《Dungeon Games》Chapter Fourteen: Fluffy Blast!
I woke up easier today, none of the groggy fog that I had yesterday, which made me very happy. I didn’t like that feeling at all. I stretched, and said good morning to Leo on my way to my bathroom. I did my morning routine, and sat down to do the Homework I didn’t finish last night while Franny, and Jessica were here.
It was science, and dealt with the human body mostly. I was learning about bones!
Once I finished the homework itself, I went downstairs and ate my breakfast with Mommy, she had stayed home to eat with me in the morning today. I was trying to make her smile by putting two bacon pieces in either side of my mouth and acting like a walrus.
Mommy actually laughed hard enough her drink almost came out her nose, which set me to giggling at her.
We talked after that, and I told her all about what happened yesterday with my Imps, and how they advanced the Enclave to a settlement on their own!
She smiled softly, and patted my head. “Daddy will be amazed to hear that too, Baby, you’re doing a good job raising your Race, and Leo is as well. Don’t forget to thank him for all his help, ok?”
I nodded and smiled at her, getting up to run over and hug her. She returned the hug and kissed the top of my head, telling me to have fun, and to do my homework on time.
I told her I just finished the weeks last assignment, and I would have a lot of fun. Today I got to play with Fluffy! It made Mommy laugh a bit, she seemed worried all the same, but was glad I was having fun.
Once I returned to the bedroom, I talked to Leo, to see if anything new had happened while I slept. Apparently the Imps had finished the new sleeping quarters for the other Imps, and had actually set up a patrol schedule of 25 Imps at each wall, at all times. It seems some Wild Dogs were starting to make incursions to the walls, and trying to get through.
Several of the newborn Imps, Common, and Hell Fire were old enough now as well, that each group had at least one or two Hell Fire Imps for the patrolling guards.
The Hell Hounds had also started placing two of their kind outside their Den to guard against incursions, they had been attacked by a small pack of wolves during the night, and had lost one of their kind during the fight.
Apparently Fluffy had used Water Magic, and it acted a lot like what a bullet was and killed most of the wolves using it. He had gained a position of influence in the Pack as a Beta. The only higher position was the Pack leader, or Alpha, and thanks to Nurture he would not assault his mother to take the spot of leadership.
That made me happy, it meant Fluffy was not like the older generations, and neither were his siblings or the other newborns. But the population was stagnant for them, stuck at 80. Once the Imps were increased once more to 800 I would increase the Hell Hounds, and then work toward the Succubii Evolution, and then see about purchasing the Ruin addition to the Dungeon World, and focus on the Imp Population so I could split them later, and form a kind of outpost area with the Husks controlling the Ruins, with an Imp Population to act as they are meant too, servants to stronger Demons. The Succubii would run the main area, with a few Husks left their for the area, and I could start mingling the Hell Hounds into the main area’s population once the Settlement increased to a village in size, and rank.
Hopefully, the Demons would likely not make it the easiest attempt. But I looked forward to trying, and Leo stated he did as well. It would be a fun attempt. If all else failed, I would still have three Tier 1 evolutions, between the Hell Hounds, the Husks, and the Succubii, and I could start building all the base lines that might let me safely acquire the Dark Wisps. It would be a very fun time. After that of course, it would start taking Months, or longer, to unlock everything without fighting for the points.
The Battles between Dungeon Owners just handed out more points than farming them through hunting means. But I didn’t want to fight for the points, I disliked the idea of killing my friends precious Dungeon creatures that they sent, or in turn losing my own.
I’d have to make sure that I never used the ones I truly cared for, and helped grow if I partook in school, outside of tournaments. I would never want to risk Fluffy, or Red in pointless things like that. I frowned, it would be hard to do tournaments as well. But I wanted to make Daddy proud, and go far in the Dungeon War world. It was something I would have to think hard on, if I was willing to do it.
