《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 11: Elite Richards
Richard Adams
"What do you mean things are about to get interesting, old man?" I turned to Oswald, as he stroked his beard with a grin. It was clear he was in deep thought over what to do.
"What do you mean, what do I mean? Can you think of a single group that wouldn't want to have that healing on their side?" He lightly gestured his cane towards the still flexing man. "Even I am almost drooling over the possible breakthroughs we can have." He started to walk forward some more, while I followed behind. "There is no way to keep her a secret now. Which is why we will be taking her to my lab."
Realizing that he was speaking the truth I nodded a bit, "Just promise you won't do anything to hurt her. Alright?"
"Of course lad, especially if she is half as strong as you say she is." We walked through the crowd, as people started to finally notice us. Others starting to ask what Oswald was doing here himself. Seems the captain didn't tell anyone that we were coming. Though seeing how he was leaning against the wall outside the room everyone was entering. He could have wanted to keep it a secret himself.
Getting close caused the captain to look at us both, before focusing on Oswald. "Greetings Oswald, I trust your apprentice has filled you in."
The old man nodded a little, "Aye, he did. Though there seems to be a right mess here. What happened?"
"There will be a full report later. The main issue for now, is getting that creature out of here. She has caused a scene, and moving her somewhere more secure would be in our best interests." The captain himself was at least addressing the old man with respect. Though it still bothered me, that he was basically trying to shift the conversation around.
Oswald looked up at the captain, then at the last bit of mess being cleaned. "You shouldn't be talking to me like that boyo. I am not the one who brought the creature in." He stroked his beard, before looking around for something.
The captain finally looked at me, "The sooner the better."
Gritting my teeth, I resisted the urge to tell him to fuck off. I only nodded, before pushing past him. Priests moving out of the way, after realizing I was the tamer. Walking into the room, I found the Father of this church, and Mimi. Looking around the room, I saw more than a few empty jars. They were carefully stacked, as if to be cleaned later. The Father gave me a soft and gentle smile as I nodded to him. I could see Mimi happily eating a heart from one of the jars. She then drank the brine, but I noticed something off with her arm. Narrowing my eyes, I saw that she had been injured somehow.
"Greetings young man, I take it your name must be Richard?" The father kept his voice calm and quiet.
Looking at him, I nodded, "Yeah, that's me." I quickly showed him my badge, "I am the tamer of this monster. May I ask what happened while I was gone?"
Mimi seemed to perk up at my voice, as she put the half empty jar to the side. "Richard!~" I smiled at her, holding up a hand to ask her to be quiet. She settled down, going back to drinking her brine.
The old man nodded at the small outburst, letting it go. "There was an incident earlier that left us with a dead Bew, and a young priest losing their arm. The Captain intervened, but not before the damage was already done. Your creature, Mimi, saved the young priest's life with her superb healing abilities." I held up a hand to stop him.
Gesturing at Mimi's arm, I looked back to the Father. "Who hurt her?"
This gave the Father pause, as he licked his chapped lips a little. He had no beard, so I wasn't sure I could entirely trust him. "That would be the captain outside the room sir. He mistook Mimi trying to help our young priest, for her trying to attack him." So that was why the captain wanted to wait for the reports.
Mimi helpfully chimed in, "Mimi helped a Richard. Father stopped the Wyatt from hurting Mimi."
I gave Mimi a small smile, "You did something very good Mimi, thank you." Mimi smiled back, before starting on another heart. I looked back to the Father myself, "I am going to take Mimi to Oswald's estate. I would like for you to remove the bonds that are holding her please."
The Father looked at Mimi, "Mimi dear, please take off the ropes."
"Okay~" She happily set her jar down, before taking them off. I wasn't sure what I expected, but I thought the ropes were blessed to stop monsters from taking them off. I slowly looked back to the Father.
Who just shrugged in return, "I cannot stop her from going where she wants. Though, I hope you might bring her back one day sir Richard."
"Why is that?" I asked, while rubbing my neck. A bit uncomfortable from being called sir by someone older than me.
"She is a very nice girl, and smarter than I initially thought. She would be wonderful for helping to heal some injuries, or even guiding some new priests to the light of Bo'chi. If you bring her, I would be more than happy to pay for your time, and her services."
