《Dungeon Games》Chapter Eight - Victory!
The Announcer declared the match starting, and I set up my rig. Moving around options for what my Warriors would take with them into battle.
He used lightning, which made me glad my armor was mostly made out of reeds. It still created the problem of him shooting lightning at me, and the katana acting as a lightning rod themselves.
I’d have to have a small number set up a circle, maybe ten of them in total, and with luck be able to distract them with a mass melee long enough for the field to set up. Father wanted the Naga, and failure was not an option.
I only hoped my plan did not need to be used, it would hurt my Rabbits clan far too much, but I had to be victorious.
Entering the familiar sensation of taking hold Of Bushi, I flexed the hands again. “Ten of you, stay behind the main group. I want you planting your swords, points up, in a circle once the battle engages and do not be seen. Then fall back.”
I really did not want to have to use this method. The enemy used lightening, and if he focused on me, with the circle of metal, I could use my own sword as the focus and stabbing it into the ground, depending on the size of the blast, the lightening would channel into the ground and spread out, finding the swords in the circle, and flowing up them to create a form of tesla blast.
I doubted the lightning would damage them, but the concussive force would hurt when he launched itself back toward the main focus in a never ending cycle. Timing would be everything, but at the same time I would kill all of my people, aside from Bushi. The strategy should work, in theory, but I did not wish to kill my Warriors.
No more doubts, the battlefield for the final fight of the tournament was different from the matches before. Where as before we had forest based themes, this arena was mostly barren of life.
It allowed a clear view of Greydon’s forces. A basic set up from his last battle. A majority of Hobgoblins with around 10 Ogres. The distance kept me from seeing if there were any actual Goblins, but I doubted it.
My own were obviously 100 Berserk ‘Rabbids’. If all else failed, i would allow them to lose the hard won control they gained through training before I utilized the method I had planned as a last resort. I raised my first, and my Warriors fell into line, Swords drawn and lax at their sides.
The enemy was forming their own lines, but the Ogres, massive mounds of muscle behind them were raising their arms into the air, and above you could see clouds forming. That did not look good.
I raised my arm, and brought it down with the blade. My Warriors bounded forward, using all of their leg power to eat the distance between us in second. We were halfway toward the Hobgoblin lines when the first bolt struck the ground, taking three of my warriors with it. No! Their dying screams, and the scent of charge fur and flesh all that remained.
Another bolt struck, I lost another three Warriors, and then we met the enemy lines. It became utter bedlam, a mass melee between crude swords, and bucklers, and my Warriors steel katana. Lightning striking at seemingly random spots in the rear lines.
I dodged a small arc of lightning that was aimed at my head by the Hobgoblin before me, slashing out without thought and decapitating him a second later. The Warrior behind me fell to the lightning that was meant for me. I grimaced, and cut down another.
Around me my Warriors were doing the same, hacking and slashing with abandon. They received wounds, and fell in ones and twos for every second we were in battle. The one upside, the Ogres had stopped the storm calling once melee was joined, it meant they could die by lightning still, at least an Ogres lightning.
The bad part, the Ogres were now in the fray, and smashing aside my Warriors with ease. It took four to down a single Ogre, and not a one of them survived the battle for its life. It discharged a second before death, and fried them where they stood.
Damnit! I wanted to scream! I could hear my Warriors falling around me, even as they took a Hobgoblin or two with them, a stray Ogre here or there. ‘Screw this’ I thought, uncharacteristically.
I let loose a single, high pitched screech with a certain note, all my Warriors were trained to understand it’s meaning. Let loose, let go, abandon control.
It was what I had prided them upon, their hard won control through training to combat the naturally aggressive instincts of the Berserker Variant. It’s why my Rabbids were as strong as they were.
But once they let go, they REALLY let go. I saw one of Bushi’s Honor Guard lose an arm not three feet from me, and screech in challenge, ignoring the wound, his eyes a ruby sheen as he decapitated the Hob that had done it, and jumped off the ground at one of the Ogres, his sword piercing the thick skull of the beast before he succumbed to the wound and blood loss, and perished.
The Berserker Variant was a double edged sword, it’s why the fact they gained control was so astounding to Father. To me it meant I didn't have to see them go insane or no reason.
I lost multiple of my Rabbids with this method, each succumbing to their inherent rage, and attacking with abandon, ignoring skill, and style. The only Reason Bushi did not, is because I was controlling him. I did not have that kind of mentality, therefore he retained decorum, rather I did.
But for each Rabbid I lost, now 10 Hobgoblins fell before them, and we had downed another three Ogres in the last fifteen minutes of hellish fighting. Greydon must have seen the tide turning, though the numbers were mostly even now, his Ogres were the only challenge for a Berserk Rabbid. I knew he was the on controlling the next bursts of lightning, because he showed no care that he fried multiple of his Hobgoblins with each blast.
