《Dungeon Games》Chapter Eleven: Error!
I opened my eyes while snuggled between Mommy and Daddy. It must have still been early, or they had been worried, and dozed off with me after a bit. I enjoyed it anyway, it let me be close to them both a bit more. I knew Daddy would have to leave soon as well and I didn’t want that.
It made me hate my illness even more because it made Daddy work so much. I pouted and curled up into them a bit more.
After a short time Mommy started to move some and woke up yawning. I saw her poke Daddy in the nose to get him up.
“Your Daddy sleeps like a big bear, it’s kind of adorable.”
I didn’t see it that way, but Mommy seemed happy when she smiled at him rousing so I let it go. Once they both woke up fully, and go up we went down to eat breakfast, it was surprisingly early still. It must have been a short nap. I did feel better afterwards though, at least somewhat. The taste wasn’t in my mouth anymore at least.
We ate our breakfast of the icky paste stuff and then Daddy had to go. Before he left though he gave me a big hug, and asked for my watch. He fiddled with some settings that I couldn't see and then handed it back to me.
"The sensor is active now. Anything above a certain level is going to be seen differently for you now. No more blood or taste. You'll hear and smell and what you feel those have been modified to cut out the adult concepts."
I nodded, upset and feeling I disappointed him. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and smiled at me.
"I'm proud of you Cuddle Bug, but don't over due it, ok? You have plenty of time to get ready for when you go to school."
I nodded softly and looked down, while grabbing both my hands in each other in front of me and pouting. I didn't want Daddy to go to work again. I felt his hand on my head and then he hugged Mommy and gave her a kiss goodbye.
I grabbed his hand and pouted at him, it looked like he was about to crack when Mommy wrapped her arms around me, and gently took my hands from Daddy.
“No fun Mommy..” I muttered, and she had me wave goodbye to Daddy with her while grinning. Daddy escaped without waiting much longer. Mommy ruined my fun, I’d wanted to make Daddy stay! I huffed and gave her a hug, muttering while I went to my room, Mommy calling out behind me.
“Remember Sweetheart, today the Doctor is coming for your check up!” I called back ok, I disliked the Doctors. They poked and prodded with cold metal a lot. But at least it would let us know my progress and how much that icky paste was helping.
I entered my room, and was assaulted by the display of Leo asking me if I was well. It was unexpected and made me pause a moment.
Sidnie! Are you well, did the Creator make you better? What was wrong? Can I aid you in some manner?
I blinked a multitude of times at the onslaught, of questions. A.I were not supposed to be this way so soon, but I continued to forget Daddy made him unique.
“I’m fine, Daddy did help, I had a panic attack, and just tell me...what happened after?” I answered him in order of his questions, still not understanding the full meaning behind a panic attack. I also wanted to know if the puppy was ok, and what happened after I left.
Very well, Sidnie. After you killed the previous Pack Leader with the Mother of the Blue one she gained leadership of the Pack. It also, somehow, unlocked a hidden trait that I unlocked called ‘nurture’ it makes the mothers within the pack take better care of the offspring. It cost 500 points, I hope that is alright.
Secondly, none of the males seem allowed near the pups. It appears they may actively kill the offspring. I grew my overall understanding of the Species, and furthered my knowledge of the Imps. As for the Blue one I would recomend you name it. You saved it, after all.
I took a moment to read that, and smiled a little. I guess something nice came out of it, though the point cost was large. The first hunt should make it up later.
“How many points are likely to be gained each hunt now that the Hell Hounds have done their first?”
An estimated 900 points combined, not adding in variables. We can unlock the Hell Fire Imps as a common occurrence within the Imp population by the end of the day between the two hunts. Depending on how much they gain between them. We have to add in the factor of some Hunts will be lean, and a few could be greater.
I nodded a moment, and had him show an enlarged display of the Hell Hounds, and more specifically the new Leader of the pack, and the blue puppy!
