《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 6 – Arrival Ⅱ


Reyn is sitting down on the couch watching a documentary when the doorbell rings. Reyn hurries to her feet and pays the delivery man, before firmly closing the door behind her. With treasures in hand, Reyn munches on her food and enjoys watching a documentary on T.V.

Done eating, Reyn prepares herself for bed, before sitting down cross-legged on her bed. Closing her eyes, Reyn begins to draw upon the mana from the underground ley line until the ley line is almost sucked dry as it is drawn into her body. The hours turn into days until it is late Sunday night as there is no change. Suddenly, the flower bud on the World Tree begins to tremble violently and with an explosive boom from inside of Reyn, the 18th flower finally blooms open.

Unimaginable power surges inside Reyn’s body enough to wreak havoc throughout the world with ease. Stifling her rampaging Demon King urges with care Reyn weaves a new seal onto her body and closes off the power seep-able of the new transformation. Reyn opens her eyes and stares at the clock in deep thought as she uses up the remaining extra energy seepage to ensure the seal is firmly in place.

Since before reaching the 16th flower Reyn had slowly felt the time of humanity fall away from her. Reyn no longer even felt the need to sleep or eat, but she still did so out of a habit. However, what worried her was since reaching the 16th flower on her World Tree and with each passing new flower, it grew ever so much harder to continue to grow. And even more daunting is the silent siren call that keeps getting stronger from the great beyond, beyond the earth’s blue skies. And ancient Demon legends told of a time that a great and powerful Demon King grew so strong that the very Heavens were forced to remove him from the mortal planes. But who knows, perhaps, there is some truth to the ancient tale after all.



Elsewhere in the city only, a few patriarchs of families or sects that had reached Heaven's stage glance up at the skies with startled eyes as they consider the ramifications of such an event. Who could have possibly absorbed so much Qi in such little time without leaving a trail leading to them? A newcomer or was it, someone, they already knew?

These patriarchs send out their most senior elders of various families to search the area for clans. These elders instantly dart into the sky and scan the area. In an unspoken agreement, the various elder’s combine their powers to scan the city for clues but fail to find a single clue. With a frown, the elders soon return empty handed without finding a single clue of the cultivator responsible for the massive Qi absorption in the city area.

Most of the patriarch’s sigh in relief and contentment knowing that none of their enemies had gained a step over them in power. Satisfied with that knowledge these patriarchs put the incident out of mind. After all, there are high ranking clans, sects, families or even unorthodox cultivators in existence who could just have been passing through. would quickly go onto forgetting the incident attributing it to a passing cultivator belonging to a high-ranking clan, family, or even sect. In such situations, it is always better not to ask questions when it came concerning such people.

However, for the wiser minority of the patriarchs, they felt uneasy at such a sign. Had a new powerful cultivator appeared in the city and if so, did that bode well for them or not? The logical conclusion is that such a powerful cultivator must belong to a higher level of sect, family, or group that must be sending a high-ranking member to the city.


And if so, it is for only two reasons. The first is to establish a branch in the city, which mean such a group was moving to gain a foothold. In which case it meant war as surely, they would be taking over a group in which case still did not bode well for them. The second is that said individual is here to acquire an item or to deal with someone who has offended a higher-ranking member. In which case, the outcome is the same, there will still be the shedding of blood. Therefore, these wiser or more cautious patriarchs can only silently increase their security and wait with bated breath of what the future will bring.

But from even further away in several other places powerful individuals sensed the monstrous aura of power. From a crystal palace like an icy beauty glances up at the sky with narrow eyes, before returning to her paperwork. From a high rise building in the building of a bustling city, a middle-aged man with peccable features frowns before turning away from the night city landscape to greet the waiting visitor in his office. And from a private hall carefully hidden in the darkness of the mountains, an old man with stark white hair and glowing amber eyes sneers at the sky, before returning to complete his dark sorcery.

Yet on a mountaintop in the middle of the wilderness, an old man wearing shabby clothing glances up at the skies. With a glint of interest, the old man says, “Huh, it looks like someone interesting has finally appeared. It’s about time, I was getting bored.” The old man climbs to his feet as bones creak slightly from being still for so long. With a grunt, the old man vanishes from the mountain as the night remains as quiet and still as before unaware of everything that had just transpired.

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