《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.07 - Intruders
*On the ArchAngel*
Ugh now that my rant is over let’s get back to business here. I have a little over two and a half years of power left and that will probably quickly change after I get the gravity and life support systems back online. Speaking of life support what is my oxygen level at?
Remaining Oxygen
6hrs & 23mn
Okay less oxygen than I thought I had, but it should be enough to get the hole blocked and welded. I floated my way back to the hole and reconnected my safety line, grabbed the portable cutter, and began cutting the sharp pieces of broken metal from the wall. I am trying to make the wall as smooth as possible in order to be able to weld the metal sheets on properly. After about forty-five minutes of cutting I finally finished removing the broken pieces of the wall and I am ready to begin welding. I grab a metal sheet and the portable welder and begin welding the metal sheets into place. After about three hours I finally finished welding the metal sheets to the outer wall. I don’t need to worry about the inner wall right now due to the fact that it isn’t really a hull breach and I don’t want to waste time on something that can be fixed at a later date.
Congratulations! Crafting has reached level 2!
Oh nice apparently welding the sheet metal to the wall not only improves my construction skills, but also my crafting skills as well…
Congratulations! You have reached level 2!
Sweet! I Leveled up! I wonder what my stats are at now. [Status]!
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: None
Level: 2
Health: 200/200
Mana: 260/260
Strength: 30
Vitality: 20
Intelligence: 260
Agility: 14
Charisma: 16
Luck: 40
Wisdom: 10
What the fuck? Why did my stats literally double? Shouldn’t there only be like an increase of 5 stat points at most? Why did they increase so much? Hell my luck went up by 20! What the hell is going on? Kira do you know? “No master; there are no abnormalities on your body, none of your skills have changed, except for their levels, and your four traits haven’t changed either.”
Then what the hell is going on? Wait! What do you mean four traits? I should only have the three that I chose from Chronos. [Traits]!
Mana Manipulation
A.I. Implant (Kiralee)
Space Lord (Not Active: Criteria Not Met)
Stat Points Boost (Gift from Chronos)
Yeah there the three that I chose from Chronos are, but what is this Stats Point Boost and it’s a gift from Chronos? What would she help me out? I thought she couldn’t help me out? Ugh, so many damn questions. “Master Chronos can’t really help you out, but if she gave you this power before you arrived in this universe then it would go unnoticed from the other gods and she could help you.” I don’t remember her giving me this trait though. Wait; was it at that time? I did pass out right after she kissed my cheek. Maybe she transferred the trait to me through her kiss. Ugh no point in sitting here pondering over it. I have the trait so might as well count my blessings let’s take a look at this trait. [Stats Point Boost]!
Stat Points Boost
Being blessed by Chronos, the god of time, you have been given the ability to have your stat points double every level. This trait is hidden from everyone and everything below the level of a god.
I screamed in my head after looking at the description of the trait. What the fuck is this trait!? This is just way to fucking over powered! I mean seriously my stats are doubled every level? Wouldn’t that mean that mean that my vitality which is at 20 now would be 40 at level 3 and my luck which is at 40 would be at 80 at the same level? If that is the case then it is seriously way to over powered. I feel like a cheater or a hacker or something. There is no experience boost so I gain experience at the same speed as everyone else so my level shouldn’t increase at too much of a fast rate, so that kind of helps balance it out some. Not all the way though.
Okay now that the shock from my over poweredness is going away I need to get back to business. I got to figure out how to turn the life support and gravity back on. I release the safety line and head down the corridor to the backup control room to see if the computer has a way to turn on the life support and the gravity systems.
Welcome Master!
What can I do for you today?
I click around on the computer a bit and finally find what I’m looking for. I click on the life support systems and click the option to turn them on.
Hull breach successfully repaired turning on life support systems.
All of a sudden I feel a cool gentle breeze enter the room and then it went away, but I was able to hear things! I could hear the machines running in the background! Yes! The oxygen is back now I need to check the power levels I click around on the computer and the message I want pops up on the screen along with a mechanical female voice.
