《Elemental Trinity: A Harry Potter/Pokémon Fusion》Training Progresses
Dec 21, 1994; 3:30 PM; Classroom Meeting Place
“Scutum!” A small shield appeared at the tip of my wand, and I stood ready for Daphne’s onslaught.
She, however, made no move to attack.
“I’ve figured out the weakness of this spell!” Daphne gave an anticipatory smile. “I’ll give you a chance to put that cute little shield away.”
I raised my eyebrow and stayed in stance.
“Such bravado from the Ice Queen?” I beckoned her to come over. “How uncharacteristic.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Was the only reply she gave before she waved her wand.
Nothing happened.
“Impressive.” I gave a half-mocking smile as I took a step forward, wondering if she was making a feint, or had truly launched an attack.
A moment later, I found myself laid out on the cold, stone floor, the sound of breaking wood filling the room.
Pain blossomed behind my head and all over my back as I flailed in response to the impact.
A few moments of swearing later, and I’d calmed down enough to sit up and look at the Greengrass heiress, whose face shifted between satisfaction and concern.
“Are you all right?” She finally said, rushing to my side and helping me to my feet.
I got to my feet, noting the broken wood on the floor— the remains of a chair, I realized.
“You summoned a chair at my head.” I frowned, rubbing the back of my head gently. My fingers came off red.
“You’re bleeding!” Daphne was shocked.
“It’s nothing, I— woah!” I tried to play it off but found myself sat in a chair, with her fussing over me.
I froze, acutely aware of how close she was to me. I could feel her gentle touch at the back of my head. I could smell her perfume much more strongly now; lavender and something else I couldn’t quite place.
I decided I quite liked it.
“It doesn’t look too bad, but maybe I should apply some healing salve to it…” Daphne said softly, her breath hitting close to my neck.
I felt a shiver go through me. The close proximity, the delicious smell, from Daphne of all people. “Um…”
She turned to me, her face inches from mine. We stared silently at each other for a few moments before she quickly moved away, looking anywhere but me.
She patted her robes, pulled a small container and handed it to me. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t expect it to do so much damage.”
She’s changing the subject.
I allowed it, twisting the container open and recognizing its contents as something Pomphrey had used on me before.
“You made this?”
A nod.
I took a dollop of the salve and gently spread it over where it hurt me the most. The salve did its trick, instantly relaxing me as it worked its magic.
“This works wonders.” I said honestly. “Can I keep it?”
She looked away for a second. “Sure.”
“What spell was it that you used?” I frowned, focusing my thoughts on the fight, instead of… whatever this was. “You completely blindsided me.”
“That would be telling, Potter.” Greengrass fell into her old practiced lines. “I’m sure you can figure it out easily enough.”
I huffed in annoyance, before frowning.
“Summoning, obviously.” I mused out loud. “A Silencing Charm?”
She nodded.
“Seriously?” I snorted.
“Well, it’s a little more complicated than that.” Daphne allowed. “If you’d bothered to take Arithmancy, you’d have learned this particular branch of magic— or when you reached your OWLs at least.”
“It’s dead useful.” I replied, scrunching my nose at the thought of my choices. Care of Magical Creatures, I never regretted choosing— despite Hagrid’s insane obsession with monsters able to kill us both a hundred times over without even trying.
Then again, thanks to Red, I was beginning to see the appeal of it all.
However, Divination was a blight upon my life. Maybe I could switch to something else?
Then again, Red had likely totally scanned the entire Library’s book collection. I could simply learn from him.
She gave me a strange look again. “Thanks, Potter.”
An awkward silence ensued, before she shook her head and went for her book bag. “Meet again tomorrow.”
I opened my mouth to reply, but she was already walking out of the classroom and closing the door behind her.
I stayed in the chair, staring at the closed door in sheer confusion.
“What was that about?” I asked in confusion.
A chuckle came from the machine in my pocket.
“What?” I frowned.
“Nothing.” Red said.
“Whatever.” I huffed. “You scanned her spell work?”
“Of course.” Red seemed almost amused at the very question. “Before you ask: yes, it should be within your ability— though it’s likely better to focus on defensive measures, rather than dodging.”
I frowned as I gathered my things and left the classroom, slowly making my way towards the Chamber of Secrets.
“Wouldn’t dodging allow you to conserve energy for spells?” I asked.
“It would.” Red allowed and went quiet for a few moments as a gaggle of students passed by, sending me curious, interested glances. Strange, but better than scathing looks, I supposed. “But I’d like you to consider a few things.”
