《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.19 - My First Time
*Draco Civitate*
Waking up from my sleep I noticed some notifications in the corner of my view and since Zellfina was still sleeping soundly on my right arm I decided to check them out, since I haven’t in a couple of days. Before that there is something I need to ask Kiralee.
“Hey Kira” after a split second of silence she responded, “Yes master?” For some reason I thought she sounded a little drowsy, but that shouldn’t be possible since she is an A.I., but I put that at the back of my mind. “Is there any way to possibly turn the notification for impregnating someone onto auto-no?” She actually didn’t answer me for a few minutes, but when she finally did she sounded a little peeved, “I have done it master is there anything else you need?” Surprised at the attitude coming from the A.I., I couldn’t answer for a minute, “Uh no that will be all thank you.” She didn’t say anything after that so I went back to the notifications.
Congratulations! You have learned [Dragon Scale Body]!
Congratulations! You have reached level 4!
After seeing these two notifications I checked my stats.
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: Conqueror of the Queen
Level: 4
Health: 800/800
Mana: 1040/1040
Strength: 120
Vitality: 80
Intelligence: 104
Agility: 56
Charisma: 64
Luck: 100 (Max)
Wisdom: 40
Seeing the jump in my stats I nearly jumped out of bed. I knew that my stats would double every level, but the results are still astonishing. My strength went from sixty to one twenty! This is an absurd jump, but when I think about later levels I almost couldn’t hold in my excitement. Level one hundred is apparently the max for [Luck], but what about the other stats? It’s obvious that [Intelligence] can go over one hundred so there is no telling.
My excitement seemed to not go unnoticed, because Zellfina was staring at me with a giant smile on her face. “What happened babe why are you so happy?” Looking at her my smile was almost as big as hers, “I leveled up to level 4.” Hearing this she got a complex look on her face, “That’s good dear, but level 4 isn’t something to be so excited about. Let me have a look at your stats.”
I let her take a look at my stats and when I did she turned a little pale. After almost fifteen minutes she finally looked at me, “WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THESE STATS!?” She screamed as loud as she possibly could before staring at me like I was some kind of monster. “These are the stats of someone in the early to mid-twenties on levels! Hell your strength is most likely at the B or A Rank now!” She was literally almost shaking when she was talking.
Looking at her, I waited for her to calm down a little before I started to explain. “It’s most likely because of one of my traits that I have.” Hearing this she became intrigued, “Can you possibly show me this trait?” Nodding my head I brought up the trait menu and let her have a look.” She looked at the traits and nodded when seeing the [Mana Manipulation] and the [Artificial Intelligence Implant], but when she got down to the bottom two she froze.
“You have [Space Lord] and [Stats Points Boost] as traits! What the hell! That means you are destined to become a Space Lord at the minimum and according to the stat trait your stats double every level! Meaning that your strength will be at two hundred and forty at level five! This is just fucking absurd! No wonder my bloodline trait went off like crazy when you came in range.”
I just laid there while she went on her rant. When she was done she looked over at me with a complex expression, but after a few minutes it disappeared and was replaced by a dazzling smile. “I don’t know why I’m spazzing out over this. It’s not like you’re an enemy or anything, I should count it as a blessing.” After saying this she walked back over to me and gave me a quick kiss before going to her closet to grab some clothes.
After a few seconds of lying there I got up and did the same thing grabbing my usual cargo pants, boots, and tee-shirt. I went with red shirt, black pants, and black boots. I walked out of the closet and stopped in my tracks. The first thing I noticed was the smell of peaches in the room and after looking around I saw her, she was gorgeous.
“Well how do I look babe?” Stunning is all I could sit there and say, but the word really didn’t want to leave my mouth. Finally after sucking back the drool I was able to speak. “Beautiful” she turned as red as an apple, but I wasn’t just sucking up she really did look beautiful.
She was wearing a white dress with black frills sewn to the bottom that had violet flowers dancing halfway up the dress from said frills and there was also a violet colored flower on her right breast. The buttons on the breast area of the dress were little white flowers that were surrounded by a violet lace running along the edge of the gap between her breasts. She had her hair put up in a ponytail with another violet flower affixed to the right side of her hair. She was wearing earrings with little violet flower shaped jewels embedded in them. To round everything off she was wearing the most dazzling smile, even the stars paled in comparison to her smile right now.
