《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.13 - Attunement
*Chiron Capital Palace*
Looking at the Queen and Captain and their worried if not almost fearful expressions it makes me wonder if something is actually really wrong. “Hey is there something wrong? You expressions aren’t very good right now.” Zellfina shows a small smile, but the look in her eye is still there, “Well we don’t know, it could be a blessing or a curse for us depending on how we look at it.”
I was starting to worry, “What are you talking about?” The captain spoke this time, “The scene that you saw is what someone only sees when they first make contact with mana unless they reach the God Rank then they can see it anytime they meditate. Depending on what kind of breeze or storm the mana makes when you view it depends on how attuned to mana you are.”
Zellfina took over the explination from the captain, “The more visible the breeze becomes and the fiercer it becomes the more in tune you are with the mana in the universe. A gentle breeze means that you have the availability to become a mage and can use magic, a strong wind means that you have an average amount of attunement, a stormy type of wind coming from multiple directions is an above average amount, and a tornado of mana means that you are among the few that have one of the highest attunements to mana that has been seen in the universe.” I blinked once, “Then what does the dragon headed wind mean?”
Zellfina cringed, “We don’t know and that’s the scary part.” I just had a blank look on my face, “Oh, Then what do the different attunements have to do with being a mage?” Happy to kind of change the subject she explained, “Well let me find a mage for a second. Xellanr go find a mage with the lowest attunement in the palace.” Xellanr saluted, “Yes mam.” Captain Xellanr left leaving me and the Queen alone in throne room, where the princess went I have no clue, but oh well. I looked over at the Queen who had this look on her face like she was looking at a monster.
I gave out a small laugh, “I’m not a monster so what’s with the look?” Zellfina seemed to come back to her senses and she blushed a little bit, “Oh I’m sorry, I was just shocked at the fact that you saw the tornado like mana. Someone with that type of attunement is really rare. If I can remember, there are only around ten thousand in the universe among all the races.” I was a little shocked, “Oh it’s that rare huh?” She nodded, “Yeah any kingdom, empire, or race in the universe would fight over the chance to raise someone with that high of an attunement.” Oh sounds like a hassle if you ask me.
Xellanr came back at this time, “I found someone your majesty!” Xellanr came running back with a young woman who looks to be around here early twenties with rectangular shaped glasses that have a thick frame, which actually go quite well with her looks. She is wearing a classic maid outfit that you would see in maid cafés back on earth.
She was around five foot seven with long red hair, a very curvy body that can barely be seen underneath the frill of the maid outfit, a decent size bust. If I had to guess size I would say a D-Cup, I can’t really see her butt from the maid skirt, but due to how it rises a little bit in the back I would have to guess that it is nice and plump as well. Are all the women in this universe hot? I mean seriously I haven’t seen one woman yet that is ugly, except for their personalities.
“Draconians are known for being like the elves in which they have handsome men and beautiful women. Except for the Draconians have more beautiful women than handsome men.” – Kiralee
Oh okay that makes more sense. Sucks for the women though.
Zellfina raised an eyebrow at the maid, “Oh? A palace maid who has an attunement with magic?” The maid jumped a little, “Uh yes your majesty I am Drexella and I work as a cleaning maid” Taking a knee and introducing herself the maid Drexella continues to stare at the ground not daring to move almost as if she was a statue. The queen smiled, “Rise and tell me why a person with an attunement with magic is just a maid?” Standing up and running her hands down her outfit she raises her head to look at the queen and answers the question “Yes your majesty, I have been a maid in the palace for a few decades now…”
Stopping her answer mid-sentence everybody turned and looked at me as I kneel there holding my knee, “What happened?” The queen was the first to ask. I grimaced and explained, “Sorry I just got extremely surprised when she said a few decades and banged into the table by the throne then I remembered that you draconians have long life spans… sss aaa sss aaa damn I hit that hard… continue on and ignore me… sss aaa…”
The queen and maid giggled a bit before the queen spoke again, “Continue Drexella.” She nodded, “Uh yes, after a few decades of working in the palace I saw a few of the newer mages becoming attuned with the mana in the world. So I tried it one time in the mages corridor and I felt a small breeze and from what the instructors were telling the young mages that meant that they could become mages. I was able to obtain a scroll with the way to cast [Flame] and [Fire Ball] on it from the marketplace on one of my free days. After studying the scroll I was eventually able to cast both of them and I have been using the [Flame] spell for heating the water used for washing dishes and clothes.”
The queen clapped and was happy, “Great! With your Breeze type attunement you are just who we need! Xellanr go fetch someone who has a Stormy Attunement!” Xellanr saluted the queen again, “Yes mam!” Leaving again I was left alone with the queen and the maid Drexella. The queen looked at the maid, “Drexella.” The maid looked at the queen with respect, “Yes your majesty?” The queen smiled and asked, “How would you like to be a part of the head maids?”
