《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 12: Look! A Distraction
Captain of the Guard, Lindell
Leaving the church of Bo'chi was a rather bitter experience. The priests understood that I was only trying to protect them when the Bew got free. Though I would still have to pay for another one to replace it, from my own pocket later. The priests even admitted that they were a bit intimidated by the monster. Though all that was washed away after the priest named Eric got his arm back. Now, I was just a short fused captain who wanted to kill monsters.
Letting out a sigh, I continued to walk back to the innermost walls. I needed to write a report about what happened. At least the father of the church had enough sense to promise redirecting those I requested to Oswald's estate. Not ideal, but it saved me time at least. Smelling some fresh pastries from the bakery, I decided to take a small detour to grab Vivian's favorites. Hopefully it might keep her from getting too upset. I never could figure out why the women in my life were always making things harder for me.
On the way back, a few guards saw me carrying a couple bags with tarts and pastries. The rookies started to ask if they could help, but the older more experienced ones quietly pulling them back. I felt my death march coming to an end as I looked to the main building. My vice, Brian, was waiting at the front door. The fat human, with greasy fingers let out a slow whistle.
"Hey there Captain, what did you do this time?" He tipped his visor to look at me better. Brian was a decent man, with a bit of an eating problem. Used to be more fit some years ago, but was cursed with greasy hands. Apparently the grease made everything he ate taste amazing, which wasn't too terrible as far as curses went. Though it made him unfit for desk work without an aide himself. He was worth it though, and he was still capable as a fighter. Even if he had trouble keeping up.
I walked past him, "Follow me to find out. I'd rather not let have Vivian hear this from someone else."
Brian laughed, following behind me, "Right, right. You did the exact opposite of something she asked you not to do right?"
"Sort of." We headed up the stairs, while other guards moved out of our way. Some of them giving me sad eyes, as they knew what the bags of pastries meant.
"Just sayin', you only bring two bags when you really mess up. Don't worry, I'll talk it over with her, after Vivian dismisses you." The bastard had the gall to laugh again.
Smiling myself, my ears perked a little. "I can always count on you Brian. I got the tarts from Tar Tar, freshly made even. If you're brave enough to grab one from Vivian."
"Oi! I said I would help you, I didn't know it was that bad! Just give me one, and I promise to stick around." He was a little worried now, since Tar Tar was my last resort when it came to appeasing Vivian.
"Nah, last time I gave you one before the job was done, you left me high and dry. An elf never forgets a grudge." I slowly approached the door leading to the office with other secretaries, which then led to Vivian's office then my own.
"Careful, I might stick my hands in the bag and grab one." I could hear the slick movements of his fingers that made me shudder a little.
"By all means, but when Vivian finds out you got grease on her tarts, who do you think she'll be more upset with?"
"Fuck, you're right. Almost got me you sly bastard. Plus it's dwarves that hold grudges, not elfs."
"Trying to make fun of my race you bastard?" We had some friendly banter, before going silent in front of Vivian's door. I slowly knocked on the door, "Vivian? I brought some pastries." Hearing no response, I slowly opened the door. I could see her sitting in her chair, elbows on the table and fingers interlocked again.
"Please, come in." Her voice was low and professional. I slowly shuffled in, with Brian hesitating, before coming in after me. I used some wind to softly close the door, so he didn't have to touch the knob.
"Vivi dear! How have you been? It's been too long since I came in your office." She looked at him, causing him to wilt a little.
"Were you involved?" Her eyes glowed a little to show she wasn't going to accept any lies.
Brian blinked, before looking at me, "What did you do?"
I was starting to get a bit worried myself, "Nothing too crazy, honest. I just helped take a monster to the church of Bo'chi. I might have killed a Bew that almost killed a man. That's it!"
Vivian looked at me again, "Really that's it?"
"Okay, okay." I quickly set the pastries on the desk, "I might have fought with the monster I helped take to the church. I might have requested an oracle, a fortuneteller, and a soothsayer to check her out and make a report. That's it honest!"
Vivian pinched the bridge of her nose, "You did the exact opposite of what I made you promise. Did I not have you swear to not hurt her?"
Putting up my hands in defense, "In fairness, how was I supposed to know she wasn't trying to kill the man? Priest named Eric by the way. Has a lot of scars on him. Grew an arm back."
This seemed to calm Vivian down a little, "Just so we are clear, I'm not upset about that right now. I thought you started the fight in the fields."
Both Brian, and me turned serious at this, "Fight in the fields? I haven't been there all day. Any idea what's going on?"