"I see..." It was something worth considering, but as things stood it would probably be a while before Mimi could leave Oswald's lab. I wasn't sure what everyone was getting worked up over. Though I at least trusted Oswald enough to explain it a bit more when we made it back. "Anyway, we will be going for now. Thank you for taking care of her."
"Of course, it was our pleasure. As for the others that captain planned on bringing. I will redirect them to Oswald's estate. Seeing as how he attacked Mimi, I feel you have the right to refuse them looking into her." He looked towards the door before leaning in to whisper to me, "I can't keep her abilities a secret, but I will do my best to try and keep the rumors to a minimum."
I pulled back while nodding, "Thank you Father." Turning to Mimi I smiled. "Come on Mimi, I found a place for your hive to stay." This made her perk up, as she happily got up. I was glad that her fight with the captain, didn't seem to leave any emotional damage. She was still happily holding the jar, seemingly done eating for now. I looked to the father who gave the go ahead for her to keep the jar.
I was right about the Richards. Healing them, made them happy. Especially when they recently lost one of their arms. They were happy to bring me the pickled hearts. While the goo itself was green, salty, and sour. I enjoyed how it changed the texture and flavor of the hearts. I made a little pyramid from the empty jars as time went on. The Father told me that my Richard should come any moment now. He could probably communicate with the Richards in a way I couldn't. It was only a few short moments after he said such, that Richard came through the door.
He seemed upset that the Wyatt attacked me, so I decided to let him do the talking to the father. After all, I had already told him how I felt towards Wyatts. I made certain he knew I was happy to see him though. More so after he mentioned he found a good spot for my hive. He also kept glancing at my arm, even though it was healing nicely. It was nice to see him upset over my well being. It meant he cared about me as much as the hive.
Getting up with the last bit still in the jar. I would of course have to save it for later. I smiled at the father and bowed a little. A gesture he told me was used to show appreciation. "Thank you Father." We walked outside the room, where the other Richards seemed to be leaving some space. I heard the Wyatt talking to another Father. One that was much smaller than my Richard. Looking at him, I could sense the ambient energies he was controlling. It was even going inside of him, as if he used it to stay alive. It was very interesting.
The Wyatt looked at me, a mixture of sadness and anger in his eyes. "Stay out of trouble." Then it angrily turned away, before it started storming off.
The small Father looked me up and down, "You're a mighty tall lass aren't cha?"
"Richards are just small Father. Even Wyatts, and you." This seemed to cause it to stroke the ample white fur coming from its' chin.
Then it started laughing, "I suppose that makes sense lass. Seems like you're staying with me."
I had been so focused on my eating, that I forgot to listen to what the others were really saying earlier. Reaching for Richard's hand, I soon found him grabbing my own. "I want to stay with Richard."
Richard coughed into his free hand. "Don't worry Mimi. I'll be there the whole time okay?" He spoke softly, as the small Father started to hobble away.
"Come along now you two. The sooner we get back, the better!" He laughed again, as the Richard tugged at my arm.
Following after, I saw the small father hesitate at the stairs. It seemed that going down such was an issue for him. "Faster is better?" If we waited, this would take too long.
The small father looked at me for a second, "Yes, faster is better. We're burning precious daylight out here! Come on lad, help an old man out!"
Richard seemed to hesitate before letting go of my hand. He moved to help the old father down the stairs gently. This was still going to be rather slow.
Moving to the other side of the small father, he seemed a bit curious. I was happy it wasn't afraid of me like some other Richards seemed to be, when I got close. "What are you doing lass?"
He was shorter than Richard, and plump like him too. Though putting a hand on his shoulder, both he and Richard watched as I walked a little further down the stairs. Finally I picked the small father up, underneath his shoulders. He looked at Richard before laughing. "Faster is better. I will carry small father on my shoulder." I smiled politely, which seemed to calm him down. The small father started laughing as I perched him on one shoulder. I allowed my antenna to pop up and curl away from his hand as he reached for them. "Do not grab please. Hurts."
He settled for one of my stingers as I used one arm to keep him balanced. "The weather up here is nice, isn't it lass?"
Tilting my head, I nodded, "Yes, not cold anymore."
