《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.12 - Mana
*Chronos’ Realm*
Chinet was thoroughly shocked, “You mean to tell me that Vitamor had a God King visit him on Chiron?” Chronos nodded her head, “That is exactly what I am saying.” Chinet couldn’t seem to really grasp it, “Why would a God King take the time to visit someone who isn’t even an Immortal Rank!?”
Chronos shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. That is what bothers me about this whole thing. God Kings are almost equal to us Primordial Gods in physical and magical strength the only difference is the control over our powers. Certain powers don’t have a primordial god rank such as the Draconians Dragon God the highest he can make it would be the God King level and the scary thing is he would be more powerful than half the God Kings in any universe, but no one has heard from him in many millions of years. Some even think that he is dead.” Chinet looked at Chronos, “What do you think Lady C?”
Chronos shrugged her shoulders again, “I don’t know Chinet; the Dragon God King has control over so many different powers that if he was to be angered even I would clear out of his path.” Chinet’s eyes widened, “Even you Lady C?” Chronos laughed, “Don’t look so surprised Chinet. The Dragon God King controls, to a certain, extent every known element in the universe. He is even the only known God who can control Space, to a small extent.” Hearing this Chinet’s eyes got even bigger than before, “Control Space!?”
Chronos nodded her head before explaining some more, “Even though he can control Space he can at most use it to teleport himself from one planet to the next his range is limited.” Chinet was amazing yet confused, “How come no other God can control Space, but the Dragon God King can?” Chronos thought for a second before explaining, “Well once a Demi-God rank becomes a full blown God Rank they can only control their specific element as you well know right?” Chinet nodded, “Such as how I can only control the power of the sun and if it is my home sun I become a bit more powerful right?”
Chronos snapped her fingers and pointed at Chinet, “Exactly this is caused by the universe balancing out the powers of the Gods. Although Demi-Gods and below are not really powerful enough to effect all the universes and just their own universe, they are not affected by this balancing. Thus they can use any element that they want to. When Pangu created the universes he wanted there to be a balance between those of incredible strength, to limit the chance of a Tyrant overlord of the universes. So once a Demi-God becomes a God they can only control the element they are most proficient in and if they obtain the title of a Primordial God they can actually trade that element for the element of the Primordial God they inherit or take the title from which is what I did when I obtained the Primordial God of Time Title.”
Chronos paused a minute letting it sink in before continuing, “I used to use the element of Death which is the same as my brother Hades, but when the former Primordial God of Time wanted to step down and retire I volunteered to take his place so I took the mantle of Chronos the Primordial God of Time and I proceeded to watch over the time of everything in all of the universes. Back on track though, the Dragon God King can use any power that his Dragon kin can use and being that there are Dragons that can use space magic or have a great affinity for the space element then that enables him to use that element.”
Chinet had a couple of questions, but she asked the most important one, “Is there no Primordial God of Space?” Chronos shook her head, “Actually no there isn’t. Pangu made it to where the universes have to choose the Primordial God of Space. Once the universes choose then he or she will be on the same level as Pangu in power at some point.” Chinet almost jumped up from the chairs they were sitting on, “The same level of power!? How is that possible?”
Chinet looked down and wondered where the chairs came from and when they sat down, but Chronos spoke before she could think more about it. “I do not know how it is possible, but Pangu once went on a rant about how his experiments rebelled and will one day be the death of him or something like that.”
Chinet snorted at this, “Pangu will die? That’s not possible, now I know you are pulling my chain Lady C.” Chronos laughed, “No I’m not Chinet I actually know of a way for someone to become more powerful than Pangu making them the most powerful being in all the universes.”
Chinet stared wide eyed at Chronos, “What!? How the hell do you do that!?” Chronos just laughed, “That’s my secret and maybe someday you will find out along with all the other spectators to this conversation.” Chronos looked off towards another direction. Chinet was confused and looked towards the same direction, “Spectators?” Chronos just laughed, “It’s a 4th wall thing you wouldn’t understand Chinet. Anyways you need to get back to watching over Vitamor I feel that he will be waking up any minute now.” Chinet bowed, “Yes Lady C.” With a flash of light Chinet leaves Chronos’ Realm leaving Chronos to her thoughts. Has he really returned? If so things are bound to get interesting.
