《Dungeon Games》Chapter Seven: Finals!
Hey folks, this is the A.N before I write the story, naturally. I see who won, and I look forward to the result of the special role being revealed later in the story for Suzuki. Also, I am pleased beyond belief with the Comments, and suggestions for the Races. Each and every single one of your suggestions have helped narrow down the Races revealed early on, and given me ideas to tinker with for the ones that few mentioned.
I also wished to clear this up. Several Races that will be revealed/released during the duration of this story are also based in a faction like System, meaning they are related in some way to another Race, but are their own Evolutionary chain. Also, you cannot unlock other Races through Evolution. What you evolve is a species within that particular Race.
This is because their are so very many options in the world, history, and Myths that I can use, it stimulates me toward researching, finding, and using these Species and Races and finding what I feel go best together. The only way for Players to unlock other Races is to either buy them, and replace the Starting Race inside the A.I until they are able to hold more than one Race, or win them in Tournaments.
Also, the Races can only evolve within the species designated to that Set Race. Each Race has anywhere from four to 20 different species within the Race, depending on the Race itself, and the actual difficulty of the Race.
Each Race has multiple Evolutionary Pathways, and some will be shown to go beyond Species limitations in some small way. But Races are kept separate, there will likely never be interbreeding of species. Sorry folks, I don't need that headache.
Because it's still in the basics, I am working out further kinks, and dumping the Info on you all as I get it set in stone. But what I stated in the A/N here, is set in stone. No Race can, or will, evolve or breed, or unlock another Race. Only Species within the selected Race will unlock.
Those wondering about Nephilim, they will be a separate Race, with their own Species and Evolutionary pathways. It will be fun to watch them all grow as I write, and you read. But, here is the story, with a further A.N at the end, as is my norm.
Waking up this morning, I was excited. It was the day of the Finals! I could hardly wait to see all of the matches, and changes. It had actually made sleeping a bit difficult, because I woke up every hour for the first few hours of trying to sleep, hoping it was Noon the next day.
I stretched out under the covers, yawning and rubbing the last bit of sleep from my eyes before rolling onto my side to look at the clock.
9:39 A.M
I groaned at that, it was so early, and I had a long time before the matches. I didn't really want to go downstairs this early, and Mommy was probably gone to go do her errands for the day. I frowned, before rousing enough to say good morning to Leo, and getting one in return.
"So, how are the Hell Hounds Leo?" I asked.
They are doing well, Sidnie, the hounds have grown to a decent sized pack, with several pups on the way. They number 45 right now. I would recommend moving them soon. The aggression between the two species of weak Demons is beginning to grow stronger as the numbers grow.
I frowned at that, my hope had been the Hell Hounds, being more animal than sentiate power based Demons, would be controlled by my Imps, but the Imps were far from intelligent themselves, Red was the only one with some minor showings, according to Leo, but she was not as strong as a Hell Hound.
"Alright" I said, getting up and moving to the Dungeon Table and looking at the flat world. "How wide is your world on this table?"
On record it is the exact size of an entire continent. Several hundred miles. The Imps hunting range is around one mile, and holds most of the weaker creatures. I would advised moving the Hell Hound pack about five miles out, and toward the forests. The beasts are stronger, and would fit the Hell Hound levels better their, as opposed to the natural strength of the beasts in the Imp hunting grounds growing stronger to compensate for such a strong predator in the area.
I nodded, and had him show me the Wild Dog packs in the area. There was one that numbered about 20, and Leo informed me they were at least two levels higher than my Hell Hounds, which thanks to the Evolution status, the Hell Hounds were really around level 11, but while they were shown as level 1.
"Alright, that should do, move the pack there. Show me the progress, and make sure they avoid the Pack range of that Boss Monster, Ok?"
Of course Sidnie, I will move them immediately. Red has become increasingly violent as well, because of several issues, she has killed roughly 10 Imps since the last hunt. The Hell Hounds, as a stronger, though more simple Demon, are the likely cause.