I already loved my Demons afterall. I turned from those thoughts, they were making me sad. I’d worry about it, when I had too I decided, and then Leo said the first hunt of the day would begin, if I wished to join.
“Ok! I’ll be going into Fluffy, guide me?”
Of course Sidnie, and I will be monitoring the situation and am prepared to cut the connection at a moment's notice.
I nodded, and got ready on my bed, before putting the glasses on, and initializing the connection.The sensation was always so weird, moving my senses from my normal body to the one I chose in the Dungeon World. But it also let me feel the wind, and hear birds, and smell the outside. Though the smell was very diluted, as were the rest of the main sense issues, taste was no longer there, hearing, sight, and touch were about it. Daddy had really censored the connection I could obtain, I was both glad and sad at that.
Once I was fully entered into Fluffy, I stumbled a little, but stayed standing upright, and practiced lifting each leg slowly, as if I were stretching them a little. I started to feel a good connection after a moment or two, and felt I would be able to walk, or run properly now. I looked around the area, and saw the rest of the Pack was splitting up, and that I had nineteen of the Pack under my own leadership.
I wagged my/Fluffy’s tail and tried to keep from giggling, it felt funny. The Hell Hounds within my group were starting to give me funny looks, so I coughed, it came out more like dry heaving in Fluffy’s body. Then I started heading deeper into the forest based on the way we were facing.
I saw a bunch of small creatures, a squirrel, a few little sparrow like birds, bugs all over the place. It was so pretty! It had been a long time since I had seen anything like it up close, and it was nice, even if virtual based.
A couple of the other Hell Hounds lunged and snapped at the small creatures running around the forest floor, I just watched and enjoyed it for the time being. We came across a deer after a short period of time. I froze when I saw it, it looked cute, but it would be killed and eaten. I grimaced at that, but it needed done for the Hell Hounds to survive.
Four of the small hunting group went left, and four went right. They looked like they would be flanking the Deer, or perhaps startling it so it would run into the jaws of the others, or my group which stayed behind, observing.
I knew, thanks to Leo, that the majority of the Hunting Pack had begun standing back and keeping watch while a small portion hunted, apparently the Hell Hounds had been losing several Hounds during a hunt, being picked off, and could never trace the scent past a point, like it vanished.
Leo had watched once, and seen the culprit, it was a massive feline species he called a cougar, or mountain lion. It stalked the packs while they were hunting, taking one out when it strayed a bit from the group.
It was apparently a cunning and strong predator, choosing to hunt the Hell Hounds over the prey species within the Dungeon World. I really hoped we did not see it, honestly.
The left group spooked the deer, and it rushed away toward the flanking second group, I turned my head when the first one latched onto the deer’s throat. I didn’t see blood, or smell it, but it was still dying. I heard a yelp a moment after the struggles stopped, and jerked my head to look up. The brush was shaking, and one of the Hell Hounds had just disappeared into the shadows of the brush, being dragged away while snarling.
The Hell Hounds surrounding the Kill started to growl, barking, and the ones in my group took off after it the second they realized what had happened, along with those that surrounded the kill. I followed a bit after, getting use to the running gait Fluffy had. I caught up after a moment, and the whining, yipping sound from the captured Hell Hound ended with a sudden, loud, yelp.
Following the ending sound that meant death, the Hell Hounds grew louder, and more vicious sounding, as well as distant. I redoubled my efforts, following the sound, because I could not use smell for the blood, do to the censoring.
I kept running along the trail that was an obvious result of the Hell Hounds chasing the creature that took one of the pack. It was a mass of destroyed, and torn limbs along with trampled underbrush. It took about ten minutes to catch up to the noises the pack was making, and it led to a cave just on the outskirts of the forest, really near where the Imps Settlement was, but still somewhat outside their hunting range.
I heard a huge roar, angry sounding, followed by a loud yelp, and a thud before more barking took it’s place. I hurried inside, and I saw the corpse of the first Hell Hound, no blood, or smell, and then another of the Hell Hounds was lying still on it’s side against the rocks.
