《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.11 - Strange Visitor
*Skies Above Chiron*
I was dumbfounded, “God Rank? You mean there is a god living on the planet!?” Zendra had a complicated look on her face while she shrugged her shoulder, “According to the legends yes, but no one really knows. It was a few million years ago and if he was a God rank then what rank should he be after millions of years? I doubt he would be content with staying on our little planet.” What she said made a little bit of sense but you never know. I looked over towards the continent and sighed.
If I had obtained a Power Rank higher than the God Rank would I be content to stay in one place or would I want to move around and enjoy the universe? Obviously I would want to enjoy the universe, so I’m sure if there was an expert on the continent then he is long gone hence draconians at Rank A are able to go to the continent. I pushed the thought out of my head and looked back out the window to see that we were flying across a massive ocean moving farther away from the continent.
In the distance I can see a speck on the horizon that keeps getting bigger and bigger the closer we get to it and as we got closer to it not only was it getting bigger, but I could feel my eyes widening at the sheer magnitude of the floating city in front of me. If you took the entire island of Manhattan and laid it inside of this city it may make up about 10% of the city in front of me. The city is fucking huge to be put bluntly. Seeing my look the captain laughed a little, “That’s Draco Civitate the Capital of Chiron and Royal City for all Draconians!”
I looked towards him and then back towards the city, “It’s huge how the hell does it stay afloat?” He just laughed a little more and then explained to me how it worked, “Well the city is supported by hundreds of mana stones called Magicae Saxa which are able to constantly absorb mana from the universe and with the help of a magical formation it can use the mana being stored. In the case of Draco Civitate the formation being used is for the spell [Water Walk], which is a simple spell available to those at the Power Rank of B and is used to stand on water as if it was land. So basically the city is standing on the water with this spell formation.”
I nodded my head in understanding. So there were things such as that? Maybe it is easier to use then deploying technology to handle it’s probably cheaper too. We flew above the city along with hundreds of other flying vehicles. There were even some convertible vehicles which were kind of neat, I want one. After what seemed like about an hour we reached our destination which was a majestic palace made out of what looked like a dark violet colored metal with walls making a pentagon shape and a tower at each corner with the palace in the middle making the Empire State building look like someone’s house.
We proceeded to dock in the landing zone of the palace at the same time we had what looked like turrets aiming at our ship the entire time we were trying to land. After Xellanr got permission to land from the tower, the turrets quit aiming at us. He put the ship down on one of the landing pads closest to the palace. After shutting down the space ship Captain Xellanr walked to the end of the ship and opened the turn at the same time he turned to me. “Welcome Vitamor, to Chiron!”
I got up from my seat and felt the difference in gravity immediately the gravity here is heavier than on the space fortress. Noticing my slight surprise Zendra offered up an explanation, “The increase in gravity you are feeling is the side effects in the gravity from the [Water Walk] formation. For some reason in the city the gravity is slightly higher than the planets gravity itself and none of our mages have been able to figure out how to counter the side effects.”
I looked toward the captain, “Would using some sort of technology to keep the city floating? Surely being able to fly around the universe in space ships there is technology to float things too right?” He thought about it for a second before answering, “There is the technology, but it is very costly and needs constant repair. By using the convenience of the Magicae Saxa and the [Water Walk] formation we negate the excess costs and maintenance and the increased gravity helps with bodily cultivators training to a certain extent as well. Honestly unless one has at least a Power Rank D they won’t be able to not notice the effect based on you barely noticing the increase your rank should be at least E. What is your strength at?”
I looked it up real quick before answering, “Uhm it is at 30.” The both looked at me in shock, “30!” I looked at the two who just yelled, they were both looking at me with amazed expressions on their faces. It was like I had two heads or something. I seriously asked, “What is that high?” The captain thought for a minute before speaking, “Not necessarily, but for a level two it is definitely high. Normal level twos have around ten strength.”
I looked at him blankly, “I actually had fifteen strength at level one.” He almost fell over from the shock, “What! That means your strength doubled just by one level!?” I rubbed the back of my head and let out a nervous laugh, “Yeah something like that.”