Vivian grabbed a danish from the bag with her fake arm, "I don't know yet, but there are reports of guards engaging with the inmates. Some of the monsters are getting loose and running wild." She looked back at Brian, "Which is why I need you to get your men together, and get it under control. This is probably a smuggling operation for the underground."
Brian quickly nodded, as I opened the door. "Yes ma'am!"
I was about to run after him, when Vivian stopped me, "Not you Lindell. You're off today, and that gives me some freedom. I want you to take off your armor and go out in civilian clothes. Scope the area, and mark where people are disappearing to during this time."
She tossed me something, and I switftly caught it. A glamour amulet, perfect for a disguise. "Got it, who do you think is moving right now?"
"Judging by what's going on, probably the Raven. That, or your girlfriend is stirring up trouble."
I could only frown at her, "That princess is someone I would rather never see again."
Vivian nodded, "None of us want to see her again, but she's protected by the king's status. At least she might not recognize you with the amulet, now hustle."
I hurried into my room to prepare myself, before heading back out to the streets. I really did wonder why Grim was extra nervous today, if I hadn't been distracted myself I would have followed up on it. Though it was far too late for regrets now. While the innermost walls were quiet, outside was just hitting peak hours for traffic. People finishing up their work, trading for trinkets and what they would be eating tonight. Everything was bustling, which made it perfect for a random human to get lost in the crowd.
I spent my time watching shady characters moving about the alleys and otherwise disappearing. It made sense now that Grim talked the boy into using his apology token to slip past. Though he probably didn't expect me to take a personal interest in it. It was no mystery that the Tamers worked close with the Ravens when it came down to it. A lot of Tamers would even start out working under them for a chance at getting a stronger monster to bond with or the like. Which wouldn't be too bad, if it didn't cause occasional accidents with one of them getting free and going on a rampage.
The king had trade agreements, and other negotiations with those in the underground. A sort of understanding that if we fought each other, we would not be strong enough to keep the monsters outside the walls in check. I was never one for the delicate dance of politics, but Vivian kept me informed on what I needed to do and when. Even though it frustrated me, that I was watching criminals slipping away. It was more important to mark the spots to catch more of them later, than delivering my own brand of justice with my fists. My time would come, as it always did thanks to Vivian.
Hours passed, as I finally saw Brian trudging along the alleys. I blew some wind behind him to guide him to a safe alley. He came as I stepped from the shadows with my tongue out. He stuck his out in response before pulling out a map. I quietly took it, marking the new locations I had seen others going into, or the alleys where some disappeared. Brian kept watch while I did this. Sliding the map back to him, I went back into the dark spot pretending to rummage through some trash.
I waited a few moments after Brian left to make sure no one was following him. There seemed to be a young punk, tailing him as I rounded the corner. I slowly started to follow, whispering with the wind. "You're being followed Brain, I will take care of the kid. Hurry back." Brian immediately rushed off while I had some wind blow a ball in the punk's way. The kid tripped over it, instead of watching where he was stepping and fell face first to the stone. I walked away, to simply become one with the crowd again. There was never a dull moment in Eclipse after all.
Richard was a bit confused by what I meant, but seemed to understand it somewhat. I asked Richard to grab me something to let the workers build the hive up with. This should keep him busy while I set my Hive down in the closet. Grabbing a few sheets, I tied them together before placing the hive inside it. I was able to have the workers construct the hive in a way that I could lift and carry it, if we needed to escape. The fabric should make a decent base to build on and reinforce.
Breaking off the chitin that was almost ready to molt, I started to bleed a little for having rushed it. Still it was better to have some more durability and protection around the breeders. If I loose them, then the hive could only follow after. Sending scouts through the cracked window, I decided to have them explore the area. Thankfully there appeared to be an updraft that should make it easier for them to come back up. Warriors were sent out to deal with mites and termites that had decided to try eating the wood.
Termites were pathetic and weak, but they were flesh. I resolved to keep the queen alive. If I could make workers that were able to eat wood, then we might be able to make stronger hives like the Richards. Taking a step from the hive as they worked, to complete their tasks, I could hear the floor under me creek. It seemed that I would not be able to move around quietly while on this floor, and likely others. I quickly finished what was left in the jar I brought along. Before setting a few workers to clean it, it needed a sturdy spot to keep a breeder and some larva.
My ears flicked, as I heard movement downstairs. Walking to the walkway, I saw that Richard was addressing other Richards outside the door. Three of them by the looks of it. They seemed to be keeping him from leaving to do his task. I was happy with the test of the walkway and how it could seemingly support me, despite being a trap that could spring when the Oswald decided to use it. Still, heading back inside I moved towards the stairs, to hurry down them.
