《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.18 - Biological Nature
*Draco Civitate*
Waking up from my dreams I looked over at the beautiful draconian sleeping next to me, I continued to lay there while I played with her shiny black hair running it through my fingers thinking about things that had happened. Wondering why the woman beside me was so attached and was willing to say the things she did to her own daughter.
As I was pondering on things I didn’t notice that Zellfina had woken up. I was brought back to reality from my deep pondering by a warm sensation around my soldier. Looking over at Zellfina I could see that she was awake and staring at me with loving eyes. I felt like I was staring into a violet nebula in the middle of space, it was beautiful. It was at this moment that I noticed both of her hands where caressing my chest. What was messaging my soldier then?
Looking down south I saw a tanned tail with little black scales on top of it gently rubbing up and down on my soldier. Seeing this I couldn’t help but get more turned on and as I did my soldier was no longer at rest and was standing at full attention. Noticing this Zellfina got a mischievous look in her eye and adjusted her position so she could insert the part of my soldier, not wrapped by her tail, into her mouth.
Doing this I felt the warm moist interior of her mouth on the tip of my member stimulating it even more. She started to use her tongue around the tip going round and round while licking it like a lollipop. After a little tongue play she started to move her head up and down with the movement of her tail stimulating my soldier to the maximum effect. After about ten minutes of this I couldn’t hold on anymore and sensing my body tense up she started to move a little faster which finally broke me.
“Uuuuhh” I released everything that had built up overnight which she gladly drank down. After I was done she removed her tail and took most of me in her mouth and used her tongue to clean me off. Bringing her head back up one last time she slurped the last bit of juices off of me “Mmm thanks for breakfast babe.” Hearing this I immediately got stimulated again, I grabbed her pulling her towards me and passionately kissed her. We rolled over and I pinned her to the bed, I reached down to her most private parts and discovered it was soaked.
“Oh someone is a little bit anxious, aren’t we?” Hearing me say this she immediately turned red and looked away. Thinking it was extremely cute I repositioned myself and proceeded to service her. I moved my tongue around in every which way I could paying close attention to the little sensitive bud at the top. Zellfina was panting pretty heavily after a few minutes of my service and after a few more minutes she grabbed my head and arched her back in pleasure. “Mmmmm!” as she arched her back I felt a little bit of fluid leaking around my chin knowing that I had completed my duty I kissed my way back up to her lips.
When I found my way back up I saw her staring at me with a look that could melt even the hardest of ice. “You meany” smiling at her I gave her a deep kiss before I answered, “You started it.” Smiling at her again I repositioned myself and before she could really notice what I was doing I inserted myself inside causing her to arch her back in pleasure again. Gasping for breath I waited for a second until she looked at me basically begging me to continue so I happily obliged.
I moved my hips forwards and backwards slowly at first for a few minutes before I finally increased my speed. Lewd sounds were echoing throughout the room while our love fest continued along with Zellfina’s screams. If it wasn’t for the fact that the guards were giving strict orders by the queen to never barge into our room they would have with weapons drawn. Continuing my attack I could feel myself nearing the limit again so I sped up my piston while the queen put her hands all over my chest using a little bit of nails which just stimulated me even more causing me to speed up once more. I couldn’t go much faster which was fine because the end was drawing near.
Making my final thrust I released my army inside of the queen who also spasmed in my arms signaling that she released as well. I collapsed on top of her while mentally selecting no on the window that popped up asking if I wanted to impregnate her. Catching our breath we both looked at each other and just laid there for a few minutes. I was the first to recover and removed myself from her causing her to spasm a couple more times before I moved to the edge of the bed.
Sitting at the edge of the bed for almost an hour contemplating on things again I felt her finally move from where she was laying. Looking at her beautiful naked body walk its way across the room towards her closet I had to calm myself down again or we would have been here all day. She returned after a few minutes dressed in a violet blouse with matching skirt and heels. As she walked over to me I noticed a refreshing lavender smell which meant that she used her [Clean] spell and chose a lavender scent as the soap so to speak.
“You still got to get me the book on that spell” hearing me speak to her she smiled while casting [Clean] on me as well. “I will dear don’t you worry.” As she said this she sat down on my left leg and threw her legs over my other leg kind of in a princess carry pose and held on to my neck as she sat there. Looking into her nebula like eyes I was reminded of what she said last night.
