《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 13 – Work Ⅶ


Detective Mǎ enters the next-door room and firmly closes the door behind him. Detective Mǎ strides forward and pauses at the one way viewing glass. “Is she on drugs or is she just a very bad liar?” Detective Mǎ unhappily asked.

“We’ll have to run a drug test, but I think she’s just a bad liar. She thinks we’re fools and that we won’t prosecute her simply because she’s a woman,” Detective Guō grunted back in reply.

Before Detective Mǎ can return to interrogate the suspect, a knock is heard on the door. Both detectives glance up as the senior police officer nods his head in apology at them. “Sorry, to interrupt detectives, but juniors got something that he thinks that can shed some light on this strange mystery.”

The junior police officer rather embarrassingly holds out his smartphone for the two of them to see. The two detectives frown at seeing a tabloid article as the item of importance. Before the detectives can dismiss the tabloid article, the junior officer says, “Sirs, I already checked, but his young woman is the mistress of the board member, Gāo Jin. Their affair is the #1 trending topic on Weibo and everywhere. It would make sense if Gāo Jin sent men to kill her or maybe the young woman went crazy wanting revenge.”

The two detectives glance at each other before Detective Guō says, “Thank you, your information has been invaluable.” The two police officers beam as they close the door behind them shut.”

“You think that Gāo Jin could behind it?” Detective Mǎ asked.

“No, the stories just don’t add up together. If all the attackers were shot in the back, why was only Hú Jiao seen exiting the alleyway? Even on the CCTV camera’s, there was no one in the nearby vicinity at that time. The only five figures that are seen on the CCTV, firstly seen entering the alleyway are the deceased three men seen entering the alleyway, followed by the known fourth man, Péng Ho, and lastly, Miss Hú.


Even if we suppose that Péng Ho killed those three men, those three men where his men. So, why would he do so? And excluding that question, just how did Miss Hú end up with Péng Ho’s weapon? The only logical conclusion is that Miss Hú stole Péng Ho’s weapon and shot everyone in the back. The reason? We may never fully understand, but I believe it’s a very simple fact and that she knew she had lost everything and just snapped,” Detective Guō tiredly concluded. Detective Guō had seen too many crimes and not assume the worst out of an individual as Murder always brought the very worst out of a person.

Detective Mǎ nods in understanding and returns to the interrogation room. Hú Jiao eagerly climbs to her feet and says, “Can I go home now, officer? It’s getting late and I’d like to make it back safely.”

Detective Mǎ matter-of-factly grabs her wrist and puts handcuffs on them. Hú Jiao blinks in shock as Detective Mǎ says, “Hú Jiao, you are under arrest for the murder.”

Hú Jiao is unable to hear their words as the fog over her mind vanishes and suddenly everything becomes clear. The memories in her mind become crystal clear as the four mirror images in the alleyway turn into Péng Ho and his men. With horror, Hú Jiao slumps back into her chair, if that was Péng Ho and his men, then just what did she do! And if so, just who did those red eyes belong too!

Terror fills Hú Jiao’s eyes in realization she tries to speak out the truth, but can only cry out, “The Devil made me do it! It was the DEVIL, I tell you! THE DEVIL!”

Hú Jiao is dragged away by the detectives screaming as the prosecutor’s in charge of the case ready themselves to argue their case. No doubt, the defense would claim insanity, but the prosecution would claim premeditation. After all, in the prosecution’s point of view, nothing about this case proved otherwise.



Gāo Jin gulps down drinks in his hotel room already aware that he had lost everything. IT was only matter of time until he was indicted and taken to prison. He had lost his lofty position; his wife had filed for divorce and his own family had distanced themselves from him. There was literally nothing left to lose.

Suddenly, the hotel phone rings causing Gāo Jin to flinch and carefully answer the phone. “Yes?” Gāo Jin asked.

A low male voice says, “Mr. Gāo are you aware that Miss Hú or better known to you as Hú Jiao, your mistress had been charged with murder?”

Gāo Jin chokes and says, “What!”

“Oh yes, she claims that you were responsible for the attack. I was wondering if you wanted to clarify the situation or give a news statement?” The new reporter asked.

Gāo Jin slams the phone onto the phone stand and darts away. How could they have already found him! And what was this nonsensical nonsense about him planning an attack on Hú Jiao?!

Panicked Gāo Jin drinks down another glass of scotch and stares at his phone. Surely, it couldn’t get much worse, could it? As if in reply, Gāo Jin’s phone begins to ring, it was his lawyer. Gāo Jin hastily answers and says, “Yes?”

“I’m sorry, Gāo, but I can’t handle this case anymore, it’s become too public. I suggest you get yourself a new lawyer at the earliest convince. And lose my number as I will be blocking all of your future calls,” the lawyer matter-of-factly stated, before firmly hanging up.

Gāo Jin blankly stares at the phone as he slumps down onto the bed. The T.V. is flashing with a news bulletin causing him to automatically increase the tv volume to listen. A pretty female anchor says, “Breaking news, Gāo Jin, a former company board member is a suspect in the attempted murder of his former mistress, Hú Jiao, which resulted in the murder of four other men.”

Gāo Jin mutes the T.V. unable to believe that he was being so falsely accused. Who would have dared to do so, just a few days ago? And would he have believed it if someone had told him so? The answer was no.

Still, in shock and very drunk, Gāo Jin slides open the balcony door. Gāo Jin climbs out into the cold veranda and stares blankly at the night sky. It must be all just a bad dream! Once he woke up, he would still be in bed and be the man he always was. And without further ado, Gāo Jin takes a step forward and plummets off the ledge.

Seconds later, a loud crash is heard as a parked car’s siren begins to go off and as the screams of civilians can be heard in the dead of night. Police officers, ambulances, and news reporters would soon arrive at the scene. But for now, the only sounds are the cries of the witnessing civilians on the street.

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