As I reached the bottom of the last set of stairs, Richard looked at me with the other three. "That is Mimi." He slowly waved at me, as I came towards him. He turned towards the other three, "She was rather stressed today, and the captain of the guard attacked her. I would rather not have more people provoke her with prodding."
Tilting my head, I looked at them, and they seemed to back away, as if a bit afraid. I saw one of their eyes start to glow, as if trying to see through me. The ambient energy seeming to funnel through it's eyes. I quickly moved to where it couldn't see me.
Richard growled a little, "Hey! I said you could ask. Not to do it without permission."
"Sir, we are here to perform our job." Said the taller of the three. A Richard with cloth on it's head and a feather. It had fancy metals falling from it's neck with more on it's fingers. Brightly colored robes, and darker skin than my Richard.
"Tch, if you won't work with us we'll have to report you to the guards." The glowing eyed one was female from what I understood. She seemed to wear baggy clothes, and was rather fat. Where my Richard had muscles, this one seemed to lack much at all. It had missing teeth, and a large brown growth on it's chin with a few hairs.
"Like I give a fuck! I said you could ask, but then you go and try to be sneaky and look at her. I saw your eyes glow, so back off will you?" I saw the third Richard taking a step back. A slighty older one that seemed to be turning into a father. He seemed the smarter of the three, remaining quiet while my Richard slammed the door on them. This only caused the two to yell and shout while trying to open the door. Richard seemed to slam his hand on a red circle, and they screamed as they fell under the floor. Richard let out a sigh and looked at me, "Are you okay?"
Nodding I moved from behind the doorway, "What doing here?"
He gave me a sad smile, "Seems the Wyatt wanted others to check you. Like asking questions with Grim." He let out a soft sigh, "Anyway, they are gone for now. They might have to crawl out of the sewers, but that's what they get for being rude. Especially that fat bi... lady." He slowly started to open the door.
"There is one still. He knew and stepped back." Richard turned towards me, while still opening the door.
The well dressed Richard gently stroked his chin, which had a well groomed beard. "Greetings sir, I would appreciate if you did not lump me in with the other two. They are not my associates on this matter. Though they were called in regardless." He did a slight bow, while taking off his top hat to show he was bald. "Robert Williams at your service. Fortune teller, employed by the guards for more sensitive matters." He elegantly put his hat back on before adjusting his gloves.
Richard let out a small sigh, "Fine, I'll hear you out because you weren't trying to shove your way in here. Though like I said, you can't do anything without asking her first. I will throw you out myself if I need to."
The Robert nodded, "Quite sir, but rest assured I shall not do something unbecoming in front of a lady no less." He rolled his hand before bowing towards me. "As a token of my appreciation for this opportunity I will happily give you my services for free this once sir. After all, you are her guardian. It might relieve her to see something harmless happen upon you before it does herself."
Richard looked at him wide eyed, "R-really? You'll see if I have a talent or not? Even the cheapest fortune tellers charge five silver." He sounded skeptical towards this Robert.
"Usually they do, but I am commissioned by the guard. I am quite well off because of my services. Might I add that the quicker we do this, the less I have to associate with those other two. I would rather not lose my lunch to the ripe odors they will likely bring with them sir." He seemed to shudder at the thought.
Richard slowly nodded, "S-sure... you can check me first, but you still have to ask Mimi if it's okay, alright?"
"Indeed good sir! Indeed!" Richard moved from the door, allowing the Robert inside. He seemed to pull out a handkerchief with a perfumed smell. "Goodness sir, this place could do with some cleaning."
Richard gently closed the door behind the man, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, I get that, but Oswald likes it this way."
"I see. Master Oswald has always been a man of... unique tastes to be sure." Robert seemed to struggle with the pause as if not wanting to insult the Oswald. Confirming that the Oswald was an elite Father.
Richard quickly moved towards one of the chairs, seemingly giddy for some reason. "Yeah, don't worry. Oswald doesn't mind people calling his place anything bad. As long as you don't say it's uneducated or dumb, he's not going to rant to you."
Robert nodded, still holding the fabric to his nose and mouth. "Quite sir. Have you done a fortune telling before? Are you aware of how this works?"
"No idea, so just tell me what I have to do." Richard looked at Robert with a smile. I seemed to be missing something.
Robert let out a small cough, "Wonderful, you certainly are benefiting from this free reading then. I must say that you need to be aware of a few things. I am commissioned by the guards, and will have to report any talents I find. I will also have to report if you are capable of using a certain type of magic and so on. While I cannot tell you things of the future, I can read your fortune for the day. To tell you places you must avoid, and offering alternatives to said places. Are you okay with this?"