“Zellfina I have to ask and please don’t be offended by what I have to ask.” As I said this she didn’t move, but the look on her face got serious; pretty much telling me to continue, so I did. “Well I just can’t help but wonder why you would be able to say those things last night and why you are so attracted to me as well.”
Hearing this she didn’t say anything for a while, but she didn’t move which is kind of a good sign. “To be honest I didn’t know either at first, but after the first day that we did it the feeling in my body that was pulling me towards you disappeared and I couldn’t understand why. I was originally going to just be done with it then, but I hadn’t been with someone in so long so I decided to see where this would end up. Do you remember how I had been doing things while you trained?”
Thinking back to the times I was training she did mention having some things to do. “Yeah I remember you always left when I started training.” Nodding she continued explaining, “What I was actually doing was talking to the head scientist and dragonologist in the palace.” Hearing this I was kind of surprised, she was basically seeing the doctor. “What I discovered is that we draconians are hardwired to find a mate that is either stronger or going to be stronger than we are regardless of race and we have a biological compass leading us to that person. The only shortcoming of the compass is that it only works at a certain range so it didn’t start working until you got into the throne room.” Hearing this it kind of made sense I mean most of the animals back on earth always tried to find the strongest mate that could easily provide, same with humans. After she let me think about it for a minute she continued on, “It has happened to me before, but I always though it was because I was in love with the former King and when I brought this up to the scientist she said that it was because I was in love with him.” This didn’t come at me as a surprise, but it did rouse a question.
“So the King wasn’t stronger than you or even destined to be stronger?” A complicated look briefly shown on her face before she answered, “I don’t know he died before he really became a King he was more of a Prince even though he was married to me while I was a Queen. He was only an SSS Rank when he died in battle while I was still an Immortal Rank at the time.”
Thinking about a sad memory a depressed look surfaced on her face making me kiss her on her forehead to console her. When I lifted my head up, she was a little less depressed and leaned into my chest before continuing. “Our head scientist said that when someone who is destined to become more powerful than I could ever imagine came within range the biological compass will start working in overdrive even affecting our behavior.” That would explain the flirtyness when we first met. “I also discovered that after we had intercourse with said person an instinct would kick in making us protect and want to be with them regardless of who gets in our way, even family.”
Now I have an explanation to the reason she is so unbelievably loyal. Kind of crushes my ego some, but I personally don’t care. Whether it is my own charms or the universe’s I still have a beautiful woman in my life who loves me, I think. “Do you still want to be with me even though you know that it is just some biological thing that attracted you to me?” Hearing this she stiffened up a little and snuggled in closer to my chest.
“Even though it was that way at first, you have been so kind to me in the last few days. You haven’t taken advantage of the things I have to offer and you even returned my feelings with earnest. As far as I am concerned I really love you regardless of my draconian trait or how many women you conquer” Grabbing her head I turned her towards me and gave her a passionate kiss. “I love you too and don’t worry I will let you approve of any other woman I try to bring into our circle. Except for one, I am going to conquer her no matter what anyone says and I hope she is listening.”
Looking up at me she had a confused look on her face at the last part, but every part before that she basically didn’t have a problem with. Sorting out one problem I figured it was time I got dressed. I picked her up in my arms and sat her on the bed before I walked over to the closet. *Smack* as I was walking to the closet a mischievous woman smacked me on the ass as I walked by. Laughing I continued my way towards the closet.
I picked out some black cargo pants, black boots, and a purple shirt before walking out of the closet. Looking over at Zellfina I smiled before speaking, “Now I know that your biological nature wants you to protect me from anybody, but when it comes to family don’t just kill them. Let us understand where they are coming from before we make final decisions like that, especially Zendra. She may need severally punish, but attacking me out of anger doesn’t mean she needs to be killed. She is your daughter and she will eventually be my step-daughter as well, so let’s try and keep her alive okay?” After I said this she pondered it a bit before answering, “Yes dear I will try.”
“That’s my beautiful draconian queen.” Laughing I picked her up and carried her into the other room where we were greeted by two beet red maids. “Morning Masters!” They said in unison while slightly bowing. “Morning” we both responded. After their greetings they asked if we wanted anything to drink, we politely declined and after setting her down we continued out the door.