While I took it all in, another of the Hell Hounds lunged at the large feline, and it was swatted to the side as well, and fell down barely breathing.
The feline was huge! It dwarfed even Fluffy in size, the claws looked like they were the size of my forearm, a huge gaping maw let loose another roar, it stunned the Hell Hounds a moment, and he took the hesitation his roar instilled, and grabbed one Hell Hound inside its jaws, I heard a snap and wanted to vomit.
It was frightening, but it was just violence like in some shows I watched that Daddy didn’t know about. I started growling, and barking, the Hell Hounds still alive turned toward me, and backed off a foot. The Cougar, it’s tail flying all over the place was growling as well, its face contorted in a snarl, and the hair along its neck on end.
It eyed all the Hell Hounds, including me/Fluffy and kneaded the ground with it’s claws. I didn’t really know what to do now, the Pack had backed off because Fluffy is suppose to be able to use water, and was stronger. I moved slowly along the side, working my way closer. I could feel it was inside, but I was unsure how to proceed, and use the power inside Fluffy.
‘Leo? How do I actually use the water thingie?’ I thought, and a moment later a prompt displayed in front of me, transparent so i could observe the giant cougar.
It stems from inside him, feel the pressure building, and add to it by directing your thoughts at it. Just like if you have a headache after thinking far too hard, it becomes a pain that needs to release, open your mouth, and howl it out.
Further information, the Cougar is considered a Boss Monster. He is one of the three current, I did not know that until we obtained this look, also, you look very cute with a wagging fluffy tail
I wanted to stick my tongue out at him, both for making fun of me, and dropping the information we were fighting a Boss level monster already. I didn’t know if the Hell Hounds present would be enough, even if it were Fluffy controlling them, and not myself. But I had to try. They would not flee, and I doubted Fluffy would really be taken back if he showed up with no one else, or without the kill on the Cougar.
I started breathing harder, trying to focus on that odd feeling in the stomach, and building it. The Cougar must of figured I was doing something, because he lunged at me. Two of the other Hell Hounds launched themselves into the swiping paws way, and took the brunt of the hit, allowing me to back up more. They were alive, but breathing hard.
I growled at the big kitty, it was not CUTE! It was a mean kitty and needed to not be allowed to hurt my puppies again! The pressure was becoming too much, far too much. I felt it growing and swelling within my stomach, moving toward my chest. It needed to be released. I aimed myself at the cougar who decided to start charging at me. I felt like freezing in fear at the sight of what had to be a 120 pound cat charging me wanting to hurt me, and through me Fluffy, that I wouldn’t allow either!
I let loose the pressure, howling with all my might, and a single stream of steaming water lunged forth from my open mouth, smacking into the cougar with immense force, the stream hitting the cougar actually pushed me back a foot, while the Cougar froze mid leap, before moving back, and being thrown into the wall at the very end of the cave with enough force it cracked the wall.
What?! What was that? That was a lot stronger than what Leo showed me Fluffy did with the invading wolves. The Cougar was still alive, but he seemed dazed, badly. The other Hell Hounds took this chance and jumped, the ones not injured or dead at least. The moment the Hell Hounds landed, before I could see anymore fighting, the connection cut.
I woke up sputtering. “Leo! Why did you do that?”
Because it was about to become increasingly violent, the censoring saved you the visuals I witness when the cat struck the wall, and the sounds and smells, but seeing the Hell Hounds rip into it would not be good, Sidnie. The Creator would not be pleased if I allowed you to witness such a thing, and I do not wish you to see it either.
He was right, but I still stuck my tongue out at the prompt.
That is cute, Sidnie, but we should move on. What did you do to cause that attack? That was outside the range of power Fluffy should have at this time.