I swallowed some saliva that was building up while I just literally stood there and stared at her. She giggled a little bit at my look before looking at my outfit, “Oh no this won’t do, go back in the closet and get the plastic bag hanging in the back right corner.” Nodding my head without saying anything I did as ordered and discovered a suit.
The suit was black with a violet undershirt and violet colored dragonhead cufflinks it even had a tie and loafers. Having had to dress up for interviews plenty of times I knew how to wear everything in the bag, so I proceeded to dress myself. The suit was just a tad bit big, but after a second of wearing it the suit actually shrunk to my size and fit perfectly. Okay now this is some handy stuff right here. I will need to see how they did it later, but right now my queen is waiting on me. After fixing my hair a bit I left the closet.
When Zellfina saw me she froze for a second before regaining her composure and smiled. “Heeeeelloo handsome” she teased me a bit before coming over to grab my arm. Laughing a bit I led her out of the room and like usual we were greeted by the two maids. “Morning Mas…” They immediately stopped mid phrase and just stared at the two of us and Drexella’s mouth almost hit the floor. There was a brief flash of desire in her eyes before it disappeared and she returned to her usual professionalism.
“We don’t need anything this morning we are going out for a bit, follow us” Zellfina told the maids on our way out the door as they followed and locked the door behind them. I stopped by the training room and grabbed my twin fifty caliber pistols from where I left them and my light dagger; after positioning them to where no one would know I was wearing them we made our way out of the palace, much to the envy of the other soldiers and people in the courtyard.
One of the guards at the palace gate asked if we needed an escort to which Zellfina told him no we would be fine, he saluted and we left unhindered. Making our way through town I was chatting with Zellfina. “So where are we going today?” I wanted to know because we were all dressed up for some reason. “Well I have a party I have to attend for one of the dukes of a neighboring city.” Oh so there are dukes in this kingdom too, thinking for a second it makes sense. “Do I have the right to be there? I mean none of them know me and I’m also not a Draconian.”
When these words left my mouth she immediately stopped walking and stood in front of me, “Yes, you have the right to be there more than anyone in the damn party. You are my mate and future King of the Draconians, even if you’re human I don’t care and anyone else that does won’t be able to leave unaided.” Hearing her say this I actually believed her and with a smile I said we should continue on then. She smiled back and continued walking.
We arrived at a massive building that was two stories tall; the building looked a little roman if you ask me. Complete with pillars in front and everything. We walked into the building under the stares of those that were waiting in line. After crossing the threshold we were met by a short draconian who asked our names. After getting our names and informing us that the maids must wait outside with the others he briefly bowed to the queen and led us to a big set of double doors.
“Announcing her Royal Highness Queen Zellfina Draken and her guest Sir Vitamor!” the short draconian yelled into the giant room full of people announcing our arrival. Everyone turned and bowed to Zellfina, “Greetings your majesty” they all said in unison. After Zellfina said hello and told everyone they could stand they all proceeded to give me a look of disdain like I shouldn’t be here, I knew something like this was going to happen so I just ignored it.
After the bustle of our arrival calmed down the party went on without anything uncomfortable happening. Around an hour into the party a draconian walked up to us and introduced himself to the queen they talked for a few minutes while I just stood there by her side. The gentleman glanced in my direction a few times before he eventually started to ignore me and just talked to the queen.
I was paying attention to the man and noticed that he was lewdly glancing at Zellfina’s breasts which was starting to piss me off, but with a beauty like her it is to be expected, so I forced myself to calm down. I did decide to step into the conversation though. “Why don’t you introduce us Zina” hearing my nickname for her the gentleman had a flash of surprise in his eyes, but it quickly went away.
Zellfina looked at me apologetically, “Oh I’m sorry dear I’m not used to bringing anyone to these kinds of things, Sir Altmer this is Vitamor, Vitamor this is Sir Altmer he is the duke of Dragon’s Kitchen one of our neighboring cities. It got its name from its specialty which is all kinds of food preparation.
I nodded my head towards him and held out my hand to shake his. “Hello it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He looked at my hand and then looked at me before speaking. “I wish the same could be said, what is a human doing here and why are you speaking on such friendly terms with her majesty.” And it is happening, Zellfina did say that some of the noble draconians had a superiority complex towards other races, especially humans.