I frowned at that, but let it go. Leo was still a Dungeon A.I, and likely cared for his Race like children.
The Imps were located in one of the very few rocky outcroppings within Leo's world, and the Lava running underneath the section they inhabited would prove useful later on no doubt. The area was also in the far bottom right (The point nearest her bed) The Hell Hounds were being moved to the denser forested area, and where the feline creatures seemed to reside in concert with the Wild Dogs, and the first Boss monster.
My plan, eventually, involved the Hell Hounds taking the area for themselves. One of the options I could not afford, involved corrupting the land they inhabited, all Demons had this trait, and it would turn the environment more toward their natural habitat. I needed to keep the area this happened to a limited portion though, to keep other Races I got in the future from being wiped out.
I planned to make the Imp enclave, once I had the first real intelligent, and strong Demon, become the Demons main seat of power within Leo's world. Sadly, for now, I needed to split the Species up.
I watched the Hell Hounds move slowly toward the destination. The Imps watched, screeching at the retreating Hound forms as they left, before going back to their daily business.
I had Leo focus on the front of the pack, they seemed jittery, but kept moving under his 'influence' on their minds. It took roughly forty-five minutes for them to reach the destination on the map. It took less than five to utterly decimate the pack of Wild Dogs in the area.
The Hell Hounds were almost twice their size, for one, closer to a wolf size, and looked ferocious, instilling fear in them during the fight.
It had been brutal, and a bit easier to watch because I was not directly involved. The HEll Hounds cleared the Wild Dog pack out, down to the last puppy, and took the den over for their own.
Once they did that, the natural energies they exuded forced the Den to warp some, showing thin red veins of fire like crystal inside the dirt. The plant life around the Den entrance also slowly died away. I raised my eyebrows at that, and Leo must have sensed my confusion because he explained.
The Hell Hounds, because they cannot build, and are a stronger form of Demon, naturally exude Demonic energy, the Demon Races main form of Magic, and corrupts the area they choose as a home to better suit their needs. It is set to the basic start inside a species subcategory of the tech tree. We can upgrade this to eventually have large spikes and lava pools if we purchase the upgrades for their natural energy leaking.
You need to read the section on Hell Hounds that was unlocked, Sidnie.
The last part sounded like an admonishment, and I stuck my tongue out at the table. But that was interesting. I knew most Races had subcategories based on the Species within the Race, and allowed them to be advanced along each of the three main methods, along with their main Evolutionary pathways.
I sighed. "I will, after the finals."
He seemed content knowing I would. I looked at the clock again, and it was just turning 10:50. I felt like smacking my forehead some. But decided to go take a shower, and eat food first.
After my shower, I went downstairs and ate my icky paste like eggs, and seeing I still had an hour before the Tournament Finals began, sat on the couch, and opened the display in the book 'Demons - Introduction to the Inferno' and moved toward the section that showed as newly unlocked.
Hell Hounds -
Hell Hounds are a tier 1 evolution of the Demon Race, they are a beast Demon that deals in the aspects of pure physical strength. They follow only those that have either the strength to tame them, or the cunning to manipulate them. They are a ferocious and violent breed.
They are closer to the Imps in terms of Demon Hierarchy however do to the lack of intelligence. They are beasts of burden and war, though there are rumours that Hell Hounds are able to evolve into a more intelligent species unique to them.
The Hell Hounds, having no ability to build or create, tend to exude Demonic energy that corrupts and twists whatever they claim as their home to suit their needs. It is a minor effect that can be drastic based upon Hell Hound Numbers, as well as the amount of innate energy within them.
A Hell Hound is a tenacious creature, unlike the Imp who will, when lacking numbers or direction by someone stronger, will fight anything, and anyone regardless of the chance of victory for the simple reason that they have a singular desire to kill and devour all they consider enemies.
