《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.09 - History Lesson
*On the ArchAngel*
I nervously laugh a bit, “Hold on a second I can explain.” Jeez I thought being surrounded by people pointing weapons at you wouldn’t be that bad, but boy was I wrong. I’m about to shit bricks. The captain had a calm expression, while signaling two soldiers to hold on to my arms bringing me to my knees, but the look in his eye said that one wrong step and I was a dead man. “Explain? Yes you will explain fully once we get back to the surface and put you in a cell then you will have plenty of time to explain.” Hearing him say this I responded the only way I could think of, “Really a cell? Do I get three meals a day? If so let’s go I’m starving.” Ugh I hate it when I’m stressed I resort to sarcasm it’s probably not a smart move on my part, but it’s a habit.
The captain smirked a little bit before speaking, “Let’s see if you will be able to joke after we get the information we want from you demon in human skin.” Oi demon? Why the hell does he think I’m a demon? Disguise what the hell? Before I could respond the princess spoke up, “Hold on Xellanr let him speak I want to hear what he has to say.” I sighed happily. Thank god the princess to the rescue. Wait isn’t this backwards? But my happiness was instantly shattered by her next sentence, “Speak demon, in human skin, and maybe we will go easy on you.” Oi not you to! Ugh why is this happening to me! Okay calm down I better answer her before they start shooting some of these guys look kind of jumpy.
I looked at the princess as calmly as I could manage before speaking, “I am not a demon in disguise, but anyways what do you want to know princess?” She glared at me while asking her question, “Well for starters tell me how you really ended up on this space fortress?” I couldn’t think of anything other than the truth so I just told her what I had already told her. “I already told you I woke up in a cryo-pod and I don’t remember anything other than what happened after that.”
After I spoke I was greeted with pain in my face. Mother fucker she punched me! And what the fuck is with her strength it fucking hurt! If it wasn’t for my high vitality and strength she might have killed me with that punch.
I spat out some blood and glared at her. She yelled at me, “Don’t fucking lie to me demon! Tell me the truth!” After glaring at her I looked around and could see all the other Draconians trying not to laugh and some of them even had wicked looking smirks on their faces. I quickly yelled back at her, “I’m not lying to you dammit! I really don’t remember anything before that!” She had an evil smile on her face while she spoke, “Fine if you’re not really lying then you wouldn’t mind if I check your memories with [Mind Scry].”
Mind Scry? Sounds like some magic they use in a lot of fantasy novels. Normally it hurts like hell if I try and resist, but I’m going to have to try because I can’t let her know that I’m from another world. Shit this is going to hurt like hell. Zendra slowly reaches her hand towards me and I grit my teeth waiting for the pain to come, but as soon as she touches my head there is nothing. No pain, no anything, heck I even feel better than I did before she touched me. What’s going on?
She seemed just as confused, “Huh what the hell?” The captain looked at the princess with a worried expression on his face, “What’s wrong princess?” She shook her head with a confused look on her face, “Nothing is wrong, actually that is the problem there is nothing. I can’t see anything in his mind at all!” The captain was shocked, “How is that possible!? You’re the best Draconian when it comes to [Mind Scry] which is why the Queen lets you torture any traitors and spies that we come across!” The princess shook her head, “I don’t know how it is possible Xellanr if I knew I wouldn’t be this shocked!”
All of a sudden there was a loud dinging noise followed by the voice of the ArchAngel, “Master there is an incoming message from the planet.” What a message from Chiron? I don’t know anyone from Chiron and how are they able to message me? If they were why didn’t they message me before coming up here? “Who is the message from ArchAngel?” She answered instantly, “I don’t know who the message is from, but it is originating from what looks like the palace in there capital.” The captain, princess, and I all three yelled in shock, “The palace!?” I quickly calmed down before giving her an order, “Put it through ArchAngel.” I was greeted with an immediate response, “Yes master.”
Out of nowhere comes a metallic looking sphere floating in mid-air and after a few seconds the sphere emits a bright light showing a hologram in front of our eyes. It’s in color too neat! The hologram consists of a big room with a female draconian sitting on what appears to be a throne. She looks absolutely stunning, she must be the Queen and looking at her I can see why Zendra looks like a babe. They look almost exactly the same except there choice of clothes. While Zendra looks a little bit more of a teenager in style the queen looks like what you would expect from royalty she just looks regal. Its honestly hard to explain, but looking off to the Queens left I see a woman that is just shy of being as stunning as Chronos. Everything about this woman is yellow, from her yellow hair, to her yellow bikini, even her eyes are yellow, which I didn’t think that was possible for a human, which is what she looked like. Is she a human? And why is she wearing a bikini? I mean she isn’t bad to look at, but she really doesn’t have big enough assets to fill out her bikini. So I don’t understand why she just looks like the Queen loses to her in beauty. I can’t believe I’m saying that because the Queen has a massive rack; so how can I, who is a lover of everything oppai, think that the Queen is losing to some flat chested beach goer.
