《(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun》[Volume One] Chapter 010



「Get out here and fight or we'll burn down the whole place!!!」

How did it come down to this...


When I successfully tamed the T-Rex, one of the two earlier human groups came running in.

And fuck me I forgot to lock the gates again.

There was no hostility so the turrets didn't attack.

Those things would even attack the people inside the stone wall if there's malice towards the Shrine.

I told you, I'm a man who reads instructions...

And unexpected as it is, the humans, only about 6 of them, ran through the gate with two of them being the pair of dangerous adventurers I met before.

The only difference is that they're not one bit dangerous anymore.

I have my full fighting force up and ready to go, so I arrested all 6 of them.

Where do you people think this is, a marketplace?

I swear next time I'm making a whole station to sell tickets...

No, I'm kidding, just imagine buying a ticket just to go to church...geehhh...

After being arrested by Golems and Skull Face Angels, the woman from that pair desperately tried to explain the situation.

Just when she was trying to speak and catching her breath at the same time, the Southern Empire group arrived right outside the stone wall...

Hence, the situation right now.

What kind of sick joke...

I'm having a serious headache...

I surfed through the status of all those Empire Knights.

All of them were weaklings, compared to my guys.

Even if I counted their superior in number, they were still weak.

That's how, well...weak they were.

So I used [Announcement] and gave them some warnings.

「Any more of you stepping into this land will be rewarded with death!! Didn't some kind of church teach you lot to settle with words before fists???」

Following my words were a whole debate between two sides. To make it short:

The Empire worships Amel, an Arch God, and her religion taught that monsters should all be eliminated without even saying.


Then we have the other side, apparently they were representatives from Twilight city, where people worship Bagdur, God of Sorcery. Now this god, he doesn't care about races, his religion taught that we're all living beings, so avoid fighting where we could.

And my yet to establish religion would surely teach that this bunch of hassles are a gigantic headache and we should stay away.

The Empire was trying to subjugate the Mythical Beasts.

But these creatures were originally within the lands of the two Kingdoms that established Twilight City.

By the way, my sanctuary is just barely outside the range of any country.

I must thank that wild woman for this though...

So, when those Knights were trying to subjugate one of the three Mythical Beasts, the group from Twilight came and stopped them.

But awakening those creatures were an utterly bad idea to either side.

The Mythical Beasts easily gulped down more than 100 Knights.

They ran while fighting with the other side.

Hence the fighting sounds and the awakening of those things.

We already got Rex-kun here, so there are two more.

And the Empire Knights are still trying to slay my pet.

To be honest, I don't want to mess with the Empire.

I checked information about Arch God Amel.

She's ranked 12th...

That's already a huge threat I don't want to touch, much less Twilight...

Arghhhhhhh I wanna cry!!!

Why is all this happening to me?

Why am I always stuck between a rock and a hard place?

A certain line suddenly floated through my head.

[Attraction]: 5

Goodness gracious...

Did I just kick my own balls and dug my own grave?

If that's true then I would curse myself to all eternity...

But we don't know yet, let's set that aside.

Now what the hell will I do with these two groups?

Just at that time, a gigantic snake with jet black scales and horns appeared.

It looked like a very long dragon without any limbs.

The thing charged out from the forest just like the T-Rex.


It didn't even care about a single thing in the world and bare fangs towards the woman named Elma, one of the adventurer pair.


This is a golden chance given to me.

That woman, Goddess of Fortune, hasn't forsaken me...

Instantly, I used [Mini-teleportation(200P)] and kicked the 6 humans out.

Then I order my guardians to fight as the snake was charging straight into my land.

With this, I'll subjugate this thing, save the humans from Twilight, and cut off the argument with the Empire Knights.

One arrow piercing 3 targets!

With his absurd magic power, Von easily held down the giant snake.

But the thing was too powerful, before getting completely immobilized, it launched a black breath killing off 4 of my Skull Face Angels and one Iron Golem.

It was the second Golem, had it been the first one I would've been pretty sad.

We've been together since the very beginning...

Von wasn't in his combat form so he couldn't just finish the thing.

It requires time to chant a transformation spell, which we don't have.

And I myself do not wish to reveal his powers to this many people looking either.

So I'll spend Points instead.

[Divine Judgement(3,000P)]

Supreme purification method.

Can only be used once everyday.

The pillar of light crashed down from who-knows-which-heaven and turned the snake's head into ash.

As expected, it was too strong it shattered my [LV.3 Holy Barrier].

But was in the end slain by the supreme spell.

I heaved a sigh of relief when the rest of the gigantic body of the snake turned into light particles.

[Achievement Unlocked]

Defeating Mythical Beasts(1)

[Achievement Unlocked]

Defeating Mythical Beasts(2)

[Current Progress on Mythical Beast Chapter: 2/3]

→[Rewards]: 80,000 Points.

Alright people, I already forgave you all for this hassle, now let us part ways and enjoy our own banquets!

Or so I wanted to say but it didn't go that easily.

In the end we had to have a talk between three factions about all this.

Sitting in a small round table I prepared were me(a fake idol I bought with Points), Elma and the Knights Captain Goza.

The talk was too formal and boring that I fell asleep midway.

Luckily nobody saw me dozing off for a few seconds.

In the end, we came to an agreement that:

I saved Elma's group.

I subjugated the snake because it attacked my land.

I did not stick my nose into any of the business between Elma's faction and Goza's faction.

I don't owe anyone and nobody owed me anything, except for Elma since I saved her life.

The rest of this hassle will be settled by the higher-ups of Elma and Goza. I have zero share or comment on what will they do to each other.

To make all that into one sentence: The snake jumped into my land, I kicked Elma out because of trespassing and by chance saved her life.

Then, at the same time, subjugated the snake for the sake of protection for my land.

And since my sanctuary doesn't belong to any territory, they can do nothing about me trying to kill the snake to protect my people.

That marked the end of the long and boring talk.

This time we actually parted ways and said goodbye.

Though the Empire Knights had mixed reactions about this...

But who cares, we have other things to do right now.

We need to repair the stone wall where it got crushed by the snake collapsing.

That thing while being held down by Von crushed Leila's hut, too.

But miraculously my little apple trees were intact, same goes for Leila's carrots garden.

Next thing would be housing for the beast people.

While I'm at it I'll expand this sanctuary, too.

For now, I gave them cheap Huts and told them to go build houses on their own.

I don't want to spoil them rotten by just magically throwing out houses.

I don't lack points that badly, but making people dependent on Gods isn't a good thing to have.


Let us start our little journey on reconstructing this sanctuary!

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