《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.17 - Women are Scary
*Draco Civitate*
Now that I knew I was good on money I started imagining all the things that I could buy books, weapons, or even stuff for the ArchAngel there was just too many options now. We continued on towards the market square and browsed around at some of the stalls and stores wares. After a few stores and stalls I couldn’t help but be shocked at the prices of medieval type weapons such as swords, spears, axes, and etc. All of them were two to three times higher in prince than the modern and futuristic style of weapons.
Turning to Zellfina I had to ask why, “So I noticed that the swords and other melee weapons made of metals are more expensive than the more modern type of weapons why is this?” Zellfina looked at me for a second with an expression that was saying, “are you serious?” After I didn’t tell her I was joking she proceeded to explain, “The older style of weapons are able to be enchanted easily while the more modern weapons not so much. If one were to find an enchanted modern weapon then it would be worth five times the value of any of the swords we have seen, but only a highly experienced and weapon smith with their smithing skill at level sixty can enchant modern weapons and even the level sixty ones don’t have a high chance of success maybe only a fifty-five percent chance, only level eighty and above have around a seventy-five percent chance or higher to succeed. The older weapons on the other hand any blacksmith with their smithing at level twenty can enchant one with a seventy-five percent chance of success. Depending on the enchantment though the chances of success drop no matter how high your skill level is.”
Listening to what she was saying I was trying to digest all of the information she was telling me when we suddenly had a visitor. “Why if it isn’t captain Xellanr what a surprise to see you out and about.” Turning to see who spoke I was greeted with a tall muscular draconian with longish blonde hair and golden colored scales on the top of his tail. He was wearing a black tank top that looked two sizes too small for him and some golden colored cargo pants with some black combat boots. “Rex” Looking at Xellanr who said the person’s name I could see the hatred in his eyes.
Leaning closer to Zellfina’s ear, “Whose the frat boy?” Stifling a laugh she answered, “He is Rex he is the captain of another squad in the Fourteenth Army and the person that Zendra has some affection for.” Understanding completely I shut my mouth and listened to their conversation. “How is my princess doing Xellanr?” Rex said while enjoying the look on Xellanr’s face. I hate love rivalries especially the ones where the one in the lead can’t act like an adult. “Be careful of what you say, if it wasn’t for the queen and her guest being here I wouldn’t take your shit.”
Seeming to finally notice us Rex did a bow towards Zellfina, “My apologies your majesty I didn’t notice you.” Nodding slightly to him Zellfina didn’t say anything, but I did. “If you think you can teach him a lesson you can Xellanr I don’t mind.” Looking at Zellfina she quickly glanced at me before nodding to Xellanr while simultaneously setting up some sort of barrier fifty yards in every direction as to prevent civilians and building from being damaged. “That’s a useful skill you so have to get me a book for that too.” Directing this to Zellfina she just smiled, it must take some concentration for her to keep the spell running. Thinking this I turned to look at the two captains in front of us and Xellanr was grinning from ear to ear when he heard what I said and saw the queen put up the barrier. Rex on the other hand actually looked kind of pale as if he knew he was going to lose. If he is weaker why would he constantly taunt him?
“According to draconian law fighting is prohibited on the floating cities unless absolutely necessary to protect one’s life and loved ones or if the Queen and Princess allow it.” Hearing Kira chime in I understood why he would constantly push his luck and why fighting would be prohibited, if damage were to be done to the floating cities there would be the possibility of the city sinking and causing a huge loss of life.
Looking down to my feet I noticed that it wasn’t protected so I started to freak out a little. “The barrier magic that the queen casted is able to go fifty yards under the ground as well so even though the top fifty yards would be destroyed anything below that will be okay. Unless an Immortal Ranked body cultivator is able to shatter the barrier. The barrier the queen casted is an Immortal Ranked barrier that is unbreakable by anyone below the Immortal Rank.” Hearing her say this I calmed down some, but I was confused for a second. “How do you know all this?”
Laughing a little she responded, “Don’t you remember I know almost everything in all the universes, but there are a lot of things I’m not allowed to tell you until you hit certain Ranks. Something as small as what this barrier is and how strong it is I can tell you though. Remembering what she told me on the ArchAngel I had to prevent myself from face palming. “Thanks Kira,” she laughed a little, but didn’t answer me back.
Looking back towards the two captains Xellanr looked raring to go, but Rex still looked a little fearful and I can understand why. Xellanr’s squad is pretty much the special forces of the Fourteenth Army while Rex’s squad is just one of the normal squads. They both squared up to each other and got in their respective fighting stances Xellanr’s stance looked a lot like a classic Kung Fu stance while Rex’s was more, you know I really don’t know the name of it, but both of his hands look a lot like claws right now and he was in a lower spread out stance kind of like a tiger ready to pounce.
