《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Lost in the Dark
The burning sensation finally left my body. I couldn't remember if it was pain I felt, or just a numbing sensation. I could hear water dripping from somewhere. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was still surrounded by darkness. There was nothing I could see. Only the dripping sound that wouldn't stop. I wasn't even sure if I opened my eyes due to the oppressive darkness. Everything just felt incredibly numb, my thoughts still swimming.
I recalled running from a fiend, followed by getting hit by something. Ah, I died. That explained the darkness. Feeling my stomach, I found that there was nothing sticking out from it. Just tattered clothes. Yep, definitely dead. Charon, the undertaker, must have my eternal soul in his wagon of the dead. The dripping sound, was probably rain. Somber silence fell over me, as I realized the regrets I had in life. Not that anyone would be too upset over my passing.
Letting out a sigh, I moved away from the source of sound. The last thing I needed, was to fall out the wagon and be eternally damned. Sulking in silence, I'd feel my stomach once more. Charon did good work, stitching me back together. If the stories were anything to go by, he wouldn't be the type to hold a conversation. He'd haul me, and any other souls he found, to be judged before the goddess of death.
Hopefully the hermit would see fit to send my body back to Eclipse. Not like anyone would mourn me, besides the old man. Still he'd probably pay the coin for a proper ritual. We made that promise after all. My stomach growled fiercely as I was suddenly hit by ravenous hunger. The growl seemed to echo through the wagon. Which was strange, I was dead, I shouldn't feel hungry right? What kind of cruel joke is this? I've dealt with hunger often, but after death? I'd let out a groan that once again echoed.
It didn't take long before I heard footsteps, slow and heavy. Looking towards the source of the sound, I blinked as two orbs of silver light came towards me. They were high in the air, and the glow seemed to not give of much light. Though what was strange, was the fact that there were slitted lines. They seemed to disappear for a fraction of a second, before reappearing. I slowly blinked, before realizing that these were glowing dragon eyes.
My thoughts began to swim as a million questions began running laps. I looked into those eyes, wondering if this was the judge that would weigh my sins. Wasn't this happening too fast? I was supposed to enjoy a peaceful carriage ride, to have time to come to terms with everything. One last chance to repent for all the wrong things I did in life. Yet, here I was, being stared down by one of the goddess' dragon eyed judges. I heard the sound of something hard scraping against the floor, as the eyes lowered themselves. I felt anything I was going to say, catching in my throat. Any reasoning for any perceived crimes caught on my tongue. So this was the power of the judges? To squash any lies before they were uttered.
The eyes bore into my own, just staring. I could feel my life flashing before my eyes. I was never into religion before, but now I was sitting before an honest to the gods judge. I regretted not attending some of the gospel and faith. Then the eyes seemed to move, slowly taking me in. From what I knew, the goddess of death liked her silence. Cutting out the tongues of all those that served her. Those eyes intently moved over me, as if searching for something. Then I felt something on my arm, something like a cool gauntlet. The judge squeezed my arm, hard, and I let out a cry. It hissed at me in response, causing me to jump back.
I looked at it, holding my arm which felt warm and sticky. The most important thing was that I felt pain! The sensation of blood, of life! I looked at those silver eyes again, "Am I alive!?" I couldn't hide the panic in my voice. Whoever, or whatever was in front of me only hissed in response. It was probably the bug master's pet. No, it can't be, I felt something like a gauntlet earlier. I felt my face go pale, as I stared back at those eyes. It moved closer towards me. Picking at the wound on my arm. It felt like it was taking out splinters.
"Hey, what's your name?" I felt it would only be polite to ask my savior such a thing. I don't know how they did it, but this had to be a very powerful magic user to be able to heal me from those wounds. Though they were also a hermit, and the response I received was a light hiss. "Hey stop that!" They grabbed me by the ankle, dragging me towards the source of the dripping sound. I knew better than to kick at them, since I didn't know why they'd go out of their way to save me. The worst I could think of, was that they wanted me for an experiment, or maybe as a hive for their bugs. Shaking my head at the latter, I realized they wouldn't exactly need someone alive for that. The best option for me right now, was to endear myself to them.