For example, a single Hell Hound will use a cunning based on instincts to fight to the death. There is no losing in their minds. They fight to maim, cripple, and kill. Regardless of sustained wounds, and will fight harder the more injured they become just to ensure damage is done to their would be killer.
A pack of Hell Hounds will fight in select groups, and if faced with a foe that is stronger, and manages to escape sheer weight of numbers, the Pack will hunt down the creature in question until every member of the Pack has either perished, or they have killed their prey.
Hell Hound Variants tend to drift toward fire, and stone as the most common form of Variant control.
A Hell Hounds lifespan is around six months, and they grow larger with age.
Available Evolution knowledge for Hell Hounds -
Cerberii - Two headed Dog, offspring of the legendary Cerberus. (Tier 2 evolution)
Shadow Hound - A larger, more vicious version of the Hell Hound, they hunt from the shadows, and mists. (Tier 2 Evolution.)
Cerberus - The Legendary Three headed Guardian of the gates of Hell. (Tier 3 legendary creature. Only able to have one)
Further Evolutions may be discovered through trial and error based on base increases in stats, enviroment, and training.
Known Variants - none
Further Knowledge will be unlocked and made available as you progress on your journey to understand the Demon Race.
After reading the knowledge that had been unlocked, I began speaking to leo.
"They are a very useful Demon, in terms of shock value then huh?"
Yes Sidnie, they are. I can see multiple uses, should we gain an evolution to control both them and the Imps properly. As it stands, we will have two separate Tribes of Demons, neither of which have proper intelligence. I would ask permission to begin training Red toward her known Evolution, the Succubii. We cannot afford it, as the point value is the same as making the Hell Fire Imp common, which I believe will still be needed. But it is a goal we can work toward. More so now that we have doubled our daily intake of points with the Hell Hounds, regardless of the fact they do not follow the desired plan, they were the perfect choice.
It took me a moment to read all of that. Goodness, the end seemed more like he knew I had second guessed my choice after what we saw with the aggression. I had, of course, perhaps he felt it through our Neural link?
I shrugged a bit. "Alright, Leo, and yes I did want the Hell Fire Imp to be made common. How many points do we have from the early morning hunt, and with the Hell Hounds taking the Den?"
Current points number - 1723
We gained exactly 345 from the Imps first hunt today, and the Hell Hounds gained us 500 points through the process of Killing the Wild Dogs, followed by the Den claiming. My systems show the area as fully under Demon control. I hope to learn what this entails later.
The Hell Hounds will not likely hunt this evening, they have plenty of food for their current population due to the Wild Dogs they killed already. At current estimates, it will take four days to make the Hell Fire Imp a commonly seen Variant, and another week to evolve to the first Sentient Species with the cunning to control the Hell Hounds and Imps as well. But I fear they lack the Strength needed to bring them together as a hole without a stable population of Hell Fire Imps evolving.
"I know, we will figure something out, together. Are you ready for the finals?" I asked excitedly, changing the subject a bit.
Yes, Sidnie, I look forward to observing what that Ogre person does this time.
I grinned, I kind of did as well. Turning the T.V on, we were met with the voice of the announcer, and began watching...
Several Hours into the Tournament
"We are about half way done folks! We have Five matches to go before the winner can be decided! Are you all ready for the next match?"
The announcer yelled into his mic, and the crowd went insane with cheers.
"That's what I like to hear! Alright! This match is the Mistress of the Fleet, the Girl with the Lucky foot! Suzuki!"
The crowd let loose another massive cheer, and I looked at the small, serious, Asian girl as she set up her set, not bothering to even look at her opponent, a Wolf user.
"Her opponent is the Kobold user, Francis! Who will win, Predator, or Prey? Shall it be the fang, or the foot? Let's find out folks!"
My 'Rabbids' as they were called, were an artistry of humanoid design. I had chosen this evolution because it gave my species an inherent intelligence and capability to learn. If I had wished to go the route of strength, it could have been the Were Rabbit but Father had insisted I force my Race to learn the art of Bushido, and Kendo.
