《(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun》[Volume One] Chapter 009


Again, thanks for all the reviews and criticism!

You might have noticed that I'm a complete novice in writing. This is the very first work I've ever brought out to public...

My plan is to do this first volume in my original way and receive all the criticisms, then put those in use and improve in volume two.

Thanks for the support, guys!



I ordered the Priest to summon all Skull Face Angels he could at the moment and spread them out to become our first layer of defenses.

2 were in the air.

3 were on the ground.

I also spread the Undead Traps out more widely.

The next layer after the Skull Face Angels were 2 Iron Golems.

Each of these guys are as strong as all 5 Skull Face Angels.

Right behind them are the Shadow Wolves and Von - the Priest.

I was bad at naming and just threw out a name that came across my mind.

But he happily took it, so I guess it's fine...

Then inside the shrine was Leila and the pregnant Shadow Wolf.

Elgo-kun would be their body guard for now.

And yeah, that's the Elder Hobgoblin...

I was lazy so I shortened the phrase Elder Hobgoblin into Elgo.

But this guy also happily took it, I didn't think he could speak though...

So with all that, our defenses tightened.

I also threw out another [LV.4 Magic Barrier(400P)] under the existed LV.3 Holy Barrier.

None of the guardians were on standby.

They were all up ready to fight any time needed.

I saved the last 6,000P for emergency to summon a stronger subordinate.

Or at least to secure a transposition spell to protect Leila and the Shrine.

The trees in the forest were so tall I couldn't really make out any gigantic creatures awakening. My surveillance monitor also has a limit on viewing radius...

For now, we can only stay on guard and wait.

I'm pretty damn uneasy about this, I could literally hear giant footsteps and the vibration of the ground thanks to my God senses. Von also seemed to notice a wild presence inside the forest.

「Ralph-sama many individuals seem to be running towards this direction...」

「Yeah, I noticed too. Let's see who they are...」


I pulled up the surveillance monitor and spotted the individuals when they come into viewing range.

Beast people.

A lot of them.

Their faces were ash pale, they came running like no tomorrow.

The leading person opened the gate on my fences and let them all pouring in.


I forgot about the gates!!

What's the point of defending when you're inviting enemies in like that?!?

Luckily these people weren't hostile.

They were just scared and decided to run into a sanctuary to seek protection.

Of course when they're in my land I can read their hearts as a God.

So I ordered the guardians to ignore them.

The lot seemed to freak out the moment they saw my guys.

But that's OK I'll talk to them through [Announcement].

「You people over there! What is your purpose barging into my domain???」

To them, my voice was pouring down from the sky like a speaker.

So immediately all 20 of them prostrated and cried for mercy.

Oh god, no, oh myself...

This feeling of almightiness feels so damn cool.

No no no no, let's not get lost into this.

I've seen too many people getting drowned into powers before...

I can somewhat understand why they walked down the wrong path now that I'm actually in the position that possesses powers.

「P-P-Please forgive us, o great God!!! W-W-We only came to pray for your protection」

「From what?」

「F-F-From the ferocious beasts awakened inside the forest!!」

「Hmm...let's hear some more details」

So I had them tell about the strange shaking of the ground.

There were even echoing roars.

Turns out there are a few sleeping Mythical Beasts deep inside the corners of the Forest.

But the fight of those two groups of humans back then awakened them.

Apparently, one of those beasts crossed path with these people's tribe.

It destroyed that place in an instant and kill quite a lot of people.

The survivors are these 20 that ran with all their might.

And how convenient they found my shrine...




They all prostrated once again.

I decided to help them.


Because of this:

[Points +400...+600...+1200...+1500...+1800...]

It kept increasing like a goddamn lottery prize.

If I let this go on any longer, I'd feel rather bad of cheating their faith to earn interest...

Besides, they submitted themselves.

I forced nothing on them.

More inhabitants, more points.

It's not that I look down on them.

It's just because they decided to serve me, and I have zero reason to decline that offer.

Had I forced it out of them, it would've been a whole different story to deal with.

But right now there's no need for that, so let's deal with it this way.

「Very well then. That is your decision, prepare to be working your butts off!」


With that I had them gather around the shrine and pulled out equipment from the bandits and goblins. With that they can at least defend themselves...

I thought about it for a few seconds and decided to used the points they just gave me by faithful prayers to summon another [Arch Demon(5,000P)] to protect them.

This girl's a mini-boss in Chronicle Online.

She isn't as strong as the Chaos Priest in anyway possible.

But at least protecting this bunch will be sufficient.

[Points: 22,765 remaining]


I didn't think it was this many!!

Did they really believe so much in my powers that the points became like this?

Anyways, I immediately upgraded the fences to stone wall and installed 4 [Watch Tower(1,000P)] equipped with auto-activation ranged offensive magic cannons.

In other words, I threw in 4 turrets from a strategy game.

Their range and damage were average, but their abilities to cover both air and ground were useful.

[Points: 16,500 remaining]


Now we really are all set.

Let's wait and see.

The roars were still audible.

The footsteps changed directions a few times before straight up running directly towards us.

「Guardians!! Prepare for battle!!」

All of them stiffened up and readied their stances.

The trees at the border of my lands were broke to the sides by the impactful force charging out in the middle.

It was a giant being, it looked glorious with sharp teeth and extremely strong jaws.

The tail was a sturdy log of muscles, one sweep would destroy even a group of Knights.

Those giant legs with claws and....................................tiny arms?


Wait wait wait wait!!

I'm confused...


It looks so damn familiar...

Where the hell have I seen this thing before?

Wasn't it...the movie where this thing was released from its cage and chased everyone around the Park?!?

No, it can't be right?

This is a fantasy world with demons and angels...

I don't believe this...

I pulled up its status menu and shrugged in disappointment.


Mythical Beast LV.100



And what is with the Mythical Beast thing?

You know, I'll be frank.

Deep inside my poor heart was a delusion of a nine-tailed fox girl jumping out.

When you say mythical it should be something like that right?

Or at least give me Chimera or a Sphinx!!!


OK calm down.

Let's take care of it first then.

It was standing on my land, so I easily clicked [Brainwash] and then [Tame].

It was a wild beast level under 120 so I could tame it...

Had it been more than 120 in terms of level, I'd have to kill it.

The ferocious "MYTHICAL BEAST" sat down and wagged its giant tail like a puppy.

Every single one looked just as confused as the brainwashed T-rex...

They calmed down after I explained the situation about me taming it.

Like that, we had another guardian, or I should say, my new "pet dinosaur".

But of course, I am very suspicious about the existence of this dinosaur here.

There are only two theories.

One, I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know dinosaurs also existed in this world.

This isn't Earth, so anything can happen, really...

Two, there's something fishy behind this that I have to take note and research later on...

For now, let's assume it's both.

So I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know about dinosaurs in this world and I'll need to research more about them.


Just as we all relaxed a little, bad news came running our way...

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