Richard seemed to think for a moment, "Yeah, I already know my magic has to do with alchemy though. Found out the natural way with that one. Which the guards already know about, so work your magic bud."
Robert softly nodded, "Close your eyes and focus on breathing." Richard did as asked, while I moved closer to observe. The Robert seemed to channel the ambient energies into his free hand. "I will be laying my hand on your forehead and scalp sir. Do not be alarmed, this is part of the process. You will feel a small rush. If you do not have a talent, that will be the end of it. If you do then you may experience some form of humming. This is also natural. Allow the feeling to wash over you, do not resist it. Do not fight it, simply let it be." He seemed to finish channeling. "Keep breathing sir, and let me know when you are ready."
"I am ready." Richard breathed out, and then took a deep breath. He was clearly nervous, but also excited.
The Robert placed his charged hand on Richard's forehead. I could see the energy flow like a wave all over Richard. Seeming to hit the edges of what made Richard, before returning to the man. The man slowly pulled his hand back, "I am sorry sir, but it seems you truly do not have a talent. Though I would advise you stay away from the farms until tomorrow. Something terrible will likely happen to you, if you go."
"W-wait, I think I hear a humming..." Richard seemed rather disappointed however.
"I am sorry sir, but that is a fabrication of your desires to have a talent. I assure you sir, I would not have missed it. For what it is worth, I am truly sorry. What business did you have on the farm today?"
Richard only slumped in his chair, "Yeah... the humming is gone. I was going to get dirt for Mimi's hive. So she could build it up." I gently rubbed the Richard's shoulder, feeling a bit disappointed myself. I wanted to see him continue to be happy. Though he perked up a little as I tried to comfort him. "Thanks Mimi."
"If I may sir, there is a wonderful shop that sells honey and supplies for keeping one's beehive healthy. I believe this will be more suitable for your needs. I was not joking about something terrible happening if you were to go to the farm. Please avoid it, if you can help it." The Robert did sound concerned.
Richard nodded, "Sure, I won't go to the farms today. Thanks for your help."
"You are quite welcome sir, may I be allowed to ask the lady if she might be willing to try?" He gestured towards me, as Richard looked up.
I moved to rest on my knees, curious if I could understand why it upset Richard so much. If nothing was found, then I could potentially make him feel better. Richard laughed, "Well there is your answer Robert."
It was nice that Richard held my hand, but Robert gently separated us. "I am sorry sir, but touching others is strictly forbidden. If she does have a talent, it could cause a backlash that might hurt us all." Richard slowly nodded, as I closed my eyes; hands in my lap. I did as he told Richard to do earlier. "Quite well done miss. Second verse, same as the first." I could feel Robert channeling once again.
Robert laid his palm on my forehead, as the magic surged through me. I felt it crashing like a wave rushing through all of me. It felt like it was spilling into two points like whirlpools. "My word! Stay back Richard, she has two talents. I need to find out what they are and I need to focus. We will remain unharmed so long as you do not touch us." I could feel Robert pouring more energy into me, channeling more of the ambient energies. He dropped his handkerchief to place his other hand on the nape of my neck. The energy pouring in from both directions. I could hear a strong humming from two voices in sync.
I started to focus on them, feeling a part of Robert moving closer. Something pure, like his own inner voice. |"Blast, where is it? Where are they?"| He was searching for something, probably the talents he mentioned earlier. I felt that I could have him join the hive, that I could help him if I desired. I was uncertain as to what to do.
An Overview of "Mimi's hive" -by Oswald Manfred
This is a file that should be view for clarification on some key elements in the previous file. Assuming that you have read such, I shall continue.
The creature known as Mimi, has a hive that functions as an auxiliary system for information processing and storage. During my analysis of the hive, I noticed a few key characteristics that would mark these insects as monsters. First is the presence of black blood in the insects themselves. Second, is the complete control Mimi has over them. While they are still capable of maintaining individual thoughts. They are unable to go against their 'queen.' If any Tamer were to attempt binding with Mimi, they would likely be absorbed into her hive.
Using Espers to attack the 'queen' is very ill advised. Attempting to form a bond through Taming is also very ill advised. One might be able to bond with individuals within the hive, to become a new 'queen' in such an instance. This makes the hive it's own separate entity, given the possibility that one could potentially take it over and control it.
Like Mimi, the Hive itself shows a remarkable ability to adapt and evolve. Such may be a side effect from their 'queen.' To gain answers to many of these questions, we would have to find the original hive out in the forest. I wonder if the hive was mutated before Mimi came into being, or if it mutated after because of her blood. I suspect that it may be a mixture of both, but at this time we simply do not have enough information.