Power Remaining
2 years, 1 month, 14 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes
Sweet! The life support system only added a little bit of extra drain to the power not as much as I thought and the computer talks too! I wonder if I can order it verbally to do something. “Computer!” I am greeted with nothing but silence. What about this? “ArchAngel!” After yelling this I was greeted with the female voice again. “Yes Master?” Okay that worked now let’s ask the important questions, “ArchAngel can you turn the gravity systems on?” I was immediately given an answer, “Yes master I can, but it will use nearly all the fuel I have left. I won’t be able to move through space if you need me too.”
I was stunned, “You mean you have fuel and you can travel through space!?” ArchAngel took responded instantaneously, “Yes master. My designers originally developed me as a mobile space fortress and not a space station, but they were unable to acquire a power source that could replenish itself and that could also power the propulsion system.” Well I need to change out the power supply pretty soon anyways so let’s try and find a system that can do both. “Okay ArchAngel I won’t be needing you to travel through space anytime soon so activate the gravity systems.” It took her a split second to respond this time as she may have been doing some calculations, “It is done master.”
I could hear what sounded like a loud roar coming from down the hall and I figured it had something to do with the gravity systems coming online. I could gradually feel myself slowly start to sink down to the ground as the gravity gradually starts to increase to a state that is considered normal. “ArchAngel how much power drain did the gravity systems add?” She responded quickly, “None master the gravity systems uses a propulsion system to gradually increase the spin of the space station to generate artificial gravity so it only uses fuel. Once the spin is fast enough, for gravity to be generated, the fuel is cut off and the fortress will continue spinning.” Wait; so you mean to tell me the designers were trying to make a spinning space fortress travel through space major design flaw. I mean it could work, but when a battle takes place the targeting of the turrets would be extremely hindered and put under extra stress, by having to constantly adjust themselves not only to the target, but to the spin of the fortress as well. I am defiantly going to have to figure out how to create gravity without needing to make the fortress spin.
“Thank you ArchAngel I will holler at you when I need you. Let me know if anything happens that I need to know about.” Vague instructions, but I’m hoping that she is smart enough to know what I mean. “Yes master.” Well I guess she knows what I mean. Now let’s take a tour of my new space fortress.
*Planet Chiron*
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Warning! Unidentified massive energy reading detected in the atmosphere!
“What are we under attack!?” Staring at the monitor was a woman and everything about her was just black. From her dark black hair and equally black eyes, to her fit black t-shirt that emphasized her massive bust and a black skirt with a black scaled tail sticking out from right above her plump butt. Standing at five foot ten she would be considered tall for a human female except for a Draconian she is actually quite average in height. Other than the tail and the colored scales on the tops of their tails a draconian looks almost exactly like a human.
“Calm down Zendra! It could be a transport ship that warped in and is in duress. Examine the location of the energy source and the approximate size and go from there. Panicking will do no good in any situation!” A male voice came from behind Zendra sitting at the console. She hollered back towards the male, “Yes Captain Xellanr.” Looking at the monitor much more calmly now her eyes immediately widened in surprise.
She yelled towards the captain, “Captain! The energy signal is coming from the location of the abandoned space station and it’s not moving from its place in orbit.” The captain yelled back in shock, “Impossible! That space station has been abandoned for more years than even my grandparents have been alive!” It is known across the universe that Draconians can live to be thousands of years old or older. Zendra hollered back, “Look at the monitor captain!”
Bending his massive body over to look at the monitor, the captain is around seven foot five and has the build of a world class bodybuilder, Xellanr’s eyes widen bigger than Zendra’s. “What the hell! Zendra contact the Queen and tell here we are taking a ship to the abandoned space station!” he said to her. “Yes Sir!” she quickly replied back. Zendra was excited she finally gets to get out from behind this monitor that she had been staring at for years.
*Space Fortress ArchAngel*
“This place is freaking huge!” I couldn’t help but scream in the empty corridor. According to the map, in my view, I have only explored a small portion of the space fortress. “Warning master! Energy source approaching!” Came the mechanical voice of the ArchAngel. “What? Where from!?” I said a little bit excited yet I also feeling a little worried. “Readings indicate that the energy source has come from the surface of the planet. I believe that my reactivation has caused the natives of the planet to react and send out a scouting unit.” Hearing hear once again verify that there was indeed someone coming my worry started to overpower my excitement. “Shit! ArchAngel is there anything defensive available right now?”
