《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Into the Night
She just kept staring at me, as if waiting for an answer. We had been looking at each other for a solid two minutes. I had no idea what made her choose to ask that question to me. Then I recalled what I realized only moments before. She is, or at least was, a dark elf. Their kind was rare in eclipse, usually only staying around the nobles and rich. Even then, most of them didn't know our language. Often needing a translator, or they simply didn't talk. Realization dawning on me, I looked into her eyes again, "Can you talk?"
She looked at me blankly for a moment, before turning back to where she was looking before. It was more frustrating than disappointing, to not get my answer. Though I was certain I'd find out eventually. Taking a moment to check my pack, I'd find that the rations were missing. There was a hole where they should have been, likely from when the fiend attacked. Letting out a small sigh, as the gods smiled upon me, I thankfully found that my alchemical tools were still in one piece. I set my pack against the lip of the cave, so it would be out of the way. Feeling eyes on me, I turned back to the bug master. "Hey, do you have a name?"
She grabbed my shoulders, before lifting me onto my feet. It was strange, being handled so easily. I was an eighteen year old adult after all. My short stature coming from my dad's side, with him being a dwarf and all. Point was, that I had a good 82 kilo despite my size of 165 centimeters (he's 180 pounds, and 5 feet 5 inches tall). She was still moving me around like I was a child without breaking a sweat. I looked up to her since she stood at a towering 274 centimeters (9ft tall!~). I couldn't begin to guess her weight, considering her chitin and wings might weigh more than I could guess. Letting out a gruff sigh, I'd see that she had two ahoge rise from her dreadlocks. No... they were braided antenna that blended in. Squinting a little, I'd just barely make out that it wasn't hair at all, but corded chitin made to look like hair.
Whatever she was looking at, she seemed rather focused. Her antenna moving slowly like snakes, almost hypnotically. She turned towards me, and seemed to kneel again. She'd move closer, as I finally noticed a strange sort of perfume. Her ivory skin reflecting the light of the silver moon. Dark chitin covering the back of her head and running a thick line over her ears. She moved exceedingly close, allowing me to glance at those soft violet lips. Her sweet breath slowly wafting and overpowering my own. I could easily see her being a successful man eater with this kind of allure. Then her antenna began to massage my scalp. Running through my hair, in a strange sort of intimacy. I was more than a bit confused. She hissed, before pulling away, letting me see her sharp teeth. It was clear she preferred a protein rich diet. She looked in that same direction again, this time her face gaining a cover.
It happened far too fast for me to see what exactly happened, but her ivory skin turned into chitin. Her face covered in something like a mask, but as I saw a line seemingly move along her ears. I realized that somehow her chitin had covered her. Like donning a helmet, and preparing herself for battle. I blinked as she looked me over again. Then she walked towards the forest, leaving me there. She moved with a strange sort of creeping gait. Despite her size, she didn't make a sound. She could make a rather impressive assassin. I felt my legs moving, as I wanted to follow behind her. I wasn't sure what form of compulsion took hold over me. Though I simply felt being by her side should be the safest place.
The bleeder stared at me, not making any noises for far too long. When it did, the inner voice set about remembering the sounds. Waiting for more, I found it had gone silent. It was likely waiting for my response, though I had none to give. Looking back towards the area where my warriors and scouts were marking suitable sources of prey. I could hear the bleeder making noises. Turning to see what it was doing, I found it foraging through a flesh sack. I had thought it had been some kind of portable nest. To see it searching the contents of it, and pulling out strange shapes. It became clear this bleeder was relieved to the state of these odd things. There was no reason for a scout to have such things. Then it all made sense. This wasn't a scout, or a warrior. It was a worker, which meant that there had to be a hive for these creatures! With workers as large as this one, it could mean that my own hive might be seen as a threat. Perhaps their queen might be open to some form of agreement? If not, then hopefully I could flee with my own hive, to a new territory that they might not reach.