I stayed quiet, knowing that Red had gone into ‘Professor’ mode. “One: situational awareness. Even when fully alert, that spell took you by surprise. What if you’re rolling away, or turning around? We humans have a certain limit on the information our brains can process.
Of course, my scans have detected a few discrepancies here and there— you’ve likely evolved in a different way, but nowhere near different enough to increase your perceptions and your ability to analyze them in any meaningful way.”
I nodded, conceding the point.
“Two: the initial spell could be a feint. A harmless trick to force you to move in a certain direction, making you a sitting duck for a follow-up move.” Red explained.
“Like a tickling charm to make me move away and a Killing Curse to hit me at the tail end of my dodge?” I realized, following his train of logic.
“Precisely, Harry.” Red said as I went up a staircase onto the second floor, walking just a little quicker. I was eager to train my companions.
“So, what’s the solution?” I asked. “Use the Shield Charm again?”
“No. Well, yes. It’s hard to explain.” Red replied as the infamous bathroom came into view. Thank Merlin, Myrtle was not there this time.
Hopefully hounding someone else.
With a hiss, the sink opened; with another hiss, stairs came out of the walls.
“This is one of those questions that will take true combat experience to answer.” Red finally answered as I went down the spiral steps leading into the Chamber of Secrets. “It’s also possible that both the initial and secondary spells are lethal. You’d be forced to dodge both, in such a case.”
I sighed. “You just said—”
“I’m aware.” Red cut me off, partly annoyed, but mostly amused. “Like I said, you have to exercise judgment. In that specific situation with Daphne, it was probably best to wear protective gear.”
“Armor?” I said in slight surprise, before shaking my head. “Not a half bad thought, actually.”
“Armor plating will absorb much force from the impact, distributing it evenly enough.” Red explained. “This solves the sheer damage potential of the impact, but you’ll still have to take momentum into consideration for such a defensive countermeasure.”
I blinked, calling up a list of spells I could conceivably use in such a situation.
“The Slowing Charm.” I said, but frowned immediately. “Slowing down would have me be a sitting duck.”
“Yes.” Red confirmed. “Not very wise.”
“What, then?”
“You’re going to hate me for this.” Red said slowly. “You’ll have to train yourself to receive damage.”
“What?” I almost shouted. “You want me to take the hit, head on?”
“If dodging opens you up for another attack, and the first attack is something you can deal with, then it’s smart to take it head on. Better injured than dead.” Red explained clinically, not even giving my shocked countenance a second thought— or a first one, for that matter.
I opened my mouth to retort, before closing it. “Is that why Moody is so banged up? He takes curses head on that do that to him, because whatever would have been coming next would kill him?”
“Likely.” Red confirmed. “Either that or he’s dodged a strike and paid for it.”
The man’s peg leg came to mind. I shuddered.
“I’ll have to be careful.” I promised myself, thoughts shifting away from Moody and towards Voldemort. “He won’t give me any other choice.”
“We’ll be ready for him.” Red made sure to say as I entered the great hall of the Chamber, with the dead basilisk still as pristine as the day I’d killed it. “You won’t be taking him on alone.”
I nodded, feeling reassured by the man’s confidence. “With you and Charmander, Bulby and Squirtle, I think I may have a chance at withstanding whatever's coming for me.”
Every year, something happened near the end— something which tested my skill and luck— and it was always incredibly daunting and difficult.
Quirrel. The dead Basilisk before me. Dealing with the Dementors.
This year was different. I'd already been thrown against a Hungarian Horntail from the get-go. Just what exactly would be waiting for me at the end of the year?
I suppressed the resulting shiver and pulled my three companions from their Pokéballs, followed by my wand.
“Dobby!” I called, and the elf came with a pop, bringing another, downtrodden looking House Elf with him.
Winky. I recognized her from one of my kitchen trips.
“TheGreatHarryPotter has summoned Dobby!” Dobby squeaked, and the sad house elf by his side made to move away.
“Hello, Dobby, Winky.” I greeted the two, focusing my gaze on Winky. “How are you feeling, Winky?”
She gave me a fearful look. After having dealt with someone as unpleasant as Barty Crouch, I didn't blame her at all for being afraid of humans on principle. “Winky is fine, master Potter.”
Dobby muttered something about 'drunk and sad', but shut his mouth when Winky gave him an acidic glare. What a strange pair.
“Dobby. Would you mind doing something for me?” I asked before the two had the chance to fight, or quarrel, or whatever it was House Elves did with each other behind closed doors when there was a disagreement to be settled.