I took the Richard's hand with my recovering one, as I started to walk where the small father pointed. It was nice to see all the Richards pause and move out of the way, as we got to walk the main streets. They seemed to look up at the small father, as if many knew what it was. Which made sense because many Richards seemed to admire the small father. Even other fathers seemed to recognize the one on my shoulder. Making him an elite it seems.
I realized how strong fathers must be, as we moved closer to it's nest. The large set of buildings conjoined, that seemed to come alive as the small father moved closer. I could watch as it seemed to spur many different things inside the place to life. As if checking that everything was fine during it's brief absence. The sheer scale put the Wyatt to shame, and made me wonder if the Father's weren't a secret combat class themselves. Not capable physically, but very dangerous with the ambient energies.
Richard was quiet the entire walk, while the small father only pointed where to go. It was strange, but perhaps they were communicating silently for some reason. Either way, the large building seemed to be a safe place for my hive, with the small father likely to protect them. We soon reached the entrance to the main building. The only place that did not seem to have as much ambient energy. "Oi, put me down lass." He softly tapped my temple. Doing so, I softly set him down on his feet. "Thank you lass." He walked to the door, to knock before taking a few steps back.
I was surprised when the ground in front of him seemed to open without magic, while I could hear something sliding inside the door itself. I didn't sense any magic coming from it. The small father opened the door and walked inside without issues. Richard followed after. I timidly placed a foot on the ground, wondering if it might fall away. I could feel it starting to buckle under me, the more weight I pressed onto it. Deciding it was best not to tempt the tricky ground. I decided to stride over it. Ducking beneath the frame of the door, to enter into a rather smelly room.
Richard looked at me, both sad and happy. "This is the lobby, Mimi."
Tilting my head, I asked, "Lobby?"
"It's like a sort of room. One where you say welcome." The Richard swiftly gestured all around, while I could see the heads of many creatures here. I knew they were dead, but I had never seen the dead not rot before. The small father seemed to move towards a chair, moving the ambient energy along it, before sitting down.
"Richard, why don't you go find the lass a room for her hive? I need to study her a little, and write a report later. Last thing we want, is to give the king a reason to take her right?" The small father seemed tired for some reason.
Richard nodded, "Yeah... I'll get on that. We can talk at dinner right? I have a lot of questions, and please don't hurt her okay?"
The small father laughed, "Don't worry lad, I promise not to hurt her at all. I've gotten a lot better at this over the years. Bring me some recorder crystals though. Writing is bad for my hands these days." He leaned back in his chair.
"Will do old man. I'll be back in a jiffy." Richard ran up the stairs, likely wanting to set his pack down as well.
"Lass, come over here." He pointed to an empty spot in front of himself. Moving to the spot, I looked down at him. "Please get on your knees lass. It's easier for these old bones to not have to look up so much."
I knelt, before resting on my legs. The small father seemed to somehow channel some divine energy similar to the barrier the old voices had between them. It made me nervous, as he seemed to look at me all at once. Furling my antenna beneath my stinger, I could only watch as this strange energy washed over me. It did not hurt, nor did it seem hostile. I looked into it's large green eyes, that seemed to cast my reflection back at me.
He leaned forward in his chair, removing the green eyes by sliding them over his spotted scalp. I could see his stony gray eyes looking at me intently. "By the gods, you really are unique aren't cha?"
Blinking, I held my hive as it began to stir. The smell of this place was rather odd, with strong odors to hide the scent of rot. "I am Mimi, but Wyatts call me Alice in a different tongue."
He looked at me intently, "Right, I can see that. You were Alice weren't you lass? Open your wings a bit. Let me see your hive."
Not wanting to provoke the small father, I obliged. He promptly looked at my hive, his eyes glowing very faintly as the divine magic did it's thing again. He sat back in his chair, hands on his stomach. The green eyes falling over his other eyes. I just waited there, hoping Richard came back soon. Covering my hive with my wings did not seem to bother the small father.
Richard came as soon as the small father started to bellow. A loud rattling noise coming from it's large nose. I looked at Richard a little afraid as he laughed. "Seems you're safe, if you managed to put the old man to sleep Mimi. Don't worry about him. Come on, I found a great place for your hive."
Getting up, I nodded. Moving to follow after Richard, while holding his hand. I realized that the old father had marked Richard with ambient energy that clung to Richard's clothes. A small stain that was likely on the pack and moved to his clothes. The small father was not even sleeping, as I could tell it was listening to everything we said. This was a warning, that Richard was his.
