《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 4 – Offer


On the following Monday, Reyn arrives at the office early as she munches on a delicious breakfast croissant stuffed to the brim with ham and cheese from her favorite bakery. Still eating, Reyn takes a seat at her desk careful to not drop any crumbs lest she is given a warning about eating at a work desk again.

Lisa trots into all bright eyed and bushy tailed! “So, did you do anything fun after I left?” Lisa asked as she leans over their shared cubicle wall.

Reyn stares darkly at Lisa and swallows carefully, before answering, “You mean, having to carry your drunken friend out of the club for trying to strip down on the main dance floor? Or what about breaking up the fight that same idiot friend tried to pick with a gangbanger, all because she didn’t like his dreads? Or what about, when we forced to run away because that same idiot friend decided to moon a cop on duty?”

Lisa doesn’t even flinch and say, “Oh, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about after I went home.”

“I had lots of fun, now let me finish eating my croissant,” Reyn drily commented. Lisa pouts and slinks into her seat doing as asked. Reyn finishes eating, before getting to work as she checks the spreadsheets at the start of the day.

Before Reyn can get to work her supervisor, Tim Duran directly halt’s in front of her. Reyn warily glances up from his bulging belly and upward at her supervisor’s face, who is a large-nosed man with his hair heavily gelled in a thing comb-over to cover his premature balding. “Reyn, I would like to see you in my office right now,” Tim crossly grunted, before waddling away.

Reyn narrows her eyes warily. As far as she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong and her work was pristine as usual. But then again, Tim was known for nitpicking at the smallest things.


Lisa glances over her cubicle and whispers like a little kid, “Uh, oh, you’re in trouble.”

Reyn glares at Lisa, before getting up and heading to her supervisor’s office. Reyn hurries to Tim’s desk and to her surprise finds one of the general managers of the company seated inside. Very wary now, Reyn closes the door behind her and takes a seat before them.

The general manager, Harry Potts is a graying older man with round glasses. General Manager Potts smiles briefly at Reyn before finishing studying the documents, before him. After a brief pause, General Manager Potts glances up at Reyn and says, “Miss Mephistopheles, you’ve done some excellent work in the company for one so young. For your dedication and work ethic, the company, sincerely thanks you-.”

Reyn stiffens at those words. She wasn’t getting fired, was she? Well, at least if she did, she’d be getting severance pay and that would buy her enough time to get a new job.

“And that is precisely why, the company is offering you a senior accounting position in one of our branches in Anatolia. Not only will your salary be doubled, but the company will pay for a fully furnished apartment during your stay. Not to mention all travel expenses to and back are covered for by the company. However, the position needs to be urgently filled. I’m afraid we would need to know by the end of today of whether you fulfill the position or nor,” General Manager. Potts explained.

Reyn gapes for a moment at the excellent offer, before narrowing her eyes and asking, “I would love to accept, but I’m a bit dubious on the sudden nature of the request, sir. Though I am certain I am more capable of filling the position, such a position is usually offered to a more senior member. May I ask, why the offer has been extended to me?”


Supervisor Tim glares at Reyn, while General Manager Potts drily replies, “I’m afraid that on such notice most of the senior accountants cannot do so as they have families to deal with. As your marital status is still that of a single young woman, that should pose no problem to you. And it certainly added points to your column the fact that you can speak the native language.

Besides, Duran has raved about your almost perfect accounting sheets and calculations. It’s rather rare that he offers praises on one of the junior accountants.” Supervisor Tim flushes and glares at Reyn as if telling her to not allow that comment to go to her head.

Reyn swiftly thinks the proposal over in retrospect. The language would not pose a problem for her as those she would be dealing would speak English and that she could speak the language of the native country. Housing would be paid for and she really wouldn’t need to buy all that much over there. In fact, she would probably be able to save up most of her money with ease.

“I would be pleased to accept, but may I know how long I will be posted there?” Reyn asked.

“It’s a one to a two-year position. We want to make sure the current fiscal year is taken care of for the next year and then do a hiring, training process. Afterward, you will be eligible for a senior accounting position upon your return,” General Manager Potts replied.

“Then when do I leave?” Reyn asked.

General Manager Potts smiles and pulls out an airplane ticket from the folder and holds it out to her. “You leave Wednesday evening. You may have the rest the work day’s off to get your affairs in order and clean up your work desk,” General Manager Potts cheerfully said.

Reyn gulps as she takes the ticket and quietly walks out the door. Somewhat in shock, Reyn sits down at her desk and stares dumbly at her computer. Frightened Lisa peeks around the desk and hisses, “What happened?!”

“I am being transferred to an overseas branch as a senior accountant. I leave in two days,” Reyn replied.

Lisa gapes and hisses, “Then hurry up and pack! After work, I’ll stop by to help!” Reyn immediately gets a dose of reality and packs up her things into a box. Which wasn't really all that much.

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