《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 18. Intimate Details


Dinner was great. All of us agreed that Chinese was our favorite restaurant food. We talked about the next week being the Fourth of July weekend. Both sets of parents would be here along with Sarah and Bobby for a picnic. Laura and I both talked to our families about each other. I think my mom knew we were getting serious very fast, but even she would be surprised how close we had become. Neither of us had actually met the other’s parents yet, so this would be quite a revelation. It made us both a little nervous and a little excited.

After dinner, I played on the floor with Mattie, then lost some more matches of Super Mario to Hanna. Finally it was bedtime for the girls. For Laura and me both, it couldn’t have come quick enough. We had some unfinished business. And the subject was of great interest to us both.

Once stories were finished, prayers said, and both girls tucked in, Laura came back down to pick up where we left off. What I didn’t count on was she had changed into comfortable shorts made of the same material used for sweatpants, and a loose-fitting tee shirt. I prayed she had on underwear, or I was going to have a really hard time. And I meant that in both ways it could be taken!

I was in our favorite talking chair in the living room. I ogled her and I was probably drooling. “I didn’t think you could get any sexier, but… WOW!”

“You’re so cute when I make you blush!” she responded. “I figured I’d get comfortable. So, you like?”

“I’m assuming you’re getting on my lap again, so I think you’ll know my answer shortly!” I said chuckling a bit.

Once again, she sat across the arm of the chair onto my lap. She rose up slightly as she smiled. “I think you may want to reposition my answer a bit. That’s gotta be uncomfortable!” She giggled.

“Ooh!” I uttered as I complied with her suggestion.

“This is a good place to talk quietly so what we say doesn’t float upstairs,” she noted. “Plus, I like the unusual padding!” She chortled as she gave me a kiss. “So, where do we start?”

“I don’t like the sound of ground rules, but I can’t think of a better phrase.” I proposed. “So here goes! We already agreed we don’t what to make love until we’re married. I do think, however, that we’re not going to contain some of the passion we both have. I know I don’t need to give you a test-drive… and… pardon how demeaning that may sound… I don’t mean it that way.”

“I understand,” she agreed with a smile and a kiss.

I continued. “I’ve learned something important about you pretty quickly.”

“Do tell.”

“You are one hot woman.”

She laughed so hard she almost fell off my lap.

“Seriously, the kisses we’ve shared… you are a very passionate and warm lover. We can talk through some likes and dislikes tonight, but I don’t want to spoil the fun of getting to know every inch of you. I want to know what turns you on, what you don’t like. I mean everything. Once we’re married a day or so, I hope to go exploring, giving you a full massage, kissing every square inch to map out in my mind how to treat you right!”

“You do know you’re getting me really hot right now, don’t you?” she asked. “Every square inch?”


“Unless there’s territory you find off limits!” I answered.

“Nope! I just wanted to be able to hold you to that promise!” she exclaimed with a laugh and kiss.

“Trust me! It’s more than a promise. It’s a strong desire I’m fighting with every ounce of my strength.”

“Okay. So, what are these ground rules, and have we broken any yet?” she asked.

“In my mind, I’ve broken them all!” I said as she let out a laugh I thought would wake the girls. We shushed each other with giggles as I continued.

“I feel a little weird even proposing rules, but I’m more comfortable knowing them rather than crossing a line one of us doesn’t know exists.”

“You are weird, but I like that about you.” Her grin urged me to continue.

“I think there are times hands will roam. As long as the ‘roamee’ is okay with what the ‘roamer’ is doing, I think that’s all right. I’ve tried to understand the biblical limits. As far as I can tell, fornication is the act of making love, but I’m not sure about touching, caressing, or even fondling. I don’t think… I don’t feel that crosses a line.”

“I’m good so far!” she noted. “What else?”

“I think the key is to avoid what could lead us past the point we agree on. So… I suggest we vow never to climb into a bed together, even fully clothed.”

“Okay. What else?”

“I think we should agree to stay clothed. Fondling over clothes, and maybe even under is okay with me if it’s okay with you! I’d like us to leave the reveal of what’s beneath to the excitement of a wedding night. I think roaming hands will tell a lot but taking in the sight for the first time is something I want to burn into my wedding night memory.

“I’m good with that too.”

I could tell she was heating up from this subject.

“I guess the last is something of a foregone conclusion based on our agreement so far. Bringing each other to climax when it feels natural is… well… I’d like it to be, you know, okay!”

“Since I’m well on my way and, judging by the throbbing I’m sitting on so are you. I’m okay with that too!”

Our agreements were sealed with some very heavy kissing. Sensing a need to avoid a real mess below, I asked her if we could have a little wine. She agrees thus letting me recover before it was too late from her not-so-innocent lap dance.

When Laura returned I had a pillow on my lap to dampen the friction. She laughed looking at the pillow and the face I was making tried to convey the simple message: “Give me a break!” She sat back on my lap and was kind enough to leave the pillow.