I bared my teeth, and charged forward, dodging the random swing of one of the blood covered Rabbids, lost to his Rage and bloodlust, and cutting down an Ogre myself by running up it’s massive leg, and jumping from the thigh using the force of my jump to decapitate him with the keen edge of my Katana.
When I landed, I continued running, and not a second too soon. I heard a BOOM that threw me forward a foot, and disoriented me. Greydon knew who to target now.
I rolled to the side using Bushi’s instincts, and dodged another blast before rolling to my feet and moving blindly, everything a dull thud with burst eardrums, toward the direction each blast came from.
I jumped, moving in a fluid twist to curve my body neatly along the trajectory of one lightning strike, landed, and ducked another.
It was like a strange, soundless musical, with dancing. Though with each blast I dodged, I knew several perished in my stead, whether my Rabbids, or the Hobgoblins.
Finally, after several moments of this, I reached the big brute that had to be Greydons Ogre, he stood aloof, and a bit back while the last of his Ogres were moving through my slowly dying Rabbids, at least ten of them would survive this.
I saw the big ogres mouth move, and heard nothing. I bared Bushi’s teeth, and charged at his massive body. I saw the sparks from within the Ogres eyes, showing he was charging, and quickly changed my direction, a lightning bolt struck where I would have been.
Damnit! another, another, another. I was running in circles, and my body, Bushi’s body, was tiring.
Then, a group of fresh Rabbids appeared, their swords the only thing bloody about them. The Ten I had sent to set the circle. They had disobeyed, they had joined the fight and likely taken the Swords of fallen Warriors to fight with.
I saw the sparks again, his body discharging little blasts, and I screamed with them, only mine was in horror. They were distracting him, throwing their lives away to give me a shot. I felt the tears, my own, forming in Bushi’s eyes, and took it. A second after the discharge that singed some of my fur, I jumped behind him, and watched as he turned to see it, the Large eyes growing wide, then my sword struck home between his eyes.
The blade snapping off at the hilt from the force, and tough skull of the Ogre. The light grew dim within its eyes, and then the connection ended.
I was crying, I loved my Rabbids, so much so I named them. They had followed Bushido, and their honor to the Clan head by dying to ensure victory. It was a hollow victory, though Bushi would not cry, I cried for us both.
But I had won, though seeing the survivors, it did not feel like it.
Surviving Berserker Rabbids - 12
Points Gained - 5000
I just stared at it, and the following list of names I had my A.I, Suki, show me. Father would be proud, at least…
“Did you see that folks! The power of the Berserk Rabbid and the awesome might and skill of the Lightning Ogre! But only one could win, and Mistress of the Rabbits Suzuki has won!Let’s hear those cheers!!”
The cheers let loose were ground shaking, this time the camera actually shook. I stared instead at Suzuki, who was center stage to receive her prize, I saw tears. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to cry too. It felt like she was mourning lost friends. The announcer continued.
‘Congratulations Suzuki! You have won the Amatuer tournament, and earned the right to hold a second Race within your Dungeon World, and own the Naga! As well as jumping to the Adept Rank! How do you feel?”
He held the mic to her, and she answered, her voice was soft but aside from the few tears that hid in her eyes, she was stoic.
“I lost many friends in the battles, but I have won for myself, my Father, and for them. The Naga shall be a welcome addition to my A.I”
hearing that, I almost wanted to cry again, her voice sounded..so sad to me.
“There you have it folks! With this, the Amatuer division tournament ends. Tune in next month for the Adept tournament!”
I watched the prizes being given, while the A.I core was taken by the company team that would unlock the ability to hold a second Race sooner than unlocking it naturally. The Starting race of the Naga, a large Tadpole was shown, and then Suzuki took hold of the little blue ball that held the Race information to feed to her A.I later.
I turned the T.V off, and stared at the T.V a bit longer, the black screen showing me in the reflection.
Are you well Sidnie? You seem sad.
Leo asked me this, and I answered lamely I was fine. I wasn't, and I didn't really understand why, but I ignored it and tried to cheer up, because the door was opening, and in walked Mommy with a big smile on her face. Following her was...Daddy!!!!
I instantly forgot my sadness, and jumped off the couch and dived into Daddy’s leg, wrapping my arms around it, before being picked up and held in a big hug.
“There is my Princess! Did you miss Daddy?”
I nodded, and squeezed him tighter before bopping him gently on the nose. “Daddy was mean!” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.
He gained an innocent look and I bopped him again
“You gave Jessica, and Franny an A.I without telling me! I don't like surprises Daddy!” I said with a huph. I actually did, but it was fun to pick on Daddy, it was a game we played.
He adopted a sad look, and looked at Mommy who seemed stern and stoic, then to me and kissed my forehead before setting me down.
“Daddy is sorry Cuddle Bug, can you forgive me?” He asked seeming desperate.