Though many might deny it, I could be a pretty endearing bastard. Just needed to make myself useful, and let them open up to me. I could still hear the dripping sound, that was right next to us. Looking at those silver eyes, I'd smile. "So, come here often?" Speaking softly, to make it clear I didn't mean anything bad. The response I got was my hair being grabbed and being plunged head first into cold water. "What the fuck!?" I'd turn to them, my fists balled. They seemed to let out a chirping sound, that was almost like a laugh. Then they were gone. Left to stew over what just happened, I turned to the pool of water, cupping some of it in my hands, and drinking. It was surprisingly clean, and refreshing. Just my luck, that I'd stumble into the lair of a crazy hermit that forgot how to even talk. Probably has bugs for brains.
The bleeder seemed to be recovering just fine. Having set it in the tunnel with water, I retreated to a small crevice to finally slumber. Giving one last order for the hive to recognize the scent of the bleeder as not being a threat, or food. I didn't want to wake up at night to find it was just bones. After all, the inner voice gave a small amount of pleasure whenever I looked at it, and it was alive. At the very least, this could be used to keep the hive and myself calm. Though it probably needed to eat, like the rest of us. I'd have to take it hunting with me after I wake up.
The strange dream came again. The sensation of running, and fear. Creatures that were similar, but larger than myself chasing after me. Perhaps the dream was inspired by the bleeder? Simply running for one's own life, I was prey in this dream. Not to be eaten, but for something worse. It was dark, and the ones chasing were still close, but had lost me. I could see a familiar cave, our home. Then everything faded. Keeping my eyes closed, for the chance of going back to sleep. I heard movement, the bleeder seemed to wake up.
It felt like night, so at least it didn't wake me too early. Then I heard movement, it seemed to be moving away from the water. The reason becoming obvious only a few moments later. It was starving, and needed something to eat. I recalled how healing from such a terrible state left one absolutely famished. Taking a step towards the bleeder, I looked at it, allowing it to see my approach. Though I didn't really need to see it, since it was certainly loud in every movement. It would probably make perfect bait for attracting larger prey. Seeing that the inner voice wasn't too opposed to the idea since we could feed the bleeder. I set about thinking where we should hunt tonight. It would be interesting to see if the bleeder was able to hunt by itself. After a small headache, I resolved to not let it get harmed during hunting.
I stepped before the bleeder, looking it over. Before kneeling to get a better look at it. It was around half my size, and still smelled slightly acrid. Though I was able to confirm that the burning smell wasn't what I normally associated with fire, but caustic venom. Looking over it's form, I saw no venom sacks. Even the bulge between it's legs was familiar with the male beasts. Oddly enough, the bleeder seemed to wear soft pelts over it's almost hairless frame. It must be young, to not have much hair at all. Though it was pitiful how weak the pelts it wore were. There were some tougher bits, made out of some kind of hardened flesh. Though the majority was somewhat plant like in taste. It probably hunted very small things, and ate mostly plants.
I found it almost delightful that the hard flesh was over it's feet and hands. Almost like my chitin, making me wonder if they were trying to imitate myself. Though the inner voice wasn't allowing that thought to continue on. The bleeder had some fur on the top of it's head, easy enough to grab onto. It's face was similar in structure to my own, save for a large nose that likely meant it could smell better. It's ears were circular, versus my own. It's eyes didn't even glow, making me wonder if it could even see. Judging by how it was reacting, it likely couldn't. Overall, it was a disappointment, it could hardly even be called prey. I saw it's arm didn't push out the splinters, but merely healed around the few embedded. Reaching over to remove them. I gave a hard squeeze as the blood and pus oozed up. The bleeder made a bellowing cry, while I hissed at it. Clearly it didn't understand how other creatures would rot with such things stuck in them.
The bleeder managed to scramble backwards, much to my frustration. The inner voice sending a small pain for causing it to retreat. I hissed once more, both at it and the bleeder. This was surprisingly frustrating. I began moving towards it slowly, to not make it run away again. Most of what I needed to do, was already done. It seemed to shriek something. The inner voice felt they were familiar, and made certain that I remembered the slippery sounds. It probably made such, by flapping it's tongue inside it's mouth. Still, I was rewarded with some pleasure, as I finished taking out the last of the splinters.
It made more noises, that were almost like the cooing of birds. I hissed for it to be quiet again, but these sounds distracted the inner voice. I grabbed where it's foot met it's leg, dragging it towards the water. I let the inner voice mull over it's noises as I finally released it. The bleeder sat upright in front of the shallow pool. Unless it really tried, it shouldn't be able to drown itself. I was inclined to believe that it was a prey that likely jumped into the mouth of predators. I pointed at the water, to attempt getting it to drink.