“Amazing I have never seen someone whose stats on anything doubled from just one level. Based on your strength you are definitely at the beginning of the E rank. Do you have any idea why your stats doubled is there a trait you have that does it or something?” I shook my head and smoothly lied, “No not that I can see.” He looked thoughtful, “Hmm very weird.” At this moment I was greeted with another popup.
Congratulations! You have unlocked the Lying skill Level one!
Seriously? Why the hell is that even a skill? I sighed audibly causing the princess to look over, “Something wrong?” I looked towards her quickly and nervously laughed, “What? Oh no nothing is wrong just dazing off into space.” I closed the window and put the new skill out of my mind. It may or may not come in use, but I prefer not to have to use it. The captain saved the day by changing the subject, “Okay now let’s head to the throne room.”
The Princess and I followed Xellanr’s lead through the courtyard. While looking around I saw soldiers practicing formations and sparing all over the yard. There was even a firing range, I so want to try that later, on the opposite side of the yard from the soldiers. At the firing range there were tents with people wearing robes looking at a book in front of them with a woman in a robe standing at the front of them. She had a hologram that was showing what looks like a mage casting a magic spell. This must be a magic class or training.
I looked a little bit behind the tent and noticed mages using magic on what looked like wooden dummies. Wait, those dummies are moving! I screamed this in my head. What! Forgetting where I was for a minute, I rushed over to the fence surrounding that courtyard and watched a few mages throwing around magic at the wooden dummies. A little bit to my right there was another field where soldiers were using weapons and their bodies to fight some more dummies.
This is amazing back on earth the military were always trying to get more ways for their soldiers to get field experience, with little risk, before sending them into the field were the risk was high. This would be perfect the dummies on both fields were reacting to the attacks, whether it was magic or physical. The magic dummies were even casting spells back! Just Amazing!
All of a sudden an unfamiliar gruff voice sounded out behind me, “You look like you’ve never seen a training dummy before son.” Turning around I came face to face with an older looking draconian wearing clothes that literally looked like they came out of a martial arts movie. He had a grey beard growing down to his chest and a bald head that literally shined when the sun hit it. His eyes though, I will probably never forget those eyes, just looking into them I felt like my soul was about to leave my body from fear. Then all of a sudden his eyes cleared up and he had a cheery demeanor about him. He smiled at me before speaking, “Well have you sonny?”
I was woken up from my dazed when he spoke, “Huh? Oh no sir!” I couldn’t help but feel the need to stand at attention in front of this old man. I couldn’t even think about being impolite, he had this aura about him that nearly made me piss my pants just from being in his presence. He smiled at me and started to speak again, “Really? Well let me tell you a bit about them. These dummies are not your normal dummies, as you can probably tell. They can react to anything you do to them, even if you so much as poked them they would slap you or avoid your poke.” Even so much as a poke? Really? They are that sensitive?
He laughed at my expression before continuing, “The reason they can move and react is due to the mini Magicae Saxa that has been imbedded into their bodies and a low level spell formation called [Animate]. This formula can give life to an inanimate object at or below the level of the one making the formation. The ones that are casting magic have more mini Magicae Saxa for each spell formation that it can use whether it be [Fire Ball], [Water Ball], [Earth Spike], and etc.”
This is just amazing! I wonder if they would let me take one of these to the space fortress or at least use it while I am here? I looked towards the old man, “So what rank are these dummies then sir?” He laughed a little before telling me, “These magic casting dummies are at the C rank and the physical dummies are at the D rank. Both are stronger than you right now, but they won’t be for long.” I don’t know if I like the way he made that last part sound, but I put it out of my head for now.
I nodded in understanding, “C rank and D rank according to Xellanr they both are really stronger than me right now. By the way sir may I ask as to who you are?” He just smiled, “You can just call me Vetus Est.” I thought for a second, “Vetus Est? So I am to just call you the Old One?” He laughed a little bit, “It seems you know some of the soon to be forgotten language of Earth.” I froze for a second unable to move, “Earth! You know of Earth!” Hearing the word Earth I also immediately got lost in thought about my life on Earth and what I left behind.
