《Elemental Trinity: A Harry Potter/Pokémon Fusion》Confusing Old Women
Elemental Trinity
A Harry Potter/Pokémon Crossover
Dec 13, 1994; 12:30 PM; Chamber of Secrets
I rubbed my shoulder with a wince.
"She doesn't take it easy, does she?" I sighed.
"What did you expect?" Red's synthesized voice came from Salazar's table.
The Pokédex was set up like a picture frame, showing Red's amused visage. "She's quite the driven girl."
"You can say that again." I took a deep breath, rolling my shoulder a few times. "Failure only seems to make her try that much harder."
I was referring to one Daphne Greengrass, of course; her relentless desire to get better at dueling was something to behold.
I was almost regretting agreeing to the meetings.
"You're benefiting, as well, Harry." Red added shrewdly. "She's a quick caster, and is beginning to get used to your movements. It'll be good dodging practice for you, at the very least. You'll need different partners over the years, of course, so as not to get used to a single person's fighting style."
"You're right." I sighed again. "I just wish it wasn't so unpleasant."
"Training is never pleasant." Red said with a far-away look in his eyes. "But you look back on it with pride, when all is said and done."
I frowned at the words, mulling them over. I recalled the many skirmishes I had in the Forbidden Forest with my companions, as well as the battle we had against the Horntail.
Hard fought- all of it. I smiled. "I can see what you mean."
"You've come a long way, Harry." Red acknowledged. "After only a few months' worth of training, you and your Pokémon share a bond rarely seen even in my time."
I smiled, my attention shifting to Charmander, who was having a staring contest with Hedwig. It had taken the better part of the season, but she was finally beginning to warm up to my new companions.
Well, at least with Bulby, who was lying next to the snowy owl, cuddled up against her soft feathers.
Squirtle didn't try to chase Hedwig away, but he didn't try to make her leave, either.
Charmander, on the other hand, continually made attempts to challenge Hedwig's position here; but, after a few training sessions which were much more intense than usual, he settled for glares and staring contests.
Needless to say, Hedwig always won.
I blinked. "Is it just me, or is Hedwig a little bigger today?"
She'd barely grown over the years, but I could've sworn she'd gained a few inches.
"Turn me around?" Red asked curiously.
I moved to the table and turned the Pokédex so that the scanner could face Hedwig. It whirred as the green light went over the snowy owl, startling her out of this particular staring contest.
I snorted at Charmander's triumphant cry. He may have begun to grow a little prideful, especially now that he was getting close to his evolution, but he was still willing to get petty wins.
Hedwig gave an annoyed sounding chirp, before looking down at Bulby and snuggling closer to her.
"Fascinating." Red said. "She's scanning differently from before."
"Hm?" I asked as the readings came in, too complex for me to make much sense of. All I managed to glean was that the line and sine graphs of a previous scan didn't match the new ones.
As if Red was reading my mind, certain key points in the graphs became highlighted. "You see these?"
"Sure." I replied with a faint nod. "I can't really make much sense of it, though."
"Don't worry, this is stuff you would probably be learning years down the line- if you're interested- but that's a discussion for another time." Red said quickly. "This is a functional representation of Hedwig's Aura readings. Energy levels, energy quality. The other is a simple size and weight comparison."
"All right." I nodded, feeling a little less overwhelmed. "So, if I understand this correctly. She's almost doubled her weight, but only grew slightly in size? And her energy levels…"
"Fascinating, isn't it?" Red said again. "Her Aura is developing- my best guess is due to proximity around us, heightened by the pre-existing bond you have with her."
...Was he saying what I thought he was saying?
"You think she'll be able to channel her Aura?" I wondered as I stared down at my very first friend in wonder. "Fight like the Pokémon?"
"It's still early days." Red tried to curb my enthusiasm before I went completely crazy. "Her Aura is still in the process of development, and we won't know for sure what her typing will be when the energy settles."
"Obviously, she'll be a Flying type." I replied.
"Well, yes." Red conceded. "But Flying types sometimes gain a second typing depending on what environment they are suited for. I predict that Hedwig will have a secondary Ice type."
I considered the words, before nodding in agreement. "Then I should start researching what kind of moves we can teach her."