Realizing my mistake in thinking it a solitary creature. I found it looking at me again. Uttering more noises, as it seemed to enjoy doing. Perhaps it was like those that hunted in packs? Somehow, I felt that was wishful thinking. The bleeder before me was far too weak to be useful in a hunt. Far too fleshy, and it would bleed if held too firmly. Workers were typically weak, but even my own workers could hold their own against other hives. Picking it up, I unfurled my antenna to pick up any signals. Perhaps it was lost and trying to return to it's hive? I often used this method to convert an enemy hive's workers, to find their main hive. It was always a treat, but in this case it might be more important for our survival. It seemed to narrow it's eyes, as if more wary of what I might attempt.
Moving closer to it's height to not seem as much a threat, I slowly moved my antenna over it's head. I tried in vain to find it's own. I was simply unable to establish a connection with it. Letting out a hiss in frustration, I moved away from it. It continued to stare at me, and to test it's reflexes I resolved to engage my battle form. There was nothing that was threatening in the woods tonight, save for one of the pack creatures moving into my hunting range. I watched the creature start to blink, before allowing the chitin under my stingers to slide into place to protect my face and neck. It seemed surprised by how quickly I could do this, and if it were a warrior it might have it's own battle form. The foreign worker stared at me with clear interest.
Moving away from it, towards the hunting grounds, I allowed more warriors to pour from the mouth of the cave. The FW (Foreign Worker) seemed to let out a surprised expression. Letting out a mild chitter, I directed my swarm to spread out on two fronts. Allowing the sensations of the scouts and those already out in the field to wash over me. I could better understand everything that was found. The influx of information washing over my mind. Closing my eyes to the symphony of thousands upon thousands of my kin speaking in unison. We are one, and tonight we hunt.
The chorus of my army began to fill the air. Beasts and critters caught within the net entrenched themselves in their hiding spots. Some attempted to run, and were the first to fall. Warriors broke into units, led by scouts. Those that tried to hide were found swiftly. I could feel the death of some warriors, experiencing the slight pain of their final moments. There were always casualties during a hunt, but that only meant more for the rest. This kind of hunting had been going on for so long, it was ingrained. Even if I were to leave, they should be fine hunting the smaller creatures. Further cementing my need to check out the FW's hive.
I walked towards the trees, flicking my ears as I heard the FW moving after me. It uttered more sounds, as I cast a glance in it's direction. I had to keep it from harm, which should be easy enough. It truly did not understand how fortunate it was, that the inner voice could not allow it to be considered food. The small fights between my warriors and the random critters were picking up. Some of them resolving to try and escape through perceived holes in my net. They were promptly ambushed and overrun by even more warriors. Small creatures with fur were repeatedly stung until they stopped moving. If they slew five warriors, their eyes would be taken. This caused them to panic, and the warriors attacked the small joints. If it stopped moving, the pain would finally go away after enough stings.
Looking away from the FW, I continued on with my own hunt. The pack creatures were too much to contain in the net. After enough failed attempts, I realized it was better to give them something to focus on. If they didn't have an enemy that could truly threaten them, they often worked out that they could break through the small clusters that kept them in the area. The FW continued to follow me, as I moved towards the pack. There were five, from what I was being told. One larger than the other four, the one to save for last. Somehow it managed to direct the smaller ones. I couldn't find how they did such a thing, but eating it's brains did help me understand a little bit more about hunting with my own hive. I was truly grateful to the first pack that I had eaten. The hive had not known hunger as much since.
The FW was far too noisy as it moved and stumbled after me. It likely wanted to aid me in carrying back the flesh. Ordering workers from the hive, I had a small cluster move towards the bodies. Perhaps, the FW could help in carrying back as much? It might have been the hunger that drove it to follow myself. I could hear it's stomach let out another bellow, which alerted the pack to our position. Strangely enough, it seemed to call them towards our position. Saving myself from having to walk. The FW might be useful for attracting prey, which could explain why it was so weak and prone to bleeding. None of my kin were large enough to be seen as food by creatures this large, but this FW was made for this. I smiled under my chitin mask, as the first of the pack came into view.