‘I don’t know, leo” I said after a minute, and ignoring his cute comment, I was not! “I just built the pressure up, and it got so big it flowed into my chest, and I felt that the kitty was a bad kitty and needed to not be able to hurt my puppies again.”
Leo showed me some dots, then waited a moment, probably going through logs of the fight.
Sidnie, I believe that your own emotions, and desires while within the creatures you control directly affect them. You caused Fluffy to reach deeper, I just checked his stats. The water affinity which was at around 10% which was proper for a young one not fully grown into the power, from what I have read, is not closer to 30%.
You forced him, through your emotional distress, to reach well beyond his limits. He is severely weakened right now, his body was not prepared for that much power, if not for the Hell Hounds in his Hunting Pack being mostly of the Nurture generation, he might be set upon and killed as well.
This is a good break through for us, we can use this to advance how the creatures that are Variants grow into that affinity easier with this, if we do it properly. Perhaps not to that extent though…
Leo began to trail off into a bit of a rant, it was...interesting reading all his theories on the matter. I personally did not want to again, I had just been told I could have killed Fluffy afterall! But it made sense, it also explained how Greydon, in the Tournament, had done what he did with the Ogre he controlled. That was a very strong blast, and Ogres were not entirely smart enough to discover or test that on their own.
Leo finally ended his rambling theory, and I smiled at the prompt he displayed.
Forgive me, Sidnie, I got lost within the possibilities this would open up for us. It is dangerous though, and you do not want to risk the creatures lives. If I find a controlled method of training that could work, with you controlling them, would you attempt it?
He was worried about how I would react, he was right as well. I loved them, and did not wish to harm them like that. I nodded slowly.
“Yes, if you can do it, I will. But let’s focus some on what to do now. How many points did the Boss give us?”
The Boss Cougar..Stealth Cougar, it was a variant of its own species, gave us 1000 points, the fact you killed it while controlling Fluffy is no doubt a reason behind such a huge number.
I blinked, that was a staggering amount of points from the Boss, but it was also a Boss, and if not for Fluffy being able to do what he does to stun it so badly, and my help, they may have all died. We got lucky, I knew that.
Sidnie, the Imps have finished their hunt as well. The points gained has evened out at 350 as the commonly accumulated amount per hunt for them. The other Hell Hounds have added in 400 Points from their own hunts.
Our total point earnings were 1750 for today's hunt, I do not expect this often, and would recommend making use of this while we can. I fear that the death of one of the Boss Monsters will cause the Monsters in the area of the Hell Hounds to grow a great deal to accommodate the sudden power vacuum, and that the Hell Hounds did what should not have been possible with so few.
That made me worried, we would need to focus some of those points onto the Hell Hounds. “Show me our total Points, and then a display of suggested upgrades for both the Imps, and Hell Hounds, and the cost. Please, Leo.”
Total points at this time are 2263
Imp Upgrades-
Imp Population increase to 800 - 1200 points
Imp Settlement upgrade to Village - 2000 points. (Points cost did not double do to it being obtained naturally)
Imp Weapon knowledge - 800 points
Hell Hound upgrades -
Hell Hound Population increase to 160 - 800 points
Hell Hound Den upgrade to borrow - 1000 points
Hell Hound base state increase - 1000 points.
I would recommend purchasing the Imp Population increase, this will raise the rest by 100 points, but it is the most expensive at this time. I would then recommend upgrading the Hell Hound population limit. With what is bound to occur, they will need numbers. I fear they will be targeted more often in their Den. That will leave us with 263 points, and with that I can increase their reproduction greatly for a day with 50 points. The Imps will not need it at the rate they are breeding.
It is your choice, Sidnie, but at this time that is the best course of action I believe we can take.
I frowned, that was a huge cost expenditure, and while it would help, I did not know if it would be enough.
“I know the training options are done by you with points without needing my permission, but what options do the Hell Hounds have right now?
