《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.16 - Rank Testing
*Chiron - Palace*
Waking up from one of the best night’s sleep I have ever had I discovered that I couldn’t feel my right arm. Looking over I saw the Queen sleeping soundly on my arm. Smiling and pushing the urge to ravish her while she slept I slowly tried to get out of bed without waking her up. Succeeding, after a few seconds of hilarious body contortion, I slid out of bed and found my pants. Walking into the other room, shaking my right arm to get the blood flowing faster, I saw the queen’s personal maid tidying up the room. She looked up at me and smiled somewhat embarrassingly. “Hello master would you like me to make you something to drink?”
Looking at the maid whose face was the color of an apple I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “If you don’t mind I would love something to drink.” Bowing slightly the maid hurried off to her room. I’m guessing the kitchen for each room is in the maid’s room? Pushing this thought aside I sat down on the sofa and waited on her to return. A few minutes later the maid brought out some tea and after cooling it down some I proceeded to drink it. Noticing the maid was just standing their staring at me I thought I should say something, “It’s very good thank you.”
Bowing slightly she turned around and went back into her room. While I was sitting their thinking about everything that happened over the last few days I was suddenly embraced from behind. “Mmm good morning lover” Noticing that it was the queen I smiled a little bit and turned to give her a little kiss, “Good morning your majesty.” Laughing a little bit she pinched my cheeks a little bit, “Don’t call me that anymore. From now on just call me love, lover, dear, my name, or whatever nickname you want, but don’t be so formal with me from now on okay?” As she was saying this she came around in front of me and grabbed my face and had me look her in the eyes and agree. “Yes dear.”
Smiling broadly she let go of my face and sat down beside me hugging my right arm while leaning on me. It was at this moment I noticed that she had changed into a sexy violet negligee that left nothing to the imagination. Trying to calm myself down I looked down at my tea and asked, “So what’s on the agenda today besides training with Xellanr?” Not making a move whatsoever except for her chest moving up and down on my arm while breathing she answered me, “Well it all depends on how your training goes, if Xellanr feels that you can control your strength enough then we can head to the Mages Guild and test your magic strength on the stone there.”
“Okay, I guess Xellanr is waiting might as well get a move on.” Putting my tea cup down on the table we both got up and went to get ready. I put my shirt and shoes back on and the queen put on a violet blouse with a matching skirt. I was disappointed that the skirt went down to her knees and as if she noticed this she couldn’t help but tease. “If you do well in today’s training I’ll give you a treat.” After she said this she moved to the door and I quickly followed after her. Opening the door and stepping into the hall we notice Zendra making her way down the hall towards the queen’s room, I have a bad feeling about this. Sure enough the princess noticed us leaving the room together and being how early it was she made some sort of assumption and I could instantly see her face get bright red as she screamed, “YOU FIEND!”
She immediately casted a [Fire Ball] that was glowing bright red and shot it towards me. Being that I didn’t know any shield spells I was about to jump out of the way, but as I was about to move a blue fire shield appeared around me blocking the spell. Looking over at the queen she was furious and started yelling at the princess. “And just what do you think you are doing in the castle and to one of our guests!?” With an utter look of confusion on her face she answered, “I’m sorry your majesty, but this beast has the nerve to try and take advantage of you.”
Looking a little bit peeved and amused at the same time the queen continued while canceling the shield around me. “I am the owner of this castle and the queen of the draconians while also being an Immortal Rank do you think that someone would be able to easily take advantage of me unless I wanted them to?”
Thinking about what the queen said and most likely putting two and two together Zendra stood there and after a few seconds she kneeled down and apologized. “I’m sorry your majesty I was out of line.” Seeming more amused than anything the queen smiled slightly. “I’m not the only one I should apologize to.” Looking at me the princess immediately had an angry look in her eyes, “Why should I apologize to this fool I could crush him under my boot if I wanted to.”
Hearing this, the queen immediately stopped smiling and the temperature in the room started to rise at an accelerated rate. “FOOL!? What gives you the right to call what is mine a fool!? How dare you speak to your future King in such a way! If when he becomes the King and he wants to punish you for your attitude then he will have nothing from me but my blessing to do so!” Seeing that she could almost literally burst into flames I went and hugged the queen from behind and tried to calm her down. I didn’t think she would become like this after we had sex, she is like a mom protecting her young I thought while laughing in my mind. “It’s okay Zina I took no offence to it.”
Hearing me speak and the nickname I decided to call her she calmed down a little bit and leaned back against me. I kissed her on the cheek and decided we should go to meet the captain. “Xellanr is waiting on us we should go.” Nodding her head the queen followed me and we left a dumbfounded princess kneeling in front of the queen’s room. “What the fuck just happened?”