Looking back at the guards I could swear I saw looks of envy and even hatred on their faces. Smiling I looked back towards where we were going and we managed to be met by Zendra in the middle of the hallway. Right beside Zendra was another bombshell of a draconian. She was around 5’ 6” a little on the shorter side, but it didn’t take away from her beauty. She had blazing red hair and red eyes to match, her scales on her tail where also red. She wore a blue blouse, that was trying to hold her massive bust in and almost failing, with matching knee length skirt and heels. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing glasses like Drexella giving her an extreme teacher vibe.
After looking her over I was the first to speak. “Hello Zendra, mind introducing me to your friend?” Looking sort of embarrassed and slightly pissed at the same time she didn’t answer me, but the flaming beauty answered for her. “Hello I am Camellia Draken 1st princess of the draconians. You must be Vitamor am I right?”
She slightly nodded her head in greeting while she answered so I did the same, “Yes I am Vitamor and I will be in your care for a bit longer.” After I answered it didn’t take her long to answer as well. “I won’t be here much longer I just was in the area and wanted to get a look at the person that Zendra said tricked our dear mother into sleeping with him.” Hearing this both me and Zellfina bore our gazes into Zendra who tried to hide behind her sister.
Laughing she tried to lighten the atmosphere, “Don’t worry I know that mom wouldn’t let anyone trick her. I mainly came after hearing what she said to meet the person who could actually scare my sister into running to me.” Hearing this I laughed a little bit in side confused at how I could scare her, but then I remembered how I almost killed her.
“By the way since you are with mom now if you need help punishing my rascal of a sister, which I don’t think you will, just let me know. I’m willing to do anything for the person who could actually conqueror my mother.” Hearing this if I was drinking something I would have spit it all out and after seeing the look on my face Camellia laughed. “Well I must go now I have some things to do before I return to my ship, but here is my digital number don’t hesitate to call.”
Handing me a little holographic number Camellia walked off with her sister in tow who was sticking her tongue out at me behind her sisters back. I gave her a quick bird, which angered her and brought out a laugh from her mother. Apparently that gesture is known in any universe I thought while laughing to myself. Looking at the number my hand I didn’t know what to do with it so I turned to Zellfina who gave me a shocked expression when I asked.
“Do you not know what a galactic phone is?” Shaking my head no she proceeded to explain it to me. “A galactic phone is a portable communication device that uses a formation for a space-time magic called [Communicate] which allows people to talk to each other from different planets and even different galaxies. If you were to learn the spell [Communicate] you wouldn’t need one, but the books for that spell are very rare as it is the only spell that can combine two elements with ease. “I thought there wasn’t any combined element spells?” I had to ask from what I knew there wasn’t any. She thought about it for a second before answering, “There aren’t any when it comes to the elements like fire, water, wind, earth, and etc. Space and Time though are different they act like they were meant to be together and meld well, but [Communicate] is the only combo spell that has come from the research into space-time magic.”
Following her explanation I understood what she was saying. “So where could I get one of these galactic phones?” It didn’t take her long to answer after thinking for a second, “I can get one delivered to the palace in the next few days and then we can put her number in it as well as mine.” Nodding my head in agreement I put Camellia’s number in my ring before we continued on towards the training room.
I entered the training room and saw Xellanr waiting on me. He noticed us entering and after a quick salute, which I returned, he started to speak. “I heard that you got some body cultivation techniques is that true?” I nodded in agreement and proceeded to tell him what I got hearing the last one he was surprised, but acting like he remembered something he agreed to my decision. “That is a good choice for you being that your human. The skill is pretty much useless for use draconians after a certain rank, but you humans could use it until you become a God Rank.” The technique he is talking about is the [Dragon Scale Body] which when cultivated to the max can turn me into the [Half-Dragon Form] that the draconians have when I use it. “I thought the same as well.” He didn’t say much on the other two techniques I picked, but he didn’t say anything bad about them either.
“So you here to train in them then?” I nodded my head, but I didn’t move while I thought about which one I wanted to train. Thinking that I didn’t have the mana pool to keep magical shields up just yet I decided to go with the [Dragon Scale Body] first. “Yeah I am going to train one of them right now.” Hearing this he asked if I needed a sparring partner. “No not right now I need to learn the basics of the technique before I let someone hit me. Nodding his head he went over to the side of the training room and lay down on a couch and decided to take a nap.