Long lithe creatures, that skulked around on six claws. The hind legs weaker than the front two that came from their wide chest. They were covered in jet black pelts with exceedingly fine fur. Muscle showed from where it clung to bone, with skin taught to display the ribs in such a way that one could count each individual. Sleek heads, like that of an arrow, with small divots where there may have been eyes at one point. Their ears sleek and long further accenting the arrow comparison. They were hunters of the night, that relied on sound over sight. Communicating in silent hoots, laughs, and shushes. They let out quiet laughs as I hissed at them. The FW seemed frozen in place. The smell of it's fear making the pack hungry. Truly it was made to be bait.
The largest of the pack decided to stay back, letting out a whooping laugh, an order for the others to attack. The fastest acted first, rushing towards myself quickly. Unfurling my wings, I gladly exposed flesh for it. They wouldn't leave after blood had been drawn. The creature's prehensile tongue came out of it's mouth. A long barbed thing that was impressive for whipping and puncturing. It must have been quite hungry if it was showing such right at the start. I quickly grabbed it, as it snaked towards me. Causing the beast to flail it against my forearm. Keeping an eye on the FW, I made certain the others weren't going after it.
The owner of the tongue released a whining laugh as it tried to free itself from my grip, while two others moved to help it. One coming with it's own tongue, no doubt to keep me occupied, while the other charged with it's claws. I happily obliged by grabbing the other tongue, and letting the third scrape against flesh. These creatures were hardly a threat, and the more pressing issue was to not let them run away. With blood drawn, the one that scraped me became emboldened. A quick sting to the divot was enough to slay it as venom seeped into it's cranium. The FW seemed worried for some reason. Looking in its' direction, I could see the fourth preparing to rush it. Wrapping the two tongues around one hand, I took a step to intercept the fourth's path. Using it's own pack mates as a weapon to smash the three together in an overhead motion. The sound of yelping, and bones breaking filling the beating night air.
With four of it's pack mates either dead or severely crippled, the alpha let out a hissing laugh. This made me let out my own chittering laugh in response, which made it angrier. It flexed it's muscles, before rushing at me. It's mouth slightly open, telling me that it wanted to puncture me with it's coiled tongue. I happily met the challenge, leaping towards it. The tongue shot out with a shush, only to bounce off the chitin on my forearm. I enjoyed the sound of it whistling through the air before grabbing it. Placing my foot on the bottom of it's jaw, and hooking my fingers on the other part; I tore just to enjoy the sensation.
Brutal. Savage. Just a few choice words to describe what was happening in front of me. I had followed the bug mistress after she started moving away. Just in time for her swarm to come pouring out from the cave. I had followed her through the tree line, as the night was filled with the constant beating of her swarm's wings. I could hear movement all around, as I stayed close behind her. She seemed to stop for some reason or another now and then. It was as if she were searching for something, even while I asked what we were doing. Then my stomach growled, and five whispering hounds appeared from the shadows of the trees. I froze on the spot, a cold sweat breaking out. Even a skilled hunter wouldn't want to take on an entire pack at once. Not without setting up any traps, or a damn good set of magic spells. Maybe, if they had the proper talent for it, but then why be a hunter?
I immediately noticed the alpha of the pack hanging in the back. It would likely chase if we attempted to run, and these things were quick. I had just started to move my foot back a little, when the bug mistress spread her wings. I couldn't see much, but I felt it was a sort of intimidation tactic at the time. If I had known it was an invitation, I wouldn't have let out so much as a murmur when the first Whisper moved. It had left me stunned when she caught it's tongue. Then two more moved, and I thought we were in trouble. Taking a quick step back to move behind her, I could see the fourth looking at me like a tasty snack.