*Planet Chiron*
Xellanr was yelling at Zendra, “Why did you have to hit him for!?” Zendra just crossed her arms under her bountiful chest while yelling back, “He was being rude! So I had to punish him.” Xellanr just sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, “This is why he said what he said.” Zendra with her arms crossed just snorted, “That’s… That’s… hmph!”
I was awoken by their bickering, “Ugh you guys are so noisy.” Xellanr heard me and looked my way before speaking, “I see you finally came around.” I sighed, “Yeah sadly this isn’t my first time being knocked out by a woman.” Xellanr smirked, “Oh really and I thought you were tougher than that.” Compared to Chronos I might as well be a gnat.
I just let out a small laugh, “How about we let the Queen take a swing at you then Captain.” The captain laughed nervously, “Yeah uh no need for that now.” That’s what I thought. I smirked at the captain before asking, “Anyways where am I last I remember we were in the courtyard.” Xellanr let out a small laugh before explaining, “Well after her highness here smacked you we brought you to the medical room to rest until you regained consciousness.”
I glared at the princess for a second and she just looked at the wall, whistling something, with her arms still crossed. It really made her breast perk up when she stood like that. “Okay.” I looked around at the room and saw that it looks almost like a hospital from my old world. The only difference is that the gear here is much more high tech and everything is hovering inches above the ground, hell even the bed is hovering. I sit up and shake my head a little bit to clear up some of the fuzziness and proceed to stand up.
I looked towards the captain, “Well I guess we shouldn’t keep the Queen waiting.” He nodded, “No we shouldn’t.” I gestured out the door, “Lead the way then Captain.” Leaving the medical room we walked down a hallway wide enough you could have driven a Mack Truck down it and still have room to walk on the sides. Xellanr was leading the way with me and the princess walking side by side with some guards behind us. I swear that looking out the window I could see a ninja draconian or two jumping from roof top to roof top watching us, but that may have been my imagination. Maybe the princess slapped me a little bit too hard. After shaking my head a few times the princess spoke up, “Are you okay?”
I nodded towards her, “Yeah I’m okay just think I’m seeing things is all.” She laughed a little bit, “Okay that’s good. I really didn’t hit you that hard so if you were really still feeling muddle headed from it then you are weaker than I though.” This bitch… I glared at her while speaking, “I am an E Rank from what you guys have told me and you are a SS Rank you could have killed me with a flick of your fucking finger!” She laughed nervously, “I was kidding jeez calm down.” Kidding my ass I swear I am going to hurt you one of these days, I sighed audibly.
I heard an enchanting laugher causing me to come back to my senses, “You guys seem like you are getting along splendidly.” Looking ahead I noticed that we had already entered the throne room and there sitting upon her throne was the queen of the draconians. She looks even more beautiful in person I am almost stunned; Zendra nudges me in the side. “Close your mouth your drooling you pervert.” While checking the side of my mouth, which is of course dry, I retort, “I am not! I was just thinking that the hologram does her no justice.”
That enchanting laugh sounded out again causing me to lose focus for a second, “Why thank you young Vitamor you’re not too bad yourself.” Zendra yelled at her from the side, “Mom!” The queen just giggled at her daughter, “What he’s not, work hard Zendra or someone might snatch him up.” I was shocked and looked at the queen why does that sound so seductive when she says it? She looked at me and as if noticing the way she said it as well that look of confusion and embarrassment float across her eyes before she looks back towards Zendra.
Zendra was still slightly cursing, “What me and this buffoon? As if!” I nodded in agreement, “I second that, Wait! I am not a buffoon!” Zendra sneered at me, “You’re right you’re an idiot! And why do you second that? You would be lucky to have someone like me!” I smirked at her and continued bickering with her, “Sorry I prefer my women a little less intimidating all the time. Granted there is a time for intimidation, but you’re a woman, your supposed to have a cute side too not just act like a man all the time.”
Zendra was fuming, “Act like a man!?” You could almost see the steam coming out of her ears it’s quite comical actually. If it wasn’t for the presence of the Queen she probably would have knocked me out again. I really need to work on my endurance or physical resistance whatever it is called in this universe.