Climbing the stairs, while keeping my head low from the ceiling. I followed Richard, holding his hand still. I did not want the small father to think I was too afraid of him, with luck he might not think I noticed. Richard quickly led me to a room on the fourth floor, that seemed to be next to one of the crudely added pathways to another building. The room itself was bare, save for a stack of sheets piled neatly in the corner.
Richard moved to the corner with a smile, "This room is yours for now. Do whatever you want to it, as long as you don't destroy the walls okay?" He walked to a set of wooden frames, holding some reflective material like the jar I held. He seemed to undo some latches before cracking it open. "I figured this would be the best place for your hive since it actually has a window. You can open and close it whenever you want Mimi." He went to the pile of sheets, holding one up. "If you get cold, you can use these to keep warm."
"Thank you Richard..." I looked around at the room, the slight smell of rot lingering in the air. The smell of mold coming from the hallway where the crude walkway wasn't properly sealed. Years of water damage causing it to be replaced with some kind of magic from the small father. A trap that could be sprung to collapse the whole thing and anyone trying to enter, or escape. I was in a predator's nest, and Richard brought me here.
"No problem, if you need anything let me know. I'll be happy to help however I can." He folded the sheet back up before putting it back. I gently hugged him.
"I will put my hive in there." Pointing to the closet, as he told me what it was. It was the most structurally stable spot in the room, and held no traps that I could detect. "I would like meat for my hive please."
Richard hugged me back, "Sure thing, Mimi. I really think you'll like it here. Just don't bother the old man while he's working. Call him mister Oswald if you need something from him directly. I think he likes you."
Committing the name of the small father to memory, I could only nod. "I think he likes you more."
The monster left after being guided away by my apprentice Richard. The lad had no idea what sort of creature he brought into the city. Getting up from my chair, my old bones creaked. I willed the tonics and artificial blood I had made into motion. I had maybe a few more years left in me, perhaps a decade if I was lucky. Grabbing my cane, I slowly hobbled towards the stairs. Richard had forgotten my crystals, but now wasn't the time to chastise the boy. I needed to make an overview, and properly send it to the king. The sooner the better, the blank spots could be filled in by a fortune teller and maybe an oracle. Soothsayers simply weren't worth a damn, since anybody with a brain could see half of what they said, if they paid attention.
Grabbing the handrail, and hoisting myself up. Step, after step. I kept my blood pumping, even if my weakened heart couldn't do the job right anymore. My analysis of the monster still rattling in my noggin. It's hive could wait until tomorrow, but this was an extreme threat if it decided to attack. I panted a little, after reaching the second floor. Truly regretting the stairs, but they were much better than ladders or even magic elevators. I continued to shuffle onwards to the next set of stairs.
The two were on the fourth floor from what I could tell. The weight of the creature making the wood in the ceiling creek just slightly. With luck, the creature wouldn't get bored and leave. Though it was extremely dangerous, it held a lot of potential for good. I continued my journey to the third floor. I knew the monster's hearing was beyond that of a normal elf's, but luckily I had some crystals I managed to grow for this kind of occasion.
Pulling one of them out, I slowly shifted a decent bit of my focus to the crystal. Feeling it's internal structure, as I started to adjust it. It was always a slow process, but at least it wasn't physically intensive. I was able to sit down, while shining a light onto it from a crystal lamp. The slight imperfections in the crystal structure would become readable information to a crystal ball, or even a crystal mage. Settling down, I was going to be rather busy until dinner.
An Overview of "Mimi" -by Oswald Manfred
A unique type of monster entered the city of Eclipse. For the exact time and date, please refer to one Richard Adams and his files. It is highly advised that this creature is treated with the utmost caution. Direct confrontation is extremely ill advised, and hopefully unwarranted. While appearing passive and friendly, this creature has the ability to grow it's intelligence in proportion to the size of it's 'hive.'
I am unsure whether attacking the hive itself or leaving it for last would be the best option if conflict with this monster were to arise. It is very likely that taking such actions would result in it going into a berserk like state. Regardless of the outcome, we could likely lose all potential to reason with it. Though a monster that can no longer plan ahead is easier to deal with than one that will learn while it fights.
