《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 14 – Work Ⅷ


Monday morning, Reyn woke up extra early with a smile on her face. After the incident of Saturday night, Reyn had gone straight home except for stopping to buy a rice burger and other items at a fast food joint. Sunday morning had revealed the surprising news that Gāo Jin had jumped from his hotel balcony. Authorities stated that his tragic death was thought to be a tragic suicide, but for now, it would be an open case until confirmed. And if one were to ask, Reyn, actually had nothing do with the incident as it had come as quite as a shock to her.

Packed and dressed, knowing it was going to be a great day at work, Reyn takes the subway to the park that is directly across from the office. Reyn takes the time to leisurely walk around the park and enjoys her nice and quiet morning. Near the end of her leisure park route, Reyn spots an old man in worn, baggy clothing sitting on a nearby park bench. Most of the men and woman on route to work openly avoid the beggar-like man.

Reyn glances at her watch before hurrying to a nearby vendor to buy a cup of coffee and warm dumplings. Holding her purchases in hand, Reyn carefully makes her way to the park bench without spilling her purchases. Without hesitation, Reyn grabs the old man’s right hand and puts the cup of coffee in his palm, before carefully placing the dumpling’s next to knee on the bench. Smiling Reyn says, “No need for thanks, but please enjoy this one me, sir.” Not waiting for a reply, Reyn rushes off to work as it was getting close to the hour.

The old man on the park bench is rather amazed for some time, before gingerly taking the coffee and eating the warm dumplings. The old man carefully begins to eat the food with a content sight, the old man lets out a burp. Climbing onto his feet, the old man hums happily to himself as he throws his trash away in the bin, before disappearing from the park without a trace.



Reyn arrives to work with a spring in her step to find most of the office worker’s chattering in groups. Mr. Yáng waves at Reyn to come over as Mr. Zhào doesn’t even attempt to hide his snicker, Mr. Huáng, short-statured figure clicks his tongue with disproval at Mr. Zhào’s actions.

Reyn walks over to the gang and says, “What’s going on?”

Mr. Zhào snickers loudly causing Mr. Huáng to frown and elbow Mr. Zhào in the ribs causing Zhào to wince in pain. Mr. Yáng says, “Mephistopheles, I know you’re new and probably don’t watch the local news, but something happened?”

“Oh?” Reyn asked, pretending to be curious.

Yáng says, “Do you remember Miss Hú Jiao, an office clerk?”

Reyn warily says, “Who could forget her.”

Zhào snorts and says, “You’re not the only whose paperwork she messed with. I say good riddance.”

Huáng sighs and chides Zhào by saying, “Let Yáng finish!”

Yáng says, “I hate to gossip, but not only was Miss Hú Jiao having an affair with a board member, but she’s been fired and arrested for murder!”

Reyn widens her eyes and innocently says, “How is that possible?”

“It’s because she was a slut,” Zhào grunted in reply making Huáng warningly elbow Zhào painfully in the ribs again about his language use.

Yáng tiredly says, “Who would have ever thought that such a delicate young Misses hid such a dark mind and heart? Initial reports suggest that Miss Hú Jiao was having an affair with that gangster at the same time as the former board member, Gāo Jin. I can’t believe it that a young woman would fall to such depths of perversion in his day an age.”

“Please it’s always the gold diggers’ who are the first to spread their legs,” Zhào flatly simpered. Huáng just sighs in exasperation and doesn’t even bother to do anything causing Zhào to hastily apologize, “My bad.”


Reyn just sighs theatrically and truthfully says, “Yes, it’s always the quiet ones that are the most dangerous.”

“Yes, but it was a shock that Mr. Gāo chose to jump,” Huáng sadly commented.

“It’s because he took the coward’s way out,” Zhào tactfully added.

Yáng quietly says, “Maybe, but let’s not discuss his death anymore. For surely even he has those that mourn his early demise.”

They quickly change the subject to brighter subjects as Reyn asks about their wives and families such as Yáng’s eldest daughter in junior high has begun to attract the opposite sex. The three of them comfort Yáng and assure him that he would need to be patient as it was just only the start of things to come.

Zhào didn’t have that problem as his son was only in elementary school. But given that he was already following in his father’s temperament, all three of them doubted the following teenage and adult years was going to be anything but peaceful. Of course, none of them said this out loud and instead only complimented Zhào on his son’s athletic prowess.

Huáng, on the other hand, was just recently married and had yet to have children. The three of them teased Huáng to enjoy the honeymoon phase because it wouldn’t last. Naturally, Huáng grew embarrassed and swiftly changed the subject.

The gang continued to chat until Chief Chén importantly clears his throat and loudly says, “I know that the weekend’s news has come as a shock to many of you, but this is a work day. Please limit your gossiping to your break or lunch hour. Now back to work, everyone!”

Reyn innocently trots past the female clerical aides, who are gathered in a huddle. “I always keep my word ladies, please remember that,” Reyn whispered past them.

The female clerical aides pale in understanding. Everything that had happened hadn’t been coincidence, but that woman! With fear, the female clerical aides retreat vowing to not mess with that woman ever again! Because even the most cynical women couldn’t discard the fact that all of this had happened after meeting Reyn. And even more importantly, if Reyn had been able to do all of this, then just who was she? Because if she truly that powerful then none of them could afford to become her enemy!

And with that, the woman swiftly retreated and vowed to stay away from that foreign witch! Of course, that would only last until they gained a new leader who would edge them into bothering Reyn. But until then, all would be quiet and calm in the office.

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