《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.14 - So Hot
*Chiron - Palace*
Waking up from my comfortable sleep I roll over to find the queen sitting in a chair in the corner staring at me while holding a glass of liquid, “Uh good morning your majesty” I said feeling a little bit creeped out and nostalgic at the same time. This situation reminds me of all those movies I used to see back on Earth where the good guy would wake up with the bad guy sitting in a chair in the dark corner with a gun just waiting for them to wake up or vice versa.
“Good morning Vitamor did you sleep well?” She asks me I looked around the room trying to see if there was anybody else waiting in another shadow before I answered, “Yes actually I had a really refreshing sleep.” I’m just happy that there wasn’t a visit from the dragon headed mana that I saw when I dozed off in the library yesterday.
“That’s good, well get up then and get dressed we have lots of things to do today.” Said the queen as she downed whatever she was drinking and then vaporized the glass with some sort of magic, most likely [Flame], but I’m just guessing at this point.
“Uh okay I will be there in a minute then” I told her waiting for her to get up and leave, but she just sat where she was and waited for me to make a move. After a few minutes of waiting I finally decided to just get up and see if there was anything in the closet for me to wear. Walking to the closet I opened the door and was shocked to find a room the size of the one I slept in. Leaving the closet door open I walked out of the closet and walked a little bit through the left and into the other room, staring at the wall I visually measured that the wall that the door to the closet was on is only around six inches thick! Walking back to the closet and staring at the amount of space in it the shock on my face was visually noticeable and the queen couldn’t help but giggle a little bit.
“Hehe if you look closely at the top of the closet door on the inside there is a magic stone that is imbedded with the space magic [Room] allowing for a room of this size to fit in the six inch thick wall it is very convenient magic, although space magic lacks a lot of fighting spells it has a wide variety of convenient spells such as this one. Even though I said that space magic doesn’t have a wide variety of fighting spells it isn’t the weakest magic out there, it is actually around the strongest if one knows how to use it properly.” As she said this I could tell that she was struggling to keep herself from continuing to giggle at my astonishment.
“You’re right it is very convenient I actually have a pouch that has space magic casted on it. The room inside of the pouch is a fifteen by fifteen foot room and it fits inside a small eight inch deep, 4 inch wide pouch.” I told her remembering the pouch that I picked up in the armory on the ArchAngel
“Oh you mean that little old dusty pouch? We got rid of that and got you a Space Ring instead the ring will automatically adjust to the size of the finger the owner puts it on and once you bound the ring with your mana it will only recognize you as its owner and will not open for anyone else unless you die. The ring also has a [Room] spell placed on it that was placed by a SS Rank Space Mage so the size of the room in the ring is around one hundred by one hundred feet.” As she was telling me this she brought a ring out that I would consider a work of art. The band was silver with an almost three dimensional black and red dragon coiling around the ring and on the top of the ring the dragon head rested holding what looks to be a ruby in its mouth.
“It looks amazing are you sure you want to give this to me? Isn’t it expensive, I mean it looks expensive to me.” Standing there with my mouth hanging open I had to ask because the detail that went into the carving of the ring is just astounding you can pretty much see all of the scales on the dragon and each individual tooth.
She looked at me and giggled a little bit “Hehe no it’s not that expensive the physical ring itself may be expensive to someone who can’t use magic, but to a magic user making a ring like this is as simple as using mana to guide the tools and the gem itself is one of the many gems we find in caves on the ocean floor. Now if the ring had the space magic [Living Room] then it might be considered a little bit expensive.”
Looking at the ring I took it into my hand and slid it on my finger, but it was too big and wouldn’t stay there. “What’s the difference in [Room] and [Living Room] also how do I use mana to bind the ring to me?” I remembered what she said about the ring needing to be bound to me and I was curious about the differences in between the rooms.
“As you know [Room] just makes a space that you can use in items that is the size of a small room, but depending on the mages level in Space Magic the size of the room can be many times the size of the object with the smallest room being five foot by five foot and the largest size really hasn’t been reached yet. I have seen a backpack used on a human once that had a room measuring five miles by five miles. Where the limit is no one knows, but where the spell [Living Room] differs is the availability of storing living things in the room. There are legends of God Kings having found rings from the beginning of the universe that have a habitable planet inside of them with a pseudo sun and moon.” Listening to the queen I couldn’t keep the interest from showing on my face and I was absorbed by what she was saying, but she cut her explanation after that and snapped me back to reality. “Hehe as much as I would love to stand here and admire your developing body, which has developed quite well so far for your age I might add, I believe that we should get going don’t you? If we dally much longer people might think that you are doing perverse things to me hehe.”