Inwardly laughing I looked over at Zellfina, “Well Zina I’m going to train for a bit are you going to stay or you have something to do?” Thinking about it for a second she decided to stay and watch me train. I walked over to the center of the training room and sat down in a meditative pose. I accessed my memories and proceeded to practice the [Dragon Scale Body].
After a few hours there was a loud explosion sound in the training room waking Xellanr and Zellfina who also chose a couch to take a nap on. They both looked over at Vitamor and seeing him in a meditative pose they were wondering where the explosion came from. Not realizing that the explosion they heard was actually coming from inside Vitamor.
Fuck this shit hurts; it feels like my entire body is being pushed apart from the inside. Bearing though the pain for a few more hours after the first explosion there was another explosion. This time it was louder because Black and Violet colored dragon scales started to burst from my arms. “Aaaaaaaahhhh” I screamed because of the pain which caused me to fall onto my back and lay gasping for breath as Xellanr and Zellfina ran over towards me.
“Vitamor are you okay?” They both asked in unison while running towards me, but once they got close they noticed the scales on my arms. “Dragon Scales” Xellanr said in shock. “I have heard of the technique in the library many times, but no draconian has practiced it in thousands of years. I never knew it would actually grow dragon scales on a human.”
Laughing through my ragged breaths I explained a little bit of what I knew, “Now that the scales have broken through the skin on my arms with a little bit of practice I should be able to recall them and have normal human skin at any time. It will take a while, not to mention a lot of pain, before my entire body is covered in scales. Only then will I be able to unlock the [Half-Dragon Form].
Hearing this Zellfina got a little worried, “Do you need to practice this body technique” Can’t you just use a magical shield?” Hearing her concern I smiled even though my arms where killing me, “I could, but my mana pool really isn’t big enough to let me use shields constantly yet.” Shaking her head she didn’t agree with me, “With 520 mana you should be able to hold a low level shield for an hour or so.”
What she speaks is the truth, but what if a low level shield won’t work I also voiced this to her. “I agree with you on that, but what about when I need to use a higher ranked shield? Dragon Scales are equal to Immortal Tier Shields, but they don’t cost any mana to maintain only a little bit of mana is needed to start it, which is weird for a body technique, but it makes sense once you learn that anyone can use it at any rank. So it has to have some sort of limitation like being able to use mana and cultivate one’s body.”
Seeming to accept what I said she added on a little bit, “Training in Magic and the Body is extremely hard which is why when someone is high ranked in one of them they are usually low in the other, such as Zendra. When someone trains in magic they wouldn’t even thing of training in body techniques unless they had the patience and the willpower to train them both.”
Smiling at her I wanted to rest so I let them know. Xellanr went left to do some duties that he had put off for the day while Zellfina repositioned herself and put my head on her lap. Ah the wonderful lap pillow, this is wonderful no matter how many times you do it. There is just something about it that creates a fuzzy and comfortable feeling in one’s heart. I drifted off to sleep after a few minutes of watching Zellfina play with my hair.
I woke up to find Zellfina hunched over sleeping with her head hanging above mine. Seeing this I could help but kiss her. She woke up with a jump, but after noticing it was me she showed a dazzling smile. “Sleep well hun?” sinking into her lap I felt comfortable, “Having such a beautiful and comfortable pillow who wouldn’t sleep well” She blushed a little before stroking my face. “I don’t like seeing you in pain” I could hear the concern in her voice as she said this.
Looking at her seriously while I stroked her face I said, “It is something I have to do so I can protect you and those I love.” Hearing this she blushed again. I sat up and looked around and noticed that Xellanr wasn’t back yet. “What time is it?” looking over at Zellfina for a response. “It turned dark about two hours ago.” With a mischievous smile on my face I got up and picked her up in a princess carry.
“What are you doing?” she yelped in surprise. Looking at her beautiful body I answered, “I feel way better now and full of energy and there is only one thing I can think of right now to release that pent up energy.” Saying this she blushed and didn’t say anything else while I carried her back to our room where we had some pleasurable fun for half the night before we both fell asleep.
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