《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.08 - Damn It ArchAngel
*On the ArchAngel*
I stared doubtfully at the draconian claiming to be a princess, “You mean to tell me that you’re a princess?” She answered back without a hint of hesitation, “Yes I am. I am the 2nd princess of the Draconian race.” I still couldn’t bring myself to believe it, “I call bullshit.” She had the confused expression on her face, “What?” Before I could say anything the massive draconian captain spoke up, “What do you mean by bullshit? Who is that? Why are you calling them?”
I almost wanted to do a face palm. Seriously, you don’t know what that means? I guess it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to me this is another universe they may not have the same phrases and animals and such. I sighed in my heart before giving a simple explanation, “It’s not a person, but an expression and what it means is that I think you’re lying.” She had a less confused look on her face as she responded, “Why would I be lying to you? What good would that do in this situation?”
She had a point; call me over cautious I guess. “Well for starters if I was a fool I would just accept what you are saying and put my gun down allowing you plenty of time to jump me.” I said to the so called princess. She thought about it for a second before responding, “What you say makes sense, but I swear to you I am a princess and I can make the choice of whether or not this space station gets blown to smithereens or not.” She probably could, but if they really wanted to blow the ArchAngel up they would have already.
I looked at her with a slight smirk, “You do know that there are at least two people above you that can overturn that authority.” She blinked one before responding, “You mean my mom and sister?” I nodded softly before speaking, “Yeah at least those two, not counting any older Princes or the King.” A sad look glazed across her eyes for a split second before disappearing, “You don’t have to worry about the king and princes.” She said with a somewhat somber tone. I raised an eyebrow while asking my question, “Oh are they elsewhere or are they no longer with us?”
She continued speaking in her somber tone, “There haven’t been any princes born in the Draconian line for thousands of years and the last king died a few hundred years ago.” Wow so the species has been ruled by females for a few hundred years? That sounds scary; I personally know that women can be scary. If you think that someone like Adolf Hitler was scary then try pissing off a pregnant woman who was already an emotional woman to begin with. Sends shivers down my spine just remembering it. Also most of the time unless a woman is loved by their country they have to be ruthless to stay in power. So the queen is either loved by her people or she is scary, plain and simple.
I sighed before speaking to the princess again, “Okay well then what can you say about your mom or big sister possibly saying that they would rather blow the space station up than leave it? What if they freak out because I pointed my weapon at you huh?” She shrugged her shoulders while answering, “I can’t guarantee that they won’t, but if you think about it you’re just going to have to trust me. The only way that this will end otherwise will be with one or two of my men dead and you just as dead.” She had a really valid point, but call me stubborn. “You don’t know that.” I said to her.
The captain responded coolly with a hint of murder in his eyes, “Unless you can use magic like one of the ultra-rare humans; once you choose to fire your weapon you will not survive. Even if you could use magic you might not survive even then.” I sighed deeply in my heart. Ugh I hate it when people prove me wrong, but he is right. I can use magic, but not right now. I guess I got no choice but to trust them for now. I put my weapon on my back and put my hands up in a non-threatening way. I looked at them calmly, but ready to make a move any second. “Okay there I put my weapon up now you all do the same.”
Seeing this, the captain looks at the princess who nods to him he then speaks to his men telling them to lower their weapons. After his men did what he said he looked back towards me, “So do you want to start by telling us how you go on this space station? There hasn’t been any energy readings headed towards it in years.” I was honestly trying to figure out how to explain myself this entire time, “Well that is a funny story actually and I don’t know where to start at.” The princess spoke up at this time, “Just tell us the truth.”
Shit, Kira what should I do? “Just tell them you woke up in a cryogenic pod and you don’t remember anything before that it really isn’t that far from the truth.” Okay I hope it works. I proceeded to lie towards the captain and the princess, “All I can remember is that I woke up in a cryogenic sleeping pod, found some oxygen pills, fixed a breach in the hull, and turned the power on, along with the oxygen and gravity systems.” The captain seemed to doubt me a little, “So you don’t remember anything before you woke up in the pod?” I shook my head, “Nope nothing.”
