《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 25 – The Meeting


A group of older men and woman appear in various clothing styles including ancient robes and in formal suits. The majority of the group are men as they all take a seat around a circular table. An older man in a robe with gray hair and a neat mustache says, “Thank you all for coming. Now I hope we are all in agreement that any child may participate in the Junior Tournament including our own clan’s children. However, they must all be below the 5th stage of mortal cultivation and have at least reached the 2nd stage of cultivation to participate is that still acceptable?”

The men and woman nod in the room as the older man says, “Good now. Then the winning prizes will remain the same and as for any gambling bets they must all be honored. I caution all of you to only bet what you can afford to lose.”

“But where’s the fun in that, Tang Shi?” Wú Bai, head of the Wú Clan growled in a challenge. Wú Bai was a salt-peppered haired man with a neat beard and strong handsome features. Wearing a fur-lined coat and impeccable burgundy colored suit, Wú Bai made an imposing figure.

The men and woman at the table glance at each other with interest expecting something to happen. To their dismay, the host of the meeting ignores the challenge laid on the table. “Then until the tournament in four months’ time,” Tang Shi firmly declared as the group disperses.

Wú Bai snorts under his breath and mouths the words, “Coward,” before marching away purposefully towards a nearby restaurant.

The rest of the members do the same as Tang Shi is left behind alone in the parlor. Closing his eyes, Tang Shi rubs his eyes and hopes that the tournament was an utter success. The future of the Tang family was hinging upon the tournament’s victory.



Waiting inside the nearby restaurant, Sūn Lì gets up from his seat and warmly greets his future father-in-law, Wú Bai. “How went the tournament meeting?” Sūn Lì politely asked, despite having already been informed by his father of the results.

Wú Bai smiles back at his future son-in-law and says, “It went exactly as expected.” Wú Bai takes his seat at the table and casually asks, “And how is your grandfather, Sūn Gui?”

Sūn Lì smiles and says, “My grandfather is doing very well for his age as the patriarch of the family.

“I was concerned as I didn’t seem him at the tournament meeting. Because in his stead I saw your father, Sūn Hai,” Wú Bai further probed.

“Grandfather merely had other business to attend to and was not able to attend the tournament meeting,” Sūn Lì replied.

“Well, in that case, please give my warmest regards to your grandfather,” Wú Bai firmly declared.

“Of course,” Sūn Lì replied with a smile.

The two men closely study each other for a moment, before moving on as a server finally appears with a tea for Wú Bai. The server gracefully fills a cup of exquisite green tea for Wú Bai, before leaving a pot there for them to serve themselves.

Wú Bai takes a sip of the fine tea and enjoys the scent. “And how is the courting of my daughter going?” Wú Bai murmured.

“Much better now that the toy of hers is gone,” Sūn Lì purred back as he took a sip of his tea.

“I haven’t thanked you yet for getting rid of that foolish boy. He had become quite the nuisance, so thank you,” Wú Bai replied.

“Nonsense, it was nothing as he had also posed a future a problem to me,” Sūn Lì answered back.


“Yes, I heard he wasn’t dead yet. That isn’t true is it?” Wú Bai casually asked.

“I can’t imagine his surviving the battle with his limbs and cultivation destroyed, it is just a matter of finding where the rat crawled to and died. I’m sure his corpse will be found soon enough by my men,” Sūn Lì calmly answered as he took a sip of this tea.

“If one isn’t careful to cut off the head of the snake, they bite back,” Wú Bai innocently retorted. “Of course, who knows, you may now be dealing with that mysterious cultivator, who might have just taken him in.”

“That shan’t be a problem,” Sūn Lì flatly retorted. “I highly doubt that he possesses such confounded luck.”

“My apologies I did not mean to suggest otherwise, I was merely making sure that was not the case,” Wú Bai politely said as he takes a sip of his tea.

“Of course not, how could I possibly be offended by your kind words of concern, father-in-law? I’m sure you’re just being worried for my sake,” Sūn Lì said with a polite smile that did not quite reach his eyes.

The two men smiled at each other in reply as each carefully hides their poisoned daggers behind their back. The two men continue onto other safer topics and discuss the tournament and impending wedding. Because despite being allies, these two families were always vying for more power. And one day in the future at the first chance given one of them would stick the dagger into the other’s back for an assured gain.

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