As if I said it out loud the girl in yellow’s face got red and she gave me a glare while speaking, “Hey who you calling flat chested you brat! If it wasn’t for me you would have been killed from that girls forced [Mind Scry]!” The queen quietly giggled at this, but when she looked at me she seemed to be startled while a look of confusion passed across her eyes quickly. What the fuck how can she read my mind without touching me. From what I know, from the quick explanation I got from Chronos, only Gods can read minds without touching someone. Even the most powerful of magic users who can read the soul’s memories, which can’t be hidden no matter how hard you try, still have to touch you. Is she a god of some sort? She just smiled as she spoke, “Bingo kid you hit the nail on the head as you humans say.”
I quickly understood, somewhat, about who she may be, “Okay so you’re a god? If so why are you here?” As soon as the words left my mouth the princess and captain both yelled in shock, “A God!?” As soon as they yelled, everybody in the room immediately stopped what they were doing, except the two holding me down because they are already kneeling, and knelt down in front of the hologram. The captain was the first to speak, “Your ladyship, please forgive us for not recognizing your grace.”
She laughed a little before motioning them to stand, “Stand everyone I am not a god worthy enough for you to bow to.” The queen giggled at the embarrassed face on the god, “Humble and easy to embarrass as every Chinet” She shrugged her shoulders and turned her slightly red face away, “I am not I’m just telling the truth.” I would have scratched the back of my head if it was possible, “Chinet? I’ve never heard of you.”
I glared towards the person who hit me again, “Why the fuck are you still hitting me in this situation princess!?” She glared at me while threatening me with another punch, “Be careful how you speak you foul demon she is a god and can end your pitiful life with just a wave of her hand.” I glared back yelled at her, “I am not a demon!” She glared at me and yelled back, “Liar!” Just as she was about to hit me again all of a sudden my savior arrived in the form of someone unexpected.
“Enough Zendra!” The queen’s voice held enough power at this moment that I swear I felt the space fortress shudder. That shouldn’t be possible though because it isn’t alive which means one thing. Her power itself was shaking the fortress, it’s no wonder she is the queen of the draconian race scary, really scary. The princess cowed back a little before speaking to the queen, “But… but… mom!”
The queen snapped back with a tone of authority, “How many times have I told you don’t call me that in front of everyone.” The princess immediately looked towards the ground defeated, “Yes your majesty.” The queen visibly relaxed and then a look of care crossed her eyes before disappearing as she looked towards me, “That’s better now where were we, ah yes Vitamor was it?” I looked at her and answered real simply, “Yeah?”
God damn this bitch keeps hitting me. I swear I’m going to get her back for this. If it wasn’t for the people holding me down then I would probably have already hit her back, because this universe isn’t like my old one where woman are supposed to be weak and you can’t hit them back even if they come at you with a baseball bat. Otherwise you’re the one in the wrong even if she could possibly kill you. In this universe woman can be and sometimes are stronger than men. Take the Queen for example, I shuddered a bit, scary. The princess yelled at me again, “Watch how you speak to the Queen you filthy worm!”
“Zendra! I will not tell you again!” The queen roared at her again. This time I’m certain that her power was shaking the fortress, because boxes started falling off their respective stacks and crashing into the floor as it shook. “I’m sorry your majesty, but Zendra is correct in her action there is no way that any one, let alone a demon, should talk to you in such a way.” The queen audibly sighed, “Yes your right Captain her action would have been the right one if he is a demon, but he isn’t.”
The princess and the captain where shocked at the revelation, “What!?” I just laughed and shot out a remark, “Thank you finally somebody with a brain is here.” The yellow goddess just laughed at my remark, “Very good you’re funny! I like you kid!” I smirked, well who asked you if you liked me you board. Her glare got very dangerous and the temperature for everyone sky rocketed for a second, “Don’t push my patience kid I may like you now, but that may change if you keep thinking remarks like that.” Once again my stupid, going to get me killed on day, habit reared its ugly head, “Ooo I’m scared.”