The captain seemed to sigh, “Well depending on how long you were in the pod then you could have amnesia which is a rare side-effect of cryogenic sleep. Of course it is less rare if you have been asleep for a long period of time.” I semi-laughed, “Yeah, I never even checked how long I was in the pod. I was too worried about oxygen.” The captain smirked before speaking, “I would have too if I was in your shoes, but since we can use magic then we don’t have to worry about the oxygen situations because there are spells to help you breath underwater and in the vacuum of space.”
I nodded my head in understanding, “Oh I see. Lucky.” He let out a small laugh, “I guess you can say that.” The princess decided to interrupt at this time, “Okay guys if your done being all buddy-buddy we can get down to business and you can tell us what you plan to do Vitamor.” The captain coughed in embarrassment, “Yes your right Princess Zendra. What are your plans Mr. Vitamor?” I shrugged, “You can just call me Vita and as of right now I don’t really have any plans just want to get this space station up and running and start living my life.” He nodded his head before turning to head to the ship, “Okay Vita, just let me contact the queen and let her know of the situation. Since we are here we can see what we can do to help you out as well.” I nodded my head and showed a small smile, “Sounds good.”
*Xellanr POV*
I nodded towards the human, “Okay I’ll be right back.” He responded to me nonchalantly, “Okay.” I walked back into the ship to contact the queen and inform her of the situation. “Captain Xellanr to her majesty. Captain Xellanr to her majesty.” I spoke semi-hurriedly worried about the situation outside. “Calm down Xellanr and go ahead.” A beautiful majestic voice came through the communications system. I answered her with calmness and in detail, “Yes mam! We have encountered an unknown human; whose name is Vitamor. He says he can’t remember anything before waking up in a Cryogenic pod and getting the space station back online.” She was quiet before responding back, “Hmm that’s kind of suspicious; does he seem like a threat that needs eliminated?” He doesn’t seem like it, but you never know with people anymore. “Well once we started communicating he doesn’t seem like a bad person. I asked him to report to you on the situation and that we could help him out a bit since we are already here and I could recon the place a bit while I’m at it.” I told her in all honesty.
She was quiet for a few seconds before responding, “Okay Xellanr I trust your experience in this, but the moment he looks threatening or the moment he looks like he means harm to either my daughter or my men I want you to put a bullet in-between his eyes.” I saluted her even though she couldn’t see me, “Yes mam! Now I better get back before he starts to get suspicious.” She responded instantly, “All right be careful.” I nodded my head to myself, “Yes mam!”
*Vitamor’s POV*
He sure is taking a while in there. I hope I’m not going to die just after I get here. Ugh this sucks why didn’t I choose the uninhabited planet? Oh well no use in complaining now. I looked over towards the princess, “Did he get lost princess?” She shrugged her shoulders before answering, “He should be done any minute now Vita. My mom is pretty busy most of the time.” I nodded my head in understanding, “Well I guess that makes sense.” Speaking of the devil, the captain comes walking out of the back of the ship at this moment.
He looked towards me after a quick glance at the princess, “Okay contact has been made and she said to go ahead and help you out anyway we can to get this place stable and then she would like to meet you.” I nodded my head slightly, “Well that is all fine and dandy, but I want her to come here because I honestly still don’t know if you are all friendly.” After I said this I can visually see the captain’s eye twitch at what I just said, but I could care less. I’m not getting on their ship and going to a planet full of them if they are hostile towards me. That is just sending myself to the firing squad.
He seemed to be speaking though clenched teeth as he spoke, “Okay, I will see what she says when we get this place running smoothly.” I shrugged my shoulders, “Well I haven’t made my way to the control room yet I have just been using the back up control room for now. So I honestly don’t know the full status of the station just yet.” He didn’t even look at me as he spoke the next sentence, “As long as this space station isn’t too old you should just be able to ask it how everything is verbally.” I raised an eyebrow, “Oh really? ArchAngel!”