“What’s next?” she asked.

“We have the pre-wedding rules in place. Can we talk a few post-wedding guidelines?”

“The floor is yours. I can’t help but be curious and hope you’re not proposing we cut any fun stuff!” She smiled.

“No way! I’m counting on the fun stuff! But there are a few concepts I’d like us to agree on to be sure our communication is always open.”

“Fire away!” She was having fun with this and making it easier to go forward.

“Here we go. I’m a firm believer that after we’re married, our bedroom is for intimate bonding, mutual pleasure, and good ol’ fun. So basically, if we both want to do something, as long as we agree, and it only involves the two of us… it’s all good! If we want to swing from the chandelier, no problem. What do you think?”


She put on the impish smile. “Not sure about the chandelier, but whips, chains, and all that nasty stuff is okay?”

I laughed back at her. “If we agree, sure. Although I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that! I know you’re kidding, but there could be things you or I are curious about and want to try. It’s our playground for each other. I’ll warn you ahead of time that I don’t think I could ever be okay with something that hurts you. I mean, a little spank or something maybe, but please don’t ask me to hurt you. I’m also not comfortable calling you names like slut or whore the way some girls seem to like. I have trouble separating the attitude of respect that I will show you every moment from the nasty role play that would make me feel like I’m demeaning you. I won’t tear down the woman I love with unloving words.”

“Don’t worry,” she added. “I’m not into pain or nasty talk, but a little spank could be nice!” The imp was back, but I was pretty sure she meant it. I decided to keep that in mind for some appropriate time.

“Good. That’s a huge relief for me. If you have a dungeon in the basement, I may run away screaming!” We both giggled. “The key for me is that we aren’t afraid to talk about it. Please don’t keep any hidden desires. I want to know, I may even like it too, and no matter how crazy it seems, I love you and want you to enjoy our private and intimate time together!”

“That sounds like a winning formula,” she concluded. “This is fun just talking about, and I take it you have more?”

“I’m just getting started!” She pretended to groan. “Oh, come on. You like this,” I commented as she laid her head on my shoulder and smiled.

“Keep going lover boy!”

I was liking this, too.

“Laura, I want you to promise me you will never, ever… fake an orgasm!”

She sat up with a start. “I didn’t see that coming!” She smiled and started hitting me. “What would make you think I’d do that?”

I defended myself. “I didn’t… I didn’t! Please don’t hurt me!” I feigned fear.

“Well,” she added. “Don’t you fake it either!” I nearly dumped her off my lap as we laughed uncontrollably.

“That would be quite a trick!” I added. “But seriously,” as we tried to contain ourselves, “life isn’t like the movies. We may not always climax together. If for some reason I’ve spent myself before you got to your blissful release, I will be sure to finish the job in some other way—usually involving a lot of tongue work.”

“Even if your stuff is flowing out of me? You don’t find that gross?”

“I guess I answered my half of the oral question before I asked it, so I may as well tell you… I’m very orally inclined. You may have picked up on that with all the kissing we’ve been doing and the offer to cover every inch of you with licks and kisses.”

“That didn’t escape me!” She smiled. “Good thing I’m the same way, receiving and giving!”

“It’s getting really hot in here,” I said.

“Oh!” she added. “Yes, I swallow!” Her face radiated raw sex appeal. “But you didn’t answer my question. Don’t you find that gross?”

“I’m not going to buy bottles of the stuff for a snack!” I said as she let out a big laugh. “But I’m not going to object to tasting something you’re willing to taste. I may not try to get into the ooze, but it’s not going to keep me from pleasing you. Besides, would you expect I won’t kiss you after we’ve had some oral play? Would you not kiss me after I’ve brought you to orgasmic paradise multiple times?”

“Multiple, huh? Can we get married tomorrow?”

“Don’t tempt me! The same thought crossed my mind. In fact, I was wondering if we could call the pastor now and get married over the phone!”

“Okay,” she said. “I guess we’re learning patience and self-control.”

The mood just continued to be light with lots of laughter while we discussed issues we felt were important to understand.

“I promise never to fake it,” she said. “What else do I have to promise?”

“This is for both of us,” I continued. “Let me start by saying… I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with masturbation.”

“So, you’re going there, are you!” she said with a rather large blush. She sat up straight and looked right at me. “Wait a minute!” She shouted playfully. “Did you get yourself off when you went home to change earlier?

I did promise to be honest, so I was painted into a corner.

“Afraid so.” I blushed and meekly replied.

She buried her head in my shoulder trying to hide her embarrassment and giggles. After a moment she softly added, “Me too! It seems we continue to think alike!”

“I thought I was going to explode after that hot and heavy making out. You get me hard just being in your presence. Right now, just talking about this has me on the edge. After this morning it was an act of self-preservation.”

“You’re saying you like me, and I make you hot?” she playfully asked.

“That’s a big understatement!” I exclaimed. “But back to my point. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Even a lot of bible experts agree that it’s not really covered. I think it becomes sinful when we focus on someone we shouldn’t. If you do it in your mind, you’ve basically done it.”