To identify members of this hive, you need only look for the black chitin that appears charred in some instances. They all carry six legs in total, and sport at least one stinger. Save for very specific castes within the hive. I will attempt to break down what I have seen in this hive, and how to identify them. Do note that all stingers are dread stingers, and can curve around their body.
Workers: As of observing the hive, I noted there are currently 2430 operating within such. Likely the backbone of the hive. They also have the most variety within the hive and caste system. Some will have large legs with bristles for collecting pollen. Others will have small mandibles with long tongues for gathering nectar. While some will have sharp pinching mandibles for carving meat and carrying. Some will even have large wings for flying and carrying who knows what. The one unifying trait between all the workers, is that they only have one stinger.
This stinger has compounds that will cause a burning sensation in those they sting. Unlike bees, they will be able to sting multiple times. The compound will emit a scent that the others will be able to trace. It is highly recommended that you are not stung at all if you can help it, as these workers will alert the entire hive to your presence. These workers are typically 3 cm in length.
Scouts: As of observing the hive, I have noted there are currently 609 operating within such. Scouts appear to be the first line of defense and offense when it comes to the hive. They have larger compound eyes that allow for better vision than the other castes. They also all have wings just slightly longer than their bodies. As such, they are very agile fliers similar to dragon flies. With small mandibles, they are not very good biters, but they make up for it with having two stingers. One is a marker like the worker's, while the other is a blister causing agent. Not really poison per say, but a sort of acid that causes the skin and eyes to bubble up if stung. Effectively blinding or blocking out senses. Do not allow one to crawl into your mouth or nose. This caste usually measures about 4 cm including the wings.
Warriors: As of observing the hive, I have noted there are currently 1050 operating within such. The warriors are the second largest in the hive. Measuring between 5 cm and 7 cm. They have semitransparent black wings that will glisten when struck with light just right. They are slightly faster than the scouts when flying in straight lines. They have spiny bristles on their back, that serve as scent trackers, and barbs to those that might try to squish them. They are very durable, with hard mandibles for biting and pinching. It should be noted that the warriors will buzz their wings in a fashion similar to the sound of marching. A final warning before they attack.
This caste is noted by their size and three stingers. One of the stingers is the blistering agent the scouts carry. While the other two are painful toxins designed to make the muscles spasm. It is likely used to inflame the joints and restrict the movements of whatever is stung. Causing them to move less and less, while the body undergoes cardiac arrest. An extremely painful way to go no doubt.
Breeders: As of observing the hive, I have noted there are currently 4 operating within such. The Breeders, as I have no idea what else to call them. Are simply made to breed. They repurpose genetic material from other insects to make new castes or mutations within the hive itself. Effectively passing on desirable traits as desired by the queen. If one were to go about eliminating the hive, they would need to be certain that none of these remain at all. Each breeder can lay up to 300 eggs daily, These eggs will hatch into larva in a matter of hours.
The breeder is excessively large at 15 cm in length and 5 cm in width. They have no wings, and rely on workers to feed them as one would expect. They are unable to move, but can be carried without risk of rupturing. Even if the sack for reproduction is ruptured that does not inherently mean the breeder will die. Merely that it will be unable to serve it's purpose and would need to be nursed back to health.
Given it's ability to take in genetic material from other insects. I suspect that the same might hold true for their 'queen.' I may need to interfere with Richard, if he intends on pursuing romance.
Larva: As of observing the hive, I have noted there are currently 500 operating within such. After hatching from the egg, all dread wasps in the hive start as such. I cannot tell what allows them to become one caste or another. Though I believe that the queen of the hive decides for them. This would make the destruction of the larva paramount for destroying the hive as well as the breeders. The larva will grow up to 5 cm in length before starting to change. It will only take five days for them to mature.
I believe there are likely more castes at the original hive. Perhaps elite forms of each caste, or even entirely different castes all together. Naturally more research is required. I would also suggest not harming the hive at all, unless absolutely necessary. It is unclear how doing such might affect Mimi. Though capturing the hive might be an effective way of containing Mimi herself. It is likely she would not want to abandon it, or see it harmed in any way.
It should be noted, that all monsters, with extremely rare exceptions, have black blood. This blood is toxic to anyone that would ingest it. Transfusions with such will result in, the best case, death. The blood can be used to make poisons, salves, and certain potions. Typically this is used to harm rather than help. Though experimenting with black blood without permission is a severe offense in any kingdom.
-Signed: Oswald Manfred (Aide of the King of Eclipse)
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