"I've already got moves covered." Red sounded slightly condescending there. "Not to toot my own horn, but, you know…"
"Yes, yes: Red, the almighty Champion of the Kanto/Johto League. Defeater of Legendaries and Wrecker of Team Rocket." I rolled my eyes at the gang name. "They couldn't have picked a better name?"
"It's a better name than Death Eaters." Red sniped back. "How are you supposed to eat death? Well, unless you're a Ghost-type, I suppose."
An idea struck.
"Question." I said suddenly.
"Shoot." Red replied.
"Do you think I could learn Ghost-type moves?" I asked.
"You already know two." Was the surprising reply.
"What?" I was confused. "What're you…"
"Think about it." Red didn't elaborate. "Moves which can be used to deal with ghosts or things which can't be killed by normal means."
Things like Dementors.
It hit me. "The Patronus Charm!"
"That's one." Red confirmed.
"It's a Ghost type move?" I asked, before shaking my head. "Don't answer that. It summons up a spirit guardian capable of shoving Dementors around. Drives off Lethifolds, too."
"And, the other spell?" Red pressed. "This one's much less flashy, but it's one you use often."
I ran through the list in my mind, not really linking any of the spells to ones affecting ghosts. Wait…
"The Wand-Lighting Charm?" I tried. "Because it can repel ghosts and.. Gytrashes."
"Correct." Red gave a smile. "Also, an interesting creature, the Gytrash."
The display shifted to show the spectral creature in question- a new entry in the Post-apocalyptic Index.
I still snorted every time I read that.
"Gytrash. Type: Ghost/Dark. Native region: Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts Castle grounds. Readings indicate a 78% resemblance to Mightyena, the Bite Pokémon.
A large, dog-like creature which thrives in the dark, it enjoys scaring its prey before devouring them with its razor sharp teeth.
Very sensitive to light, the Gytrash can be warded off with light. Any light will do, but wand-light seems to affect it the most." The entry said.
"I don't remember fighting against a Gytrash." I frowned. "When did you get time to scan one?"
"They usually circle us from a great distance in the Forest." Red informed me. "Your wand-light kept them at bay, and I didn't want to give you an unnecessary fright while you were in the middle of battling Acromantulas."
"Oh." I replied, feeling a shudder go through me. "Even more things to be scared of."
"Such is the way of the trainer." The entry disappeared to show Red's over-the-top somber face.
I laughed and started to pack things up, a quick Tempus showing that it was almost time for me to meet with Neville.
Today was the day he wished to go to Diagon Alley to procure a new wand. It had taken him quite a while to warm to the idea, to build up the nerve to ask Professor McGonagall to preside over a meeting with his grandmother.
I wasn't privy to the details, but Neville had looked an equal mix of mortified and elated after the fact.
With all of that off his chest, I began to notice that he was slightly improving with his wand work- even with the incompatible wand, suggesting that part of his failure was, at least, due to the self-loathing and doubt he'd bottled up over the years.
I didn't blame him, I thought as I recalled my friends and began to make my way out of the Chamber, Hedwig flying circles around me the entire way.
From what little he'd shared, it would have been a childhood almost as miserable as mine was- both of us were treated with scorn and disdain by those who had power over us.
In my case, it was the Dursleys; in Neville's case, it was his grandmother, Augusta, and his great uncle Algie- who'd arguably almost gotten the boy killed!
I shook the disturbing thoughts off as I gave an off-hand greeting to Myrtle, quickly exiting the bathroom and making my way to the Great Hall, where Neville was supposed to be waiting.
And, at the entrance to the hall, he was.
"Harry." Neville said, an unusually resolute look on his face.
"Neville." I nodded in greeting. "All set?"
A brief look of trepidation set in his face, before being replaced by the previous resolute look. "Yes. Gran will be accompanying us."
"Will she." I said dryly. "I'm guessing old McGonagall was busy?"
"No." Neville shook his head as we both fell in step, making our way towards McGonagall's office. "Gran insisted."
"She did, did she?" I asked almost lightly. "You two, are..?"
He shook his head strongly, a fire settling in his gaze. "I don't care what she thinks anymore."
I nodded. "All that matters is that you do yourself justice, Neville. At the end of the day, you have to look out for yourself, above all. I should know."
"Right." The conversation was cut short as we were met with Professor McGonagall, already waiting for us at her office.