The old man laughed a bit before saying something I thought I would never hear again, “I know more than you think JD.” Hearing my nickname from earth immediately brought me back to my senses, but when I looked around the old draconian was gone and Zendra and Xellanr were running up to me. All of a sudden there was a bright flash of yellow light and Chinet appeared out of nowhere yelling at me. “Vitamor! Are you okay!?”
She grabbed me and started checking me all over and she was surprisingly warm. It must have something to do with being a sun goddess. All of the draconians surrounding me including Zendra and Xellanr all got down on one knee. They all yelled at the same time, “Mighty Sun Goddess!” Seeing so many powerful draconians including a S and SS rank bow down to the flat chested beauty in front of me would amazing almost anyone, but I was kind of expecting it.
“Vitamor!” She shook me while yelling at me to see if I was okay. I won’t be if she doesn’t stop shaking me, I swear I could feel my brain rolling around in my skull. “Yes Chinet I’m fine, but if you keep shaking me I won’t be.” I said while laughing a bit. She looked a little embarrassed, “Oh sorry.” She let go of me and sighed in relief. She looked at me and had a confused look on her face, “I swear all of a sudden you got supper excited about the dummies and then all of a sudden I couldn’t sense you at all. When I tried to look here from my home I couldn’t see anything, it was like something was blocking me. I tried teleporting here, but even that wouldn’t work!”
I was shocked that something was blocking the power of a God? What the hell? Was it the god that is supposed to be on the continent or was it maybe the old draconian? He did disappear all of a sudden. She looked at me seriously, “What happened in the last few minutes Vitamor?” I looked at her and answered honestly, “Well nothing much really I rushed over to check out the dummies that the soldiers and mages where sparring with, but then an old draconian showed up and started to tell me about them.” All three of the people standing next to me said at the same time, “An old draconian?” I nodded my head, “Yeah he was wearing what looked like martial arts robes and he had a grey beard, with a bald head that literally shined when the sun hit it.”
The captain thought about something for a minute, “In order for a draconian to start looking old he has to be in the last quarter of his life span or he wants to look old. Around the last quarter of our lifetime our hair starts turning grey without our control, did you happen to catch the seniors name?” I shook my head, “He told me to call him Vetus Est and that was it.” The captain was thoughtful again, “I have never heard of a senior named Vetus Est.” Zendra put in her two cents worth as well, “Me either and I have known most of the seniors of the council since birth.”
At this time the goddess spoke up, “Where did he go Vita?” I shrugged my shoulder, “I don’t know he disappeared right when Xellanr and Zendra ran up.” Chinet looked deep in thought for a second, “That is when I was able to travel here as well.” I looked at the sun goddess in shock, “Are you trying to say that the old draconian I met was able to completely block a God’s power.”
“I don’t know if it was him or not, but if the being who blocked my power wanted you dead there was nothing I could do about it. That is scary enough on its own. I must go now, your safe which is all that matters farewell for now V.” I inclined my head towards the goddess, “Oh okay Chinet until next time I guess.” She gave me a half-smile, “Hopefully it’s not as frightening.” I nodded my head in agreement, “True.”
With that she literally faded from existence, I want to be able to do that. I sighed turning back to Xellanr and Zendra they were both staring at me with stupefied expressions. I blinked at them a couple of times before speaking, “What?” The captain was the first one to speak and it wasn’t’ quiet either, “Why the hell are you and a goddess so friendly? You’re just at most a Noblet and Power Rank E! You should be bowing down to her and practically kissing her feet, but no you were talking to here like you had been friends for years.”
I shrugged and raised my hands up, “Maybe my personality won her over?” Zendra literally almost bust a gut laughing before she spoke, “If a personality was all it took to be on friendly terms with a goddess or god then I would be friends with them all!” I glared at her quickly before opening my mouth, “Actually you would only be friends with the god or goddess of violence.” She glared at me and her face turned as red as blood. I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears, “And what exactly is that supposed to mean!?” I stuck my tongue out at her before speaking, “It means that you’re a violent she devil! I mean you practically beat me within the first hour of us meeting!” She couldn’t look any more mad than right now she was stumbling over her words, “That… That was… Ugh!”
