《Dungeon Games》Chapter Nine: Saving the Puppy!
Leo -
Once seeing Sidnie safely fall asleep, a little frown between her brow, I changed my focus toward my Race. They were like children, naughty and evil children, but mine.
I now had an entirely new Species to work with, and it would take a generation or so for me to be able to actively influence them to the degree I can with the Imps now. So I turned from them, and focused instead on the Imps.
Red had stopped her temper tantrum over the Hell Hounds being in her home. She was a problem child, to say the least. I would have to guide her carefully. A method to increase intelligence, and through process, the only way I had at this time was through understanding.
I would have to take hold of her mind carefully, and have her study the natural Predators of her hunting grounds, along with study the behavior of the other Imps. She needed to learn, to grow. I planned for her to become the first Succubii, the example the other Hell Fire Imps would aspire to.
Which I found interesting, my systems showed the Hell Fire Imp as a Variant of Imps, yet their evolution to Succubii showed no Variant name, they were just Succubii. So that meant the Variant unlocked the Evolution, and the Evolution did not consider it a Variant because it was the requirement behind it’s unlocking.
It led to an entirely new can of worms, but Red would still be unique, no doubt. I began the training with simple observation, helping her mind form the connections once something relevant occurred within the other Imps as they went about their routine.
I felt that because of her evolution choice, and the base knowledge I had about them, I should focus her study on just how to read the male Imps, how they acted, what they did, what to do to get what you want without force of will.
It was a surprisingly disturbing success, and one I would ensure Sidnie ever saw. I had to protect that sweet innocence that had her so frightened by the first Hunt. She would not experience that again, and I would certainly NOT allow her to see just what Red was doing with five male Imps who were...Seemingly trying to escape her attentions.
I felt like vomiting, had I the capacity to do so. I even sympathised with the males a little, being devoured so..voraciously like that.
I turned my attention from there, I had spent 50 points to create the basic intelligence increase training a regular routine for Red, the...disturbing things happening in her Cave were not my doing.
I spent a short period of time checking on the Imps themselves. Several were nearing level 10. I could do nothing with that for now however, they could not be used to Evolve anytime soon, and another Evolution will not occur for a good deal of time.
I needed to help Sidnie work toward a Species able to hold the weaker species in line. Complicated possibilities, and countless to analyze to better aid Sidnie, and grow the demons properly.
For now I will retain focus on the Hell Fire Imps, and the Succubii Evolution. I also focused the common Imps on improving their strength again, much the way I did the Hell Hounds. Perhaps it would lead to another Variant being born, or even increase the amount of kills made in a hunt. The more points, the better.
Once I ensured the strength program for the Common Imps was set, and another 50 points down for setting it as a base routine in their mind, I changed focus to the Hell Hounds. They would begin hunting soon.
Once I arrived, my perspective at least, at the Hell Hound Den I looked around inside. They had piled the bones of the dead Wild Dogs along the Den entrance, just inside the mouth of it, and were seemingly restless. I assumed they had fast metabolisms, and became jittery without meat of some kind near by. But time would be the main teller in that regard.
The leader of the Pack, one of the first born, must have killed the previous leader, was moving around the Den slowly. Nipping the heels of a few that had not risen to their feet quickly enough, and growling at a few who looked like they wished to challenge him.
Seemed that the hierarchy of the Hell Hounds was an ever changing thing, much the same as true animals within my World. That would make things more difficult, no doubt one of their species that I saw potential in could be killed by the current Pack leader to stop a future challenge. I would have to monitor them with care for a time.
After a few more moments, I slipped what little portion of influence I had on this generation of Hell Hounds into the leader's mind. The concept itself was somewhat foreign to me still, but it allowed me an increased understanding of the Species the further control I gained, and the further I could slip in and dictate their actions. Read their minds, as it were.
The best I could do was dig a suggestion within his mind, for now. It dealt with splitting the hunting groups into groups of ten, and separating to different sections of the forest, avoiding the powerful Boss Monster area, and each other in the hunts. I did not wish to risk the separate hunting packs to fight each other over a kill, and their territory was large enough to accommodate that method of hunting.