Her expression was somehow even more severe than usual. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom."
"Professor." We both nodded, turning our attention to the old woman beside her. Old she may have been, but she was thin, tall and imposing.
I tensed, feeling the Aura roll off of her and wrap around everyone in a smothering embrace. Was she even aware she was doing this?
With a frown, I focused my power and none-too-gently shoved hers away. Her eyes, which had been glued to Neville previously, instantly shifted to me.
"Mrs. Longbottom." I greeted, pre-empting whatever it was she was about to say. "It's a pleasure."
"Mr. Potter." She nodded, her voice stern and commanding. "I see you're the one who's filled my grandson with strange ideas."
"No stranger than the color of the sky." I gave a false smile, a challenging look in my eyes. "'The wand chooses the wizard', as Mr. Ollivander says."
She matched my gaze with her own, before giving a surprising nod. "So he does."
Augusta turned to the Professor, whose look had been impassive the whole time. "With your leave, Minerva…"
"Very well." Professor McGonagall nodded, gesturing towards the fireplace, before giving the two of us a stern look. "I expect you two to be on your best behavior."
"We will, Professor." Neville replied.
"Come along, Neville, Mr. Potter." Augusta grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and called out her destination- "Diagon Alley"- disappearing in a flash of green flame.
I heard the muffled beep of Red's Pokédex, and felt the whirr of the machine, so I knew he'd likely be studying the effect of the transportation.
"You go first, Neville." I said, and watched him go.
"Mr. Potter." Professor McGonagall said as I grabbed the Floo powder. "I don't know what it was that you did, but I've never seen Mrs. Longbottom so.. Unsettled."
I blinked. "You call that unsettled? Professor..."
Her lips thinned in what I would almost rate as amusement. "I've known Augusta for a long time, Mr. Potter. I daresay you've made quite the impression. Now, off you go."
I nodded, stepped near the fire and threw the Floo powder into it, turning it a bright, emerald green, naming my destination and hoping it didn't transport me somewhere else like it did before my second year.
With a stumble, I exited the fireplace and dusted the soot off of my robes, finding myself face-to-face with Neville and Augusta.
"Took your time, Mr. Potter." The old woman rebuked as I looked around, recognizing the familiar surroundings of the Leaky Cauldron.
"Professor McGonagall wished to have a word." I said as smoothly as I could manage, under the circumstances.
She seemed to measure my words, before nodding and moving away from us, not even gesturing for us to come. We followed her to the entrance to the Alley, watching the wall part for us.
This was the first time I'd been here that wasn't in the summer before school. If anything, it seemed busier than it normally would've been, likely due to the Christmas rush.
The three of us made our way past the shops, ignoring the various signs and boards displaying items on sale- my eyes lingered on the various animal shops, imagining how Red would react if he was given the chance to scan all animals within.
Hell, he'd probably have squealed at got the chance to scan the Goblins as well, I reckoned.
"Here we are." Augusta stopped before Ollivander's shop, gesturing for Neville to go in, but keeping the both of us behind.
"I don't wish to see the man." Augusta turned away from the store. "And I'd like a word with Mr. Potter, as well."
Was this the reason she'd accepted me along for the trip?
Neville gave the older woman a wary look, before shaking his head and entering the shop. He knew I could handle myself, after all.
She waved her wand, turning the noise around us into a weak buzz. A muffling spell, of sorts. I'd have to look one of those up in the future.
"Mr. Potter." Mrs. Longbottom said as the door closed, leaving the both of us in the bustle of the Alley. "You are bold indeed to challenge my authority like this."
I frowned, not really knowing how to reply to that.
"Of course." She continued despite my silence. "It would take a bold man to face down a dragon head on."
"The other Champions did, too." I replied.
She considered the words with a purse of the lips. "True enough, but I daresay that none of them would have faced the open maw of a Horntail with the calm you had."
I suppressed the shudder at the mere memory of it. The image of the fire welling from deep within the Horntail's lungs was one that occasionally gave me nightmares.
I had been a few seconds away from a painful, fiery death, after all.
"I just reacted." I replied honestly. "It was either that or die. I wasn't very keen on the latter option."
"Few are." Mrs. Longbottom was amused for a moment, before her expression turned more severe. "If only my Neville could display this sort of courage."