“Oh, of course, HarryPotter!” Dobby gave an excited squeak. “What does TheGreatHarryPotter wish of Dobby?”
I smiled and gave my friend a grateful nod, my three companions giving me a curious look.
The lesson with Daphne, as well as the conversation I'd had with Red taught me that I need to be able to increase my battlefield awareness, as well as increase my ability to take hits or dodge moves when the situation calls for it.
Thus, I had this in mind:
A four way battle between myself, Bulby, Charmander and Bulbasaur with Dobby officiating the match, as well as throwing attacks and tricks of his own into the fray, forcing us to deal with yet another unknown factor.
The hope was to create an entirely hectic battlefield to be able to— relatively speaking— safely train in to adapt to various situations.
And so, I explained it to Dobby.
“Dobby will be honored to aid TheGreatHarryPotter!” Dobby seemed to be on the verge of tears, not noticing that Winky had already popped away in his distracted state.
The last time he helped me, he almost got me killed. I thought, remembering that day on the Quidditch pitch.
I shook the thoughts away. I needed to do this, I thought as I looked at each of my companions in the eye.
Each nodded. They knew the necessity of this, and they knew we needed to train our hardest in order to make it through whatever it was coming our way— whether it was the Second Task, or whatever was being planned for me.
“Ready, guys?” I called, pumping myself up, the previous pain caused by Greengrass fading in the sheer deluge of adrenaline that began to course through my body.
Bulbasaur and Squirtle tensed, while Charmander’s tail flame grew hotter. He growled in anticipation.
“Begin!” Dobby squeaked excitedly, blasting his magic in all our directions— the same thing he used to bodily knock the elder Malfoy so long ago.
He’s not messing around!
I managed to dodge most of it, thoughts of how truly powerful Dobby could be when motivated filling my head as I was sent tumbling a few feet.
Growls and snarls filled the air as the Pokémon dodged the sudden strike with as much success as I did. We all got up at around the same time, staring at each other in wariness.
Charmander, the obviously most hot headed one of us, started by blasting a ball of flame at me. With a swift snap of my holly wand and a cry of “scutum!” the shield appeared at the tip, and I swatted the flame away into the wall, where it exploded harmlessly.
I made to go on the attack, only to immediately have to jump to the side to avoid a screaming Squirtle. The poor guy quickly entered his shell and crashed into the stone floor harshly.
Quickly recovering, he popped his limbs out and leapt towards me, only for a vine to snatch him from midair and throw him in Charmander’s direction.
Is Bulby punting them around?
A mad giggle escaped my throat even as I felt the normally gentle Bulbasaur’s vine slowly wrap around my foot. I threw a stinging hex on it, forcing Bulby to yelp from some distance away.
“Flipendo!” Red light flew out of my wand, but Bulby had already been pulling a few stray chunks of rock and using them as a makeshift barricade against the spell.
The Knockback Jinx broke the hastily thrown together wall, rocks pelting against Bulbly— not truly hurting her, but more than irritating her.
I made to follow up with another spell, only to be pelted with rocks from the side. I began to run, throwing a wild glance to my right— it was Dobby.
This elf is sadistic!
I continued to run, completely aware that Dobby was herding me away from Bulby and towards the two furiously dueling Charmander and Squirtle.
Neither were even attempting to use their type’s moves, instead engaging in brutal physical fighting. I watched as Squirtle twisted himself, taking Charmander’s claws on the topside of his shell instead of the more vulnerable underbelly.
He whipped his blue tail, smacking Charmander in the nose and disorienting him for a few moments.
“Flipendo!” I seized the chance to strike at Squirtle while he was committing to a full attack on Charmander, watching the spell fly and impact both of the Pokémon, knocking the two back a few feet.
Just as the two were recovering, they each took a harsh whip to the face, knocking them down once more. Bulby growled in victory, her fierce grin contrasting heavily against her usual sweet, laid back nature.
Her little victory ritual was cut off by the two other Pokémon getting up— albeit with some difficulty— sharing a quick glance before they both blasted water and flame at myself and Bulby respectively.
A cry from Dobby, and the air filled with enough dust to obscure my view. Midway through my spell, I moved my wand to where I thought the water would hit.
The modified Shield Charm banished away the dust-fueled darkness just long enough to realize that I’d positioned my shield at the wrong spot, and that I wouldn’t be able to fix it.
The water blasted into me, drenching me and sending me tumbling around on the floor once again, covering me in more of the Chamber’s grime.
I spat at the ground and wiped the water off my face as I quickly got up, looking wildly in all directions.