“Who is doing perverse things to whom? You’re the one who was watching me sleep your majesty.” Saying this, the queen started to turn red and turned for the door. “I will be outside waiting on you. Do not dally though we really do have a lot to do today.” Your tone of voice betrays you your highness. “Yes mam I will be out shortly.” After I said that the queen opened the door and left the room gently shutting the door behind her.
Walking over to the closet I picked out what looked to be training pants and a plain t-shirt. Putting the pants on they were surprisingly my size and had two pockets on each side. The queen didn’t explain how to bind the storage ring so I stuck it in my right pocket and put the shirt on, which by the way felt like it was two sizes too small, it fit me in length but it was tight everywhere else and my muscles couldn’t help but to show through the shirt. She put this in there on purpose I think she has some built up frustrations and needs to get laid. I would be more than happy to accompany her in that activity haha. I found a pair of track styled shoes on the floor in the closet and a pair of socks in one of the draws in the room and both of them also fit me. Was I measured when I was sleeping? If so who did it? Putting that aside I strode out of my room and into the adjoining room where the Queen, Xellanr, Violet, and Drexella were waiting for me.
“Uh you guys didn’t have to wait on me I probably could have found my way around or Violet could have brought me to you” I directed this statement to Xellanr and the Queen who were sitting on two of the chairs in the center of the room. Xellanr was sipping on either coffee or tea I didn’t know which, but it may have been something entirely different in this world the actions he took when drinking made me think of really expensive tea. The Queen on the other hand was just sitting there looking at her hands in her lap trying to avoid my eye contact. Don’t tell me I embarrassed her that much you’re more than one hundred thousand years old for heaven’s sake surely you have done more than I have ever thought about doing.
“Yes she could have, but her majesty wanted to give you the space ring personally for some reason.” Xellanr spoke after taking a sip of his tea/coffee/whatever he is drinking and he said nothing more and went back to his drink. Speaking of the space ring I need to ask her again. “How do I bind the ring with my mana by the way you never explained it when I asked earlier.” The queen looked up at me and answered. “When we get to the training room and start your training the first thing I will teach you is how to inject your mana into magic items to bind them.” After saying this she stood up and proceeded to leave the room. Noticing this Xellanr, Violet, and I left with her while Drexella stayed behind in the room to tidy up.
Making our way to the training room we passed by many guards and maids who quickly and quietly made way for us to pass while the maids bowed and the guards saluted. The queen gently and happily acknowledged all of them with a smile and a small salute. All of the maids and guards were looking at the queen with respect and awe it seems that she is a really gentle queen, but remembering how her voice shook the ArchAngel I don’t think they have had to see her mean side yet, scary.
We finally made it to the training room which was empty of people; I’m guessing that this is a private training room for the queen and princesses. The queen turned to me, “Okay time to get started with the basics of magic now I want you to feel around inside your body and tell me if you can feel a power sort of flowing around through it.” Doing what the queen said I cleared my mind a little and felt around in my body and there was indeed a power flowing around. “I feel it your majesty” after telling her this she told me what to do. “Okay now I want you to guide that power with your mind through your fingers and into the ring. Once you do this the ring should be bound to you and shrink to the size of the finger you put it on.”
I did as she instructed and coaxed the power along my arm, through my fingers, and into the ring. The ring glowed a little bit and then went back to normal. Slipping the ring onto my right ring finger it immediately shrunk to a comfortable size that didn’t move on its own or not let me take it off. Noticing this the queen continued, “Now that the ring is bound to you by guiding your mana into the ring you should be able to access the room and withdraw and deposit items with your mind. When you want to deposit an item just think about the item going into a certain spot in the room and it will. To withdraw an item just think about taking the item out and it will appear where you want it to whether it is in your hand, on your back, your head, or even on the table.”