The Leading Hell Hound led his pack further North, closer to where the massive lake just at the outskirts of their territory lay. I focused on the water, and saw the creatures within had actually changed to accommodate the increased level of my Demons in the area. The Fish were larger, and had grown almost snake like in length and movement. Though they appeared to retain a fish's head.
Interesting, something to observe for later. I’d have to spend time looking at the Wild Dog packs, and the few Felines in the area later as well, to see how my World has grown in this area to adapt with the increasing danger my Race would give the natural populations.
The interesting thing occurred once the pack was moving by the Lake searching for prey. One of the Hell Hounds looked at the water, and saw the glimmering shapes of the fish as they swam around. It attempted to snag one with it’s large jaws, only to miss and fall in. The poor thing lasted all of ten seconds.
The ‘fish’ I now use this term lightly, swarmed him, and what was visible afterwards was nothing but a slowly sinking pile of bones.
The Pack leader let out a growl, the downside of the Hellhound was showing, they hunted enemies that assaulted the pack until one or the other fully perished.
Well charming, I could only watch. The lake wasn’t terribly deep, but it was deep enough to cause an issue. The Hell Hounds used a rather interesting ploy in this regard. Apparently the ‘fish’ enjoyed launching water at the HellHounds to antagonize them into jumping forward.
After one another Hell Hounds fell to the watery depths of the Lake, they began using this as a method of drawing one out, and a Hell Hound, hidden from view by the lake edge, would lunge forward, snapping it from the water and pulling it to the ground where it was set upon and devoured.
This process continued over the next several hours, one would be injured, and they would take the increasing number of ‘fish’ using this water method over and over. They lost another three Hell Hounds from the force, and numarity of the water shots before it was fully said and done.
But they had killed off the majority of adult ‘fish’ that had caused the initial conflict from killing the first Hell Hound. It had been utterly fascinating to observe, these Hounds, and the ‘fish’ both with unique methods of fighting, one developing a strategy just for the fish, the other finding a method to hunt prey on land.
I imagine they will grow to be able to live on the land as well at some point. Though for now they would likely be kept within the lake.
The other Packs had likely returned to the Den by this point, no doubt having fed on Wild Dogs, or the prey species, such as deer. The Leaders pack was the only to sustain more than one casualty, though they had, had the most drastically adverse of opponents for the Species.
But in turn, this allowed a new generation to be born. I would be able to influence them further than the first and second.
It would take a little while for the mating to occur, then finish. But I did ensure the Hell Hound who took the most beating procreated. I felt he deserved something for being a punching bag for the water spitting ‘fish’
They still had a little bit of time remaining on their birth rate increase, it allowed the pups to be conceived and come to term within four hours. For the most part that was the majority of the evening while Sidnie slept away the night. The Pups should be birthed by the time she awakens for the morning.
After ensuring the Hell Hounds were well underway, I moved my attention back toward the Imp territory.
They had just returned from their first hunt as well, a few carcasses were brought back with them. A few deer, and Wild Dogs. The Swarm was also down several numbers. The Wild Dogs had no doubt risen in level to match the Imp strength. But it was still fewer than anticipated. The strategy training seemed to balance out the general weakness of the Species.
Useful knowledge once again. Red had finished her activities, thankfully, and seemed to be enjoying herself watching the rest of her kin go about butchering the kill, and devouring the raw meat.
One of the common Imps, a male that had been in her cave, timidly brought her some and she devoured it while ignoring him.
Charming, seems she acted like royalty already. The intelligence training will create a sense of superiority as well. Something she will need when she evolves. The lack of Points was really beginning to create a hamper however, and would cause issues soon. But the Hell Hound hunt had actually given me nearly 800 points, which was a huge boost. four separate packs killed a great deal and allowed for great acumen.
The Imps had brought in another 400 points as a result of their hunt, and even with my minor expenditures earlier in the evening it brought up the total point count to 4321. I had gained around 151 points from observing my species and setting up methods to train the Imps, and learning more of them in general.
Sidnie would be please at least. One more hunt and we could begin breeding the Hell Fire Imps as a common occurrence. From there we could begin working toward the Succubii Evolution, the current cost was 6000 points, and it would increase by some amount, exact is unknown, due to purchasing another upgrade.