“He is here because I invited him Sir Altmer.” Zellfina quickly jumped to my rescue. He snorted a little before continuing to speak, “Just because you invited him doesn’t mean he is allowed to be so friendly with you. The majority of us Draconians don’t have that right what gives this human the right.” Zellfina got a dangerous look on her face before speaking in a voice full of ice.
“That is his right as my chosen mate and if you have a problem with it keep it to yourself.” Once these words dropped it was like a bomb went off, everybody went deathly quiet and the duke even went a little pale. He regained his color pretty quickly along with some red, “You chose a human as your mate! What is this blasphemy! This is treason to all of us Draconians!”
“I am the queen and I can do what I want! I have also never said that it was against the law for Draconians to mate with humans or any other race! Come on Vitamor I don’t like the atmosphere in here anymore.” We proceeded to walk towards the exit when the duke hollered out some more words. “Even though you are the queen this is a disgrace to Draconians all across the universe!”
Zellfina didn’t say anything to this and just ignored it, but it was what he said after that in a normal tone, that actually flipped some sort of switch in me. “It turns out that our Queen is such an easy whore that anybody could score even a human.” Being that Zellfina didn’t cultivate her body her hearing wasn’t as good as mine so she didn’t hear it, but I did. I stopped walking in my tracks and turned towards the duke, “Would you like to repeat what you just said?” The duke actually sneered a little and said in a cocky manner, “You heard what I said; I don’t need to repeat myself.” The switch flipped and I got pissed, I tried imagining myself closer to him and my vision quickly changed in the matter of milliseconds I was behind the duke. Not wasting any time I pulled out my dagger and put it next to his throat.
“Actually I didn’t hear you, so would you repeat yourself so everybody could hear it clearly?” The duke froze at the sound of my voice and his body stiffened. He was standing there wondering when I got behind him along with everybody else in the room including Zellfina, they were all standing there with their mouths agape.
“I am not going to say it again repeat what you said” as the words left my mouth the room temperature felt like it dropped several degrees. The duke swallowed some saliva before he spoke, “I said that our queen is so benevolent, that she would actually pick an inferior species such as a human as her mate.” Hearing this, my anger skyrocketed, I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back using my light dagger to slice off his right ear. “Aaaaaaahhhh” his scream filled the room along with a burning smell from the dagger cauterizing the wound.
Everybody was shocked in the room; some even turned pale and threw up. I was surprised that I didn’t feel anything after I just cut someone’s ear off, but I can worry about that later. “If you want to keep your other ear I suggest you tell the truth.” Hearing this he quickly repeated his words through gritted teeth. “I said that the Queen turned out to be such an easy whore, that even a human can score with her.”
After the words left his mouth I looked over at Zellfina who looked pissed and even a little bit sad. Once the tear left her eye I saw red, “No one calls what is mine a whore and lives. Those who make what is mine become sad or cry will meet their death slowly, but I don’t have time for slowly on you so count yourself lucky that you got a quick death.” After the words left my mouth I slid the dagger across his throat. Blood flowed from his neck as he slid down to the ground at my feet.
“This is a warning to anyone who would dare insult what is mine. You insult them you will lose a limb, you make them sad you will die, and if you make them cry you will die slowly.” No one in the room had anything to say in response, they just stared at me in fear. I put the dagger in its holster at the small of my back and left with the queen.
After walking for a few blocks from the building she finally stopped me, “Why did you kill him? It was just a few words nothing more.” I looked at her and said with all seriousness, “It may have been one word, but words escalate to so much more and to stop those that wish you harm in any way, my only choice is to make them fear whether I kill them or not. The Duke was someone who hated humans so much that I couldn’t make him fear me just by beating some sense into him plus, I don’t know what his rank is. It is below A Rank because my dagger was able to harm him, but I don’t know if my strength would have been enough to actually do anything to him without using the dagger.”
Listening to me she just nodded her head without saying anything so I tried to comfort her and bring her mood up. “You want to protect me, but that goes both ways I want to protect you too and I won’t let people defile your reputation with lies.” She had a small smile after my explanation so she isn’t mad at me. “Sorry though, it looks like you’ll have to find Dragon’s Kitchen a new Duke.”
She actually tried not to laugh before she answered, “That won’t be too hard there are children of other dukes who have proven themselves worthy enough to run a city, there just wasn’t any open at the time. I would use one of Altmer’s sons, but they are just as wicked in their views as he was. I will send someone to run his family out of the duke’s mansion and to choose a replacement.”