The queen was holding her gut while laughing on the throne, “He is right you know Zendra there are times where it doesn’t hurt to act like a woman especially with the ones you care for.” Zendra was pouting because her mom didn’t take her side, “I act like a woman plenty! Isn’t that right Xellanr?” Looking over at the Captain he is pretty hesitant to answer, oh so she is like this all the time then? “Xellanr?” Zendra asked again. Oh this is getting good.
Xellanr finally answered reluctantly, “Well you do scare the men a lot your highness.” Both the queen and I were holding our stomachs while rolling around on the floor, “Buahahaha!” Zendra was starting to tear up, “Et tu Xellanr? Et tu?” The queen spoke with a voice full of care towards her daughter, “See dear you have too much of your father in you. Loosen up a little bit and enjoy life.” Zendra looked at the ground answering with a voice the size of a mosquito, “Yes mom.” Why does she look like she is going to cry?
Zendra looked at the ground and meekly spoke, “Can I be excused?” Yup she is definitely about to cry. The queen had a look of hurt on her face as she spoke, “Yes you may.” Zendra leaves through the side door, exit stage left anyone? Looking back at the Queen she is looking after the princess with a look of extreme care on her face, it seems that this has been a problem for a while. She looked back towards me and smiled, “Now where were we? Oh yes young Vitamor it is a pleasure to meet you in person. Allow me to reintroduce myself I am Queen Zellfina Draken the 531st Queen of the Draconian Race.” I bowed at the waist to her, “A pleasure to meet you as well I am Vitamor, well I don’t really have a title or nothing so I guess it is just Vitamor for now.”
She giggled a little bit, “So Vitamor now that the introductions are out of the way let’s get back to business. You really don’t know how you came to be on the ArchAngel?” I shook my head and answered her, “No I don’t your majesty all I can remember is waking up in the Cryo-Stasis Pod.” She seemed deep in thought before she spoke, “Interesting indeed, oh well let’s not worry about it for now based on how you know the sun goddess Chinet I don’t feel you are a threat to the Draconian people. So as the Queen of Chiron and the Draconian people I welcome you as a friend.” I smiled at her, “Thank you your majesty and don’t worry I don’t mean harm to anybody unless they mean harm to me or mine.”
The queen shivered before smiling, “Good! So what are your plans now?” I thought about it for a second, “Well I plan on getting the ArchAngel running at 100% and find another source of gravity generation for her.” The replied, “We can help you with both of those things.” I was happy, “Really? That would be really helpful your majesty.”
She nodded her head, “Yes I will issue the order right away and send more people up to the space station to fix her up and maintain her until you return. As for the gravity we can place multiple mana stones with [Gravity] in multiple locations and they will generate gravity for that area.” I nodded my head, “Well that solves the issue that I thought would be the hardest. What about the power supply? The nuclear reactor only has around two years left.”
She thought about it for a minute or two, “That one will be a little more difficult if you want something on the same level of longevity you would need another nuclear reactor which aren’t really being used anymore or you would need a dark matter engine.” Hearing the last part I was intrigued, “Dark Matter Engine?”
She nodded her head and explained, “Yes Dark Matter Engines use the matter in the universe known as Dark Matter as its power source. Dark Matter makes up most of the mass and energy in the universe. By harvesting this matter the ArchAngel would be able to have a seemingly infinite source of power.” Dark matter was known in back on earth as well so I nodded in understanding, “I take it that getting ahold of a Dark Matter Engine is difficult?”
She nodded, “Yes it is. In order to make one a mage who can use the Dark Matter element of magic has to imbue a normal Space Engine or Nuclear Reactor with a massive amount of Dark Matter, almost three times the amount that it may already have, and mages who can use Dark Matter are extremely rare they are second to those who use the element of Time.” Hearing the second part I was shocked a little, “The users of Time are rarer?”
She nodded her head and continued explaining, “Yes extremely rare. In reality Time is something that beings of the universe have made up to keep track of things. The length of the day, the year, the minute, the second, they are all different and relative to the person observing this said “Time”. In order to control time you have to understand how other beings view time.