I was beginning to dislike this limitation, though I understood it. Sidnie had shown a unique understanding of setting up the Demons as a whole. It made me wonder how well, and far along, we would be if we had a natural starting Race.
We could begin increasing populations next, I would suggest it before we acquired the Succubii Evolution. I could then increase the hunting party size for the Imp swarm. It would allow me to possibly split the Hell Hound pack into two as well.
The downside to splitting the Hell Hound pack would be that they would naturally encounter the Boss creature, the area was decent for a single pack, but one of the size it would grow, or two would tax the reserves with another Predatory canine species.
A lot of information to file, and debate with Sidnie over. I was sure the Hell Hounds could survive the battle, but it would be difficult. The Pack mentality would begin separating the loyalty of the beasts once it split. They would be rivals, not allies.
Perhaps keeping the pack one massive size, and having them assault the Boss creatures Den and territory. It would in turn evolve the creatures to deal with such a huge number working as one. It meant we would have to assault the boss monsters Den before a day went out once the numbers fully increased, then split the pack, a lot of variables were involved in this, it would require Sidnie’s input.
I felt the moment Sidnie began to wake up through our neural link. We could discuss this further once she was awake, perhaps she would even enjoy seeing the first litter born after the first hunt. I moved my attention toward Sidnie. She seemed to be perspiring a great deal, that was concerning…
Sidnie -
I had, had a nightmare. I remember the smell, and feeling but not the nightmare itself. I woke up, panting and sweating with leo asking if I was alright, he seemed worried.
“I’m fine, Leo. I promise. Just a bad dream.”
If you say so, Sidnie… I have some news to impart, and if you wish to witness it, a new litter will be born for the Hell Hounds shortly. They are somewhat cute when infants.
Puppies! Puppies! I bounced a little in my bed, and forgot about my nightmare. “Yes~! I wanna see, I wanna see!”
An image showed above the Dungeon World and showed the Den, with a female laying on her side and panting while forcing out a puppy. It was a lean puppy, short furred, with a red underside and utterly adorable! I wanted to pet it so bad!
Once it was born, it’s eyes opened. Beat red like the other Hell Hounds, it was followed by another, and another just like the first. The last one, according to leo, came out slower than the others. It was a little larger, and seemed fluffier. ohmygod! Adorable! It had a blue underside with a black top, but the longer fur made it seem fluffy and like a Husky in appearance. When it was fully out it’s head had a single blue dot between its eyes, and both eyes were a bright, clear, blue.
So. Freaking. Cute!
It whined, and wobbled on two feet a bit, moving with its siblings toward its mother’s stomach to eat. The sound attracted a few of the other Hell Hounds, the current Pack Leader among them.
I did not like how it’s red eyes glowed when it regarded the puppy in the image. It seemed really scary. The Mother growled a little at him, and he answered with his own. Forcing her to stay silent.
That’s not good, I believe the Leader intends to kill the Variant. It’s different, smells different, and is larger than what they tend to be born as. He may sense a threat, Sidnie.
“Variant? Wait, nevermind, why is he gonna kill the puppy! Make him stop!”
I do not have enough control over his generation to force him to stop, I can only delay the inevitable. Please allow me to turn the display off.
Leo sounded like he was resigned. No! I liked the fluffy puppy!
“Stall it then.” I said, making up my mind and rushing to the glasses on the computer desk, and putting them on, and getting on the bed.
“Put me in the Mommy!” I said. I didn’t know what I would do, but I wanted to save the puppy.
As you wish, Sidnie, be safe.
The disorienting feeling of changing perspectives, and the sounds of growls and snarls assaulted my ears a moment, though I got the vague idea of what they meant. I lifted the females head, and looked to see the Male Leader seeming confused, and trying to force his muscular frame forward toward the puppy, my Puppy!
I was angry now, I liked Fluffy, he couldn’t hurt it. I growled, the sound coming out instead of the words ‘stay away from my Puppy’ apparently the meaning came across, because the Male Leader swiveled his blood red eyes onto me, and began growling, his hackles raised.