She answered me immediately, “Yes master?” I asked her about the space station, “Are there any problems?” She quickly gave me a rundown of the issues, “Yes master the supply of food and water are empty, the power supply is insufficient to power the defenses, the amount of people needed to proficiently run me is not met, and the AC and Heater is on the fritz so the removal of your insulated under suit is not recommended.” I sighed audibly at what she said, “Wow more problems than I thought.”
Hearing the ArchAngel speak of its issues the captain spoke up, “We can help with the food, water, and the AC/Heater problem, but the man power and power supply problems you will have to speak to the queen about I don’t have the authority to help with that and neither does the princess.” I nodded my head in thanks, “Okay so three out of five problems isn’t so bad. Heck that’s over fifty percent there.” The captain continued speaking with a question, “How much power does she have left?” I answered honestly, “Just a little over two years according to her.” He nodded before speaking, “Okay well that gives us plenty of time for you to discuss that matter with the queen. Then about your food and water shortage let me contact HQ. I’ll try and have them send a ship up with the supplies and a few more hands to help out with fixing the AC/Heater problem.”
I nodded while simply answering, “Okay.” I swear by everything I hold dear, which isn’t much at this point I guess, if they send more military men up and they make a move I’m grabbing the princess, who so happens to be foolishly standing the closest to me. As the captain makes his way back into the ship I decide to make small talk with the princess, “So princess of the draconian race huh? Must be a big responsibility huh?”
She shrugged while answering, “No not really, my sister does most of the political stuff. I’ve been stuck behind a monitor for years because I wanted to join the military and fight for my country, but mom wouldn’t let me really fight. Heck no one in basic training wanted to spar with me out of fear for her. The only one who would was Captain Xellanr because he has been close to the family since my great-grandfather was on the throne.” I nodded my head before my jaw almost hit the floor and exclaimed, “Wait!? Great-Grandfather!?” My sudden yell caused all the guards to raise their weapons at me and Zendra to tell them to stand down while barely holding her laughter in.
She was still giggling when she spoke again, “Yes my great-grandfather. Captain Xellanr is over three hundred thousand years old.” I once again yelled without thinking, “Three Hundred Thousand!?” If my eyes got any wider you would think that they were about to pop out of my head. She started laughing her ass off again, “The look on your face is priceless.” Not holding back her laughter now the princess was almost rolling on the floor even some of the guards were holding back some laughter.
After a couple minutes of uncontrollable laughter she finally calmed down enough to speak. “Unlike you humans, well except the ultra-rare magic wielding ones, we draconicans live very long lives.” I raised my eyebrow, “How long we talking exactly?” She put her finger on her chin while she thought quickly, “Well if we don’t die in battle or of some sort of disease we can live somewhere around a couple million years unless we use magic to try and extend that.” I almost fell face forward from the shock, “A couple million!? I was expecting around five hundred thousand or maybe a million, but not anywhere near a couple million.”
She laughed again, “If you think that is long you should see the elves they live forever unless they are killed in battle, poisoned, or choose to die.” I couldn’t help but sigh deeply, “Jeez way to make me feel puny.” She giggled a little bit before speaking again, “Don’t worry about it too much there are ways to make a human live for thousands of years or more. If they can use magic or cultivate, and they are good at either one, a human can live just like the elves can once they hit a certain point. Humans are wonderful creatures though. Due to your normally short life spans there have been multiple breakthroughs in science and magic because they tend to try and do as much as they can in their normally short lives. Honestly if it wasn’t for humans we wouldn’t even be standing in space stations like this one or flying in spaceships like the one we came in on.”
I laughed a little, “At least we are good at something. We may go pretty fast, but we make it worth it.” I hope that’s not true when it comes to my first time though. I heard that a lot of guys are pretty quick the first time. Even if I am by the time I get to Chronos I am going to make her pass out from the pleasure! At this time the captain made his way out of the ship, “Okay. Supplies are on their way along with some engineers to look at the AC/Heater system.” I nodded towards the captain, “Sweet well were should we start at then?” He thought about it for a second before responding, “Well for starters let’s head to the control room.” I nodded slightly before leading the way, “Okay let’s go then.”