A.I options not requiring permission for Hell Hounds training
Increase Pack coordination through play (Available only because of the Nurture trait, and only for those born under the Nurture trait sway. - 100 points.
Pack begins using feint, and more advanced ambush techniques learned through play hunting each other. (Available only to those raised with Nurture) - 100 points
The Pack grows more Vicious the longer they fight by entering a rage. (Not a training, but a trait. - 130 points.
These are my current options, Sidnie, do you have a preference?
“Can you do the Coordination one? Do what you want with the points left over from the expenditure on population increases.” I said finally, I hoped it was the right call, numbers, a lot of which would be born and raised with nurture would make the coordination a lot more helpful than the simple chase they did now.
I was not really keen on the Vicious, but it might be needed later as well, so I would think about it. The more advanced feint, and ambush techniques would be really good for later in large scale hunts as well.
I shall do so, Sidnie. With the purchases we have obtained, the future upgrades will be increasingly difficult to purchase. I will begin making sure we have points for the Hell Fire Imp, and the training for flight speed, we can begin that later. It will take a while for them to be done with their feeding.
I nodded a bit, frowning. It felt like he was pushing me from the Imps for some reason. I looked over at them, and his Prompt screen moved with my vision. They are feeding, and it is rather gruesome, Sidnie.
“What..” Before I could finish and Error screen showed itself, still blocking my view. he did it again! I wanted to poke him, or bop his nose, but I couldn’t so I stuck my tongue out at him, and huffed, going to my computer muttering about meanie Leo.
I’d find it out one day, and then I would rub his face in the fact I learned it. I smiled proud of that though, he’d regret it, and I’d get even. Satisfied, I smiled, and started looking up things for the Hell Hounds, other possible variations, Daddy gave me a lot of his notes, as well as how they worked as a unit if properly grown by the A.I and owner.
While I did this, I also needed to think of a way to save my points. Leo and I would need to limit the area the Hell Hounds hunted, and I would need him to mark the Boss areas again, I was sure they had changed. If we lowered their hunting forays a little, how far they went, it might keep the area under control from growing to strong for them right now.
I’ talk to leo about it later on. Points were also a big thing, we needed to unlock the Succubii for the Hell Fire Imps. I had decided to save the points minus a few expenditures on the training fields, and making controlled leaps into some of the Imps, or Hell Hounds to add what I learn outside the Dungeon World and increase them.
If I gained control of Red, I would have her work on expanding the settlement themselves. I’d have to look up how other Species tended to, there were a lot of how to guides, some hard, some easy, each differing in methods. But I decided I would unlock the Succubii first, then work on the Ruins being unlocked for the future split, and Husks. I only hoped one was within the radius I wanted. Then I would work on population increase again, and finally the Husks.
I had a set plan in store now, and now all I had to do was wait to get it all started. It would take some time. roughly 750 points per hunt as a regular, and the fact I planned to limit what the Hell Hounds did I could expect a far lower point gathering from them for the foreseeable future, until they grew a bit stronger to match the sharp power increase their area would have occur. So I was assuming at least a 200 point drop in there, making it 550 a day, minus the training expenditures, because I would be having those done. It would take at least two weeks to be able to unlock the Succubii, all I had to do was wait.
I was so excited, I hardly could, my first Tier 2 Creature would be very cute I bet!
Hello again my lovelies! I wished to throw out this chapter early for you all. The first time skip occurs after this, while she gathers points. Nothing major really occurs in the time between, aside from some training. Large, Large chapter in the next release because of the basic recap and going over the training results. Followed by some other plans I am throwing into the mix.
But I am going off track, will our very curious Sidnie be scared by learning what it is Red is doing, or will leo succeed in preserving our young heroines innocence! Find out, next time! haha.
I will also be taking a day off to write out several chapters and discuss some things with folks in my group to make it flow a bit better, and help you all see the adorable side.
As always, much love and cookies
P.S The title will probably change, it's a funny right now. haha. Advertisement Previous
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