Father was a researcher, and he wished to see if having an A.I and the owner pass on the forms to a semi-intelligent species, if that would affect the evolutions.
It had, my 'Rabbids' were stronger, and more Predator based than people believed. They were meat eaters.
I chose 100 'Rabbits' I was fighting a Kobold user, from the match I observed, he had no Variants, but was skilled with Spears.
My own 'Rabbids' I had ensured used swords akin to the Katana. It had cost me a great deal of my Points, all of them in truth, but Father had ordered it.
Upon entering the field, I took control of my best Warrior, a 'Rabbid wearing a kind of reed armor akin to the Samurai of old, including a helmet. He was Strong, and fast in his forms.
The rest were a mix match of male and Female. I just prefered taking control of this male. He was also the leader of the Clan. His name was Bushi.
Flexing my now furry hands, and standing tall on my hind legs, feeling the powerful jumping muscles, I pointed to the left, and a group of 15 went that way, I pointed forward, and a group of 20 went there. I went to the right with the remainder of the 'Rabbids'
We would move forward at a set pace, remaining only 50 yards away from each group. The Smaller ones were obvious bait, and should be ignored for my larger group. But, aside from Bushi, they were the best of my Warriors. Each had slain a Mini Boss leveled creature in my Dungeon world on their own.
Where others had gone for Variants, and Evolutions, My Berserk Rabbit was a lucky coincidence, that come from the sheer amount of training I forced my Rabbits to undergo.
My Group moved silently through the forest, I had instructed a good half of them to jump into the trees and bound from limb to limb, using their ears to search for sound.
I made sure our pace was sedate, calm. We did not need to rush into the battle. This was the Finals, and Father wanted the Naga race for his research, to teach them the same way we had taught the Rabbits. I grimaced inwardly at the concept, but I could not disobey.
A scream split the woods, it sounded like the god awful abomination of a child screaming in utter terror, and a roar of challenge. The enemy had been spotted. I gnashed my teeth, he had gone for the smaller groups afterall. It didn't change my plan, I had ensured we were close for this eventuality as well.
Raising my fist into the air, and opening it while making a circle motion I felt the leaves above rattle as the Warriors I had, had up top swing their motions and head toward the fighting, I moved along swiftly as well, the 25 Warriors with me bounding along after me. Using our powerful legs to almost jump with each step, we quickly arrived.
The sight in general was akin to guerrilla warfare. The Kobolds, a few Wolfs mixed in, were using hit and run tactics on the small group, sending in groups of 10 to force them to face a direction, and the Wolves would come from behind and drag one of my 'Rabbids' off into the brush.
The scent of blood filled the air, and the enemy had suffered some casualties. My Warriors had not gone down peacefully, like wheat to the sweeping scythe. Here and there were bodies of Kobolds, and a wolf or two.
I heard a howl cut through the forest, and looked through the trees to see a larger group, likely the main force, sitting back and observing.
A trap? It did not matter. I let loose a loud, masculine Screech from Bushi's throat, and drew my Katana, charging into the fray and cutting down several Kobolds from behind.
I could hear howls from the direction of my other small group, they had joined the fray and were taking out the ones nipping at the heels. Those in the Trees had not yet jumped down, they were waiting for a signal, and I did not wish to use them yet.
So they remained in the trees, hidden.
After 10 minutes of brutal fighting, they had easily numbered 50, we managed to cut down the hit and run squad. It had cost me, not using my hidden forces from above. I'd lost 40 of my own Warriors, but we had won this skirmish.
I panted, feeling the sore and tired muscles of Bushi's body, and grimaced. It would not be good to extend combat. My 'Rabbids' were strong, and swift, but Stamina in long drawn out battles was not a Rabbit's friend. The heart would explode under too much strain, or fear, or excitement.
I Chittered to the exhausted Warriors "Form the line, swords drawn, use the trees as cover for any thrown spears. Watch the brush for hidden Wolves. Tonight we dine on Wolf flesh!"