As the queen and I were making our way to the training room I had to ask, “What is all this future King business?” Looking at me and smiling she answered, “Well now that we are together it’s only natural that you would be my King in the future once you become powerful enough to take that title.” Nodding my head at what she said it made sense, “Okay then who is whose by the way?” Hearing this the queen immediately turned red and shyly spoke, “Well you are mine and I am yours, that is if you want me.” Hearing a sense of sadness in her voice I stopped walking and kissed her passionately, “If I didn’t want you we wouldn’t have slept together you dork.” After I said this I bonked her on the head and headed towards the training room again. Smiling and beaming like a girl with her first boyfriend she quickly followed after me and grabbed my right arm as we walked.
Walking into the training room some sort of sense kicked in and I immediately ducked to my left after pushing the queen to the right.
Looking back at where I was just standing there was a huge hole in the wall in the corridor we just came out of. “Oh ho your reflexes are pretty good.” Looking at the source of the voice captain Xellanr was standing there with a small boulder in his hand bouncing it up and down. I looked over at the queen who was quietly standing off to the right of the door pointing to her I said, “You know you almost hit your queen with that.” Hearing this he looked over to where I was pointing and immediately turned pale. “Your… your majesty! I didn’t know you were there my deepest apologies!” Xellanr quickly dropped the boulder and kneeled in front of the queen. “No apologies necessary captain. Treat Vitamor well I have some things to do, so I will leave you two alone.” Saying this the queen walked over to me and gave me a kiss before leaving out the way we game in quietly casting some sort of earth magic to fix the hole in the wall as she walked by it.
I looked over at the captain who was staring with his mouth open making it hard not to laugh at his expression. “So what are we going to be doing for training?” Hearing this, the captain returned to his usual seriousness and explained, “First off you are going to train see how strong you are. In order to do this I had my friend at the fighters guild bring their Ranking Stone over.” Saying this, he directed my attention to a stone the size of a Volkswagen back on earth that was hovering above the ground. I walked over to the stone to examine it, “So do I just need to punch it?”
Nodding his head in answer to my question I walked over to the stone and assumed the only stance I could remember from earth which was a boxing stance. I turned my body slightly to the right keeping my left arm forward with my right slightly behind it I breathed in and did two quick jabs into the air while breathing out with each jab then followed them up with a straight right into the stone. I thought at first that the stone my hurt my fist, but upon hitting it I discovered that it was actually soft to punch. Immediately after my right fist hit the stone it started to crack sending three cracks out in different directions. “Oh Rank D huh slightly higher than I thought from when I first met you there is even what looks like the beginning of a fourth crack showing after closer inspection”
I removed my fist from the stone to see what he was talking about and it immediately started to repair itself. Shrugging my shoulders I looked at the captain for further instructions, “Okay now that we know your rank what we are going to do is let you fight some Rank F dummies until you can fight them without destroying them that way if someone wants a friendly spar or something you will know how to hold back.” I wonder why my rank is higher than they thought. At this time I noticed a little envelope in the top left corner of my view. What is this? I opened the envelope and was presented with a few popups.
Congratulations you have learned [Mana Flow Control]
Congratulations [Mana Flow Control] has reached level 5!
Congratulations [Flame Magic] has reached level 5!
Congratulations [Water, Wind, and Earth Magic] have reached level 3!
Congratulations you have leveled up to level 3!
Congratulations you have earned the love of queen Zellfina earning you the title “Conqueror of the Queen”!
Looking at all the popups I quickly checked my status.
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: Conqueror of the Queen
Level: 3
Health: 400/400
Mana: 520/520
Strength: 60
Vitality: 40
Intelligence: 52
Agility: 28
Charisma: 32
Luck: 80
Wisdom: 20
Noticing that all of my stats doubled from level two stats my question has been answered with my strength now being at sixty. Why didn’t the popups show up whenever I got them? “I prevented them from showing master as to not interfere with your training” Oh you can do that Kira? “Yes master would you like me to do so while you train from now on? Yes go ahead and do that unless I say otherwise. “Yes master” Now that we got that all straightened out I turned my attention back to Xellanr.