“Do you do it a lot?” she asked, still blushing but open to the discussion.

“Normally, no. But these last two weeks have been rather active.”

“I guess we’re on the same page again,” she added sheepishly. “I’ve had to buy a lot of batteries.”

“So, toys are good too?” I asked with a grin.

“Toys are good!” she said with confidence. “Why did you bring up masturbation?”

“Oh, yeah. Understanding it’s okay is one thing. But promise you won’t if I’m there to take care of your needs, and I’ll promise the same. I mean, wake me up at three in the morning if you have to, but please don’t take away my opportunity to do something for you that you need especially when I love to do it anyway, and I promise the same in return!”

“This is the easiest negotiation I’ve ever had, and maybe the most fun!” she replied. “I promise, even if it’s three in the morning… both ways. Anything else?”

“Nothing I can think of!” I replied. “You have any more thoughts or questions?”

“You could describe some of those oral tendencies you have.”

“As you wish, my love.”

I started with a deep, slow kiss. Our tongues were dancing with each other. I’d occasionally suck gently on each of her lips. I moved around her face with gentle kisses, moved towards her ear and kept kissing, softly tonguing her ear. I described what I was doing in soft, suggestive whispers. She sighed with every new morsel of stimulation and the words describing it.

I moved down her neck to her clavicle and the spot I know she responded to before. She gasped and at the same time pulled the pillow out from under her putting her in contact through our clothes with my throbbing erection. I moved back up her neck, kissing and licking along her jugular vein. I could feel her pulse growing more rapid. Her sudden inhale and moan revealed another hot spot to remember. She was squirming and wiggling slowly, and I knew she was fully aware of how she was affecting me.

I kept kissing and licking along her neck and started graphically describing what I would do to her body… verbally painting a picture of my descent over her breasts, to her stomach, down each thigh, and all around her hot, wet paradise. I described diving in, and she responded as if it was really happening… breathing harder… almost panting. On her neck, my tongue simulated the actions I was describing. She continued to breathe heavier… move stronger… moan louder… as if it was really happening.

I went for the prize. I picked a particularly hot spot on her neck to focus on with my tongue. I simulated what I’d do to her hot button while using my tongue the way I described. I alternated between fluttering, sucking, licking lightly, licking heavy with my tongue flattened. My hands were filtering through her hair. Her breathing grew harder and faster. Then she spasmed and emitted muffled screams of ecstasy. Her body went stiff from the sensation. She moaned incoherently with joyful sounding words I couldn’t understand except when she included my name. I heard a man’s voice grunting with pleasure at the same time and realized it was coming from me. Her writhing and grinding had its desired effect. I was coming with waves of pleasure and powerful release.

We started to calm down and we moved into deep kisses and caresses. It took a moment to relax before we could say anything.

“I can’t believe you made me orgasm without even touching me other than my neck. I mean, you made me come just from your words and kisses! And it wasn’t a small one either! Oh, my!”

Laura pulled our mouths together and our tongues danced with urgency and intensity.

With a soft, sultry voice, she slowly shared what she experienced.

“If you can do that without any below-the-waist action, I can wait to feel what happens when… there’s touching…” she kissed me, “licking…” another kiss, “fondling…” a bigger kiss, “and glorious coupling!” Our mouths smothered the huge grin we were both wearing.

Our lips parted, and her head collapsed into my shoulder. I felt her trying to capture the moment with words.

“I mean…WOW! I just hope to live through it! And I guess the huge wet spot on my butt after those strong pulsations massaged my cheeks are evidence you’ve had a similar experience?”

“Oh yeah!” I replied with a great sigh. “You’ve turned me into a glorious melted, sticky mess in more ways than one! What’s the pastor’s phone number?”

“Fortunately, I think the urgency of the moment has passed.” She sighed and paused. “It’s passed gloriously!” She smiled and locked lips with me.

We gently pulled apart and our gazes met with a new light of satisfaction added to the depth we’ve already shared. Her head snuggled back into my shoulder.

I whispered softly in her ear. “Oh, glorious ... for sure! Not only do I EXTREEEMLY love you, I think our love life will be out-of-this-world!”

We sat for a little while just holding each other. We were either unaware of the wetness gathered between us, or we didn’t care. Holding, caressing, sharing soft kisses, looking into each other’s eyes, rubbing each other’s backs, running my hands through her hair, cradling her neck as noses or foreheads met… that was all that mattered. We were like one. I felt that if my nose itched, she’d know and scratch it without exchanging words. Our hearts beat as one. We felt… complete!

Midnight was approaching, and we had church in the morning. Neither of us wanted to part. We hesitated, clutched, grasped, and kissed through a long goodbye. With heavy hearts at our parting, we finally let our hands separate and headed to our respective beds for some rest.

But, what a day that was. One glorious, heartwarming, hopeful, pleasurable day!

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