After ten minutes of them staring at each other I couldn’t stand it anymore, “Okay seriously do something before we all die of boredom.” Right after I said this they both pounced on each other. Xellanr came towards Rex with a kick to the temple, but Rex swiftly ducked out of the way and threw a right palm straight into Xellanr’s gut. Xellanr noticed this a little bit too late and was hit squarely in the gut making him take a couple steps back. Rex attacked with a sweeping claw strike to Xellanr’s side, but Xellanr dodged backwards and he missed. Xellanr charged towards Rex and delivered a chop straight down towards Rex’s head, but Rex blocked it with his arms. While in the deadlock Rex tried to deliver a kick to Xellanr’s gut that was powered by the Ki that Body Cultivators practice in once they hit Rank S only by practicing in Ki would their rank go from S, to SS, SSS, and then finally Immortal Rank after that Xellanr wasn’t able to tell me how they rank up. The kick was intercepted by Xellanr’s other hand which was also powered by Ki. The two went back and forth with leg sweeps, claw strikes, chops, and punches for almost 30 minutes and when the ground was cracking I thought it was time to stop seeing as how Xellanr actually had the upper hand because Rex was sweating profusely and breathing raggedly while Xellanr was only sweating, but still breathing regularly.
“Okay I think it’s time to stop.” Looking over at the queen who looked a little bit pale I was surer then before that it was time to stop. Xellanr and Rex didn’t seem to hear me so I moved fifty yards away from Zellfina and casted a violet [Fire Ball] at the two and they were both sent flying away from each other and smashed into the barrier. I may be the same rank in magic that they are in power, but my magic is stronger than the majority of the Rank S mages if I don’t hold back. Seeing how they both were thrown into the barrier and struggled to get up I thought I may have been a little too rough. When the queen noticed they both weren’t moving she released the barrier and went to see if Xellanr was okay while I checked on Rex seeing that they were both breathing I felt a little bit better. Zellfina came over to me before saying, “I knew that your attunement was extremely high, but I didn’t know that it would make your spells that strong.” Looking at her I grimaced a little bit, “Yeah me either I thought that if I held back they wouldn’t even notice the spell. Turns out I was wrong I still need to hold back unless I really need to kill someone.” We called over a few medics that came out of the nearby hospital to watch the fight and they took Rex and Xellanr to the palace infirmary on a couple of stretchers.
Seeing my worried expression Zellfina came towards me and gently cupped my face. “Don’t worry they will be okay, they’re breathing so the palace medics will be able to heal any of their injuries. You should be pretty happy about it instead. Even though you hit them by surprise you still knocked out two captains of the Fourteenth Army with one [Fire Ball].” Seeing her try to console me I couldn’t help but smile and give her a kiss. When this happened there was an uproar from the crowd that gathered for the fight. When we heard this we separated and looked around to see a couple hundred shocked faces. Laughing I looked back at Zellfina, “I think we should continue our shopping don’t you?” Laughing as well she agreed and we left the crowd in a daze.
Going from shop to shop I bought a few weapons and things to hold them with. I had a sword on my left hip that had an electric enchantment on it so when I poured some mana into it the blade would electrify. I also obtained a Light Dagger, which is what I decided to call it because it reminded me of a light saber from a certain movie back on earth, but it was short like a dagger so I positioned it on the back of my belt for the sword. My third weapon of choice was actually a pair of fifty caliber pistols that I put in two shoulder holsters that I have under a dark purple jacket that I purchased. My final weapon is a laser assault rifle that reminds me strangely of the assault rifle from a certain game with a large man in a green suit of armor that fought aliens, but this one was an energy weapon instead of ballistic. I had this weapon strapped across my back in its holster. The only weapons that were visible were the sword and the assault rifle. We made our way through a few stores just kind of browsing or letting Zellfina model clothes for me she also bought any of the ones that I thought looked amazing on her, which was pretty much all of them.
We made our way into the last store before lunch and when we walked it I noticed that there was nothing but books wall to wall in this store. I browsed around a lot, but didn’t buy anything because Zellfina told me that almost everything in the store was in the library at the palace. When we were about to leave I found a pile of books in the back corner of the shop gathering dust. I picked a few up to discover that most of them were just books on how to do stupid things like How to Pick Your Nose Without Making it Bleed When I saw this title I almost used [Flame] to burn the book to a crisp. Who the hell would waste the paper to wright a book this big about picking your nose seriously?