‘Challenge?’ simple, the body motions, and growl was a simple question. I rose, unsteadily onto the legs of the mother, and dislodged the puppies from the breasts.
I growled again, and the big male lunged toward me, and I had no idea how to really fight. I did not think this through properly, but the baby puppies! The Leader seemed to actually slow, or stumble, or something mid jump, and he came up short, landing nose first into the Den’s floor. What?
Didn’t matter, he was trying to get back up, and he wanted the Mommy, and the puppy dead. I grimaced, I made the Mommy move as quickly as she could in the state after birth, and reach the back of the Leader's neck, gripping it in the fangs, biting down. The fangs ripped into the flesh on the back of the neck, and he yelped. I shut my/the Mommy’s eyes, and kept shaking my head savagely and ignoring the sounds, trying to not throw up.
I felt one of the Leader’s paws whack me upside the head, and I let go, stunned, while he backed away, growling, and blood soaking his black fur. He was panting, and seemed weaker now at least.
The Mommy’s body seemed a little stronger, and I remembered what they said. The Leader was going to fight harder now, not less. Oh no, he lunged again, and I made the body twist to the side, still unused to the four legs, and fell to the side.
The lung brought the Leader closer toward the puppies. No! I rose as fast as I could, and jumped at him while his focus was on the fluffy puppy. My head hit his side, and sent him to the ground. From there I stumbled forward before the Leader could get back up, and latched the fangs around the throat, biting down as hard as I could and trying to not taste what hit my mouth, or hear what was happening.
It took five minutes, but the connection ended after a minute, and the familiar display of Leo popped into view.
Shhh, It’s ok Sidnie, the puppy is fine, deep breath, deep breath.
I was breathing really hard, Daddy said this kind of thing was bad when Mommy had done it a year ago after dust hit her face.
I tried to lay still and calm down. It was scary, I still tasted it in my mouth, even though it had not been mine. Scary, I tried to get up off the bed, and fell onto the floor, curling a little into a ball, and breathing harder.
But the puppy was ok, that was best, right? Scary, scary, scary. I tried taking deep breaths and holding them in for a moment before letting them out. It instead caused me to choke on the air, but it did succeed in making me take more in, and slow down the deep, fast paced breaths.
Sidnie? Are you alright? Sidnie?
Leo sounded worried, not like he could do a lot really. I heard a loud beep after a moment, and my door burst open. I saw Daddy’s feet from under the bed, and Leo explaining what happened via display on the Dungeon World table.
“Sweetheart?!” Daddy picked me up, and held me. Rubbing my back gently. I started to cry.
“Was scary!” I hiccuped between a sob, and he made calming sounds while rubbing my back.
“I know Cuddle Bug, I know, shhh. It’s ok. Daddy is here. Daddy has you.” After a while I slowly calmed down, and could talk more.
“*sniffle* I saved the puppy.” The first thing I say, and it’s I saved the puppy. I looked up to see Daddy smile, fear very real in his eyes.
“You did Sweetheart, but no more ok? Not for a little while. You could have hurt yourself with the way you were breathing. You were having a panic attack, those can be dangerous if you don’t regulate how you breath.”
I sniffled again and shook my head.
“I need to do it more Daddy. I wanna make you proud. I’m a big girl! *Sniffle*”
Daddy smiled at me, and kissed my forehead before sitting on my bed with me in his arms. “You are a big girl, my big girl, but Daddy was scared for you. You have to let me turn the Sensors on if you want to keep doing this. Ok? It will make it so you don’t have such real sensations anymore. Daddy was stupid for forgetting to do that before.”
I nodded, and hid my face in his neck, my arms going around it too. He got up, and took me to his bedroom where he and Mommy held me for a while. I started to feel better a bit after that. I was beginning to not like how mean the stronger Demons were however.
I’d worry about it later, for now I got to cuddle Mommy and Daddy, and forget the taste.
Here you are folks, the second chapter of the day! Also the very last Traumatic scene for Sidnie. Filter activate! Daddy's word stand strong!
On a side note, I have recently joined a group 'The Den' rather fun folks. Look forward to advancing both my skills, and story with their aid. Moving on!
Much love and cookies all! See you soon. (They are slave Drivers)
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