“You done checking your status?” He was standing their patiently waiting as I checked on my status, “Yeah let’s begin training.” After it had gotten dark I was finally able to spar with the Rank F dummies without damaging them in the slightest I was even able to fight a few of them at a time leading me to think that my combat skill had leveled up some. I tried mixing in a few kicks, but ended up failing miserably so I thought I should find some books on fighting styles and read up a little then practice what I learned before really fighting somebody. Finishing up my training I looked over at Xellanr to see the queen standing beside him, “Hey Zina when did you arrive?” Hearing me speak to her she smiled while answering, “Not too long ago maybe an hour or so before dark right about the time you asked Xellanr to send in a few dummies at a time.” Feeling a little embarrassed for some reason I tried to change the subject, “I never used to like exercising before, but sparring with the dummies was actually quite fun.” Laughing a little at my embarrassment the queen commented, “Well you looked like you were having a blast from where I was standing.” I walked over to her and the captain, “So what is on the agenda for tomorrow captain?” Thinking about it for a second before he answered with a sigh, “Actually you have already learned to control your strength to where you won’t accidently kill someone so I have nothing else to teach you really just learn whatever you want from here on.”
Confused I had to ask him what I was thinking, “You mean you aren’t going to teach me any styles or anything?” He didn’t even think for a second before he answered me, “No the best way for anyone to learn is to find a style they like and practice it and mold it into their own instead of a style being almost forced on them.” Thinking about what he said it made sense if I used a style that someone else already knew and just copied the style without making it my own they would be able to know all the weaknesses of it. “Well okay then what do you want to do then?” Directing this question at the queen she thought about it for a minute before answering. “In the morning we can make our way to the mages guild and test your magical strength then you should probably do some training with a weapon of some sort. Speaking of weapons do you have one that you prefer?” Thinking about it shortly I answered her honestly, “Actually I would like to train in all kinds of weapons so I can be proficient in them all whether it be long range, middle range, or short range weapons.” Hearing this Xellanr’s eyes showed what looked like a glint of approval in my choice, but he didn’t say anything.
“That sounds like a lot of work you should make sure you don’t overwork yourself babe.” The queen had a worried expression on her face and it was cute enough that I couldn’t help but tease her. “Don’t worry I will always leave enough strength for you.” When I said this if he was drinking anything Xellanr would have spit it out with the look he made on his face and the queen turned redder than a tomato. “That’s not what I meant.” Even though she said this I could see the desire in her eyes, but I didn’t tease her anymore and decided that training was over. “I guess since training is over I should clean up and then go to bed since we have an early start tomorrow.” As I said this I headed out the room with the queen in tow while Xellanr put away the dummies. Reaching an intersection in the corridor I turned to the left to head towards my room when the queen stopped me. “Where are you going?” I looked back at her before answering, “I’m headed to my room to clean up and go to bed.” Hearing this the queen responded, “I have already had the stuff from your room and study moved to my room along with Drexella and Violet. So my room is now our room.” Really well that was fast; she moves pretty quickly I thought while laughing to myself. “Well I guess I will follow you then.”
The queen led the way to her room and the guard in front of the door saluted her as we entered. “I guess I will go clean up and then come to bed.” As I said this the queen casted a spell and a very thin film of water covered me and cleaned all the sweat and grime off of me and my clothes. “There your clean now.” She said while standing there smiling at me. I need to learn whatever spell that is I thought while saying, “Well I guess off to bed we go.” The queen and I went into the room and I took off my shirt before attempting to get into bed, but at this time I was ambushed by a pouncing queen and went a few rounds with her before we both fell asleep.
Waking up in the morning the first thing that I did was check to see if there were any notifications, which there was. I opened them up and received two popups.
Congratulations you have learned [Strength Control]!
Congratulations [Combat] has reached level 5!
Closing the windows I got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed the queen woke up when I got off the bed, “Good Morning Dear” Looking back at her I smiled and gave her a kiss before answering, “Morning Beautiful” She blushed a little bit before she got up and got dressed as well. After we were both dressed she casted that spell again and I decided to ask her about it. “What spell are you casting that can clean us without completely soaking us?” After she put her hair up in a ponytail, which is the first time I have seen her do that and she looks stunning with it I might add, she answered. “Oh that spell is just called [Clean] it’s a water magic spell that is in the intermediate category if you want I can get you a book on it.” Kissing her again I answered, “If you don’t mind I would like that.”
Blushing she nodded her head and we walked out into what I have just started calling the living room of the chambers. Walking into the living room we were greeted by both of our maids the queens, who I learned was named Trixie, and Drexella who is obviously my maid. “Morning Masters” they both said in unison while bowing, “Morning” we both replied. “Would you like some morning refreshments masters?” Drexella asked us both, but we politely declined and said we needed to go. Bowing slightly the maids went back to their quarters.