I raised my.Bushi's arm, Katana catching the light and shining with the blood running down the blade, my Warriors cheered and formed up.
We moved, and I saw the Kobolds moving as well. They would meet our charge in the dense forest. I smiled, baring the buck teeth that were slightly pointed.
Yes, come toward us, let me show you how Bushido avenges the fallen.
They came, spears flew, one that had come near to striking me was cut down in a swift flash by the Warrior to my left, in return he took one in the arm, and fell back but continued moving forward. Ignoring the pain. He was one of Bushi's honor guard.
We met in battle, and we were outnumbered for a time. My Warriors training, and skill made up for it, for a few seconds, but it would not last long. We were losing more than winning. But I needed the Kobolds fully committed. I parried a thrust toward my gut, and used my powerful leg to kick him, snapping his femur before decapitating him.
Finally, after several minutes, I screeched out, and down they came. Swords drawn, falling almost gracefully were the Warriors in the trees. They struck down with their blades, felling Kobolds from above, and cutting them down where they stood, while I and the first wave slowly drew back to catch a breath. Letting the small numbers and surprise take the brunt.
I saw what could only be the Kobold Controlled one in the center, using two short spears he deftly cut down one after another of my Warriors.
I growled, and moved forward, the rest of my Warriors rejoining the battle. I cut my way to the Enemy leader. Holding my sword in one of the Kata Stances, the edge face upward, the sword point down, both hands holding the handle.
Using my legs, I jumped forward, the power and speed the Rabbit legs gave me almost made it seem like I moved without using a muscle, but I had done it that fast.
My swords struck the crossed spear in a flash of sparks, and ring of metal. Cut, parry, thrust, block. I repeated the strikes, and methods over and over, looking for an opening.
After what felt like an eternity, it appeared, he dropped his guard on the left, and I swung my sword toward his guard, changing it mid strike to become a downward slash, and cut through the Kobolds body.
Blood spurt from the Kobolds mouth in a gush, covering Bushi's face, and then the disconnect occurred. I had won. I check my losses, they would be replenished, and then I check my point gain.
I had lost a total of 69 of my Warriors, some of my best. My A.I and I had named them all, those in the warrior caste I created. The list was heart rending. I had also gained around 7000 points, almost enough to upgrade my armor smith knowledge.
I sighed, and rose, then left the stage, ignoring the announcer....
"Amazing!! Such strategy, and ingenuity from the Mistress of the Rabbits! Well played indeed! This goes to show that even the Predator, can become the prey! Now, a match all have been dying to see, Griffon! The Undead Master versus The Ghoulish might of Trenton!"
Ghouls, everyone always wanted to go with the Ghouls, they were easier to evolve, they already had the flesh, they were strong with Muscle tissue. Pathetic.
Skeletons, those were the true might of the Undead. They felt nothing, neither pity, nor fear, nor hate, nor love. They were the perfect embodiment of a soldier. I could use them as weapons in battle, should they fall, they would never break for fear.
I'm glad my match was against the Ghoul user, I would show the true might of the Skeletons today! The Black Knights, the first Tier evolution, requiring metal knowledge, and sturdy bones. Let them crash against the bulwark of the Ebon wall they would represent.
I doubted the Ghouls were all he had though, they were like the Skeletons, a starting Species. The Primary Ghoul Evolution tended toward Zombie, which I found weird because they were slower. But they spread by infection. That would be useless here. None of my forces could be turned.
I set up my defences while regarding what it could be, they would come to me, afterall. I need not risk my Skeletons becoming entrapped.
My chosen was a Black Knight of hulking size, and stronger armor. I called him Fredrick, a play on an old joke.
50 Black knights, and 50 Skeletons. A basic set up where my Knights formed two tight circle lines of 25, and I bunched all 50 skeletons into the center to launch bone spears at the enemy.
All set up, I had to wait. It was the only part I hated, but I would be ready soon and no longer need to do this if I were lucky.