Onto what makes this creature an extreme threat. This monster appears to have the ability to ingest other creatures, to gain their abilities. I have noticed that there is a fiend's eye hidden underneath her stingers. This gives the creature the ability to eat a magic user, to gain their abilities. Unlike a fiend which will turn into a fiendling (confirmed from later investigations), after eating. I doubt the creature known as Mimi would have such a transformation. It is very likely that she could eat magic casters indefinitely to gain all of their abilities. Though I am uncertain if she can gain talents through such means. If she can, then it is likely that we could sacrifice a few prisoners to fracture her soul.
It should be noted that the current captain of the guard, Wyatt Lindell, has already battled the creature. He managed to crack the dark ebony chitin on the creature's forearm. I would suggest going over his report on the incident to find out how many strikes it took to inflict such damage. The creature herself seemed to heal over the course of an hour from the damage. This creature has an excellent healing factor, that can be bolstered by one of it's three sets of stingers.
Currently Mimi has three sets of three individual stingers. When viewed from a distance, they will appear as braided dreadlocks. An extremely dark velvet, like her chitin, to the point of appearing black. These are corded muscles, that could easily subdue a grown man.
The first set of stingers appear red, but slender. After what is likely a painful injection, the stinger will release an incredibly potent healing mixture. Cells will be replaced, as regeneration is sped up to speeds similar to a troll, or werewolf. It should be noted, that this does not fall under the realm of magic. This is unique in that it relies on alchemy, with different sacks at the base of the stinger mixing the liquid upon injection. This means it can be recreated if samples are properly acquired and broken down to their base components.
The second set of stingers appear longer, while being ebony in color with a white stripe running down to the tip. It is similar in appearance to a snake's fang, and serves much the same purpose. It administers a potent slurry of neurotoxin, and a powerful venom. It will rot, and dissolve muscles, tendons, and even bones. Though perhaps the worst part is the neurotoxin will prevent you from feeling it. No doubt useful in making an opening, if not outright ending something. Like the first set, this is also worth collecting a sample.
The third and final set of stingers appear to be pure chitin. They are much like arrows in shape, with a hard bulb on the tip. These are perhaps the most devastating of the three, and why it should be advised not to strike at the stingers. Upon rupturing, the stinger will start to hiss if it does not explode outright. Yes, it is an explosive. One that is capable of taking out small and large buildings if hit in the right place. The bulb on the tip is made with hollow ducts traveling along the edges of the stinger. Made to rupture first, and drive the stinger deeper into what it punctures. After breaching, the entire arrow head will explode with shrapnel. A clever method that could no doubt destroy anyone wearing armor as it would be contained within the armor itself.
If the third set is severed, I might suggest a good pair of running shoes. The force of the shrapnel should be similar to that of the rare magic gunners that live in the kingdom of fire. The services of their monster hunters might need to be employed if Mimi were to become hostile. It is quite likely that Mimi will be able to grow more sets, based on what she eats.
Mimi has two pairs of antenna. One set she keeps hidden along her stingers, and the other hidden along the edge of her elfin ears. These allow her to communicate with her hive. To share senses, and feelings; as well as allowing her to transfer thoughts. It is rather fascinating how such could be done, much like reflecting light among mirrors. Each individual in the hive is able to hold a thought and send it to others, allowing for difficult concepts to be broken down and grasped.
I found signs of withdrawal during my analysis, indicating that she came from a much larger hive. It is very likely that she could simply reconnect with it, within a certain distance. If the loss of her current hive sends Mimi on a rampage. I would suggest leading her away from the more populated areas, and towards the spot where she was initially found. Only if we cannot restrain her.
The creature herself appears to be a very tall dark elf with ivory skin. A rarer skin type among dark elves. She also appears to be wearing ebony armor along her arms and legs with sharp protrusions to protect the elbows and joints. A more elastic chitin can be observed spreading from the spine, and base of the neck to cover her fully. While this elastic chitin is less durable than it's rigid counterparts, it is still able to resist cutting and blunt force trauma. Likely a combat form, to protect her during hunts. If we could recreate this, it could be an amazing substitute to leather, and under armor.