The Puppy was so cute! I wanted to pet him and cuddle him, I assumed it was a boy anyway. The main differences between him and the other Hell Hounds was his underside was blue, not red, and his face was longer. He had bright blue eyes, and a dot between them in his black fur that was blue like his underside.
“Fluffy!” I said after a moment, he was adorable, and soft and cuddly looking, and fluffy! So he would be Fluffy! It felt like Leo paused a moment at that, but I saw his text stating he would make it so after a moment.
Yay~! Alright, I had him leave the Image up so I could look at Fluffy, and watch him grow. It probably would not take long. While I observed them, Leo continued his explanation of the Imps, and how he should be the only one watching Red, and the Hell Fire Imps for a short time.
I frowned and asked why of course.
Because they may be too cruel for you to observe…
“Why the dots? What do they do?”
They are just more cruel, allow me to be the only observer for the time being, please?
He seemed somewhat desperate about it, but now I wanted to know even more. “But I wanna know now. What do they do?”
Error has occurred, Leo is unavailable at this time, please try again later.
Did...He ran away from me. I started pouting and stomped my foot while calling out after him. “Get back here and tell me! I wanna know”
Error has occurred, Leo is unavailable to talk, please try again later. Perhaps changing the subject matter will aid.
I frowned, and pouted again. “I wanna know…” No prompt showed itself for another ten minutes, so I finally gave in. “Fine! Meanie, what else did you learn about with the Common Imps.”
Error has been fixed, Leo is available to speak.
Sidnie? Ah, it appears the error has been resolved. For future reference, that may be a taboo subject. But the Imps have been moving along with their training properly, and several have reached level 10, and increased their base strength. It may be time to contemplate if we will allow them to die for Points, or Evolve them into another of the Species soon.
I have also been contemplating if the Imps themselves have a pathway evolution designed for them, rather than changing into the other Species. Would you allow me access to the computer so I may research?
I stuck my tongue out at the World Dungeon, and said fine. I went to my computer and accepted a prompt of a wifi attempt under ‘Leo’ attempting to connect. Meanie, I’d get even.
“For the other thing, I don’t know. We have the Hell Hounds, and the Imps now. What else would we need other than to focus on the Hell Fire like you first suggested?”
We have Imps to swarm a foe, but honestly, their numbers are useless in the beginning matches you would do. Both at school and in an Ametuer tournament. The Hell Hounds are growing, and it seems thanks to your interference I have gained access to a unique set of upgrades for them, but that could take a long time to explore fully.
They have the strength, and if you lead them properly they could be of use. But they are still animals. We need a Species of Demon that can, and will follow orders properly when you reach that stage. I would advise looking at either the Husks, or the Dark Wisps for this. Both hold a slightly larger intelligence than the Imps, and Hell Hounds, but they are far more dangerous to surrounding populations.
Both would be decent choices I guess, but the Dark wisps were more...mist like? I don’t know the word the book said well. Ethereal in nature? But the same issue came up, they could run rampant and devour everything in sight.
The Husks would probably become so aggressive toward the other Demons in a desire to dominate them, or subjugate them and the Hell Hounds would end up wiping them out, or being wiped out. The Imps would likely readily succumb to it, but I doubted Red would survive long as she was.
I’d need to split a portion of the Imp population off, and their numbers right now did not allow for that.
“How many Imps would we need to safely split them again?”
We would need around 2000, Sidnie. What did you have in mind?
"Well, Husks would be the obvious choice at this time for what you are thinking about. But the population is far too low for me to safely add them into the Dungeon without fear for both the Imps and Hell Hounds. We would also need to set up an area where they would not easily come across either of the other Species Tribe. How much will it cost to end up reaching 2000 Imps as a population based off of the Hunts we have now, along with a time frame?”
Each time we increase the population of the Imps, their price rises by 200 points, and the price of any other population increase rises by 100 points. But the population limit doubles. It would cost around 10,000 points in total to do so, and I would not recommend it. The Points alone would take a while to acquire, and even then you would need to increase the size of the Imp Village to properly care for that large a number.