I’m an idiot.
“Ventus!” I quickly blew the dust-filled air away from me, revealing us all. The Basilisk had been completely unaffected.
That thing can take an inordinate amount of damage. The thought absently made itself known to me, and I filed it away for the future; armor, and all that.
For now…
Time to take the kid gloves off.
“Bombarda Maxima!” The three made to dodge, but I wasn’t aiming at any of them; the stone floor between them, on the other hand...
The explosion sent rock shards flying in all directions. It was more than I was hoping for, but I was fairly sure that I was far enough that the debris wouldn’t touch me.
The dust settled, revealing my three temporary foes disoriented and covered in scratches.
That’ll teach them for underestimating me. I smiled in satisfaction. Wait…
The three were glaring at me. As one, they moved, and I knew they were launching their strongest attacks.
The attacks flew, and Dobby did his dust trick once again, obscuring my view so I couldn’t predict the attack patterns.
If I dodged in any wrong way, it was... probably going to hurt.
No choice.
“Protego!” I cast instead and readied myself for impact. The shield rose, translucent and pearly white, but solid.
The three attacks collided against the shield with a loud gong, sending me skidding back along with it, but I stayed upright. I would have put it down, had the three stopped their onslaught.
They didn’t stop.
Impact after impact came, weathering my shield down. Fire, water tore against my shield, while vines continued to slam into it, trying to wind their way past it only for me to extend its range to fully cover me.
Thinner, it may have gotten, but it had averted my immediate defeat.
Still, at this rate, they’re going to tear through it in the next ten seconds. What do I do?
I had no answer, and I continued to take the beating, cringing as the magic powering spell continued to weaken. Then, just when I was on my last legs, and it seemed as if I was about to get a taste of my three temporary foes’ strongest hits, Dobby blasted all three lightly back, taking their attention.
“Dobby thinks the match is over!” Dobby declared, giving the three a stern look.
The three looked like they were about to engage Dobby himself, and for the barest of moments, I thought they would— their blood must have been singing at the opportunity to fight a new creature aside from themselves.
But, they relented.
Well, Squirtle and Bulby did.
Charmander, on the other hand…
Well, it was a foregone conclusion he would do something like this. I thought as I watched the fiery lizard blast a large ball of fire towards Dobby.
Dobby, in response, merely teleported in front of Charmander, avoiding the flame entirely, and blasted him straight in the chest, sending him flying into the Basilisk.
It fell into the stone floor with a hard smack, a scene reminding me of an earlier time where he’d been hurt bad.
Shit, not again.
Charmander didn’t move.
“Dobby didn’t mean to…!” Dobby said in shock, immediately beginning to beat himself up.
“Dobby, stop!” I said as I rushed towards Charmander, only to stop as he slowly stirred and got back to his feet, fixing Dobby with a look of pure, unadulterated rage.
Then, he began to glow.
Just like last time.
As the light intensified, Charmander let out a roar that sounded deeper and more powerful than anything he had let out before.
This time, however, the light didn’t fade. It only kept getting stronger as Charmander’s hidden form began to morph and swell in size.
None of us made a single sound, looks of awe, shock and respect on each of our faces. I held my breath as I shut my eyes, the light now too intense to look at.
With a last roar, the light began to die down. I opened my eyes again, shielding my face from the slowly fading light.
Through the slowly fading spots in my eyes, I saw Charma— no.
Charmeleon stood before me, twice as tall as before, his skin a darker red. His claws looked vicious and wicked, his muscles looked much more well defined than they did when he was a Charmander.
He was still trembling, bringing the protrusion behind his head to my attention. I’d seen images of Charmeleon on the Pokédex before, and yet I still couldn’t help but marvel at it.
It almost looked like—
A budding crown. I realized.
Charmeleon roared, sending up a gout of flame more powerful than anything he had been capable of as a Charmander.
He can give the Horntail a run for its money. I thought, impressed.
But just as I opened my mouth to speak, Charmeleon turned his gaze towards me.
I almost took a step back.
There was nothing of Charmander in it. His eyes were full of nothing but anger and rage, ready to be unleashed at all who dared to defy him.
Shit. Red had explained something like this could happen in the Charmander line— as well as many others. Being a very volatile breed of Pokémon, their evolutions could sometimes spur them into a rampage.
And it looked like the same was happening to Charmeleon.
“Harry.” Red only said my name, but I understood the meaning behind it.