The monster stands at a towering 9ft tall (274 cm), without raising her antenna. While raised her height rises to 10ft tall (304 cm). I would estimate that she weighs around 800 kilo (1763 lbs). It is very unlikely that she can swim, allowing that to be a successful option for restraint. Despite her weight however, it is clear that she is quite agile. Her reaction speed likely increases in proportion to her hive as well.
I can speculate that Mimi used to be a dark elf known as Alice Lindell, that underwent a monsterization. I can sense the presence of two talents, but I am unable to identify them. Currently there is another creature inside the brain cavity of Mimi. Perhaps the original entity related to the hive. Whatever happened, they seemed to reach a state of symbiosis. Even if the head were cut off, it is likely that as long as the bug lives they could find a new host and remake themselves. I should suggest this part of the report be omitted in case captain Lindell were to read this.
Finally, I will speculate the current abilities that Mimi seems to have. This section is very likely to change as she seems more than capable of still evolving.
The wings of the monster are thick and leathery, with pitch black fur along the outside. A thicker fiend fur can be observed along the bottom and interior, no doubt for warmth in the coming months. This suggests an ability to pick how her body adapts from what she has eaten. While these wings are not capable of flight, they can be used to glide and break her fall. They are also durable enough to be spread slightly to prevent blunt force from hitting her. These wings can be cut and pierced with the use of swords and knives however.
Underneath lies abs made of fiend scale. While less durable than her chitin, they offer her the full range of motion that she needs. When she covers herself in the elastic chitin, this spot will likely be the hardest to get through. She also has a functioning fiend's eye in the back of her head. This allows her to sense the Aether all around her, making her very dangerous for magic users. She should also be expected to have as much strength, if not more than a fiend.
Her mouth seems to have adapted to become similar to a snakes. While looking perfectly normal from the outside, a perceptive individual might see a thin line spreading from the edges of her lips. It can unhinge, and likely bite the head off of a man to be swallowed whole. Her tongue is also forked, suggesting that she can sense heat with it. I can speculate that her second set of stingers came from the various venom of the snakes she has eaten. She is likely immune to poisons, and it is ill advised to give her anymore to work with.
Underneath the arms she usually shows, lies a second set. Usually kept hidden by the wings, I feel this set was inherited from the whispering wolves. Slightly shorter than the top set, this set is much more heavily segmented. Looking more like a marionettes arms than something an actual creature might have. I suspect that these will likely adapt for the prehensile tongues of the whispering wolves. There are already coils in the palm suggesting that the fingers might detach to become whips in the future. While for now, they are merely sharper and much better suited for cutting and tearing.
This was everything I could observe, and due to the creature's nature anything could likely change. It is my professional opinion that we keep the creature passive and friendly. Give her a place shelter, food, and so on. Attacking, or attempting to restrain carries the risk of her escaping. I do not want to see what a monster like this might do if it were to return to it's main hive with anger towards our kind. If she is able to prove friendly and attack other monsters, she could be a boon to keeping the peace and freeing up troops to protect our borders from the monster kingdom.
It should be noted, that all monsters, with extremely rare exceptions, have black blood. This blood is toxic to anyone that would ingest it. Transfusions with such will result in, the best case, death. The blood can be used to make poisons, salves, and certain potions. Typically this is used to harm rather than help. Though experimenting with black blood without permission is a severe offense in any kingdom.
-Signed: Oswald Manfred (Aide of the King of Eclipse)
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8 162 - In Serial29 Chapters
Falling For Him. kth ✔
He took off my glassses and gasped.Taehyung: "You know if I had a heart, I would've definitely fallen head over heels for your eyes."I tried my best to control the smirk that was creeping at the end of my lips. "Stop slouching and enjoy yourself. You don't get to live twice, Okay? " he said giving me his signature box smile. ************************************"I can't accept the fact that you love him. If I can't have you, Miss Y/n, neither will that good for nothing freak. And believe me on that, b'coz I always get what I want" he said in a deep voice and a psychotic smirking glare"Mr.Jo- I mean Jungkook, stop joking. You are really scaring me"************************************"I love you-" he said, barely a whisper as he passed out. And I froze as the world around me stoped.************************************Guys this is gonna be my first book so plz do notify me on any mistakes
8 213 - In Serial37 Chapters
MaAn : The fairytale
So, its my first ff....hope u like it....Pls koi bhool ho gayi ho toh maaf kar dena..🥺🥺Enjoyyyy
8 413