Throwing the book down at the back of the pile I did notice a book that interested me. I picked it up and rubbed the dust off of it, Basics of Space Magic Reading the title I got extremely excited and called Zellfina over, “I don’t remember seeing this book in the books of magic that Violet brought me when I went to the library.” Zellfina looked at the book, “That’s because this book isn’t in the library it is extremely rare! Why is it just in this pile of crap books?” Hearing this I asked the person at the counter who happened to be the owner of the store, “How much are the books in this pile and why are they all just piled up in the corner?” The owner looking at the pile I was talking about had a look of disgust on his face. “Those books were brought to me one day by some beautiful woman who just said I could have them. I never got her name, but when I went through the first couple of books I realized they were junk so I just tossed them in the pile. Any book in that pile you can have for 5 copper coins.” The queen hearing this was ecstatic we have to get this one babe” Nodding my head I handed the owner 5 copper coins.
When I was about to get up and leave I notice one last book that I don’t remember sitting there before. I picked it up and dusted the cover off, How to Perceive and Interact with Mana looking at this book I was confused why someone would make an entire book on this subject when it was covered in The Basics of Magic. At the bottom of the cover the authors name was actually visible it just said “Isis” seeing the weird name I didn’t immediately think of anything until I remembered something. Isis is the Egyptian Goddess of Magic could this book be wrote by her? For 5 copper coins I was definitely willing to find out. I grabbed both books and gave the owner another 5 copper coins and even a gold coin before we both walked out together.
Looking at me Zellfina couldn’t hold it in anymore, “Why did you buy such a useless book and even give the shop keeper a gold coin? That entire book is covered in the Basics of Magic.” I looked at the book in my hand before answering, “I don’t know I just have a feeling about this book.” Hearing me say this she just shrugged her shoulders and then clung to my left arm as we made our way back to the palace.
Entering the palace courtyard Zellfina gave me a kiss and said she had some things she needed to do and she would see me later. After she left I headed to the practice room and found a spot on the wall to sit down and lean against as I read the two new books I discovered. The Basics of Space Magic was just what you would think it is it taught you how to manipulate the space around you to make a small pocket dimension called [Storage] that could hold a decent amount of things I decided to store the ammo and energy cells for my weapons in it. The book also had one other spell called [Swap] it allowed me to swap something in my hand or on my body with something else, which would be really useful for reloading in battle. Even though I had the storage ring on my finger this one couldn’t be accessed even if I died. When I died everything in my [Storage] would disappear forever.
I picked up the other book How to Perceive and Interact with Mana and looked at the cover for a minute before I started reading. Thirty minutes later I was staring at the cover of the book again a little bit pale. “Who the fuck really wrote this book? This is just too much.” I sat the book down with the other and thought about what I had just read. While reading the book most of the first part of the book was covered in The Basics of Magic, but it is what was in the last half that scares the shit out of me. It basically tells you how to see the flow of mana in other people and their spells and cut it off if you feel like it with a spell called [Sever] which is a neutral spell. The scary part is that the spell is usable at any rank of magic and is not blockable by any known magic according to the book. If the book is correct then you could basically dominate as a magic user no matter your rank with this spell. The part though that made me pale and scared me senseless is that if you train your mana perception high enough, which you can get the level one version of after training with what is shown in this book, you can actually cut off a person’s vitality which is a form of mana instantly killing them.
Looking down at the book I thought that it shouldn’t be allowed for anyone else to read this so I picked it up and tried to burn it with [Flame], but even with my violet flame I couldn’t even scratch the book. I tried to damage it with every spell I knew that could cause damage to no avail. Defeated I just stored it in my [Storage] and went to practice and gain mana perception. The reason I can see the mana in my own body and my own spells is because they are mine and the universes recognized this and allow me to see them, but [Mana Perception] allows me to pretty much break the rules of the universe and see the mana of others. After training for a few hours, which consisted of me looking like an idiot squinting at nothing, I finally seen the notifications in the corner of my view which I opened.
Congratulations you have learned [Mana Perception] level 1!
[Mana Perception] – The ability to see the mana flow of others and their spells.
