《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.15 - It's About Damn Time
*Chiron – Palace*
Looking at the queen and the captain with their shocked expression at his words I couldn’t help but chuckle a little, “What? Isn’t that what we are here for?” as I said this they both seemed to return to reality. “Uhm yes that is why we are here to teach you magic among other things *cough* Xellanr go and bring a few fighting dummies both magical and martial.” The queen directed this to Captain Xellanr who immediately saluted and ran out of the training room. Looking back at me the queen continued speaking, “Now that we have found out the degree of your mana attunement it would be safe to say that when it comes to the magical power of your spells they are at the late stages of Rank A maybe even the early stages of Rank S, but until we take you to the Mages Guild in the capital and test your power with a Ranking Stone we won’t really know.” Looking at the queen give my magical power such a high ranking evaluation and I also didn’t really understand the magical ranking or physical ranking requirements I couldn’t help but ask, “Is the Ranking Stone at the Mages Guild the only way to test a person’s power rank?”
“Well someone like me with my years of experience and high Rank I can sort of gauge your Power Rank based on what I see and feel, but the only way to really get a true and exact measurement of some ones Rank is through a Ranking Stone and only the Mages Guilds and Fighters Guild has them.” Noticing Xellanr carrying the fighting dummies into the training room he must have overheard some of the conversation for he continued to explain a little bit more on the Ranking Stones.
“Ranking Stones were made by God Kings and are extremely durable for their respective ranking system. The Ranking Stone for magic in the Mages Guild is extremely durable on the inside and changes color depending on the strength of the mana flowing into the stone while the Ranking stone for Physical Cultivation is extremely durable on the outside and based on the amount of cracks a person can make on the stone will tell your Rank.” Wanting a little more information about the Ranking Stones I asked the queen and Xellanr one final question about them, “So what are the colors for the respective ranks and the amount of cracks for its respective rank as well?”
“Well the colors go something like this: Yellow is Rank F – D now the Yellow gradually becomes Orange which is Rank C followed by Red for Rank B, Blue for Rank A, and Green for Rank S,SS,SSS the way the S ranks are differentiated is based on the amount of spells you know and can properly execute. Once someone hits Immortal Rank the stone radiates a Violet color for how the ranks are done in Demi-God and higher I do not know because the Gods have their own way of doing their ranks and for the Physical Ranking stone I will let Xellanr answer that.”
As the queen finished her explanation Xellanr picked up, “The Physical Ranking is pretty simple if you can cause one crack you are Rank F and if you can actually shatter the stone you have officially entered the Immortal Rank for Physical Cultivation.” So based on how they each answered about the difference in the stones it would be safe to say that the Queen is an Immortal in magic and the captain is Rank S in Physical Cultivation.
Looking at the two I wanted to continue on with the training since I had enough information about the stones for now. “What are the dummies for your majesty?” The queen walked over to the dummies that Xellanr brought in an activated one. “These will be used for you to learn to adjust your magic power.” As she was saying this, the magical dummy moved in front of me and made a bowing gesture I returned the bow for some reason and asked the queen a question, “So how exactly are we going to do that?” Moving about fifty yards away from me the queen answered with a slightly raised voice, “You are going to cast [Fire Ball] and as your casting it try and feel the flow of mana going into the spell. When you feel the mana try adjusting the amount of mana in the flow to a smaller amount until you can gradually feel how much is needed to make the flame a blue color at most.”
Doing as she instructed I cast [Fire Ball] which immediately cause a violet flaming ball to appear floating above my palm. I felt around for the flow of mana going into the spell and noticed that the mana going into the spell after I casted it was coming from the area around me and not from my mana pool. Remembering what I seen in the Basics of Magic book from the library it said something about certain spells only using my personal mana pool to cast the spell, but while the spell was active it used the mana in the surrounding area to fuel it until I used it on something or someone and [Fire Ball] wall one of those spells. The spells that constantly use my personal mana pool are shield type spells and some other spells that I don’t need to worry about right now. Putting my mind back onto the flow of mana entering the spell I tried to imagine the flow of mana slowing down and not until I almost cut the mana flow off entirely did the flame turn blue.
Bringing my thoughts back to my surroundings the queen and Xellanr were walking to me with smiles on their face and as they got closer the queen started to get a complex expression on her face. “Vitamor why are you sweating so much it shouldn’t be hard to adjust the mana flow going into a spell.” Looking at my clothes I could see that they were drenched with sweat, “It wasn’t really hard, but I had to concentrate enough on it so that I didn’t cut the spell off completely.” Answering the queen she got this overwhelmingly shocked expression on her face and grabbed me by the shoulders fiercely. “You almost had to cut the mana flow off before it turned blue! Are you serious right now?” Trying not to get dizzy from the shaking the queen was giving me I sluggishly answered, “Yes I’m being serious and before you go violently shaking someone please remember and see if they are holding a [Fire Ball] in their hands first.”