Instead it decided to bellow out more noises in it's cooing tone. I grabbed the brown fur on it's head, and forced it into the water. Surely it didn't understand what was in front of it. It was important to drink. After making certain it knew what was in front of it, I let go of it. It reeled back, almost barking at myself. I let out a light chirping sound, to show that it was not even a threat. It had it's fists balled, but they were too soft to even hurt my wings if it tried. It was humorous, and so I turned to leave. It seemed to calm quickly enough, and was drinking water as I left the tunnel it was in.
Buzz Buzz |"Night"| Buzz Buzz |"Food"|
Buzz Buzz |"Hunt"| Buzz Buzz |"Prey"|
The scouts and warriors were both reporting on those that moved at night. Truly this was the only time to hunt in peace. Many things that moved in the day, slept at night. Those that moved at night, were made to ambush, and ambushing was the best way to hunt. Less likely to be harmed, less likely to be chased. I directed my swarm to making a net that would cause prey to stay in our territory. Slithers were welcomed, weak bugs were prey for the warriors. Anything with fur was to be herded towards our hive. Anything that moved, could be eaten, and I was feeling hungry since stinging that bleeder took two of my healing venom.
I tapped my heel into the stone, waiting for the bleeder to look at me. After a few taps, it finally would. It seemed to mumble something quietly, before looking at my eyes. I slowly turned my head, in an attempt to get it to follow after me. It seemed to drink some more, before getting up and moving towards me. It held itself, while I looked over it's arm again. The bleeding had stopped, but it didn't really have much blood left after how much it poured out earlier. It seemed weak and frightened, so I resolved to show it how I usually hunt. I would let it eat some food, to gain its' strength, and will let it gather during the day for me. It could at least be useful in that way.
Grabbing the pelt on it's shoulder, I half dragged, half guided it towards the entrance to our nest. It seemed to whine and was reluctant to follow. Especially as we approached the exit. It didn't seem to want to leave. To that end I grabbed it by the waist and carried it outside. The creature seemed to let out a small sound, as I tossed it to the ground, looking out towards where my kin were herding in tonight's meal. I took a look back at the shocked, and pale creature. It stared at me with it's mouth agape, blinking a few times. The inner voice seemed to decide the first words it said was a 'greeting' of some kind. I looked at it, hesitant to try it's form of communication. This was likely going to give me a headache, and reluctantly I tried it's cooing sounds. "Am I alive?"
I drank my fill of water, while alone. It was probably better than the tap that Eclipse had. It was mineral water, filtered by the stone, and left to drip into a shallow basin. I hadn't realized how incredibly thirsty I was until I started drinking. Minutes had passed, after being left alone. I heard the bug master approaching through what sounded like a tunnel. It was far too dark to see anything, but their glowing eyes. I heard it tapping the floor, as if wanting my attention. "What is it?" I cautiously asked in response. They turned their eyes slowly towards me, in a sort of gesture. Realizing they wanted me to follow, I drank a little more before getting up. I felt incredibly hungry and cold. The bug master looked over me again, staring at my arm. "What are you going to do to me?"
Their response was swift, as they grabbed the cloth on my shoulder. I was following, as we seemed to navigate the tunnels of a cave system. It didn't seem natural, as it was impossibly smooth. I could hear the constant buzzing of wings with every step we were taking. Naturally I knew better than to touch the walls or risk squishing any bugs. "I'm still not feeling quite right, do you mind if I just rest here?" There was only silence, as we rounded another tunnel. "How about a fire to warm up by? It's pretty dark in here, the lighting would be nice, right?" Another corner met with silence. I started seeing light. "A-are you kicking me out already?" Still silence, "Look, if you send me out there now, I'll die! Can't we work something out." I started to pull away. The only reason they'd be dragging me towards the entrance, would be for that. I felt my shirt starting to tear, but then they grabbed me. "Wow, you're pretty big."
The bug master decided to haul me as if I were a sack of potatoes. Gauntlet digging into my side while they carried me towards the light. While pressed against their side, I found that they wore some kind of leathery robe. I tried to look at them, but of course the robes would be black. They wore black gauntlets, and even their greaves were black. Letting out a defeated sigh, I'd let them carry me outside. Never expected a bug master to be so edgy. I looked at the black sand that surrounded the cave, which was odd. Though I gasped in surprise when I saw that my pack had been discarded at the mouth of the cave. The gasp certainly wasn't helped by being rudely tossed towards it.