Drexella almost yelled, “What? Are you serious? *cough* I mean I would love to your majesty.” The queen laughed a bit, “Good then you are now a head maid and will be the personal maid to Sir Vitamor here.” We both exclaimed, “What!?” My personal maid? The queen raised an eyebrow, “Is there a problem?” Drexella quickly responded, “Uh no your majesty I willingly serve.” As Drexella was kneeling to the Queen showing her loyalty the Queen leaned forward and whispered in my ear while giggling, “She smells like a Virgin so be nice young Vitamor.”
I almost fell over while yelling, “What!?” Zellfina just sat there laughing at me. Drexella looked at me and seriously asked, “Is something wrong Master?” I scratched the back of my head, “Uh no nothing at all, by the way your majesty…” I leaned forward and whispered in her ear as well. “So am I, so remember what you told me and do the same.” As I leaned back from the Queen I swear I saw what looked like the eyes of someone who saw something they wanted to conquer I wonder what she is thinking. The queen seemed to realize what she was thinking and that same damn confused look flickered in her eyes before she blushed and looked at the ground.
Xellanr coughed bringing us back to our senses, “Uhm I brought someone with the Stormy Attunement from the mages division your majesty.” The queen quickly collected herself, “Ah yes step forward soldier and introduce yourself.” The soldier saluted, “Yes mam!”
Stepping up onto the platform was another woman, seriously, is Xellanr the only man around here not that I am complaining or anything but sheesh. The woman was in the military outfit for women it was a dark red almost blood colored top with a skirt that went down to her knees. It had a Dragon head with some wording around it that was the emblem of the Draconian Empire. She had a semi-plump ass with what I would guess to be DD-Cup. The top was a little tight and looked like it was about to break, she had a cute face kind of motherly so she was putting of this MILF vibe that was very attractive and she had purple hair, yes I said purple.
She introduced herself while saluting the queen, “I am Corporal Violet of the 14th mage division your majesty!” I should have seen that coming. The queen saluted her back and told her to be at ease, “Well now that you are here Violet we can really begin. Drexella cast a [Fire Ball] and then hold it in your hand.” Drexella bowed slightly, “Yes mam!” Drexella cast a [Fire Ball] and a little ball of orange flame appeared floating above her hand releasing some heat.
The queen spoke to me now, “Now you see Vitamor this is the [Fire Ball] of a Breeze Attunement mage it is orange in color and about as hot as a normal campfire would be. Xellanr stand in front of the wall over there.” As Xellanr moved over to the wall he looked calm kind of like he has done this kind of demonstration before. She gave Drexella another order, “Now throw your [Fire Ball] at Captain Xellanr.” She looked hesitant but she complied, “Uhm yes your majesty!”
She threw her fireball at Captain Xellanr who is standing in front of the wall and as the fire ball moves closer to him he literally doesn’t move and takes the fire ball straight on into his chest. A sound like that of a large firecracker goes off and the fire ball explodes on his chest and leaves no damage or any sign that it hit him at all. The queen gave another order, “Violet you do the same thing.” Violet saluted her, “Yes Mam!”
Violet this time casts [Fire Ball] and a blue flame appeared in her hands radiating a more scorching heat making me sweat a little bit. Before she could throw it the queen gave another order, “Control the amount of mana used to Drexella’s D Rank Violet.” Violet nodded, “Okay.”
Even though the queen said to lower the rank of her spell it looked and felt like nothing changed at all she hurls her fire ball at the captain who continues to stand there, but a light flashes in his eye and as the fire ball hits him a deafening explosion sounded out. The captain just stood there, but this time his shirt and jacket had a big hole in the middle of them and was still smoldering.
The queen looked at me, “This is the difference in Attunement Vitamor. Violet has a Stormy Attunement while Drexella has a Breeze Attunement while Violet may be an A Rank and Drexella only a D Rank I had Violet take her power down to D Rank and show you a [Fire Ball] of the same rank with the difference of Attunements and the effect that those attunements have on the spells themselves.” I asked the queen a question I had on my mind, “So what would my [Fire Ball] do with my Attunement?”
The queen thought for a minute, “I don’t know a Tornado Attunement would be able to blow off Captain Xellanrs arm or leg with a B ranked [Fire Ball].” I was shocked, “A B Ranked [Fire Ball], but he is an S Rank?” She nodded, “That is the benefit of having a higher attunement with mana.” I grinned foolishly, “I’m really interested in magic now.”
The queen smiled, “Well there are plenty of books on magic and spells in the library of the palace. Oh yeah Violet you will be assigned to be Vitamor’s Personal Assistant and our Representative on his Space Fortress. Make any arrangements you need to, because you will be leaving with him when he goes back to the ArchAngel.” Violet saluted and said her thanks, “Thank you your majesty and I am ready to go now all I have are my uniforms and some personal clothes.”
The queen smiled, “Good now it is getting late and I feel that we should all take a rest from today’s excitement. I believe Vitamor wants to see the library so please take him to the Library and help him find any books he would want Violet.” Violet saluted the queen and beckoned for me to follow her, “Yes mam! Right this way Sir.” I waved at the queen, “See you tomorrow your majesty” She smiled, “Yes have a good rest and if you need me Drexella knows where my room is.”