Looking at my hand which still had the spell hovering above it the queen let go and with a slightly embarrassed look stepped back before speaking, “If what you say is true and you had to almost cut off the amount of mana into the spell for it to turn blue your attunement with mana is deeper than anything I have ever seen before the guild master at the Mages Guild would love to have a chat with you, but before that I want you to practice on these dummies until you can change the flow of mana and use the spell within a matter of seconds.” Hearing the queen say this I was shocked it took me what seemed like forever just to change the mana flow now she wants me to do it in seconds? What a slave driver! Grumbling a little I proceeded to do what she said after I cancelled the spell I already had going.
For the next two days between training, sleeping, reading books from the library, and a little over a hundred training dummies I finally managed to cast a blue fire ball and use it in less than two seconds which I was told was the average casting speed for those who can use magic in battle with practice though I could shorten the time down to less than a second or almost instantaneously. After using [Fire Ball], [Ice Spike] which I learned from one of my nightly readings, [Earth Spike], and [Wind Cutter] on the last training dummy I completely destroyed it signaling the end of my training in mana control.
The queen clapping and smiling slightly walked over to me and congratulated me, “Well done you are now able to use your spells in the presence of normal people.” Speaking of using spells in a normal person’s presence I couldn’t help but ask if she is an Immortal Rank in magic why she stood fifty yards away from me two days ago when I first started practicing. “Oh that was because even though I have an Immortal Rank in magic my physical rank is only around Rank D or so meaning that the heat from your flame was a bit uncomfortable and almost hurt and I didn’t really want to use my mana pool up casting a shield so I just moved back a bit. Xellanr on the other hand would have been perfectly fine he just likes to stick next to me when we are around, like my own personal body guard. Plus he likes Zendra so he keeps trying to make a good impression.”
Hearing her say this about the normally serious and straightforward captain I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “That evil little girl actually has a suitor? That surprises me some.” After the queen stopped laughing she looked at me with a strange look in her eye, “You mean to tell me you don’t plan to chase after her like Xellanr? I wouldn’t mind if you did I would even give you my blessing.” Hearing her say this I could almost feel the strain she was going through just to say the words. “No I don’t really like her personality plus I like more of a mature woman not so much a brash little girl.” Looking at her I could see her appearance loosen up some and I even thought I saw a small smile. “That’s good.” Not really hearing what she said I asked her what she said she smiled at me and answered with a giggle, “Nothing lets go it’s getting late tomorrow Xellanr with start your training with the Martial dummies.” Saying this she turned to walk out the door and I quickly followed.
We walked down the hall and arrived at the queen’s room I bid her a good night and started to walk to my room. “Wait” Turing around I saw the queen standing in front of her room looking down at the floor, “Uhm would you like to come in for some tea?” Looking at her flush face I couldn’t help but agree to come in. “Sure” After answering the queen smiled and opened the door to her room and allowed me to walk in. After she told something to the guards she came inside and shut the door. Just a moment and I’ll have some tea made she walked into the other room and I heard her talking to someone else it was now that I noticed that her room was almost exactly like mine with a personal maid quarters on one side with a bedroom and study on the other side. The queen came back with some tea and two cups she poured the tea into two cups giving me one and taking the other before sitting down. I notice the steam coming from the cup and silently pour some cold mana into the cup cooling it down, being from America I drink my tea cold. I was able to do this because during my training I discovered that I could change the attribute of my mana at will making my spells a little weaker or stronger. I want to experiment with this later and see if I can combine elements and make up new spells because so far from what I have read there are no combined element spells. Drinking my tea it was surprisingly sweat and refreshing looking at the queen she was staring at me probably waiting for my approval. “This is good tea.” When I said this the queen got a small smile on her face “That’s good I was hoping that it would be to your liking.”
We sat there and continued talking about things such as the capital and the best places to shop I even got some info about the currency used in this universe. The currency in this universe is almost all the same, it goes copper, silver, gold, and platinum with the values being 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold and 100 gold = 1 platinum. After hearing about the currency I saw that it was dark and decided I should head to bed so telling the queen this we both stood up and I thanked her for the tea turning to leave I made it half way to the door before I was grabbed from behind. “Can’t you stay?”
