
The pups are currently showing a greater understanding of each other, and the closeness this has brought has given me the option for Pack mentality at 1000 points. It appears to be an upgrade to nurture which affects the entire Species and Pack, not just the mothers and Pups.
I would ask permission before purchasing this though, because I do not know where you want them to head. As a more cohesive unit with less infighting, or remain as is. A side note in the option is that they will grow closer, but far more violent in their hunting. This could increase the points, so that is not an issue. The problem lies in the word Xenophobia it has here. The Hell Hounds would develop a severe dislike for anything, and anyone not of their Species.
I’m sure that will be broken in time, more so with the fact their natural instinct is to serve a powerful master, should they prove worthy, but it is an early problem.
I thought it over, carefully. The good part was only a bit better than the downside. But I liked Fluffy, and did not want more puppies to die. Finally I told him yes, with the condition it happen only after the first Imp populations increase, and the Enclave being increased to a settlement. That way we made real progress toward the Husk goal.
Understood, Sidnie. I will work toward the main goals first.
I yawned after that, it was getting late now. Almost 9 P.M and I had, had a busy day. But I wasn’t really sleepy yet either. I frowned, and contemplated what I could do right now. So I had Leo keep Fluffy fully enlarged so I could watch him play and do stuff when I wanted to, and leaned against my pillows, snuggled up under my blanket.
Today had been busy, I had...killed the previous Leader of the Pack, saved Fluffy, ensured the Hell Hounds were more nurturing somehow, I’d have to try that with other Species sometime. It might let me do new things with the Race. I had, had a panic attack, scared Daddy, got to cuddle both Mommy and Daddy, as well as the doctor visit, and setting a plan for the Imps, and a new Evolution once we moved forward with the base portion of increasing the Imp populations, and their homes size.
Each Race had the options, in different names and levels based on the Species you did it for. It seems Imps went with the more Humanoid creatures and moved toward City, whereas the Hell Hounds would go from Den, to Burrow, and finally toward Cave.
I had a plan to make the Imps main area the Capital once they advanced that far, even though the goal seemed really far, it gave me a clear, and powerful feeling to reach toward. Just like school, I would get better, and be with my friends in school.
Even with the growing strength of the Imps, and Hell Hounds, the points would soon be no where near the amount needed to really advance them outside of basic things that Leo can do on his own when needed.
After I began purchasing upgrades the points required would double, and grow well beyond the hunting abilities to earn in a few days with two hunts a day, even if I added in the Husks, which would take months to reach, it would still take a week, if not weeks at a certain points to purchase an upgrade for any Species, unlock other Variants, or Evolutions.
In a way, it made me glad, because it would take up a lot of my free time, and keep me kind of active. I know Mommy and Daddy worry, and I don’t wanna make Mommy have that sad face anymore because I was sick. I’d get better, I promised myself Then I could go to school, and then I could go with Mommy and Daddy outside. I could see Daddy more too!
That last thought helped me smile, and let me drift off toward sleep. A happy thought before bed, Mommy always said it would give good dreams, and I believed Mommy’s words.
Leo -
Once Sidnie was asleep, I breathed a little sigh. I was glad I had done what I did to get the subject away from Red, the current subject of my observation. What I was witnessing held no proper description, and frightened me. I was not aware someone could do that with so…
I quickly changed my train of thought, and my perspective. I had been given free reign over the next few advancements, when and how to do them, and been given permission to acquire Pack Mentality, though I did not need it.
So I spent the majority of the time while Sidnie was asleep, seeing if I could send a few Common Imps to their deaths outside the main boundaries of their enclave. She would not approve, but I needed to see if indeed the Hell Fire Imps would be born 1 out of 4 now.
It took some doing, but I caused enough to perish through foolishness that a new litter was born from one of the females, and sure enough. A pure red body was shown. A Hell Fire Imp. With the population increase that was coming, at least 50 Hell Fire Imps would be born out of the 200 new Imps that would soon be conceived. That was a decent population for them, and would allow the Imps to take on some tougher foes, and thus this section would grow and adapt to the change.
It was a relatively fascinating system that my World managed that itself. I understood, and could observe these natural occurring monsters, but could not dictate or control them. A limitation, no doubt set by the Creators to keep us focused on our Race, rather than the ecosystem. I did not mind though.
After a time, the first hunt of the Hell Hounds, and Imps went underway for the day. The Imps swarmed the Wild Dogs, and had even managed a Feline that seemed to have appeared. It resembled a cougar, and took 30 Imps with it before dying.
The Hell Hounds had run across a pack of Wolves, not Wild Dogs, but a full pack of Wolves. This meant the area had grown and changed to accommodate their level, and power. Fluffy was still to small to join, so I could not observe him in combat yet. But tomorrow he should be fully grown.
The points gathered from the first hunt, between the two Species was 800 points. I used them immediately to purchase the Imp Population increase. A display showed the Imps could not have a population of 400. Good, I looked forward to what they would do with those numbers. The Enclave would be taxed, but I should be able to upgrade to a Settlement when I combined the leftover points with the next hunt.
Sidnie would be please at least, to see so many Hell Fire Imps flying around, though what she saw would be carefully monitored. I did not wish her to see...that. Of course it seemed Red was pleased by the birth of that last Hell Fire Imp, it was an odd thing, she seemed to dote over the little one, teaching it how to spit fire on it’s siblings while the actual mother made great pains to stay out of Reds way when she was near the newborn Variant.
But the majority of Sidnie sleeping was spent working through observing both Species, and watching the obvious difference Red showed a newborn Hell Fire Imp compared to how she treated the common Imps
Perhaps a by product of her increased intelligence, like I thought. I had a feeling she understood the implications of more of her kind as well. Better hunts, more food. Red was far from stupid now, easily the most intelligent of the Demons currently under my control. It made me wonder if I should begin training Fluffy in intelligence, something to run by Sidnie, and get her opinion at least.
I was learning I enjoyed having her opinion on the matters that did not truly require her decision, and in turn she seemed to give me a certain amount of freedom over things that did. It was a nice ‘feeling’ as I understood the term.
Perhaps in time I would truly understand, but for now I knew I cared for Sidnie, and wished to make her proud, as she wished to make the Creator proud. I looked forward to seeing how this grew, along with the both of us together.
Sidnie had begun to move around, and rise from slumber at 9:43 A.M and the second Hunt of that ‘Day’ was about to begin. I would change the hunting schedule later. It was a bit hard to keep track of at the moment. It would be better at a set time I chose, or Sidnie chose. Another option to discuss with her. For now, I awaited her fully waking for her day, looking forward to spending it in discussion with her.
Hey there my Lovelies! Here is the chapter for the day, perhaps another release if I get a random hair up my rear. But enjoy some quality time between Sidnie, and her Mommy. Also, the first Hell Fire Imp born aside from Red ;P
People asking about her Illness, it will be mentioned later, by Sidnie, when she is older and understands the severity of it more. As of this moment, she just knows she is sick.
As always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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