After almost an hour, the first Ghoul broke the tree line. 'That's right you bastard, come to me' I thought.
It was followed by another, and another. A horde of Ghouls, they would break their claws upon the armor of my Skeletons! What followed next however, made my breath Hitch. It as glorious, a Ultra Rare evolution, the method to gain it nearly impossible to meet.
It was a Corpser, a massive mound of flesh and putrefaction (A.N. think The Giant undead cleaver folks from WarCraft, though in a smaller size)
They were bundles of power, and were large enough that they might actually sweep aside my knights. I growled, the sound coming from Fredrick more of a whispery chattering.
I had my Knight hoist their Ebon Lances, and aim them out like a porcupine shield, and readied the Skeletons.
The Ghouls charged on all fours, green eyes, and claws rushing toward my circle.
They met with a crash on the armor of my Knight, howling to kill them, to rend flesh where none would be met.
Killing a Ghoul required precise strikes over power, and the fast bastard made it hard. So I had my Skeletons throw three spears per Ghoul, knowing the ammunition would run out soon. But in the first wave I had slain 20 Ghouls, and lost 3 knights, and about 10 Skeletons when a random Ghoul broke through the line.
Defence was always the best offence, I grinned, or tried too. That was when he released the 10 Corpsers he had. Shit, they were big lumbering bastards.
Nipping at the heels were the Ghouls. Ready to dive into the gaps created. The back like of Knights tore their breastplates off at my direction, and fit them in the gaps between the front row, then forced their large frames in tight to create a sturdy brace. There were no more gaps, and my lances were forced outward, the problem was they would not be able to attack.
I had the Skeletons cannibalize the fallen for ammunition. The Corpsers arrived, and the first one to Strike was where I was in the line. I felt the sheer vibration of the strike, and it actually made 10 of my knights move back a small step under the weight of the club strike.
Son of a bitch! I had my Skeletons fire none stop into the skulls of the Corpsers, and then the Ghouls themselves came.
My line held though, even under the massive power of the Corpsers, I still lost a knight here and there, as a result I filled it with the weaker Skeletons, using them as a kind of bomb, when a Ghoul came forward, they shoved their forearms, the hand removed, into the Ghouls chest, and scrambled the putrid hearts.
A Corpser fell, and the falling mound crushed a few of his own Ghouls. Oddly, that was when the connection ended, it was the controlled one, and I realized just how lucky I got when I looked at my remaining Numbers when compared to the enemies.
Enemy numbers - 35 Ghouls, 4 Corpsers
Remaining Undead - 5 Skeletons, 12 Knights.
Points gained - 4351
Not a lot of points were gained, but my strategy resulted in fewer points. It also nearly ended in my defeat. I needed to rethink my plans. Win or lose, I would gather Stronger Undead for the next time. I promised myself that. But, I had won, and whether by luck, or skill, a victory is a victory...
"Wow! The Ghoulish onslaught broke upon the wall of the Black Knights! Congratulations Griffon! You have entered the Final Bracket, along with Suzuki! Next up, the Lightening Ogre Greydon! His opponent a Wolf User! Hubert!"
I rolled my eyes as I put on the rig, another Wolf user, pathetic. Everyone wanted the dogs for some reason. I entered the familiar body or Grey, my first Ogre. I could feel the current of lighting innate within him, and grew bored at the concept of fighting Werewolves again.
I had used the Replenishment rule yesterday, and had filled my ranked with another 10 Lightening Ogres, Grey included, and the rest were my Lightening Hobs. I was the only one who had reach a Tier 2 evolution I had seen in this tournament. I'd crush them all, and earn my spot in the Adept stage where I would find challenges!
I told my Ogres to do whatever the hell they wanted, so they just sat down, and my Hobs did much the same. Though they seemed prepared. They were the best trained afterall. Gaining this Variant had been a pain in the ass as well. Sheer luck made me think of it, when a Goblin survived a lightning strike. I used this as an experiment. It had cost me hundreds of Goblins, but eventually one with a magic ability forming was struck, survived, and it's offspring became like this, yellow with a static charge.
