《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 5 – Arrival


Two days later, against all miraculous odds, Reyn had managed to break her apartment lease, closed her public bill accounts, and put most of her things in a personal storage with the aid of Lisa and her man toys.

Lisa hugs Reyn as she sees her off at the airport. Lisa wipes her tears and says, “Call me, when you land, no matter what time it is! And you better post everything you eat and see! I want snapp-shots and countless selfies!”

Reyn hugs her best friend back and says, “I will.” The two women hug each other in farewell one last time before Reyn let’s go and shifts her bag pack. Lisa waves goodbye as Reyn enters the line for pre-checked TSA and heads directly to security. Minutes later with shoes back on and boarding pass in hand, Reyn makes her way to the terminal. Taking a seat, Reyn doesn’t wait for long, before boarding starts.

Reyn swiftly places her things overhead and takes an aisle seat in first-class. Smiling, Reyn watches the airplane slowly fill up until the doors are closed and it is time for lift off. Reyn nervously buckles her seat as she waits for the plane to lift off. It wasn’t that she was afraid of flying, because demons could fly, (and she had ridden in an airplane before.) It’s just that she didn’t have faith in a heaping hunk of metal that somehow managed to fly against all impossible odds and defy gravity itself.

Three connecting flights later, Reyn manages to arrive safely in Anatolia mainland later that Thursday night. Severely jet-lagged, Reyn somehow manages to hail a taxi and make it to the company apartment. Reyn briefly stares the new complex in a nice part of town, before rolling her suitcases inside. Even in her jetlagged state, Reyn was able to notice the giant ley-line located conveniently underneath the apartment complex.


A tired apartment manager is waiting at the front desk and in accented English says, “Welcome.”

Reyn replies fluently back in Anatolia, “No, thank you for staying up so late to receive me, I appreciate it.”

The apartment manager smiles with delight at the new apartment tenant’s ability to speak the language and their politeness. “Thank goodness, I was a bit worried when I found out one of the new tenants would be Usonian. However, I see I have nothing to worry about. Here are your keys to your apartment, it’s on the third-floor room number, 301. And should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to just ask. Would you like some help carrying your luggage upstairs?” The apartment manager asked as he hands over the keys to the apartment.

“Thank you, but I’m fine,” Reyn replied and proceed to take the elevator to the 3rd floor. With care, Reyn opens the door and rolls her luggage inside, before carefully locking the door behind her. Rather tired and jetlagged, Reyn leaves her bags their and proceeds to make her way to her bed.

Somehow, Reyn manages to find a bed and text a mumbled message to Lisa that she arrived, before falling fast asleep. Several hours later, Reyn wakes up and realizes she went to bed with her clothes and shoes on. Letting out a sigh, Reyn kicks off her shoes and makes her way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Feeling better and with her face washed, Reyn finally has a chance to review the apartment. The apartment had been tastefully decorated as there were two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small closet like area with a washer and dryer. Such an apartment couldn’t have come a cheap given its location and living space.


Reyn unpacks her clothes and hangs them up also taking the time to change clothes. Finished, Reyn walks in socks to the kitchen and finds brand new unused pots, pans, cooking ware, dishware and silverware. There was even a microwave, blender and dishwasher for use as needed. The only thing missing was food in the fridge, but that was something she could take care of herself.

Grabbing a pair of shoes and her wallet, Reyn firmly closes the door behind her, before glancing at her phone and searching for the nearest grocery store. The nearest store was only two blocks away, which could be bad, but if needed Reyn would take a taxi. Reyn swiftly walks there and does get some looks but mostly curious gazes at her western appearance.

Finished shopping, Reyn pays and carries her groceries out of the store and back. Reyn manages to open the door to apartment somehow with her hands full, but luckily nothing dropped out. With a sigh, she puts the groceries away, before taking a seat and staring at the brand new T.V. in front of her.

Feeling something is missing, Reyn returns to her room and grabs her parents framed picture, before putting it on the counter. Satisfied, Reyn’s stomach begins to rumble with hunger. Reyn not feeling like cooking searches for a local takeout and hits upon sushi. Reyn orders a rather large meal and glances at the wrapped packages on her counter, while she waits

Reyn had bought several gift fruits to gift to the new neighbors to introduce herself. Seeing as she had time, Reyn grabs the packages and makes her way to the neighbor on the left. Politely knocking a young mother opens the door and carefully eyes Reyn. Reyn smiles and says, “Hello, I’m Reyn, your new neighbor. I hope we can get along and I brought along a gift to show my sincerity.”

The young mother blinks in surprise and thoughtlessly says, “You’re rather polite for a Usonian.” The young mother blushes with embarrassment and says, “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it like the way it sounded!”

Reyn chuckles and says, “No, that’s perfectly understandable. We, Usonian’s can be quite the scary people, but we’re quite nice as well once you get to know us.”

The young mother hastily replies, “Well, welcome to the building. I’m Mrs. Wáng and I live here with my husband and my young son.”

“Well, thank you so much, Mrs. Wáng. But quick question, do you know if the other two neighbors are here as well?” Reyn asked.

“Yes, in #303, Mr. and Mrs. Zhāng live with their two children. And as for #304, Mr. and Mrs. Liú are an older couple. Their two children are married, and they are now grandparents,” Mrs. Wáng replied as a baby’s wail cuts their conversation short.

Reyn smiles and says, “Go and attend to your little one. It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Wáng.”

“Likewise,” Mrs. Wáng replied, before hurriedly going to her baby’s side.

Reyn carefully knocks on her two neighbor’s doors as both wives greet her. With pleased expressions, the two women thank her and promise to return the gift in the future. Reyn smiles, before excusing herself back to her apartment with relieved that her neighbors seemed to be nice people. It always was a bonus when that happens, because a bad neighbor is a nightmare to deal with.

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