That was when the true brutality started, that left me shaking and pale. By the gods above, I don't think I could ever forget the sounds I heard tonight. I never thought I'd see someone just start tearing a jaw apart, before ripping the rib cage open and devouring the still beating heart. The weakened Whisper that had the misfortune of being conscious could only soil itself before it was promptly put down. Thankfully it wasn't torn apart, only stung. Which allowed me to get a decent look at her dreadlock stingers. From what I could tell there were nine in total, in sets of three. She folded her wings back over herself without letting me see her front. Though I quickly resolved to make certain I would never end up on her bad side.
Swallowing hard, I realized I had to make myself useful. Taking a few steps towards her, she turned letting out a startling hiss. I jumped back, looking at her with concern. She seemed to wince for some reason before regaining her composure. The battle must had really gotten to her. It was likely she was hit by a tongue or two. She had blood on her chin from what she had eaten, making me swallow hard. She looked me up and down, before turning to one of the bodies. She'd grab a leg, and started to tug on it. I barely turned away as I realized what she was doing. When I looked back, I felt the bloody appendage pressed to my chest. She looked at me, as if wanting to see what I might do. "Do you want me to eat this?" My eyes going wide she moved it closer to my mouth. I pulled back, "I can't! Not like this!" Words escaping my mouth before I thought them through.
Thankfully she didn't seem to take offense and pulled the leg back. She'd look at it for a moment, before biting it, and offered it to me again. Quickly shaking my head, with my hands raised, I made a clearer refusal. She seemed disinterested in giving me any from that point on. A swarm of her bugs seemed to come out of nowhere. They swam through the air for a few seconds before dispersing and spreading through the forest. I resolved to study the insects tomorrow morning. If she would let me, even in the dark of night I could tell there was something odd about them.
She'd pick up the dead Whispers, she could before heading back towards the cave. She could only carry two at a time, by the looks of it. Probably more if she grabbed their tongues and just dragged them. I wondered briefly if there was some reason, before realizing that she expected me to carry the rest. I didn't have much of an appetite after everything that happened, but still my stomach grumbled in protest. Letting out a sigh, I got to work carrying one of the Whispers to the cave. After stepping foot on the black sands, I saw that the cave had become a nexus of activity. All her bugs going in and out of the cave mouth. I couldn't even begin to guess how many there might be. I saw that my pack was untouched. Looking at the Whisper I dragged, I decided to cook the leg that was offered to me earlier. Looking at the bug mistress, I saw her carrying her haul into the cave itself.
Leaving the body by the mouth of the cave, I headed out to gather some tinder and branches. Taking only a few seconds to see where a good place to start a fire might be. I saw the bug mistress coming out of the cave, to give me a curious look. She seemed to tilt her head, then looked at my kindling. Giving her a smile, I'd say, "Fire." Before gesturing at the kindling that would soon be such. She didn't seem to understand, and just walked off. Heading back to probably pick up the remaining bodies. I'd go to my pack to grab the tools for making a fire. Thankfully being an alchemist helped, and I had the necessary ingredients to start a fire.
An Overview of the "Whispering Hounds" -by Oswald Manfred
Only the brave or foolhardy travel the forests at night. All manner of dark twisted creatures move to attack those in their sleep. Often silent, more often deadly. The Whispering Wolves are one such example; despite being called many names. A creature that hunts in packs of four to ten; with rare exceptions that numbered in the twenties. One can only guess at what events transpired to create them. The common laughing Jack measures anywhere from 130 cm, to 150. Often weighing between 50 to 100 Kilos. They have a fine pitch black fur, that will change to match the shade of their surroundings. A pseudo sort of camouflage, no doubt developed from hunting in the dark. It has been observed that this fur will change to it's darkest colors when entering a confrontation, or when injured.
Each specimen of the creature is noted as having two hind legs, with four forelegs. The hind legs are extremely lithe to the point of being almost bone and joints. Minimal muscles have developed here, while what may have once been at tail has receded into a small stub on it's rear. The entire back half of the creature seems skeletal. Giving it the appearance of a starved animal, or dog. Such an appearance might make one underestimate the actual strength of this creature, or wrongly conclude that throwing food might appease it. Make no mistake, this is a species of nocturnal predators. They would sooner have a fresh meal, than some discarded table scraps.