The Hob version could shoot a bolt of lightening once, and the Ogre, it was a juggernaut of energy for Lightening.
Eventually, the Werewolves showed up, and I watched my Hobs take up positions. Grey Werewolves, normal, no Variant. But they were many. I saw no actual Wolves. So he had used all Werewolves for me? Goodie.
I couldn't just fry these guys willy nilly like before. Those were expendable pawns, these were my babies. I sighed, and had my Ogres pick the clubs up, and joined them at the front lines, the Hobs taking up the sides.
When they reached us, a Werewolf launched himself at me, and I swung my club, crushing his ribs and sending him flying to the side with the swing.
From their it became a blur. I shot lighting here and there, so did the other Ogres. The Hobs just shocked the piss out of the wolves.
The fight itself lasted all of 10 minutes, but the bastard had taken out 4 Ogres, and easily half my Hobs before he fell. This son of a bitch didn't intend to win, he wanted to reduce my population. I sneered at the controlled one, he seemed pleased, bastard.
I smashed the wolf's skull, and the connection ended. Pathetic, no one here was a damn challenge...
"Greydon is the winner! Now, the fight between Greydon, and Griffon shall commence after this short recess to allow our three contenders to rest!"
The crowd went wild on the T.V and I stared in shock at the fights I had seen. It was...brutal, beautiful, and frightening.
I had enjoyed Suzuki more, I liked how she fought, and used her Rabbits. They looked cuddly as well.
Griffon, he just got lucky, and Greydon was frighteningly strong with that Lightning Variant.
I took advantage of the recess to get up, and use the restroom, and eat some paste like sandwiches Mommy had in the fridge for me.
"How are the Hounds doing, Leo? Have they been attacked by any Wild Dog Packs, or Cat prides?" I asked between small bites.
No, they seem to be avoiding the Hell Hounds for the time being. Likely they will be getting stronger to handle them soon. I am also ensuring they have a chance to set the Den up properly.
I nodded, and we talked about eh tournament for a bit, then the Imp choices, and what to do with the Hell Hounds. So far, we had decided to focus on the Hell Fire Imps option, and see what we could do after we reached that stage. I'd start researching tonight as well, maybe find something in books, or online that could be unlocked through methods as a Tier 1 evolution based on intelligence and Cunning, aside from the Succubii path for the Hell Fire Imp.
I'd have to experiment a lot, and it would take months. But I'd find a way.
When I finished eating, and went back to the living room, the match between Graydon, and Griffon had just begun. It was...a one sided slaughter, hoenstly. Griffon's defence was swept aside by Ogre strength, and lighting Strikes shattered and fried his Knights, and Skeletons bones.
It was a little depressing to watch.
But finally, the last round of the tournament was announced. Suzuki, my current role model with how she had turned a relatively weak Race, one mostly just for those wanting a cute pet like Dungeon, and not a Gamer one, and turned them into fierce warriors, against Greydon. The very skilled, and frightening boy who didn;t mind frying his own Goblins on the field of battle.
Mwuhahahahah! Cliff hanger section! Not really, you all know who will win, but how will she do it? What methods with the young Asian use? Heheh, I am making you wait. Also because it's gonna be a long section, and I don't want this part super long right now.
Also, I am gonna go back through the chapters, I am changing the age they can acquire the A.I to 12, not 15. I works better in the age gap for when Sidnie is older, this way it's not creepy seeming 20 year olds going out of their way to be near 15 year old girls. haha.
It also means that I can show some stuff with Jessica, and Franny a bit more often because their block will be lifted sooner, and they can grow it properly, and be on par with the others, so will Sidnie when she reaches school, and can leave the house of course.
More than that, is a surprise. Oh the evil plan I have made you readers choose without knowing. mwuahahahaha! -cough- Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know that the Greydon section was shorter, but it is pretty obvious he's a skilled bugger, just wished to show his personality some.
