《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.10 - Titles vs. Power
*On the ArchAngel*
Now that the, almost heart attack inducing, explanation is over I wonder what the next plan of action is? I might as well ask. “So now that we have established that I am human and not a demon spy.” I shot a glare over to the princess who looked at her feet with a slightly scarlet tint to her cheeks. “What is the plan of action from here your highness?” The queen held back a small laugh at her daughter’s embarrassment and tried to regain her elegant demeanor, which she sort of lost when she got excited about my skill. The queen got serious again before speaking to me, “Well young Vitamor first we are going to meet face to face, which can either be done on the planet in my palace or on your space fortress which ever feels more comfortable to you.”
I looked at the queen and spoke honestly, “I was wanting you to come up here to meet me mainly because I didn’t want to leave my space fortress in the hands of others who I don’t trust yet. Though do to the fact that the princess is so straight forward and that Miss Chinet has so kindly decided to have you call up here to speak with me I might as well come meet you face to face at your palace. The more I think about it the more rude it sounds to make a queen such as yourself come up to this semi-run down space fortress.”
Looking over at the princess she was still staring at the floor and her face was as red as a tomato, it was kind of cute if I do say so myself, but the more I remember how she had a smile on her face as she kept punching me and tried to forcibly use [Mind Scry] on me it sent a shudder down my spine. Speaking of [Mind Scry] why didn’t it work when she tried to use it on me?
All of a sudden I was met with a familiar voice in my mind, “That would be because of me Vitamor” I was a little shocked, but I think I knew who it was, “Chinet?” She laughed in my head, “Yes it is me and to answer your question from before I stopped her from being able to scry your mind. There are things that no one needs to find out about you until you are strong enough to protect yourself from most of your enemies. As you are right now even the princess standing next to you could kill you if she wanted to, but I doubt that Lady C would allow that.”
I mentally nodded, “That makes complete sense if you put it that way, but what should I tell her if she asks why it didn’t work on me?” She just answered me matter-of-factly, “Just tell her that I was the one who did it and she won’t question you after that. If she persists tell her that I will raise the temperature of the planet by about 20 degrees for a year if she doesn’t drop the subject. I don’t think it will come to that and she may not even ask, but if she does just tell her I did it and hopefully she will drop the subject.”
I shrugged my shoulders causing everybody to raise an eyebrow at my actions, “Okay well that leaves that answered for now, but why did you decide to speak to me telepathically?” She answered me after a couple of seconds, “Well as long as you are in my solar system I will always be listening and watching you under Lady C’s order. Though I will not show myself unless your life is in danger and there is nothing you can do to save yourself. Remember though that is only in my solar system once you go to other systems the other sun gods and goddess may and probably won’t even know of your existence. The only reason I know of you is because Lady C wants you to have a solid start and be able to fully utilize your time to make a solid foundation for your strength before you embark upon the universe. Even if you will be watched by me remember that I will only save you if you can’t save yourself and as per Lady C’s orders if you can save yourself and choose not to because you think I will step in then I am to let you die and she will treat it as you committed suicide.”
I shuddered a little bit, Jeez C way to just toss me out after you’re done with me I feel like a cheap whore. I sighed audibly causing the queen to speak up, “Something wrong Vitamor?” I answered her without really thinking, “No nothing just thinking of something irritating, but anyways back to business. If we can leave the crew working on the space fortress and some guards, while we come down to your planet, then everything will be okay and we can proceed to meet.” She nodded her head before speaking, “Of course we can. Captain Xellanr see to it.”
The captain saluted and proceeded to do as she told, “Yes your highness. All right men all eight of you will stay on the ArchAngel to guard the workers. Also help establish a list of needed repairs and supplies needed to get this place running smoothly while the princess and I accompany Sir Vitamor to the planet!” The men saluted the captain before bowing to the queen and proceeding to do what they were told. There was another soldier telling the others what to do, he must be the vice-captain of the troop. Why is the troop so small though?
“Why is the troop only nine people along with yourself Captain Xellanr?” The captain answered after thinking about it and looking towards the queen who nodded to him,“This is actually only Squad 14 of Troop 14 they are the elite unit of the Troop and the one giving orders right now to the soldiers is the Lieutenant of the squad. I am the Captain of the entire Troop which has 14 squads of 8 people apiece making the Troop have 113 soldiers with myself included in that number.” Oh okay that makes more sense.
I asked the other question on my mind, “Then how many Troops are in a Battalion and how many Battalions in an Army?” The captain thought for a few more minutes, “Well you see Army 14 is special it is the Army that protects the home planet which means it has the elite of all of the draconian race there are 14 squads, 14 troops & 14 battalions leading to 22,148 of the most elite Draconians protecting Chiron.” I was a little shocked, “Just a little over 22,000 don’t you think that that is a little bit small for an Army?” He shook his head a little, “Normally yes, but all of the men in the 14th Army are at least at power Rank B with the General of the Army being Rank SSS” I was confused, “Rank B and SSS?” The confusion on my face must have been very obvious because the princess started to explain the power rankings for me.