The front end of the creature is far more interesting. Starting from the midsection, it balloons outwards. The Whispering Wolf's trademark barrel chest on display here. It has four bulky front legs, that are defined by ample muscle and claw. Similar to the ancient texts on 'lions' in that regard. When the Whispering wolves begin to charge, or give chase; it has been observed that they will push on their hind legs with their front muscles, to an almost spring affect. Using the stored energy, they will launch themselves forward before giving chase with their front legs, occasionally using their hind legs to pivot and launch themselves again while maintaining a considerable speed.
Multiple autopsies have shown, that there are little to no organs in the hind section. Instead, everything is stored in it's chest. Their digestive system appears to loop back towards the front and along the jaw line. This makes it one of the few creatures that regurgitate their digested meals. It has been observed that these creatures can lose their back half with little impact to it's overall health, besides the potential for bleeding out. With their blood's excellent coagulative properties, this rarely ever actually happens.
Important to note, are the long sharp ears that Whispering wolves have developed. Typically going from the base of the head, to the mid section of the chest. A lot of the brain for these creatures is dedicated to finding and interpreting sounds in the environment. They are so sensative that many frontier villages will unknowingly chase an entire pack off by ringing loud warning bells. Their secondary sense falls to their smell. They are quite adept at tracking prey, especially if injured. One should note the divots where eyes most likely used to be at one point. A small hiccup in their evolution, from hunting in low light environments. These divots are essentially soft spots in it's skull that leads directly to the brain. Skilled hunters make ample use of this when putting them down as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Finally we get to perhaps the most interesting part of these creatures. What gives them their name sake, lies within the very jaws of these hunters. With two rows of teeth; the first for ripping and tearing, the second in a sort of hook for latching on. These creatures have long thin jaw lines, with prehensile tongues. These tongues are hollow, and sharp, allowing them to drink from creatures they puncture. Often as they breath, they will emit a low shushing sound. When they apply more pressure to communicate it will come across as very quiet hoots, easily mistaken as laughter. Due to their sensitivity to sound, they rarely make sounds louder than such. This makes them quite stealthy and easily missed by patrols walking along the outside of the walls at night.
It is not uncommon for the common Whispering wolf's 'laughter' to be misinterpreted as a small child's. This leads to the unfortunate scenario of young recruits stumbling into an ambush laid by these creatures. Even the common Whispering Wolf shows basic levels of intelligence. An ability to lure prey, an understanding of past events in it's own life. They even are capable of showing signs of fear, anger, and respect. A few cases have shown hunters domesticating packs after capturing them. When domesticated, they will develop a white streak along their shoulders. Many theories cover this topic, but we shall not in this overview. Though it should be noted that there are varying types of these creatures out in the wild. Even adapting to the environment to become completely different creatures altogether!
Finally we come to the key differences between a common Whispering Wolf, and the Alpha of it's pack. Marked most notably by it's increased muscle mass. This puts the creature anywhere between 20 to 50 kilograms more than its common counterparts. Despite being bulkier, it is not longer; only slightly larger. Most overlook the tips on an Alpha's ears, which change in color with size of it's pack. Typically starting at yellow with a small pack, turning to red when the pack numbers closer to 8 or 10 members. Finally the most noticable color change is when it turns purple while the pack under it numbers around 20 members. It has been suggested that these pack Alphas be labled as royal Alphas to distinguish them, but such numbers are quite rare.
The only other notable differences; would be that Alphas tend to be slightly smarter than those under them. Able to recognize situations, and act more accordingly in stress tests. Add to that, their tongues are able to coil within their mouths due to the extra muscle. This allows them to 'launch' their sharper tongues. The yellow tipped Alphas can puncture through leather armor. The red tipped members can punch a hole through low grade suits of armor. While the purple tipped Alpha was reported as being able to puncture through all but the best armor.