“Guys, we have to stop Charmeleon’s rampage.” I said loudly, and sternly, holding my wand at the ready. “Dobby—”
“Dobby will help!” Dobby squeaked, and, almost immediately, Charmeleon turned his attention to the excitable House Elf, eyes lighting up with deadly promise.
Shit. He recognizes Dobby as the one who just hurt him.
“HarryPotter’s Charmy will stop!” Dobby sent another blast of magic towards the enraged Pokémon. With a contemptuous snarl, Charmeleon wreathed his claws in flame and slashed the blast to ribbons.
“Incredible.” I breathed, the shock breaking through my determination for a moment before I shook it off. “Let’s go! Bulby, use your vines to throw rocks at him. Squirtle, you’ll be blasting as much water as you’re able.”
My two un-evolved companions nodded and went into action, while I snapped my wand towards him. “Aguamenti!”
The Water-Making spell flew towards the enraged Pokémon, but he simply drew his breath in and roared, the blast of flame tearing through my water like it was nothing, and rushing straight for me.
I didn’t have time to ponder just how he was even able to do that, as I had to leap for dear life, avoiding death by the smallest of margins.
I cringed and let out a cry as the excess heat from the stream of fire burned my skin.
On hands and knees, I crawled away from the fire, too in pain to even consider getting back to my feet and running.
With a few rocky impacts, the stream of fire stopped, replaced by loud cries of pain and anger. In my desperate crawl, I turned my head to see Bulby chucking rock after rock towards the quickly angering Charmeleon.
“Leech seed.” Red suggested, and I latched onto the words like nothing else.
“Leech seed!” I shouted towards Bulby. “Squirtle, Dobby, keep him in place while Bulby launches the skill.”
I heard cries of agreement and exertion as the two undoubtedly began to unload their barrage of moves onto the sheer juggernaut of a Charmeleon.
I watched as Charmeleon nimbly dodged the hastily shot Water Guns and tore apart the blasts of magic sent by Dobby, just in time for him to receive a handful of seeds to the face, chest and legs.
The sharp seeds burrowed into his body, slowly devouring his own Aura and flesh and sending the vitality back to Bulby.
She perked up at the fresh supply of energy and immediately put it to use, grabbing the largest rock she could find and chucking it towards the now furious Charmeleon.
This would end the fight for sure.
Even in his now-weakened state, he still prepared to let loose with his fire to destroy the projectile being thrown at him.
“Impedimenta!” I snapped my wand horizontally and watched the turquoise spell impact with the dark red Pokémon, stopping him in his tracks just long enough for the large rock to slam against him, knocking him to the ground, hard.
And, this time, he didn’t get back up.
I stared tensely at the unmoving Pokémon, noting the rise and fall of his chest, as well as the big bruise forming on his head.
Unconscious. We managed to stop him.
“Good timing.” Red praised me, but I gave it little heed as I approached the unconscious Charmeleon. Silently, I knelt by his form, pulled his Pokéball out and pressed it against him, watching as he was converted to energy and sucked back in with no resistance.
“He seemed much more powerful than he had any right to be.” I said, letting out a deep breath.
“He is the spawn of my old Charizard.” Red revealed to me, pride in his voice. “My partner would have been happy that her son was flourishing.”
Flourishing isn’t exactly the word to use here. I thought, but said nothing.
“He should be back to normal the next time you pull him out.” Red said. “His injuries weren’t severe, and it’s more important that you let him heal on his own, to remind him not to challenge you.”
I frowned, staring at the Pokéball for a few seconds before putting it in my pocket and beckoning my two companions over, as well as Dobby.
“Dobby is sorry about hurting HarryPotter’s Charmy.” Dobby’s ears were down.
“It’s all right, Dobby.” I smiled, despite the pain I felt. “Could you get me something to heal myself with? I’d rather not have to explain this to Madam Pomphrey.”
“Of course!” Dobby nodded excitedly. “Dobby is honored to serve TheGreatHarryPotter!”
With that, he popped away.
I let myself sink to the ground, my two companions joining me, providing me with comfort.
“That was crazy, wasn’t it?” I said out loud. Bulby and Squirtle nodded.
“You two aren’t allowed to go crazy when you evolve.” I decided. Squirtle snorted. Bulby looked at me as if I was stupid for even suggesting that.
I laughed for a few moments, before frowning.
If Charmeleon was this powerful now, just how intense would he become when he reached his final evolved state?
I was going to have to step up Squirtle and Bulby’s training.
Still, I smiled as Dobby reappeared, with food, water, and burn salves, we made some astounding progress here.
Whoever was pulling the strings in the background was going to be in for a very rude awakening.
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