“There are two different types of ranks there are Title Ranks and Power Rankings.” I nodded to her because I knew about the first one, “Yes my A.I. told me about the Title Ranks, but she didn’t mention anything about the Power Ranks.” She nodded her head as well and continued to explain, “Well the Power Ranks are usually separate from the Title Ranks until one hits the Prince Title Rank. The Power Ranks go from F rank which is someone slightly above a commoner continuing on through E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Immortal, Demi-God, God, God Prince, God King, and the last two ranks of equal level Titan and Primordial God.”
I have heard of Titans, but what are Primordial Gods? I was greeted again to the voice in my head, “Primordial Gods are gods who have been around since before the universes where created or they are someone who has inherited the powers and title of a Primordial God such as Lady C. She inherited her powers and title from the original Chronos when he decided to enter the cycle of reincarnation and start a new adventure. Primordial Gods control different aspects of the universe such as Lady C’s power over Time and the Skeleton King’s power over Death”
I remember hearing what C said about her powers and started to understand, “Oh okay so Chronos is a Primordial God then and the Skeleton King. Sounds like someone I really don’t want to meet.” “No you don’t ever want to meet the Skeleton King, because unless you are strong enough when you do meet him it will either be at your death or when you are standing as his equal which only few are able to.” I was thankful for the information, “Thanks for the info Miss Chinet” She laughed a little in my head before speaking again, “Don’t mention it, but I’m sure that your A.I. would have known this information also.” I mentally nodded again before thanking her again, “Oh Okay then I will start asking her for information about the world as I need it. Thank you once again Miss Chinet.”
Leaving my train of thought I come back to Zendra explaining how the Title Ranks and Power Ranks exist alongside each other. “So mostly the Title Ranks and Power Ranks are separate until someone reaches level 25, or equal stats, and power rank of SSS, in which they then have the Title of Prince or Princess depending on gender. Making the need for such a high power rank as well prevents a lot of non-powerful people from running around claiming to be Princes or Kings just because their level is high. The Title of King or Queen is issued when someone at or above level 50, or person with equivalent stats, hits the Immortal Power level and Space Lord is issued when a level 100, or equal stats, hits the Demi-God Power level.”
I was shocked, “Wait that means your mom is at the Immortal rank and over level 50!?” Looking over at the Queen in the hologram I started to remember how her voice alone was able to shake the space fortress. She started laughing, “The look on your face is priceless young Vitamor I am indeed at the Immortal Rank and my level is in the mid-70s” Damn if I hadn’t of seen what C can do with her powers I might really be shitting a brick right now. Though compared to what Chronos can do to me, I can kind of keep my wits about me when talking to the queen. I hope.
She giggled some, “But don’t worry I won’t bite; much” Oi Oi! What’s with the seductive sound in your voice when you say that? She seemed to realize how that came out of her mouth and she looked like she had a sense of confusion about her.
I tried to continue to subject from before, “Wait why is it called the Immortal Rank? Is it because of what I think it is?” She gave me a slight nod, “If you are thinking that it is because I won’t die of old age then you would be correct. I am able to live off the mana in the universe, I only eat and drink for the taste and company, and due to my control over my mana I can stop the genes in my DNA that control the aging process making it come to a halt.” I sighed, “Wow you draconians were already immortal compared to us humans, but you milady just take the cake.” I looked towards the captain, “So what Power level are you at Xellanr?”
He responded without much thought, “I’m at Power level S along with the rest of the Troop Captains. The regular soldiers are Rank B, the Lieutenants Rank A, Captains Ranks S, Colonels Rank SS, and the General Rank SSS. Now in the other 13 Armies there ranks go as low as F Rank and as High as SS. The 14th Army is the only one with a Rank SSS once the generals of the other Armies become a SSS Rank, if they do, they become personal body guards of the Princesses or they become the new General of the 14th Army if he becomes an Immortal Rank, which makes him become a body guard of the Queen and/or King.”
I was a little confused at a small detail, “Why would somebody of the same rank be her body guard?” He just answered me mater-of-factly like it should be common sense, “Because of their loyalty to the queen and/or king of their race also the king and queen are usually destined of becoming the Demi-God Rank making them Space Lords.” As soon as he said this Xellanr leaned close to me and whispered something into my ear, “You should also know that the second Princess is SS Rank and the first Princess is an SSS rank.”
I was shocked and yelled out loud, “What!?” After I yelled this out loud like an idiot I quickly covered my mouth and started at Zendra like she was a freaking monster. A freaking SS rank!? She thought I was a demon? What the hell. She looked at me inquisitively, “Is everything all right Vitamor?” I just stood there and I couldn’t help but be amazed at the fact that the girl standing in front of me was as strong as a Colonel in their best army.
I just gulped audibly before answering, “Yes everything is okay.” I said this but my voice couldn’t help but raise and octave getting a belly full of laughter out of the Captain, who by the way was pointing a gun at me earlier I guess everybody just forgot about that.