It would be a process of weeks, rather than a week, which is what it would take to reach 10,000 points as is. Then you would likely need to purchase the environment Husks require to grow properly, they are not like the Imps, simple creatures, or the Hell Hounds as animals. They have a cognitive thinking process, though relatively stunted.
So they would in turn require a more structure oriented place to call their own. I have options to unlock and have such building appear within my World, but it will cost around 5000 points to unlock the cheapest alone. Then you would likely need to spend the points to allow them the understanding to either repair, or build onto the structure.
It would work for a long term goal, however it will take time to properly do, Sidnie. As such, I would focus on increasing the base stats of our current Species, the Imps, and the Hell Hounds, this will incorporate the Variants, as they are more offshoots of the main Species rather than a new Species in themselves. That way, though the Prices would increase over time, we could still create a form of power infrastructure within the two groups of Demons, this would allow us to build upon it as we grew to add in these Husks.
Well, that was a lot of reading. I had to go over several parts, and ask leo to explain because I didn’t know the words. It made me want to pout, but it did present a challenge and would allow me to focus on something fun to work toward.
“Ok, when can we purchase the Hell Fire Imp Variant occurrence rate?”
Later this evening, as for the bl..Fluffy, his Variant is Liquid Flame Hell Hound. It is classified as a Hidden Unique Variant, the the cost to unlock his Variant to be more common is in the millions. I would advise against pursuing it until we have advanced together far enough that we can earn it properly.
That shot down my idea to make more of Fluffy. I pouted some more at that, but let it go for now. I had a Hidden Variant afterall! I grinned with that knowledge. “How long with Fluffy live?”
The information provided states the average life span of this Hell Hound Variant is eight months.
Yay! More than enough time to evolve him and increase the lifespan further, or discover how to make the breeding possible. I was so excited about that possibility, the idea of taking control of one of the Demons with hands, and going into a den of filled with Fluffies I could pet was enough to make me giddy, and forget the Doctor visit I had to do today.
I continued speaking with Leo on the further good, and bad of working toward what we needed for the Husks after we would Unlock the Hell Fire Imps for a time, then Mommy came into my room, followed by my Doctor. Doctor Fung. I did not like him, he always poked me with cold metal things.
I hid behind the World Dungeon table and pouted at Mommy.
“Now Sweetheart, come on, it’s time for your check up. Come say hello to Dr. Fung.” Mommy had a stern look, and I sighed, moving around the table slowly, ignoring the Text of Leo asking what was wrong.
“hello...Fung” I mumbled.
“Speak up Baby” I pouted at Mommy, and looked up at the smiling Doctor.
“Hello Dr. Fung” I said finally.
“Good Afternoon Sidnie, how are you feeling this evening?” He had a nice voice, but he had cold things that I did NOT like at all.
“Fine, I feel a bit stronger now, and my hair didn’t break off at the ends as much this week.” I didn’t look at him again and said what had become routine.
“That’s good progress Sidnie, how long until you ran out of breath when you exerted yourself?”
Mommy started answering those questions because I didn’t really know, and each time I exerted myself Mommy was present.
“She went about a minute of continued activity before she lost strength and had to rest. She also had a panic attack earlier today, would that cause any issues Dr. Fung?” Mommy sounded a bit worried
Dr. Fung took a moment to think about it. “That Depends, how long did it last, was she calmed down quickly, and what was the cause?”
“She isn’t sure how long it lasted, but my Husband said it wasn’t longer than half a minute before he arrived and got her. She calmed down shortly after and came into the room with us. The cause was a present my Husband gave her, as you know he works for the development, and research department for Dungeon Inc. Her present was a Unique A.I, which is the cause for him learning so quickly, and the cause was the Race he had given her. He has since made measures to ensure it won’t happen again of course.” Mommy quickly told him.
“Well, the fact she was calmed quickly, and was not in the Panic attack long, there should be no complications, but you need to monitor her carefully over the next few days to make sure no set backs were made. I would advised you, Sidnie, of not doing whatever you did that caused it again. Alright?”