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Come Sevenfall
Number 7 is smart for a boy who’s only been alive for two years, but he’s never been free. Locked up in a high security research facility run by the organization, Pandora, he has only ever known the life of an expensive human experiment. Pandora’s aim is to create an evolved superhuman for military purposes, and you guessed it, Number 7 is anything but ordinary. When WWV breaks out in 2236 CE, Seven has to deal with the pressures of war along with the pressures of growing up too quickly. But, what happens when the war is over? What happens when the world ends? 14+ (or something) - for some gore and psychological stuff. Come check out my Wordpress ----> https://comesevenfall.wordpress.com/, and my new story Seren Ynys Online Temporary cover drawn by me, (Idk if I'll keep it, but I like it better than the one I had before). © [koallary] and [Come Sevenfall], [2015]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [koallary] and [Come Sevenfall] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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Two beings have collided in the most peculiar way. As one sets out to remember her forgotten past, another sets out to find the truth in her false memories. Their paths intertwine across time, space, and dimensions, only to find one thing they have in common - the land they know as home.
8 293 - In Serial12 Chapters
Lord Azul
In the world of Darsus, a young child was born. His fate was doomed from the start, as he was born unbreathing. His mother prayed to a legend, and her wish were fulfilled.Azul was given a life. But is being blessed by a being of war really a good thing?Not a Reincarnation or world transportation story. This story is for a more mature audience.
8 121 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Realm Reborn: Small Closed Demo (LitRPG)
One of the world’s top competitive gamers, Theo Robinson, has been invited to demo The Realm Online, Radical Interactive’s second attempt to delve into the VRMMORPG industry. Their first attempt had critics cringing at blocky graphics and less than realistic NPC interactions. Now, after over twenty years of marrying virtual reality and medical technology, Radical Interactive is ready to try again, and they have something really big in store.But Theo Robinson has no interest in The Realm Online. A MOBA player, RPGs have never been his thing. The only reason he accepted the invitation was because of another secret project that Radical Interactive has been working on. Word has it they have been trapping people with brain injuries inside of The Realm Online. When Nancy Shelton, YouTube's most famous female Let's Player (and Theo's best friend online), got into a car accident and ended up in a coma, it was suspected that her consciousness had been ported into the game. Theo's quest isn't to demo The Realm Online but to try to find his friend. But will he even be able to look for her when the immersion is so intense that he forgets who he is?
8 211 - In Serial51 Chapters
Completed. FOX is the most mysterious person you could ever meet. All that they know about her is that she is a girl who joined the ANBU at age 4 and then mysteriously disappeared with little notice at age 5. Little did they know, FOX never left the village. A matter of fact, she has been under their very noses this whole time.Where was she? Well, the better the question is- who was she?One name: Naruto Uzumaki. A trouble maker. A dead last. A person that hid under a henge with almost nobody's knowledge.FOX was doing well at not being figured out... well... not till the age of 11. Slowly, male after male will discover her secret, and FOX will do anything to keep them from talking.But... how long can she keep it a secret?Let me tell you this, the FOX is closer than you think.Highest Rank: #33 in Naruto #1 in Fox #1 in Menma #6 in Hinata #1 in Kakashi-sensei #1 in narutoshippuden #19 in Sakura #1 in Iruka #1 in femnaruto #34 in anime #3 in kurama #3 in longstory #3 in longchapters I own nothing but the plot and the characters I make up.Started: May 22, 2018Ended: June 14, 2019
8 82 - In Serial36 Chapters
Dreamnotfound Fluff
So just random bits of Dreamnotfound fluff. This isn't really scripted or outlined or anything, just me practicing my fluff writing skills. No smut, although there are a few implications oopsie. Requests and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)Cover: https://twitter.com/ATiredMasa/status/1276579662248865793If you can draw better than me (so like pretty much everyone), feel free to send me covers!!!! :)
8 115