Wow space magic is extremely convenient she wasn’t exaggerating when she said that. Doing what she said I see a picture of the room in my mind which is completely empty right now, but I felt that I could reach every inch of the room just by thinking about that area. “Okay I can use the ring now.” Looking at the queen she smiled a little bit and went on with the training. “What kind of combat skills do you have?” she asked looking me over a little bit. “Uhm well I don’t have any combat skills other than just Combat Level 1. I do know some magic spells I just haven’t practiced them yet.” Hearing this the Queen and Xellanr seemed shocked a little bit. “You already know some magic spells?” Xellanr asked looking at me with a confused look.
I looked at him and tried to clear up his confusion. “You remember that I have an A.I. right?” seeming like he remembered this his confused face cleared up a little bit and he nodded his head so I continued. “Well I picked up some basics on magic and some basic magic spell books from the library last night and the A.I. helped me memorize them now I just need to get some basic practice in with them.” With a clear look in his eyes Xellanr shook his head, “That’s good that you have the A.I. it will make the training process so much easier for you.” He said glancing over to the queen who continued on with the training again. “Since you know some basic magic spells you should know [Flame] right?” she asked me while moving over to a weapon rack and picked up a wooden sword, a greenish looking sword, and a metal sword.
“Yes I know flame I just haven’t tried it yet.” Answering her question honestly she handed me the three swords. “I want you to try and use [Flame] and burn the wooden sword, and melt both the bronze and iron swords. In order to use the magic [Flame] just control the mana in your body as you did with the ring and move it to your palm and imagine that it is floating above your palm after you have that image in your mind then imagine that the mana is on fire and [Flame] should appear.” She explained it to me just like the book did so I did as both she and the book said to and after a split second a purple flame appeared above my palm.
“Purple flame it’s the purple flame of the Tornado Attunement!” Violet was yelling and beaming with excitement over to the side of Xellanr then her face turned a little red and sweat started to appear on her forehead. “I don’t ever remember anything in the books about the Tornado Attunement’s [Flame] being so hot. I am over twenty-five yards away and I can feel the heat from the little flame from here.” After she said this everybody in the area stepped another twenty-five yards from me before they finally stopped and said that they couldn’t really feel the heat as bad there. “Why does the flame not feel hot to me?” I couldn’t help but ask because unless I was looking at the flame like I was I wouldn’t even have known it was there. Looking at the queen for answers she supplied it. “You don’t feel the flame because it is yours. Anything made by your mana will never harm you unless you will it too. Now burn the wooden sword and melt the others.”
After she said this I remembered the swords she handed me, but when I looked at my left hand there wasn’t anything there, not even the hilts of the metal based swords. There was just a puddle of molten iron and bronze on the ground near my feet and there wasn’t any sign that the wooden sword had even been present. Seeing this I looked back at the queen with confusion and she had an amazed look on her face after she noticed the same thing. “So hot the wooden sword disintegrated and the metal based swords melted just from being in the vicinity of the flame not even being right next to it.” As the queen was saying this Xellanr grabbed a wooden sword and chucked it at me. When the sword hit about fifteen yards from me it immediately caught on fire and as it got closer it gradually disappeared from existence. Looking at this I was amazed and it was only at this time did I notice that the grass in a fifteen yard radius around me was completely gone while the grass between fifteen and twenty-five yards was smoldering from the heat and would probably catch fire at any moment. How I missed this when looking at the puddle of molten metal I don’t really know, but looking back at where that puddle was it wasn’t there the puddle of molten metal disappeared as well. Seeing all the destruction that my [Flame] was causing just from being in my palm I cut the source of mana off to the flame and it disappeared into the atmosphere. After about ten minutes the temperature in the area dropped back down to normal and everybody moved back over to me.
“Are you sure that you just used [Flame]? I mean it looked just like it, but that temperature was way too hot. It was almost like you used the intermediate version called [Blaze] which does the exact same thing, but at a higher temperature than [Flame].” Xellanr was shocked at the scene he just witnessed and couldn’t believe that the spell I used was just [Flame] so he couldn’t help but ask. Looking back at him I answered honestly, “Yeah it was just [Flame] I don’t know [Blaze], I only know [Flame] and [Fire Ball].” Seeming to realize something the queen looked at me and uttered, “If your [Flame] was so destructive I couldn’t imagine the damage your [Fire Ball] would do let alone your [Blaze] when you learn it.”
Looking at the two of them and the shocked looks on their faces I laughed a little and responded, “Well that’s why you two are here. To help me learn to use and control magic so I don’t accidently burn a town down.” They both looked at each other and realized at the same time that the person in front of them is somebody they definitely want as an ally in the future.
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