I sighed audibly, “Well now that I know about some important things I guess we should get a move on to the planet and meet the queen.” The queen nodded towards me, “Yes I will be waiting young Vitamor.” After she said this the floating hologram disappeared and the hologram ball as I decided to call it flew away and disappeared in a hole in the wall. The captain looked towards me, “Okay well let’s get on the ship and head to the surface why don’t we.” I nodded, “Okay let’s roll out.” The princess looked at me seriously and asked, “What do you mean by roll out can’t we just walk?”
I had to refrain from face palming. I sighed, “It’s just an expression it means let’s go.” She shook her head before following the captain while saying, “Humans have weird expressions.” Either the Captain was ignoring us or he was in soldier mode because he quietly led the way into the space ship and instructed me to make myself comfortable while he took the pilot seat. The princess took the seat straight across from me and buckled up which just helped emphasize her massive bust even more as the harness squeezed here breasts together perking them up.
I’m not going to lie it was extremely hard not to stare, doesn’t mean I didn’t take lots of peeks I’m still a man after all. Once the princess was strapped in the Captain started the ship up which was actually surprisingly very quiet and after I gave the ArchAngel the order to listen to the Lieutenant and help him out with whatever he needed, we took off. Even though the ship was moving you really couldn’t tell at all it was like we were inside a stationary vehicle or building, but if you looked outside you could tell we were obviously moving very fast.
While we were heading to the planet I decided to ask Zendra a question that I have wanted to know from the time I found out she was a princess. “Hey Zendra if you’re the second princess then why are you hanging around with the army?” She really didn’t take very long to think about her answer, “Well every princess or prince of the Draconian race has served in the army at one point in time plus my Power Rank is one level too low to actually use the Title Princess so I am still considered a Noble to the rest of the universe.”
I nodded in understanding, “So your level is over 25, but your power level just needs to go up one rank?” She nodded, “Correct. Big sister’s level is in the mid-30s and her Power Rank is SSS which makes her able to use the Princess Title so she is busy doing courtly things between allies and the noble families.” I nodded, “Oh okay that makes sense I guess.”
She looked at me, “Speaking of levels what level are you at Vitamor?” I pretended to think for a second, “Please just call me Vita or V and I am level 2” As I said this I all of a sudden felt really small compared to the two in the ship with me. She seemed to think about something for a minute, “Level 2 huh? Have you practiced magic or any sort of body cultivation at all?” I really didn’t, but I shouldn’t know if I had or hadn’t so I semi-lied, “Not that I know of.”
She nodded, “Okay then if you hadn’t your low level would make sense. From what I know about humans they usually don’t get above level 10 in their 100 year life span unless they practice magic or some sort of body cultivation.” My mood seemed to perk up a little, “So I’m not as pathetic as I feel then?” She just giggled a little before answering, “No as soon as you practice some magic or body cultivation your level will rise at a speedy pace until level 20 then it will slow down to a decent speed.”
“Oh well that’s good to know for a second there I really felt like a fish next to you two eagles.” The princess laughed again, “More like a baby fish.” This caused the captain to speak up and give out a good laugh as well, “Yes a baby fish.” I sighed, “Jeez thanks for the pep talk you guys.” The captain laughed a little bit more before answering sarcastically, “Don’t mention it. By the way look outside we are entering the atmosphere.”
I looked out the closest window and saw the planet getting closer and then a red flame started to appear around the space ship meaning that we hit atmosphere, but amazingly there wasn’t any heat from the flames so the ship must be very well insulated against the raging inferno. After the flames died away, and I was able to see again, I was greeted by blue sky and a massive continent on one side with hundreds if not thousands of floating cities dotting the ocean that stretched as far as I could see on the other side.
I was sort of amazed because I have never been in a plane let alone a space ship, “Wow.” The princess smiled a little before speaking, “I know right? That continent is a forbidden zone for anyone below Power Rank A due to the monsters that roam about on it we call it Shendar.” I was a little interested, “Anyone below Power Rank A? Does that mean that the monsters are at least that level or above?” She nodded, “Yes that is correct the lowest monster is Rank A, but that’s not really why it is forbidden,”
I was still interested so I asked another question, “If that isn’t the reason then what is?” Seeing my interest she went on to explain, “Well the legend says that a member of the Draconian race became super powerful and even obtained his [Dragon Form] a few million years ago and moved to the continent and he told the leader of the Draconians at that time that no one below the Power Rank SSS was to come to the continent. The lord of the continent must have decided to lower the Rank requirements one day, due to the lack in those at the Rank SSS or maybe he isn’t there anymore and it’s just because of the strength of the monsters that inhabit the continent.”
This is just getting better and better, “[Dragon Form] is that a really strong ability that the Draconians possess?” She nodded, “Yes it is one of the most powerful abilities we possess.” I asked another question, “What Power Rank must a draconian be at to unlock their [Dragon Form]?” She thought about it for a few minutes, “Well there are actually two versions of the [Dragon Form]. One is just wings and maybe some horns and the other is full blown dragon. The Power Rank for the [Half-Dragon Form] is just the Immortal Rank, but the full blown [Dragon Form] is unlocked at the God Rank!”
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