The ArchAngel responded instantly telling me where to go, “Yes master go down the corridor and take the stars down 3 floors and you will find an armory on your left there should be some weapons and armor in there.” Hearing about an armory with actual equipment in it I was confused, “I thought there wasn’t any cargo?” ArchAngel quickly explained, “Weapons and Armor are not considered cargo master, but personal equipment of the space fortress.” Well that’s good to know maybe there will be a good stock pile. “Thanks ArchAngel.” She quickly responded again with some more information, “You’re welcome master. I must tell you though that the weapons and armor in the armories are considered primitive compared to nowadays weapons and armor which is why they haven’t been plundered; no one wants them.”
Well they will still work for me. I thought as I rushed down the corridor and flew down the stairs to the armory that ArchAngel was talking about. I burst into the room and I was instantly surprised at the amount of weapons and armor that were available to me for use. I walk over to the nearest wall and pick up the closest weapon.
XM65 Assault Rifle
Automatic Assault Rifle that has been out of date for the last couple thousand years.
Uses .50 caliber rounds.
.50 Caliber rounds and its obsolete!? Bullshit! This would be considered way to powerful back on earth. Hell even if we had a gun like this it would overheat so fast that it would be unusable in actual combat. There were sniper rifles and pistols that used fifty caliber rounds, but they were single shot weapons. The only fifty caliber automatic weapons had to have a cool down period to continue to use them. I sighed a little bit in my heart; I just keep being amazed at this universe. Now let’s find some armor and ammo. I searched around the room some and managed to find some armor to wear and even some tactical clothes.
I changed into the clothes and armor and after checking out the armor I find out that it really is weak the combined set only gives me like 10 points in protection. I don’t know if that is really weak, but in most games that I have played it would be considered shitty noob gear. I continue to search around for a bit because I still need a pouch to hold my ammo in and so far I have been unable to find one. A pile of broken guns in the corner draws my attention because I notice what looks like a pack or pouch of some sort sticking out from underneath it so I begin to rummage through the pile clearing away the junk.
Congratulations! Scavenging has reach level 2!
Sweet I honestly don’t know what the increased levels will allow me to do, but hopefully they will help me in the long run. I finally make it to the pouch grabbing it I start to inspect it.
Storage Accessory
A portable 15’ by 15’ room in a pouch capable of storing anything that can fit through the opening of the pouch.
What!? A 15’ by 15’ room in a pouch!? This has to be a magical item Kira! The familiar pretty voice resounded in my head, “Yes master. This pouch is indeed a magical pouch, but it is considered the lowest of the low and that is probably the reason why it was never taken. Even the most novice, of space mages, can make this item even some scientists can make it, but their version is usually in the form of a backpack.” Wow! Even if people in this universe think that it is trash; if I could introduce this to the people back on earth they would flip their shit the whole planet would fight over this. Okay let’s equip it and find some ammo. After I equipped the pouch I started to look around for some ammo containers. Suddenly I hear the ArchAngel, “Warning master! The energy source is almost here they will be attempting to dock in the north hanger!”
Shit! I need to hurry. Speeding up my search effort I finally found the ammo containers on the floor along the south wall. Opening the nearest container I actually found the .50cal ammo already in magazines for the XM65 I clean the box out throwing the magazines in the pouch and head towards the northern hanger.
*Northern Hangar of ArchAngel*
“Wow the space station really is active the oxygen is working, the gravity is working, and even the hangars are active and able to be docked in.” Captain Xellanr was looking around in a little bit of a daze. “You’re right sir. We should probably send out the troops to secure the perimeter.” Came the voice of Zendra from the back of the ship. “Yes. Alright men secure the perimeter around the ship!” The captain yelled out to the squad of men. “Sir Yes Sir!” came the loyal response from the troops. The troops marched out of the ship and immediately scanned the surroundings for any threats. Discovering none at the time they immediately informed their Captain. “Sir! No threats discovered the perimeter is secure!” The captain nodded his approval, “Good! Okay Zendra lets go and see why this space station is all of a sudden alive.” Zendra replied instantly, “Yes sir!”