We both left our chambers and proceeded to the court yard and the palace gate. While we were walking arm in arm we were receiving a lot of shocked expressions as we walked and I even received some hostile ones. It seems the queen has quite a few admirers I thought to myself. When we reached the palace gate we were greeted by Xellanr who turned out to be our guard for the morning. “I will be escorting you two to the Mages Guild and wherever else you would like to go.”
After saying this he turned around and headed out of the palace while we followed. I couldn’t help but smile, while I stifled a laugh, as I thought about the fact that somebody thought that Xellanr needed to guard the queen she is an Immortal for fucks sake. Noticing my smile and the fact that I was holding back a laugh, the queen spoke up, “What’s so funny?” Looking over at the Immortal and extremely powerful woman hanging on my arm I answered her. “I just think it is funny that someone thinks you need a guard.” When I said this the queen really did laugh out loud, “No silly the guard is not to protect me or even you. It’s for protecting them from me, because Xellanr knows my temperament if they were to attack you I would just instantly kill them and not give us any time to find out why they attacked of if somebody sent them.” Looking at her I couldn’t help but feel that she was telling the truth and as I thought this I made a silent prayer to anybody for any would-be attackers. After walking through the capital for a while with the queen pointing out all kinds of places that I should know and some places that she would like to go to with me we arrived at what I would assume is the Mages Guild.
I looked up at the building that was almost as big as the palace and was amazed. “It’s only slightly smaller than the palace!” Laughing at my astonishment the queen explained some things to me, “The Mages Guild and Fighters Guild are intergalactic ran entities which are just a step below if not even with kingdoms, but when it comes to an empire like mine they still have to be polite.” We entered the Mages Guild and were greeted by a couple of draconians, “Welcome to the Mages Guild!” they all said at the same time. “Send for Leaften and a Ranking Stone.”
Bowing the draconians all scattered to do what they were told and after a few minutes a smaller looking stone was brought to us by someone who wasn’t a draconian. “Is that an ELF!?” I exclaimed staring at the man who came towards us with the stone floating above his palm. “Yes he is an Elf and the Guild Master for this Solar System he is also a Demi-God Rank in magic.” Once the queen said this I almost hit the floor. “A Demi-God!?” Laughing at my expression she explained once more, “Yes all of the Guild Masters for their respective Solar Systems are Demi-Gods whether it be the Mages Guild or Fighters Guild.”
Looking at the elf coming towards us he must of noticed my expression and the queen’s laughter, “I guess this is your first time to a guild and the queen must have already explained who I am to you?” As he said this I could see an amused gleam in his eyes. “Uh yes she did sir” I answered a little nervously. Laughing he responded, “Don’t be nervous just treat me as a friend, my name is Leaften Guild Master of the Mages Guild for the Chiron Solar System.” He stuck his unoccupied hand out and I shook it. “Now I take it that the queen has brought you here to see what rank your magic is?” Looking at the queen she nodded and he brought the stone towards me. “Now grab the stone and pour you mana into it, once you do it should start to float and give off a color depending on your magical strength.”
Doing as he instructed I grabbed the stone and started to pour a small amount of mana into it and it immediately started to float a release a Yellow color. “Good now try and pour as much mana as you can into it before you start to feel tired.” Per his instructions I did what he said and the color of the stone started to change before it stopped at Green and when I got tired I cut off the mana flow and the stone dropped into my hand. I looked over at the queen who had an ecstatic look on her face while Leaften has a small sense of shock about him. “That’s greet babe you are a Rank S in magical strength with the more spells you learn and master you will hit Rank SSS in no time!” As she said this she hugged me fiercely and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Seeing this Leaften’s shock grew larger. “Indeed green indicates Rank S at minimum and once you learn around twenty-five spells you will be able to hit Rank SS then Rank SSS at fifty spells.” Hearing him say this I was shocked to learn that the known spells requirement was actually quite high at least I thought it was. “Would you like to take a look at the spells we have available for Rank S and below?”
When Leaften asked this I really wanted to, but I already said I was going to go with Zellfina and pick out some weapons. “I will have to take you up on that offer later the queen and I have some things we said we were going to do.” Nodding his head he didn’t bring up the subject anymore and after a few friendly words we left the Mages Guild and headed to the central square where all the shops where. Halfway to the shop I had a realization, “Wait, how am I supposed to buy weapons I don’t have any money.” When I said this Zellfina almost rolled on the ground laughing, “Silly didn’t I tell you what’s mine is yours? That includes my money you know.” Wiping away some tears from laughter she said that to me with a straight face and I was surprised that I didn’t feel any different than I normally do even though I just became filthy rich.
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