Surprisingly she just laughed as the temperature gradually lowered, “Now that’s what I like about you, it’s just like C said no fear in front of Gods. It may be a gift or a curse depending on the god kid, so you might want to keep the sarcasm to yourself unless you know who you’re speaking too.” I shook my head and thought to myself, you don’t think I know that? Jeez. Wait C? As in Chronos!?
The goddess smiled before speaking, “Bingo kid, but keep that between us for now. She asked me to help out if you were in a situation that I thought you had no way out of on your own. From what Zellfina tells me about young Zendra over there’s temper, towards anyone she thinks is a demon, I thought that this was one of those cases.” I had a lot of question but I stuck to some important ones, “So who are you exactly and I take it that Zellfina is the Queen?” The queen spoke up at this point, “That is right young Vitamor. I am indeed the Zellfina she is talking about and as for who she is well; she is Chinet the God in charge of the sun that is in the middle of our solar system.”
Okay well that explains all of the yellow turns and why the temperature suddenly rose a minute ago. Turns out she is the sun god in this solar system. “Okay then let’s start over how can I be of service to your highness and miss sun god?” Chinet answered quickly while laughing and showing a mischievous look in her eyes, “Actually I’m finished here so I am going back home. Remember Vitamor try not to get yourself killed I may not be there to save you.” With that sinister laugh of hers she just faded out like she was never there. Hmm I thought her exit would be flashier since she is a sun god, but oh well.
The queen spoke up looking back towards me, but for some reason she kept avoiding my eyesight. “Actually Vitamor I was just sending this message at the request of Chinet, but since I am already here with you could you explain to me how you ended up on the ArchAngel? Chinet really wouldn’t tell me much said I would know in time if I was supposed to.” I was shocked, “You know the name of this fortress?”
She laughed a little before explaining, “Yes I do, well at least I should my grandfather helped the humans build it.” Hearing this, the princess was shocked and spoke before I could, “Great grandfather helped humans build it!? How!? There hasn’t been humans is this part of the universe in thousands of years!” The queen nodded her head and explained, “Yes dear he helped humans build it back when the humans controlled this part of the universe, but that was before the war, with the demons, started in the middle of the human’s territory splitting it in two.” The princess was shocked while the captain’s expression didn’t change, “The demon’s territory used to be human territory along with some of ours!?”
The queen when on to explain a little bit of the history to the both of us, “Yes they don’t teach this in schools, on either the human planets or ours, because the humans being our allies didn’t want it to spread that it was a human magic wielder who opened up a portal to another universe full of demons. He allowed millions of them through to wreak havoc on his enemies, but he didn’t take into account that the demons would lie to him and use him to let them through into our universe which has more resources than theirs. The magic wielder realizing his error sacrificed his life to close the portal, but by then almost a hundred million demons made it through and they were strong enough to take the territory that they have now without much resistance.”
Listening to all of this information I was watching the draconians expressions and the princess and soldier’s expressions where all full of shock while the captain’s was just standing there calmly like he knew about all of this. I looked back towards the queen who was still explaining the history of the demons.
“The demons even made their way out to the edge of human territory all the way into ours making it to our capital where the humans were building us a space fortress to help protect us. Their technology is far more advanced than ours so we needed there help in to build a space station back then. The humans on the space ship were wiped out from the demons power and at the time we Draconians fought the demon tide to a standstill sending them packing to the nearest planets and over the last few thousand years we have been pushing them back and regaining our territory. The reason that we were not able to use the ArchAngel is due to the humans not being able to put in the program the availability, for my father, to take control of the space fortress and assign it to one of his generals.”
The princess and some of the soldiers seemed to have remembered something and then the princess spoke again, “I remember the attack on Chiron I was around 237 years old at the time, but I didn’t know any of this.” The queen nodded before explaining some more, “We keep it a secret for our allies because they don’t want their people to know it was a human that caused so many of their people and ours to die. We also don’t want our people to hate the entire human race for the faults of one human, but that is enough of a history lesson. Now tell me how you came to be on the space station?”
The last part was directed towards me so I proceeded to tell the Queen about everything that happened up until this point. The entire time she just sat there with a serious look and when I got to the part about the nuclear reactor I could of swore she broke out in a sweat. She nodded her head and thought for a minute before speaking, “Okay so basically you managed to survive the demons attack and there magical power didn’t kill you either. Due to the fact that cryo-pods have to be set from the outside you were most likely in it before the attack and since everyone was dead no one could let you out of the pod. You had to wait until the time ran up on your pod or the backup systems started shutting the pods down. I am actually surprised that you are a human that can possibly use magic.”