There’s that conquering and confused look again. I put that to the back of my mind and followed Violet out of the throne room with Drexella in tow. I went through a couple of corridors while watching Violets butt sway, which was very enjoyable, and after a bit Drexella announces that she was going to go to my room and tidy it up. We separate from her and continue on down the corridor arriving in a room that was at least four stories tall with bookshelves lining every wall and quite a few in the middle of the first floor.
I gaped at the size of the library, “Wow this is a big library.” She nodded and laughed, “Yes it is the biggest library on the planet Chiron it houses information from the beginning of our history to the basics of magic to even how to properly brush your teeth.” I had a shocked expression on my face, “Really a book on how to properly brush your teeth is in the royal library?” Noticing the shock evident on my face she starts to giggle.
She actually has a cute giggle kind of girly for an army woman. She stopped giggling and started to talk, “Yes if there are books found by anyone in the empire it is brought here and if the library doesn’t have a copy of the book it is stored here and the finder of the book is rewarded handsomely. The first princess is somewhat of a bookworm when she isn’t fighting.”
I nodded; well I guess everybody has their hobbies. I like books too, but mainly fictions and fantasies and what not, not really any scientific or historical books though, at least not all the time. I looked around for a second before talking to Violet, “I want a book that has some basics about magic and some basic spells.” She nodded, “Right away Sir give me one second and I will find them.”
Violet rushes off to find a library attendant at the counter to inform them of what I want. The attendant tells her where they are and Violet moves off to get the books I want, while I make my way to a chair to sit down. After a few minutes of waiting I doze off a little bit I see blackness for a split second then I find myself in the room full of mana again with the tornados raging around me.
There is a load roar coming from behind me I turn around to see a few Dragon Headed mana winds making their way towards me. I start to back up a little bit and wanted to turn and run, but the mana is faster than me by many times and the Dragon Head slams into me and goes into my mind as soon as this happens I am met with blackness and then the worried face of Violet.
She was shaking me, “Sir Vitamor wake up!” I groaned a little bit, “Ugh I’m awake I’m awake.” She sat down and sighed in relief, “Sheesh don’t scare me like that! No matter what I did I couldn’t wake you up. I tried shaking you and I was almost about to slap you.” I let out a small laugh, “Sorry I must be really tired.” Actually I don’t really know what’s going on with me maybe Kiralee knows, Kira! She responded instantly,“I don’t know what is going on with you master in your dreamland I am not allowed to enter so whenever you enter a trance like state I can only sit and watch you sleep.”
I sighed, well no help there. Nothing feels out of place though so I will just let it go for now and maybe someone can answer my questions later. I look towards Violet, “You got the books Violet?” She nodded with an enchanting smile, “Yes Sir I grabbed some copies of the books that you wanted.” I smiled back, “Okay then let’s go then”
We both stand up to leave and as we do the lights start to get a little brighter for a split second and a gentle breeze blows through the room. I was started, “What was that?” Violet shook her head, “I don’t know, but it felt like the mana in the room got thicker for a split second.” I nodded, “Oh well lets go, take me to my room please” She smiled, “Yes Sir.”
We leave the library and head down a few corridors. Violet brings me into a room that surprisingly looks like a room that you would see in the penthouse of some hotel or skyscraper back on earth except this one has far more advanced technology in it. Violet enters a door off to the side of the room and I see Drexella in the room tidying up the few beds in it. She looked back towards me, “This is mine and Drexella’s room as well as any other assistants and maids you pick up. Your room is on the other end along with the study. Good night Sir call me or Drexella if you need anything.”
I nodded my head, “Thank you and good night Violet, you as well Drexella” They both smiled at me and said respectively, “Goodnight Master, Sir”
They shut the door to their room and I go to the other end of the room and open the door on the right leading to the study, which is where I wanted to go first. I entered the room, there were a few barren bookshelves on the walls with a desk in the middle that had keyboard and mouse hooked up to what looks like a hologram projector from what I have seen on the ArchAngel. I sat down at the desk and opened a book on the basics of magic.
At this time Kira spoke up, “Master just skim over the pages and I will memorize everything that you see in the book and then transfer it into your long term memory so you know what the book says. Actually implementing what the book says though is a different story that will take practice.”
I nodded in understanding and said my thanks to her. I began to skim over the pages as she told me and I could almost feel the knowledge from the book flowing into my brain. After about fifteen or twenty minutes I was done skimming through the big book and I could remember everything the books said down to the punctuation mark and even the page that the information is on. Awesome! “Now I need to read the other books.” I said out loud to myself.
After about two hours I had finished skimming over the books that Violet got for me. I know the basics of spells such as [Flame], [Fire Ball], [Water], [Water Ball], [Earth Spike], [Breeze], and [Wind Cutter]. Actually trying these spells out would have to wait for when I am in an area where I won’t cause any damage to the things around me. I guess it is time to go to sleep I strip down to my boxers and climb into the orgy sized, extremely comfy, bed and close my eyes entering what I hope is a good night’s sleep.
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