Hearing that it wasn’t going to be hard to replace him another worry of mine went away. I really need to think about things before I kill someone. Speaking of it was my first time killing someone, but I don’t feel anything not even a shred of remorse or guilt. I wonder why, but I can’t really afford to care because in this universe it is kill or be killed, unlike back on Earth.
After the mood got better and Zellfina wasn’t sad anymore I actually saw a notification in the corner of my view. That’s weird I thought they would only show up in the corner in the morning. I guess that is just when I bothered to check them. I clicked on the notification which appeared in my view.
Congratulations you have learned the Space Magic [Blink]!
[Blink] – Caster is able to teleport to anywhere in their view quicker than the blink of an eye.
I read the window and was shocked, what the hell? How did I learn a spell I didn’t read a book on, neither was I instructed on it? Seeing my expression Zellfina asked what was wrong, so I showed her the window. She quickly looked at the window before she jumped with joy and hugged me.
“Congratulations babe you invented your first magic spell!” Hearing this I nearly hit the floor. I invented a spell? I didn’t know I could do that and why hadn’t someone invented this spell before? After voicing this to Zellfina she explained it to me.
“Basically anybody is able to invent a spell of their own element as long as the spell hasn’t been invented before. If the spell has been invented they won’t be able to learn it very easy unless they learn it from a book. Being that you can control any element you can invent any spell you want if it hadn’t been already. The amount of space mages can be counted in double digits, meaning that there aren’t many space magic spells out there.”
Listening to her explain it all started to kind of make sense. I am guessing that having to read the book on a spell keeps the amount of mages in check? Anyways I don’t really care I just think it is cool that I have my own personal spell that no one else has unless I publish a book on it, but why didn’t I get to name it? Oh well I guess the name [Blink] kind of suits it.
I looked over at the roof of a nearby building and decided to try the spell out. I imagined myself on top of the roof and in a split second I was there. I looked down to where I was and I saw Zellfina looking around for me. “I’m up here babe!” I beckoned towards her and she turned towards me and waved while smiling. I used the spell again and I was brought back down in front of her causing her to jump. “Ah!” she recovered herself and playfully smacked me on the shoulder. “Don’t do that there is literally no warning when you use that spell. One second you are there, the next you’re not it’s a really powerful movement spell.”
Smiling a little I took her arm and we started to walk around aimlessly we were just enjoying each other’s company. After walking around for a few hours it started to rain. Zellfina casted a low level neutral barrier above our heads keeping the rain from hitting us, but it still felt kind of romantic. Smiling at her I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I have something I want to say.” Hearing this she stopped walking and listened to me with a serious look on her face. “I want to paint the ArchAngel the Draconian colors and let it fly under this kingdom’s flag. It’s only the right thing to do if I am going to be the King like you said. Until I become the king though I need your permission to pilot her under your empires colors as a forward base for our armies against the Demons. Without your permission I basically have no authority over the soldiers while I'm not king.”
When I told her this she thought about it seriously for a while before agreeing. “Okay I will allow this; you can pilot the mobile space fortress ArchAngel to the frontlines where the armies will use it as a restocking and resting station. In order to do this we will need to add more rooms to hold and serve more people.” I nodded my head in agreement, “That is fine, and I don’t know if she will need more armaments, but if she does we will need to add those as well to cover the extra real estate.”
She nodded her head in agreement before adding some extra requirements, “I want to place Zendra and Camellia under your command aboard the ArchAngel while you are on the frontlines. Zendra needs some war experience and Camellia has experience as well as the respect of the soldiers, so they will listen to her until they learn to respect and listen to you as well. Also don’t hesitate to beat some sense into the soldiers if they won’t behave.” She said the last part while laughing.
“Of course I won’t, a good general is a private and a general all in one. Even if they like me and feel that I am one of them, they will still listen to my orders or be taught to listen to my orders either through me or Camellia.” Hearing me agree to this some worry that was showing on her face disappeared and was replaced with a dazzling smile.
We walked back to the palace where Zellfina had to go make some preparations for a new duke over Dragon’s Kitchen and for the modifications to be done to the ArchAngel. When she left me I went for a stroll and found a nice clear spot in the back courtyard to lie down and take a nap.
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