《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 24 – Guardian


Close to midnight, Reyn had gotten off the phone with her foster parents with a smile on her face. Mr. and Mrs. Pingree thought it was simply wonderful that Reyn now had a pet cat. Mr. and Mrs. Pingree had been anxious and worried Reyn would be lonely in an entirely different county by herself, but now the Pingree’s would be at ease knowing that Reyn wasn’t alone anymore.

However. a part of Reyn still wasn’t sure that she had done the right thing by doing so. In the end, the Demon King side of her still did not wish to be involved with humans. But for better or for worse, there was no avoiding the situation given that Reyn is a human herself.

With a sigh, Reyn closes her eyes and begins to meditate for the night. Even if tomorrow, was a work day, Reyn had several things on her mind and this could only help. Mana surges from the ley-line and slowly gathers into her World Tree. Well, as it would turn out far too soon the 6 a.m. alarm shrilly begins to ring. And without further ado, Reyn promptly gets out of bed to get ready for work.

However, to Reyn’s surprise upon entering the kitchen Ye Ming is busy preparing breakfast. “Breakfast is ready,” Ye Ming said as he swiftly serves soft cooked rice, warm breakfast soup with pickled vegetables. Who knew the kid could cook so well?!

After breakfast, Reyn says, “And remember no going outside of the apartment! If you get bored, I want you to lie down on the floor and listen. Trust me, if you’re able to listen well enough and you will begin to notice something.”

Ye Ming sighs dejectedly at his master’s words and miserably replies, “Yes, Master.”


“I’ll be back a little late, but once I get back, I’ll make homemade pizza for you for dinner,” Reyn purposefully said as she put on her shoes at the front door.

Ye Ming perks up like any teenager at the sound of calories and fast food. “Alright! Please take care and have a good day, Master,” Ye Ming said as Reyn closes the door behind her.

On Sunday afternoon, Reyn had introduced Ye Ming to the neighbors as her pet cat. Reyn only asked that if they saw her cat get out to please inform her. The neighbors nicely replied that it would be no problem to do so.

After work and with her errands all done afterward, Reyn finally returns to her apartment with much-needed supplies for Ye Ming such as a cellphone, a laptop, and other cat needed items.

Seeing all the things in Reyn’s hands, Ye Ming hurriedly grabs the plastic bags with recognizable logos and disbelieving asks, “Are these all for me, Master?”

“Of course, what modern teenager doesn’t need a phone?” Reyn murmured as she set her purchases on the kitchen counter and removed her shoes.

Not hearing Ye Ming reply, Reyn turns around and blinks in surprise. Unshed tears shine in Ye Ming’s eyes causing Reyn blinks in surprise as Ye Ming suddenly gives her hug and then embarrassingly let’s go. “Thank you, master,” Ye Ming embarrassingly said.

Reyn smiles ruefully at him and says, “You can’t continue to call me, Master, all the time. So how about, just Reyn?”

Ye Ming gawks and protests, “But you’re older than me!”

Reyn snorts and says, “Don’t let anyone hear that. Besides, I think it’s better that way, it will seem like a much more normal relationship, I mean, I am only 25 years old, after all.”


Ye Ming shyly nods his head and says, “Thank you,” Ye Ming pauses to add, “Aunt Reyn.”

Reyn sighs but doesn’t try to force Ye Ming to call her by her first name anymore. Look where that got her? She was now Aunt Reyn!

“Put away these things first, before playing with your new digs. But you better have finished your homework, because I am going to check,” Reyn warningly said as she heads to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes into casual clothing.

Ye Ming pales slightly before darting away with bags in hand to finish setting up a cat tower and other items. Reyn shakes her head ruefully and heads to her bedroom to get undressed, before putting on some casual clothes. Pulling her hair up into a tiny ponytail, Reyn begins to roll the dough and spread it as it should be. Finished, Reyn lets the dough rise while she makes a homemade pizza sauce and cuts up the toppings. By the time the dough is ready, Reyn makes the pizza pie and stuffs it, before putting it into the oven to bake.

Ye Ming happily plays with his new phone until Reyn comes over and asks, “So how was your assignment?”

“Ye Ming furrows his brows and warily answers, “I couldn’t concentrate at first, but the more time went by, the quieter it became. I could almost hear something at the edge of the silence, but I don’t know what it is.”

“Then keep listening, you’ll know soon enough,” Reyn murmured back.

Ye Ming frowns but nods his head in understanding. Soon the smell of pizza fills the air and Ye Ming perks up like a puppy. Reyn smiles and quickly goes to check the pizza to see if it was ready. Ready, Ye Ming leaps into his seat to eat as Reyn cuts the pizza into large slices to eat. Ye Ming has a blissful expression on his face as Reyn snorts to herself and takes a bite of the pizza. It was perfect, but what made it better was having someone to eat it with.

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