Hearing this mumbled sentence coming from my backside I turned in the arms of who was holding me and looked down at the queen. “Do you really want me to?” I no sooner got these words out before I was passionately kissed by the queen. Returning her kiss we stood there for a few minutes before we separated. “I don’t know why, but I want you I want to be with you. I have had this feeling for the last couple days and I just can’t figure it out, but I do know one thing I don’t want to fight it anymore. I know your body is only fourteen in human years, but you are actually far older than that due to the cryo-sleep even if you weren’t fourteen is the age of an adult in this universe plus I’m the Queen no one would dare to say anything to me about it.” Listening to the queen say that she wanted me even if I wanted to refute my other part had other ideas and the queen noticed this.
With a mischievous look in her eye she commented, “Oh seems like we have a guest.” Before she could say more I kissed her just as fiercely as she kissed me I picked and she wrapped her legs around me. I took her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed before separating from her lips. The queen looked at me with a longing look in her eye removing her shirt I released the beasts that were being caged and sunk my hands into their plumpness as I massaged her breast the queen was making perverted sounds I leaned down and gently sucked on her left breast while massaging the other causing the queen to moan in pleasure.
After a few minutes of breast play I moved my hand from her breast and made my way south as I entered her skirt and found her most intimate area I felt a wetness that had a slimy feel to it. When I started to massage her intimate area she started to moan even more with pleasure and after a few minutes of this she arched her back and almost screamed in pleasure. After she laid back down on the bed panting she looked at me with eyes that said she wasn’t done with me. “Your unexpectedly good at this.” Not knowing what to say due to her probably not knowing what Karma Sutra is, I just smiled at her.
At this moment she rolled me over and then got on top of me squashing my soldier in between her cheeks. Leaning over she kissed me passionately after a minute she separated and whispered in my ears, “My turn.” After saying this she maneuvered herself down the bed and started to remove my pants after a few seconds my soldier was able to stand at full attention. “Oh my” the queen commented and after a few seconds of staring she grasped my shaft and started her service after a few seconds of this she moved her face in closer and proceeded to like all around my member and then inserted it inside her mouth as she made it half way down the shaft she couldn’t go any farther and stopped there noticing she couldn’t take it all she started to use her hand along with her mouth and feeling this I couldn’t help but start to take ragged breaths as she noticed this she became much more engaged in her service after a few minutes of this I finally couldn’t stand it anymore, “I’m about to…” hearing this the queen started to speed up and after a few more seconds it came and I released.
The queen made a small sound, but didn’t remove my member from her mouth drinking all of me down. After I was done she removed her mouth and cleaned my soldier off. “Mmm its surprisingly sweet I’ve never had it sweet before.” Hearing her say this I decided to joke a little, “Well I am a sweet guy.” Giggling a little bit she squeezed my member sending a sensation up my back, “Even after all that he is still raring to go I think that I should satisfy him fully.” Saying this she removed her skirt and undergarments and started to straddle me. She grabbed my member and slowly started to insert him inside as she went further down my member her tail which she had wrapped around my leg started to squeeze actually exciting me a little bit more. “Oh he got a little bigger” as soon as she swallowed my member all the way to the base her tail loosened a little bit.
Leaning forward she leaned against my chest, “So much, but it’s finally inside.” I grabbed her face and kissed her lips and as our tongues intertwined she started to move her hips up and down my member making lewd noised every time her bottom hit my thighs as she continued to ride me a few minutes in I decided to make my move and I started to match her rhythm, but after I made a few thrusts she couldn’t move on her own so I just continued my piston and continued to thrust she leaned back and arched her back giving me full view of her beautifully large breasts. She finally was able to continue to move and she matched my rhythm making the lewd noises louder I could feel myself reaching a climax after a few more minutes, “I’m about to again…” When I said this her movement got faster while I completely stopped mine, “Yes me too release it all into me!” after a couple minutes of her fast movements I released inside of her while she arched her back and climaxed as well it was at this moment that I got a popup.
Would you like to impregnate Queen Zellfina?
After I was finished I quickly selected No, thinking that it was probably a very convenient feature of the A.I., and laid there with the queen sitting on top of me we were both somewhat out of breath and just laid there. After a few minutes the queen rolled off of me and we both repositioned ourselves on the bed. Looking at the queen she was staring at me with a very content expression, “I thought you was a virgin?” When she said this I answered her in the only way I could, “I am, some people are just better at it than others regardless of experience.” She looked like she had her doubts, but she semi-accepted it while I laid there thinking that it was about damn time before we both drifted off to sleep.
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