After the queen said the last part the captain was the first once to be shocked, “A human that can use magic!?” The queen nodded and said seriously, “Yes captain, in order for him to not die just from being touched by the demons excess magic power, he either needs a personal shield that protects him from mana or he needs to be able to use magic itself.” I was a little impressed at her deduction ability. Wow this woman is good she even deduced that I could use magic if I knew any that is.
She looked back towards me before asking a question, “So what is your element?” I was confused and I voiced it too, “Element? What do you mean your majesty?” She calmly explained what she was talking about, “Well when anything in this world uses magic, which is just the use of mana while adding an element to it, then if you use the element you are most compatible for your magic will be more stronger than those who aren’t compatible in that element. By checking your [Full Status] you should be able to view your element.” I tried to figure out a way to answer, but I couldn’t think of any lies so I decided to tell the truth, “Well that’s the thing your majesty I don’t have an element in my status.”
She honestly seemed shocked at this and our eyesight met causing her face to turn red and she quickly looked away. Why is she avoiding my gaze? I will have to figure it out later. She breathed deeply and spoke, “That’s not possible any magic user has an element that they use. Only the mana manipulators of legends don’t have specific elements and that’s because they can use any element to the maximum effect. Wait don’t tell me.”
I interrupted her, “Um yes your majesty I have the trait [Mana Manipulation]” All three of them exclaimed out loud, “What!?” The Queen jumped out of her chair and I swear that she was about to shit a brick. The look on her face almost made me laugh out loud, but given the circumstances I kept it to myself. She looked at me seriously before asking, “Are you serious Vitamor?” I looked at her seriously and answered, “As a heart attack.” She jumped up and down like she had just discovered her best friend was having a child, “Amazing! Rumor has it that anyone with the [Mana Manipulation] trait is blessed by the gods and is destined for great things you may even be able to become a Space Lord!”
I laughed a little in my head, I wonder how surprised she would be if I told her that I have the [Space Lord] trait as well? It just isn’t active yet because I haven’t reached the requirements needed for it. I shrugged my shoulders and answered humbly, “I don’t think I could be something so great your majesty” She shook her head and continued speaking excitedly, “Nonsense! With that trait becoming a King at minimum is only a matter of time and training!” She actually had a little bit of a twinkle in her eyes, but when she noticed my gaze she once again got red faced and looked away while calming down. Seriously it’s just eye sight no need to look away embarrassed.
At this time the captain spoke up, “Your majesty! Don’t you think that is a little far-fetched? There has never been a human Space Lord in all of recorded history!” The queen looked at him before speaking seriously, “That is because there hasn’t been a single human with the [Mana Manipulation] trait in any of that written history! Humans usually only have one or two elements at most three if their lucky. This greatly reduces their power in the field of magic limiting them to the title of King. Those who get close enough to the Space Lord title are usually at the end of their life span.”
I looked at the queen and asked seriously, “Is it really that rare of a trait?” She looked towards me and answered my question, “Yes it is Vitamor! Humans are the only ones capable of getting the [Mana Manipulation] trait in the entire universe. The reason why is unknown, but it may have something to do with the amount of Gods the humans have and those gods wanted to give the humans something to make them stand on equal footing with the other races. The humans got greedy though and started trying to take over the universe by whatever means necessary, so the Gods wiped all of the humans that had [Mana Manipulation] out in order to let the humans start over and make up their differences in strength some other way which is why humans can breed so much. They make up their lack in strength, whether it be physical or magic, with the sheer number of humans that there are in the universe.”
How does she know all of this information? “You mean I am the only known human to have the trait in the entire universe?” She shook her head before answering, “Yes you are the only one that anyone knows about, even if it is only those in this room. You may not be the only human that has it, but you are the only one that has told anybody because of the fear of the rumor that the human Gods will hunt down and destroy any human that is found with the trait.”
I felt my hear speed up and I probably turned a little pale, “Wait What!? So I am being hunted by gods now!?” She shook her head while trying to explain, “Don’t worry as long as you don’t enter the human’s territory you should be fine. The humans Gods reach only stretches through their own territory, so they probably don’t even know you exist right now. Well except for the gods that govern the entire universe such as Chronos, Pangu, Nuwa, and some others, but they usually don’t meddle in the affairs of us mortals.” I sighed deeply and calmed down some, oh man I was seriously about to shit a brick thinking that a god was coming after me. Mental note avoid human territory for now!
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