Wanting to test it out I went over and activated a magical dummy and set it to water spells. The dummy stood up and walked over to the middle of the training room and I stood opposite of it and activate [Mana Perception] and immediately I could see the mana flowing through the dummy. I casted [Sever] on the dummies mana flow and the dummy fell to the ground no longer moving. After using [Mana Perception] again I noticed that the mana completely left the dummy. I activated the dummy again and mana flowed back into the dummy like nothing happened. The dummy and I bowed to each other and the dummy started to cast [Water Ball] and threw it at me. Using [Mana Perception] I saw the mana flow of the water ball and casted [Sever] on it and the spell immediately broke apart sending water in every direction. Wanting to know the mana usage of [Mana Perception] I casted it and looked at my mana pool. What I saw shocked me. [Mana Perception] actually uses no mana from my pool what the hell? I casted [Sever] on the dummy and seen that it actually uses one mana point meaning I can casted it five hundred and twenty times before I can’t cast any spells again, but my mana recovery is around 20 mana every second from what I calculated meaning that I would literally have to cast [Sever] twenty one times a second to drain my mana.
Shaking my head at the outrageousness of the spells I left the training room to head towards the library and look at some martial style books. Walking through the hallway I ran into Zendra who looked worried about something. When she noticed me walking towards her the look on her face contorted and she immediately got pissed. “YOU ASSHOLE!” Wondering what was going on, Xellanr came out of the infirmary down the hall and walked over towards us. I looked felt a little bit of guilt because he was partially limping as he walked. “Princess please calm down he didn’t mean to hurt us he was just trying to stop our fight.” Looking back at Xellanr the princess’s attitude didn’t change and she started to cast two [Fire Balls] at me. Once she started to cast them I instantly used [Mana Perception] seeing the mana flow of the two spells coming towards me I casted [Sever] twice and the spells exploded halfway to me.
Both of them had shocked expressions on their faces, “What the hell did you just do?” Xellanr couldn’t help but ask. Looking at him I tried to figure out how to answer, but the Princess didn’t want to give me time. “It doesn’t matter what he did. He hurt two draconians and he needs to pay.” After she said this she started to cast another spell. The temperature in the hall slowly started to rise before a flaming bird appeared above her palm. “The intermediate ranked version of [Fire Ball] the [Mini Phoenix]. Be careful Vitamor the [Mini Phoenix] is just as hot as [Blaze] and can change directions after she throws it.” As soon as he said this Zendra threw the phoenix at me still using [Mana Perception] I casted [Sever] on it, but it only slowed it down and lowered the temperature of the spell. Shit I didn’t expect this, dodging to the side at the last second I slammed into the wall of the hall and casted [Sever] two more times at the phoenix which finally exploded with a loud screech. Being a little pissed off now with a dull ache coming from my shoulder I stared at the princess from where I was sitting.
The Princess had a smirk on her face as she looked down at me which pissed me off even more. I was imagining myself behind the princess with my sword on her throat telling her to beg for forgiveness. While I was imagining this my view changed and all of a sudden I was behind the princess sitting on the floor. Looking around in confusion I saw that no one saw me and was still staring at where I was so I stood up and at this time Xellanr spoke up, “Where did he go?” I drew my Light Dagger and walked up to the princess and put it in front of her throat before turning it on. “I’m right here”
Hearing my voice right next to her ear and the Light Dagger across her throat the princess immediately froze and her legs started to tremble. Even if she is a Magic Rank SS in her body cultivation isn’t very high at all and the Light Dagger I bought can hurt even Power Rank A body cultivators. Xellanr who was standing to the princess’s right was staring in shock, “But how?” he muttered. Indeed how I would like to know myself, but right now I am trying everything in my power to not slice the neck of my lover’s child. Speaking of the devil she happened to walk around the corner into the hall and noticed what was going on.
“Vitamor what are you doing!?” I looked at her and calmly explained without moving the dagger. “Your bitch of a daughter attacked me again out of nowhere and I am defending myself.” After she listened to what I said she turned to Xellanr and asked him what happened and he told her everything. After listening to the entire thing she looked at me, “Punish her however you feel dear, but please don’t kill her.” Hearing the almost begging sound in her voice I turned the princess to me. After I put the dagger away I punched her right in the face as hard as I could sending her flying into the wall. After she landed she groaned a little bit before passing out and Xellanr immediately called for a medic and two of them arrived to carry the princess into the infirmary.
Still feeling a little peeved about the entire thing I grabbed Zellfina’s hand and led her to our chambers where I vented my anger in the most pleasurable way I could think, which she didn’t mind one bit. After we were done we went back to the infirmary and paid a visit to Zendra and Rex. They were both awake laying in their respective beds and talking to each other when they noticed we walked in they both stopped talking and looked towards us. Zendra had a look of anger in her eyes when she saw me and Rex looked like he was a little bit scared. Being the bigger man that I try to be I stepped up to his bed, “I’m sorry I put you in here I didn’t mean to hurt you just distract you enough so you would stop.” As I said this I took a small bow towards him to show my sincerity. Seeing this Rex was shocked but he accepted my apology, “No worries it’s okay Xellanr told me that you had just learned to control your magic the other day it’s just a good think I am a Power Rank S.” He laughed a little after saying this which put my mind a little bit at ease.