I took a moment, crossing my arms, and then nodded hugging him again. “Yes~!”
Mommy told us to sit and talk, she was making dinner. So we did, and Daddy told me a Secret, that the next revealed Race once the Demons were officially released was going to be something tied into their mythology.
I didn't fully understand, but was excited now!
We spent the time while Mommy prepared Dinner talking, and I took up his lap and demanded he cuddle me!
I giggled when he did just that and started telling him about the Demons, avoiding the part I got scared and ran to the bathroom throwing up.
I told him about Red, the Variant, and about the first evolution, Hell Hounds, how they were aggressive to the Imps and that I moved them to an area around five miles outside of their hunting ground to keep them at a distance until I could manage a more intelligent species to take charge as a leader of the several Demonic Species.
When I was done explaining, lost in my excitement, I looked to see Daddy smiling at me and rubbed the top of my head gently.
“That’s my girl. I knew it was the right thing to give them to you, I cannot wait to see how you guide them, with leo, or how you both grow Sweetheart.”
Daddy looked tired, I frowned and hugged him, then Mommy called that Dinner was done. Daddy gave Mommy a kiss, and we sat down to eat. It was Spaghetti made from the icky paste stuff. I ate it as best as I could, but was growing tired of the ever present aftertaste and texture.
Once we finished, I asked Daddy if he wanted to see the Dungeon World and the Demons. He shook his head, looking sad and tired.
“No Cuddle Bug, not tonight. Tomorrow, Ok?”
I pouted at him, but Mommy took his side and I had to let it happen. Hmmph. I gave them both a big hug, and said goodnight before heading to my room as well.
When I arrived at my room, I moved the small chair at my computer desk over to the Dungeon World and looked at it, carefully. The Imp territory was mostly rocky outcroppings with tubes beneath, and a forested area.
The Hell Hounds had a larger hunting area that consisted of the denser portion of the forest, and a lake just nearing the outskirts of what is marked as theirs. The Den seems to have grown a little too, likely the cause of increased numbers from some litters, and their Demon Energy causing the Den to shift to accommodate.
“Leo, how are the Hell Hounds doing? The Imps as well?”
They are doing well, Sidnie, the Hell Hounds have maxed out their population at this time, and will be hunting later tomorrow when you are still asleep. The Imps have calmed down considerably with the Hell Hounds leaving the area. They have also finished their last hunt of the day, and obtained 400 Points, a larger kill was acquired.
I grinned a little at that, at least the points were slowly increasing. Depending on how well the Hell Hounds did, we could be looking at almost 1500 points a day between both species hunting. Once I unlocked the Hell Fire Imp, and began working toward the Succubii Evolution, I would need to focus on population growth.
“Show me the Population Growth costs for both species, please, Leo.”
Of course Sidnie.
Imps Population increase to 400 - 500
Hell Hound Population increase to 160 - 500
The Population points cost will increase by 100 points each time you purchase a new upgrade until maxing out the increase as well, Sidnie.
I looked at the cost, and the fact the populations were doubled, mostly. This also meant that the future population increases would be massive. Hopefully by the time this occurred I would have enough of my Demons hunting, and gaining points that it would not matter as much.
“Have any more Variants shown themselves?” I asked, hopeful. Because in terms of power, the Hell Hounds won, but the Hell Fire Imp was my only active ‘magic’ user. Red was strong in her own way, but I needed more for later.
Not at this time, Sidnie, would you like me to work on discovering methods of either unlocking Variants, or experimenting on how best to breed them?
“Yes please, Leo, and tomorrow let me know when the hunting begins. I wish to take part this time. Goodnight, Leo.”
Goodnight, Sidnie. I shall do my best while you sleep. Sweetdreams.
I yawned and ignored the odd way Leo acted compared to all I read. He was able to actively experiment where other A.I’s required the owners personal overview until they reached Intermediate Rank. But Daddy did say he was special, and he helped so much with the Demons.
“Sweetdreams” I said automatically, and lay in bed, drifting off to sleep. Tomorrow, I faced the trauma of hunting again. I tried to not think of that before bed, but I did.
Hello all! Expect a double release, first off. Second off, a few people have asked why I named this Dungeon Games when I have in fact not used the norm for Dungeons, such as caves, buildings, what have you.
The answer is simple, why limit the way of thinking to a Dungeon being confined to such a set style? My Dungeons have what they need to be called such, a core to house the A.I, naturally spawning monsters within their world that can evolve, the A.I just has no control at all over them, or how they advance, and a singular Race they do control with their owner, and the ability to grow and acquire more Races as they grow with the aid of their owner.
I ask that you not limit your ways of thinking to what is 'normal' those wondering why I named it as I did, and am doing what I am.
Following that, we will move back to Sidnie and another hunt.
As always, much love and cookies. Advertisement Previous
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