Zendra was extremely excited she had always wanted to come and explore the old space station, but due to a special circumstance making it to where she really hadn’t been allowed to really leave the planet. Now that most of the army is on the border frontiers though, trying to defend our territory from the demon race. The queen really couldn’t afford to send a different unit as they were needed to protect the planet in case of invasion.
*Corridor Leading to North Hanger*
Looking at the map in my field of view I could see around 10 gray dots. Gray? I was never told about gray dots. Kira! “Yes master the gray dots are those that the radar doesn’t recognize as friend or foe; such as troops who are on guard, but don’t have the shoot first ask questions later vibe.” Oh well it’s good to know that they won’t immediately start shooting the place up. I can understand them being on guard, being that this space station has been dormant for the last few thousand years. Kira is there any way they speak my language?
“No master. However, I was told that I could give you access to all the know languages in the universe just one second and I will transfer the knowledge to you. I have to tell you though this is all the information I am allowed directly transfer too you same as the language of the host body earlier everything else I can only tell you.” Okay that’s good enough. All of a sudden a vast amount of knowledge floods into my mind nearly making me pass out from the surge. After a few minutes of dizziness the transfer is finally done. I gathered my bearings and finally made the decision to run out into the hanger.
I come running through the hangar door and bring myself face to face with some humans? No wait, they have tails! They are either Demons or Draconians either one of them is a warrior race, but seeing how their tails have scales I’m guessing they are draconian. I aim my weapon at them and decide to holler in Draken which is the Draconian native language. “Nobody move!”
*Zendras’ POV*
“Nobody move!” The door to the hanger opened up and a voice hollered out in Draken. I looked over and saw a person who looked a lot like a Draconian except he was missing his tail. Eeeek! It’s a human! I’ve never seen a human in this part of the universe! They usually stay in their part of the universe. Why is there one here and why does he have such a primitive weapon? “Who are you!?” The human hollered again in almost perfect Draken. Wait, I don’t know how a human can speak our language so fluently, it is extremely complex. This is fascinating.
“We are the Chiron Global Space Army Troop 14 part of Battalion 14 of Army 14 I am Captain Xellanr! Who are you!?” Xellanr yelled back at the human. “I am Vitamor and this is my space station.” The human answered without lowering his weapon. “That is impossible this space station has been ownerless for thousands of years how come we never heard of it getting a new owner!?” Xellanr obviously looked like he didn’t believe him. This is getting more and more exciting! I hope it doesn’t take a turn for the worse, but if it does we should be able to handle it.
*Vitamors’ POV*
“That is impossible this space station has been ownerless for thousands of years how come we never heard of it getting a new owner!?” The massive looking Draconian didn’t look like he believed anything I just said. Shit I never thought about having to prove my ownership. Dammit! How do I do that? Maybe I can have ArchAngel herself confirm it?
I decided to give the idea a shot, “ArchAngel!” She responded almost instantaneously in that metallic female voice, “Yes Master?” I quickly asked her the question, “Who is the owner of this space station? Answer in Draken so our guests can understand you.” She answered in fluent Draken, “Why you are master.” I looked towards the massive Draconian, “Is that proof enough for you?” He seemed to visibly relax, but I could still see that his eyes were very alert and ready. “Yes that is satisfactory now can you lower your weapon?” He said glancing at the weapon in my hand. “If I lower my weapon can you guarantee that none of your men are going to shoot me or that the planet isn’t going to send a ship out to wipe me out?” I calmly asked.
He seemed to get a little worried at my request, “I can guarantee that my men won’t shoot you, but the second part I am not authorized to guarantee.” Shit, for all I know someone could have signaled the planet. “He can’t, but I can!” All of a sudden the beautiful yet cold arrogant looking Draconian beside him spoke up. “And just who are you missy?” I glanced at the woman and did a quick up down of her body. “Watch your mouth! The one who you just rudely called missy is none other than Zendra Draken the 2nd Princess of the Draconian Race!” The massive Draconian yelled at me obviously pissed. “What!? A Princess!?” What are the chances that I would meet a princess on the first day? Is this a Web Novel or something?
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