"Neville is one of the bravest people I know." I retorted, a hint of irritation seeping through me.
She seemed to scoff at that.
"He is." I insisted.
"Please." The old woman would have rolled her eyes if she didn't find the action highly inappropriate. "He doesn't have it in him. He's always been a fearful boy."
Now, that had cut a little close to home.
"He's only this way because you made it so." I replied with frost, no longer caring to keep up the pretenses.
"I beg your pardon!?"
"You heard me." I turned to her, fire in my eyes.
"Has the boy been telling tales?" Augusta challenged.
"He hasn't said a single word, actually." I made an aggressive step forward, my Aura unconsciously clashing with hers and pushing it back.
She took a step back.
"Then how-"
"How do I know?" I finished for her. "Neville isn't the only one who lived with borderline abusive relatives-"
"Abusive!?" Her Aura seemed to thunder, right along with her voice. "You dare-"
"Yes, I dare." I said coldly. "I see the same things in him that I saw in myself. I see it in the way he talks, the way he stands, the way he moves."
She started with an angry retort, but I cut her off again. "You made him this way. Just like my own relatives did."
"But, you are clearly not meek as he is." She argued, her anger waning slightly at my own description of my home life.
"I had a helping hand." I said, my thoughts turning to Hagrid. "Just when things looked the bleakest, just when I was ready to give up on myself, someone came and saved me. Helped me find who I really was, and not what others thought of me. That's why I'm helping Neville."
There was a long moment of silence, in which Augusta merely stared at me. Finally, she laughed.
I felt a rage course through me, forcing me to clamp down on the emotion, lest my Aura attacked hers again.
"Peace, Mr. Potter." She stopped laughing. "You pass."
What? I felt the anger recede, replaced by confusion. "What are you.."
"You are right, of course." Augusta admitted, adjusting her vulture hat. "I have had some time to consider my own actions regarding my Neville. Minerva had been cross with me in our meeting, as well."
I'll say. I thought, but said nothing, trying to make sense of what she was doing. Was it all a test of sorts?
"Then, why all this?" I gestured at her.
"I needed to be sure he was with the right sort." She said unapologetically. "I know my relationship with my grandson will never be what it used to be."
"The right sort?" I repeated her words, feeling oddly reminded of Malfoy's words to me, years ago.
"Oh, yes." Mrs. Longbottom said. "I wished to see if you took after your father, or your mother."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I felt a bit of ire come to me.
"Your father, rest his soul... Let's just say my boy Frank rarely had anything good to say about him." Augusta said. "Take that as you will."
I grit my teeth. She was likely talking about whatever had happened between my dad and Snape- did James Potter have a similar enmity with other students?
Was my father just another Dudley? The thought was chilling, and it almost made me feel sympathy for Snape.
I shook the thoughts off and made to answer, only to be interrupted by the door of the wand shop opening. Almost immediately, the overwhelming noise of the Alley came back- I saw the surreptitious wave of Mrs. Longbottom's wand.
"You got your wand, then?" Augusta gave the boy a stern look, but Neville smiled and showed it to her.
"Cherry, thirteen inches, with unicorn hair." Neville seemed to treat the wand with reverence. "I've never felt anything like it."
Augusta frowned at his behavior, but nodded. "Come, we shall have both of you fitted for robes. The Yule Ball is approaching soon, after all."
The both of us followed her- Neville with a slight smile on his face as he admired his wand, and myself with a half suppressed grimace, trying to keep the things she said out of my head.
Snape's view of my father had always been biased, but why would Neville's dad have had any issue with mine?
Once is a coincidence. Twice might just be a pattern. I thought uneasily as she led us into Madam Malkin's clothing store.
"Mrs. Longbottom." Madam Malkin greeted as she set her eyes on us. "A custom order, I take it?"
"Yes." Augusta replied tersely. "For the Yule Ball."
"Very well." Madam Malkin said as she began asking Neville questions about what he'd like in terms of what to wear.
I turned to the old woman. "Mrs. Longbottom. I can't accept this."
"Nonsense." She dismissed, her stern look unwavering. "It's the least I can do for you helping my Neville."
Not even five minutes ago, she had been bashing my father, and now she was offering to buy me robes?
Old people are confusing.
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