I looked towards the bug master, and almost felt my eyes pop out their sockets. The bug master stood at an impressive 9 ft tall, with what was clearly black wings hugging their... her body. She was looking away, towards the tree line, but then she turned back to me. A beautiful dark elf with ivory skin. Probably some kind of ritual to one of their bug gods that morphed her in this way. Though I had never heard of anything like this. I didn't even know that dark elves could have ivory skin, but she might be have been albino. Her greaves were actually a part of her! Black ebony chitin that would cast a deep purple light when the moon hit just right. Even her wings folded in a draping fashion that accented her features. I could only see the flesh of her neck and face, but she had noble features. With decently long elfen ears. Her silver eyes focused on me as I realized she had dreadlocks falling into her robes. She asked if she was alive, which made me wonder if I was dead all over again.
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Ascendant Legacy
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Saul Andrews is just an average guy. He works, plays sports, he goes out with his friends. He doesn't do anything that would leave him prepared for a life of dungeon delving and adventuring in a foreign world apart from the occasional DnD session. His whole life changes when the gates to the Dungeon appear. He falls through the doorway to a new world and becomes trapped within! Now, he is trapped in a wonderous and perilous world full of creatures that only existed in his imagination. Trapped in a world where to survive is to fight, to learn, to grow. What starts out as a journey to get home develops into a determination to become the most powerful Dungeon Delver. His goal: to discover all the secrets held within that strange world! Isekai Lit RPG with Cultivation elements.
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NEWDIE STEADSLAW is a randomized array of Chekhov's red herrings, non sequitors ex machina, run-on sentences, and em dashes—so many em dashes. It's like if the Bible and Shakespeare had a baby that they surrendered to foster care, then it got adopted by Alice in Wonderland and Dr. Seuss—the books, not the people—and then the baby fell down the stairs. In this metaphor, the stairs wrote the story. Part I is the tale of the adventures of Traycup and Roby as they try to hold down a job inside the hollow Earth—a place made possible thanks to the secret science of embargoed relativity—and they get distracted by dancing foxes, a giant's record collection, and something with a train, I think. It's a work of fiction—although to call it work seems insulting to, y'know, actual work—but the fiction label is apt, so, y'know, that's a win. Half the words are made up, and the other half are embarrassed to be seen with them. Part I is complete.
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Age of Cultivation Online
Story Synopsis Juewang Guan was born with an incurable illness at a young age that permanently robbed him of his sight and hearing, but with the modern-day prosthetic technology developed in recent years, he was able to recover his sense of sight with robotic eyes. Deemed to be a hopeless child and valueless, he was thereby cast away by the friends and families he once trusts, and the world ignored him. In this grown-up (adult) world, where value is determined by achievement and wealth. So a decrepit cripple like him is worthless. And only his younger sister still cares for him. Watch as this individual reaches the apex of cultivation within 'Age of Cultivation Online', the hottest new VRMMORPG game in Asia (China). Thereby transcending reality and becoming a legendary figure in both in-game and the real worlds. Disclaimer: I am not a very experienced writer, neither do I have any professional help nor assistance from another author in writing my stories. So there is expected to be a few grammars mistakes or some misspellings on my part. Otherwise please enjoy my work. The artwork is owned by Gearous himself. I'm only using it as a cover art depicting what the main protagonist (Juewang Guan) looks like in my novel. Word count: 1500 words/chapter Release rate: 1 chapter/day Book 1 - Age of Cultivation Online Book 2
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A young boy named nick prays to god to give him an amazing experience and to make him only second to god almighty himself and in return he would loyally serve whatever god would want him to do for eternity and god agrees and asks him what he wants to be this is nicks pathway to something dark and powerfulNOTE: To my readers any and all pictures I use are not mine and the rights go to the respected owners also I am a bastard so if you don't like my book you can go hump a rock till you bleed out and furthermore I hope you like overpowered mc and instant death cause my guy will steamroll people also they are things I talk about doing that may offend people like smoking and excessive cursing if you don't like please leave also if you are a feminist that's great my character don't care if you are a man or woman so don't get attached to any of my characters because he is a ruthless bastard and doesn't care who he kill except children also I know this description is complete trash and does not flow very well I don't really care but if you don't like you can leave peace out home slice
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