After the princess yelled all I saw was darkness.
*Chronos’ Realm*
Chronos was tending to some flowers that she had in a small garden out behind her house. She was planting a seed, watering the seed, and then speeding up the time around the flowers to get them to grow. There was a bright yellow light behind her followed by a frantic voice, “Lady C! Lady C!” Chronos looked over towards the owner of the voice and said with some irritation, “What is it Chinet? I thought I told you to protect Vitamor?” She looked at her feet, “You did Lady C.”
Chronos was slightly raising her voice, “Then why the hell are you here and not protecting him like I told you too!?” As she asked this question the flowers started to quickly wilt and decompose into the ground like there aging process had been sped up to an astonishing rate. Chinet swallowed loudly and couldn’t help but stare in fear at the Primordial Goddess of Time standing in front of her, who could end her life with but a thought. She tried to calm down and spoke to her, “Well Lady C that is why I am here.” Chronos’s face turned red, “Don’t tell me you have already failed!?” She said this through gritted teeth while the hourglasses around her started to speed up getting close to the end of the sand in them.
Chinet kowtowed towards Chronos, “No Lady C I didn’t fail I swear!” Hearing this Chronos started to calm down and the hourglasses around her started to rewind until they hit the point of where they were before Chinet arrived. After calming down Chronos spoke calmly, “Then why are you here Chinet and what is wrong with Vitamor?”
Hearing that Chronos was calm now Chinet stood up and proceeded to speak, “Nothing Lady C, but there was a situation that happened that I felt you should definitely be aware of.” Chrnonos laughed a little, seemingly a different person than she was a few seconds ago. “What is this so called situation that was so important you had to leave you solar system and your protection duty of Vitamor? You didn’t have to come and see me personally, when you could have just sent me a message through telepathy.” Chinet was starting to feel a little bit more comfortable in her presence, “Well Lady C this situation is big enough that I had to tell you personally.”
Chronos was starting to get a little irritated at the run around, “Then tell me already damn it.” Chinet nodded her head quickly before explaining, “Yes! Well Vitamor arrived on the planet surface with the second Princess Zendra. Though when he was in the palace courtyard he was so excited about everything he was like a kid in a candy store whose parents where rich, so he got distracted and separated from her.”
Chronos just laughed at this, “I figured he would be everything he is seeing is literally new to him.” Chinet looked confused, “What do you mean Lady C.” Chronos waved her hand, “It’s not important continue.” Chinet nodded while continuing, “Yes mam. Well when he ran over to one of the training fields and was admiring the training dummies I all of a sudden couldn’t sense him. I couldn’t see him and I couldn’t even teleport to him! It was like he was completely blocked to me.”
“What!?” Chronos yelled and in her surprise she crushed the watering can she was holding. “What do you mean he was blocked from you tell me what happened afterwards!” Chronos yelled at Chinet while grabbing her shoulders. Chinet shivered and started to quickly tell her, “When I was finally able to sense him and travel to him I did so and he was okay.”
Chronos let go of Chinet and let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding feeling relieved. Chinet didn’t notice this and continued speaking, “When I talked to him he told me that he met an old draconian who called himself Vetus Est. He said they talked about the training dummies, but when I got there no one saw the old draconian and I couldn’t even sense that someone had been standing next to V.”
Chronos thought for a minute before speaking, “I have never heard of someone named Vetus Est.” Chinet was shocked, “Even you haven’t heard of him Lady C? He must be at least at the God Prince rank though, for him to block out my powers.”
Chronos shook her head, “For him to be at the God Prince rank he would only be able to block your teleport or at least slow it down, but not your sight or sense. For him to completely block you like he did he would have to be at least at the God King Rank or higher!” Chinet’s jaw almost hit the floor, “God King!”
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