I looked over at Zendra who still had a pissed off look on her face and when our eyes met she turned her head with a “humph”. Sighing a little bit I turned to Zellfina and shrugged my shoulders. She smiled at me and stepped forward towards Zendra, “Honey why are you still being like this towards the person who could have easily killed you a while ago?” When Zellfina said this Rex’s face turned pale hearing the queen say that her daughter could have been killed by me yet she wasn’t angry at me, but her daughter. He looked at me and the fear in his eyes grew greater. I sighed a little in my heart and looked back towards the mother daughter conversation. “But he didn’t kill me mom because you wouldn’t let him.” Zendra said with a slight bit of arrogance in her voice.
Zellfina sighed before speaking, “It’s not that I didn’t let him, but that he didn’t do it because I didn’t want him to.” Hearing this Zendra had a look of confusion on her face and she even voiced it. “What do you mean mom?” Groaning a little Zellfina looked at me and the said towards Zendra, “What I mean is that if he still would have killed you even after I asked him not to I wouldn’t have been mad at him because you brought it upon yourself. I would have mourned your loss, but I wouldn’t have held Vitamor accountable.” Hearing this Zendra lost a little color in her face and her look at me changed a little bit. “By the way when he becomes the King if something like this was to happen again I might just kill you myself.” Hearing the Zellfina say this with the iciness of her voice I got shivers down my spine, while Zendra completely lost the color in her face. I looked over at Zellfina the beautiful draconian that I have made love to multiple time and couldn’t help, but think that women are scary.
Leaving the extremely pale Zendra and the passed out Rex we walked out in to the hall and Zellfina had something to do real quick so I decided to continue on to the library like I originally planned to do. I arrived at the library and was greeted by the same library from last time. “Good evening master Vitamor can I help you find something?” I looked at the draconian standing in front of me who had a very nice body and long black hair wearing glasses fitting for a librarian or teacher and thought that she was beautiful sadly though she only had what I would guess to be a B cup which was a little small for my tastes, but she was still a beautiful woman nonetheless. “If you could would you point me in the direction of the martial style books?” Perking up a bit she nodded, “Follow me” I followed her towards a section of books that had a few dozen bookshelves lined up on the second floor. “These are all of the martial books in the library please take your time and let me know if there are any you want copies of.” Looking over towards her I said my thanks while she bowed and went back to whatever she was doing before.
I looked over the books for a few hours before I picked a few. One was called Reptilian Whip which was actually a body cultivation book to make your kicks fast while keeping its strength like a whip. The second book was called One Hundred Ton Punch which was a body cultivation book that trained your muscles to be able to release the power of one hundred plus tons of force. The final book I chose was actually an all-around body cultivation book called Dragon Scale Body which was supposed to be able to make your body as hard as a dragon’s scales. The book had quite a bit of dust on it, which was possibly due to draconians not needing it once then hit Immortal rank and obtain their skill [Half Dragon Form]. This skill allows them to transform into half a dragon, they still have their humanoid form, but they have wings, horns, and scales covering most of their body. For a human like me this will be great though.
After I got the copies from the librarian I returned to our room and Zellfina was already there drinking tea in the living room. When I entered the room she smiled a dazzling smile at me, “Hello love.” Looking at her beautiful smiling face I couldn’t help but smile back. “Hey babe” After greeting her back I walked into the study and put the books on the desk planning to read them later I walked back into the other room and was greeted by Zellfina. “What are your plans right now?” I thought about it for a second before I answered. “Nothing really was planning on going to bed would you like to join?” Hearing this she got excited and almost dragged me into the bed room where we ended up doing it again and again for a few hours.
Lying in bed after our fun I was fiddling with Zellfina’s hair, but something kept nagging me in the back of my mind. “Hey babe; what you said back there to Zendra would you really kill your own daughter?” When I said this Zellfina stiffened up a little bit before she answered me calmly while looking me in the eyes. “I don’t care if our God King came here and attempted to take your life, I would kill anyone or die trying if they tried.” Hearing her say this so calmly and so un-lady like I had to speak up, “Don’t worry I will eventually be strong enough that it would have to be someone at least at the rank of God King before they could even hurt me or your” After I said this I kissed her before she drifted off to sleep. While I laid there playing with her hair I couldn’t help but keep thinking that women are scary before I too went to sleep.
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