An example would be if you could control time on a certain planet, but went to a planet where the time of the day was off by a few milliseconds then you would lose your control of time until you understood how the time on that planet is measured to the millisecond or smaller. Those who can control the element of Death usually have better control over Time as well do to their understanding of Death and how everything eventually comes knocking on his door.” Ah yes Mr. Skeleton King don’t want to see you anytime soon, sorry.
Pushing that thought away I spoke again, “So users of time are extremely good at mathematics then?” She nodded, “In simpler terms yes they are mathematical geniuses, usually the only exception is the Primordial God of Time. The understanding of Time in the universe is automatically passed down through the title alone, but the only ways to obtain the title are to inherit it or kill the current one which is extremely hard if not impossible to do.”
Thinking of Chronos and the abilities she possessed I shuddered before speaking again, “So basically your saying that in order to get another engine that will last a long time for the ArchAngel I need to find a mage who can use Dark Matter magic in two years?” She nodded slightly, “That or learn it yourself.” For some reason I was shocked, “I can do that?” She laughed a little bit, “Yes don’t you remember you have the mana manipulation trait you can learn any element you want.” I face palmed myself, “I completely forgot about that. Honestly I don’t even know how to use the trait.”
She was surprised, “Really? Well I can’t really explain how to manipulate the mana, but if you sense the mana in the area and try to will it to your command it may work. From what I read about the trait this is how it sounds like it works.” I sighed, “I don’t even know how to sense the mana in the area either.” God I feel useless. She just giggled and smiled, “That I can help you with and it is quite easy to do. All you need to do is feel around with you mind and in order to do this for the first time you will need to meditate so come up here and sit down.”
I nodded, “Okay.” I followed what the Queen said; I sit down cross-legged in front of her throne. “Now you are going to close your eyes and relax first.” Doing as she said I close my eyes and try to relax, but at this moment I feel her start to massage my shoulders and something big and heavenly feeling plopped down on top of my head. “Just relax and try to sense the mana around you.” Relax yeah right, it is taking everything I have to not salute you. I glanced at her and she had her eyes closed and didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing. “It’s kind of impossible to relax.”
“Oh and why is that?” She asked so I took the opportunity knowing that it may get me killed and poked her under boob to tell her why. “Aahhn” she let out a soft moan. Yup, stand down soldier! “It’s because of that your highness.” She seemed to realize what she was doing and hastily stood up. She coughed a bit, “I just figured I would test your concentration.” I grinned at her, “Well if you want to continue the concentration training we can a little later.” She laughed a little quickly blushing before trying to maintain her superior visage, “Oh really now, I wonder if you’re up for the challenge.” Xellanr coughs off towards the side completely ruining the mood. The queen immediately got back to business, “Oh yes now close your eyes and clear your mind and feel the energy in the room.”
I glare at Xellanr who makes a little smirk in my direction and proceed to do what the Queen has said. After a little while of breathing calmly and blocking out all the unnecessary sounds around me. I can feel my mind clear a little bit and I can feel a gentle breeze blowing through the room. “Now Vitamor you should feel what seems like a breeze. This is the mana in the area and the stronger the breeze the more attuned you are to the mana around you.”
Whatever she said after wards I couldn’t hear due to the deafening sound of the wind in my ears it was like being in the middle of a sky dive where the wind rushing past your ears makes you unable to hear anything. Inside of my mind I can picture the mana rushing around the room looking like a storm taking the shape of tornados and hurricanes. There is one gust that makes its way to me that starts to look like the head of a dragon and as it gets closer it opens its mouth.
It roars and is about to collide with me. I was suddenly jolted back to reality with the queen looking at me with a worried expression on her face. “Vitamor! Are you okay?” Why is she so concerned about me? “Yeah I think so,” I managed to mutter out. The queen looked me over head to toe before asking, “What happened you started to meditate and then your body just went limp and collapsed.”
I shook my head and told her what I saw, “I don’t know, the sound that the mana was making was extremely loud and the breeze had turned into a storm and at one point it turned into a dragon head and even roared at me.” The queen and captain yell at the same time, “Dragon head!?” I hoped I looked as confused as I felt, "Is that a bad thing?" The Queen and Captain look at each other with shock evident on their faces, why do I feel that it’s a bad thing?
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