I nodded slightly, and then began the physical portion of the check up. He took my heart beat with the cold metal thing, check my lungs, looked at my throat, eyes and pupils. He took a few strands of my hair and ran them through a portable device he carried that was supposed to measure the levels of something, and then he took a small blood sample and did the same with it. That was to check my white blood cells, and ensure that internally my symptons were not getting worse.
I turned my head away when I saw the needle taking the blood from my arm. I didn’t like needles, and it stung when he did it. Once he finished, he wiped my arm and put a bandaid on it before patting my shoulder gently.
“Your levels are slowly rising, it seems the Paste, as you called it, is doing it’s job. Ma’am, I have another week's supply for you all downstairs in my briefcase. We can go downstairs and talk further and allow Sidnie to enjoy her game, perhaps.”
I frowned, they were going to talk about the complicated stuff and leave me out of it. But it made Mommy sad when I asked further so I let them leave without a fuss. Just gave Mommy a big hug.
Once they left, I looked at the display for Leo’s words. What I saw made me giggle a bit.
I don’t like him. He stuck you with something sharp, and it made your pain sensors spark briefly. Can we not change him, or make him stop?
“He is my Doctor, he helps me get better. I just don’t like how he does it Leo. So no, we cannot change him. Only Mommy and Daddy can do that.”
Then I will ask the Creator when we see him next. I do not like what he did. He must be changed.
I giggled again. “You can’t change him like the Demons Leo.”
Why not? Is he defective?
“No! Mommy said he was the best at what he does and Daddy said so too. He’s making it so I can go to school, and get healthy.”
I see, then we should not change him. He is paramount to you gaining your health and us going to school. You should be nicer in that case.
I stuck my tongue out at the Dungeon World, and sat on the bed. I saw the Computer light up, and windows open. Daddy had said he set it so Leo would search for Demon related things to further his understanding of the Race. And my computer had a limited capacity that he upgraded to do both my homework related use, and now anything I’d want to learn related to Demons. It limited what Leo could access this way as well I suppose. Daddy was weird like that.
But Leo was now busy with that, and I got to sit in my bed while Mommy and Dr. Fung spoke about me. I sighed, and just opened up the book ‘Demons - Introductions to the Inferno’ and began reading some of the older sections again, and the newer ones that Leo unlocked through his observations.
I had nothing else I could do for now anyway.
After about an hour of this I started growing bored, and asked Leo if he was done, at about the same moment a Display came up.
Sidnie! There are so very many materials based on Demons on this internet! I have found something that may work for an Imp, weather my system will acknowledge it cannot be known until I learn more about them. But they are called Fiends.
A picture appeared of a larger Red and Black colored Demon with the basic face of an Imp, though larger by several feet. Had to be nearly 6 feet long? They had horns that were pointed, and a little larger than the Imps themselves.
They could allow us to gain an aerial form of fighter in the future. But it will require you to research it as well, I checked the Evolutionary pathway of the Imp, and a Tier 1 greyed out name has appeared directly in a straight line from the Imps, rather than branching out like the others. I believe it is possible, but requires us both to gain knowledge about them.
I nodded a bit at that. “I’ll do it later. About now Mommy should be done speaking to the Doctor and I wanna make sure she is ok.”
As you wish Sidnie. May I have permission to handle the Hell Fire Imp unlock once we have enough points ahead of time?
A display appeared requesting it, and I hit yes. “Of course, Leo, let me know how it goes, and later we can talk about increasing the populations again.”
As you wish Sidnie, I hope your Mommy is not sad.
Here you are my lovelies. Another chapter. I have decided to attempt and write several chapters and release one or two a day for this fic. The chapters will be pre written when I have time on google doc. Fun device I just now began using. Lol.
occurrence, will have a flashback or recap. It will be an interesting occurrence.
Though I doubt I will have anything like that occur without going real time for it. This entire section will be until she hits 15 and can go to school. Once the first year skip occurs, at least 8 decent length chapters will be done before the next, and so on and so forth. Then I will work on the second one. Haha.
as always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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