We all exit the northern hanger and head toward the control room on the top floor. Along the way I point out the rooms to the captain and the princess along with the breach in the hull that I fixed and the hole in the power room. They both turned about as white as paper when I told them about how I ended up cutting my way into the power room. Both of them muttered something about “balls the size of Chiron” or something like that. I really didn’t pay too much attention as I was watching what the soldiers they brought with them were doing. After about 25 minutes of walking and a short elevator ride we arrived in what my map said was the control room. At this point in time the princess asked a question I really didn’t want to answer, but I knew I was going to have to at one point. “I thought you hadn’t made it to the control room yet Vita. How did you know where it was?”
I sighed before explaining, “Well to be honest I have an A.I. implant that allows me to see a map of where I’m at as long as it has been wirelessly downloaded to the chip or I have looked at one and it has memorized it.” Both the captain and the princess exclaimed at the same time, “What!? You have an A.I.!?” Oops am I not supposed to? I answered quickly while watching their actions, “Yeah she is the reason I have been able to survive until I turned the power and life support systems online. Am I not supposed to have one or something?”
They both audibly sighed while the captain spoke, “Well it’s not that, but usually A.I. implants are reserved for Professors and their family along with those of a decent rank in the human military.” I was shocked at the news, “You mean you guys don’t have one?” The princess answered while shaking her head, “No only the high ranking scientists on our planet have them.” I quickly asked, “You mean you’re Professors?” She answered just as quickly, “Yes, but to make it easier to talk about we just call them scientists, unless it is in an official setting.” I nodded my head, “I guess that makes sense, but I don’t know if I was a Professor or not. I do have to say though that I don’t have any memories of anything scientific so I was probably the son of somebody with the rank of Professor.”
The captain nodded his head this time before speaking, “That would make the only sense unless you were a military officer, but I don’t remember this space station being used for anything military wise even with all the guns and turrets.” My eye twitched while my heart sped up a little bit, “Well let’s get back to checking out the control room.” The princess nodded her head while responding, “Yes lets.”
We go back to checking out the control room and it looks pretty nice. There are a couple of rows of monitors and three chairs in the middle with the single chair at the top of the triangle being the biggest must be the captain’s chair. During rotations we can see the planet Chiron in the distance. I so got to figure out a new gravity system, speaking of that.
I looked back towards the captain, “Captain Xellanr.” He raised an eyebrow towards me, “Yes?” I quickly asked him, “Is there any way that your engineers can possible come up with a different gravity system? The spinning of the space station really hurts its defenses.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m pretty sure they probably can, but that is something you will have to talk to the queen about also as it would probably take quite a bit of resources to build the system.” I nodded my head, “Okay that sounds fair.”
I guess I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to get that fixed. I need to talk to this queen of theirs and get everything worked out. All of a sudden the princess asked a question that made my heart sink, “Why does this control room look so much like a battle ship control room?” Shit, she just had to ask that. The captain nodded his head while looking around, “Now that you mention it princess, it does kind of look like the control room for many of the battle ships we control.” Dammit and here I thought we were going to get along real well. I begin to reach for my weapon when the princess says, “Oh well maybe they just thought it was a good design.”
I nearly hit the floor. Really? Can she be that clueless? Either way it makes me kind of calm down and I stop reaching for my weapon and continue to look around. The captain seemed to agree with her, “Maybe your right princess.” He says that, but looking at him I feel that the look he is giving me is kind of hostile. I laughed a bit and tried to change the subject, “So that means I sit here right?” I move over to the captain’s chair, being that I own the space station and sit down, but when I do all of a sudden ArchAngel speaks up. “Welcome Master! Space Fortress ArchAngel awaits your command!”
I immediately start to panic. Shit! Not good. So not good. I look over at the princess and captain and they give me and angry glare. Fuck! The guards all point their guns at me as the captain speaks to me. “Space Fortress? I’m sorry Vitamor, but I’m going to have to insist that you come with us peacefully.” I scream in my head and my heart. Dammit ArchAngel! Why did you have to say that now of all times. I swear women are going to be the death of me.
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