-Signed: Oswald Manfred (Aide of the King of Eclipse)
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I Might Be A Fake Cultivator
On modern-day Earth, An Lin seems to have been abandoned by God.
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Rise of the Archmage Alister
Rival and murderer of the divine, the legendary Archmage Raalin Wynnryte has returned after 5,000 years.The infamous mage brutally died at the hands of the gods, hunted to the ends of the earth. Now, in the year 4,008 Post-Fall, Alister Severin, son of Duke Severin of the Mare Kingdom, is only eight. In his past life, he fought the gods for their injustices. In this life, the most he’s had to worry about was making friends.In the world of Bellianis, children remember bits and pieces of their most recent past life once they unlock their mana. Alister, however, remembers everything. Will his hatred for the gods of the past cause problems for who he is today? He is determined to make good on his threats, to kill the gods he failed to before he died, to become an Archmage again... but the world has changed. Five thousand years is a long time, after all. No matter what, however, he refuses to let those he holds dear fall to the gods again.First thing first? Get stronger.Posting Schedule: Unsure. I'm writing this while doing my master's, and I have my other stories to work on as well.Written by KeraNyx.Edited by LifeiestLizard.Cover Art by @Blookphobia
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I Totally Don't Have Anger Problems!
Discontinued 7/11/2020 Sorry if anyone was hoping for more updates. It seems I'm losing interest in the character as time goes on - not sure if that's due to miscalculated character development direction or just a limited amount to express in the first place. If I do any writing projects in the future, I'll make sure the premise has a lot of room for long-term, interesting, development before posting anything. Thanks to everyone who gave feedback! I’m Talia Shimada, and my life just got a lot more complicated. One moment I was just doing some regular investigation of an interesting boy from my senior year in high school, and then suddenly, everything went wrong and I was stranded in another world in the middle of nowhere. It’s not my fault he left a clear line of sight to his house keys where they could be photographed and replicated on a 3D printer! Now I’m stuck in the middle of a giant forest with all these annoying creatures that keep attacking me until I SMASH THEM INTO PIECES AND STOMP ON THEIR REMAINS, surviving off of raw meat and, well, other kinds of raw meat. What, am I supposed to know which plants are edible in some far-away wilderness on another PLANET!? This is a planet right? It has to be! What did I do to deserve this? At least that class I got is useful. Now, when something doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, I can keep smashing it until it CAN’T BE A PROBLEM ANY MORE BECAUSE IT’S NOT ABLE TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL! If anyone else tries to get in the way of my plans, I’ll just PICK UP THEIR PUNY BODIES AND THROW THEM ASIDE and watch them sail away, never to trouble me again, because I am DONE having people mess with my life and not being able to do anything about it! From now on, anyone who tries will get to briefly realize their error as I SMASH THEM INTO PASTE BECAUSE THEY PICKED A FIGHT WITH THE WRONG WOMAN! I totally don’t have anger problems! Updates Sundays and Wednesdays, occassionaly Fridays
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Allan jons only felt pain and sadness his entire life. His parents left him when he was 5forcing him to live with his sister. She abuses him because her job sucks. After entering high school he makes a few friends and has a crush. But after an event he kills himself with hatred added to the mix only to find himself in front of gods and they offer him a job to destroy every human.
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My Werewolf Professor
I've never slept with a student until I met Bria Benton.She's half my age, an innocent human who doesn't know werewolves like me exist, and my fated mate.With the threat of war with another pack looming over my head, I need to stay away from her. But she always sits in the front row dressed in short skirts and those beautiful doe eyes that beg me to talk to her.When Bria shows up to my office on the night of the full moon, can I hold myself back from losing all control? Or will I thrust her into the violent and vicious life as the alpha's mate?This is an excerpt only!!!
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During the years Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel worked with the avengers and shield, she kept her personal life to herself. No one knew and no one would ask her fearing how she would react. One day when someone from her past shows up, her past starts to reveal itself. It was her little sister. Will they be able to keep their secret from the rest of the team or will grudges reveal their secret?#1 carol Danvers 2/19
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