《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 19. Proposing to the Family


Sunday was typical of the previous several. We went to Sunday school first so Laura and the girls could start to form some relationships with other members, then to the worship service. We had lunch with Sarah and Bobby, then back to our place for a few hours. Late afternoon was typical of any family spending time together. It felt so normal. I was more content than I can ever remember.

But I had plans to make, and little conspiracies to form. I was able to pull Sarah aside to get her on board. Now I just needed to make the rest of the plans work out.

Monday morning, I went into town to a jewelry shop owned by a friend from church. I selected what I needed and made sure sizing and engraving could be done in time for Wednesday. I called Sarah and asked her to get Laura out of the house Thursday afternoon to start shopping for baby stuff. I knew Laura couldn’t resist. Laura mentioned it that Monday night at dinner and I offered to watch Hanna and Mattie. I knew Laura would try to make Sarah stay after shopping and would even ask Bobby to come over. I warned Sarah so she would have an excuse ready to beg off. My plan was coming together!

Wednesday, I ran back into town and picked up the treasures from the jeweler, then ran to the meat market and produce stand for the rest of the supplies. I felt as giddy as a kid at Christmas!

Thursday was finally here. Sarah picked Laura up at 11:30 and they started their day by going to lunch. The bond Sarah and Laura formed made my heart feel good.

As they left, the girls and I sat at the kitchen table for their favorite: PBJ sandwiches! It was time to start the process. I had it all rehearsed and knew what I wanted to say.

“Hanna and Mattie, I have a very important question to ask you.” They both listened intently as I continued. “Since I’ve gotten to know your mom and the two of you, I’ve fallen in love with you all!”

“We love you too, Mr. Ben!” Hanna exclaimed. “Me too!” Mattie shouted as they both came to hug me.

I continued with some misty eyes. “That’s why it’s important that I ask you a question. I want to ask your mom if she’ll marry me, and I want to ask you both if that’s okay!”

Mattie was jumping up and down screaming “Yeah!” Hanna hugged me again and simply said, “I knew it!”

Mattie continued to shout, “Does that make you our daddy?”

“Do you want me to be?” I asked.

“You bet!” Mattie replied.

“Well, I want you both to be my daughters!”

Mattie was ecstatic, but Hanna was a bit more subdued with a bit of a questioning face. I somewhat expected this.


“Mr. Ben, would you then move in with us?”

“That’s right,” I replied.

“And would you then sleep with Mommy in her bed?”

“Yes, that’s normally the way it happens!”

“So then, you’re going to make babies?”

“Most likely!” I answered. Her face looked more concerned. What was on her mind?

She hesitated, and a tear fell down her cheek. “Will you… still love Mattie and me if you have your own kids?” I reached to hug her. I hadn’t considered this response, but I had to be sure to alleviate her fears.

I grabbed her into a willing hug. “Hanna, I already love you and Mattie no differently than if I’ve always been your dad! That will never change.”

“Promise?” she whimpered.

“That’s a big promise. And I will never break that promise!”

“Okay,” she said. “You can marry Mom.” She pulled back, now much happier. “Can I call you Dad?”

“Nothing would make me happier! Just wait until your mom agrees to marry me so we don’t spoil the surprise.”

We shared lots of smiles and hugs.

“So, girls, I want to make tonight really special for your mom. Will you help me?”

“You bet!” Hanna answered. “Me too!” Mattie chimed in.

I laid out the plans for the day and made them both promise not to say anything to their mom about getting married. I wanted to surprise Laura, so I bribed the girls with a special gift later if they didn’t tell. I wasn’t worried about Hanna, but Mattie was still a little young to exhibit much restraint or self-control. I hoped for the best.

That afternoon Hanna and I set up the formal dining room with a romantic setting. Mattie helped by cleaning up her toys. She was a hard little worker. I had picked up some inch and a half thick New York strip steaks, some big Idaho potatoes, and some fresh corn that was just coming into season. I may not be much of a cook, but I could really handle a grill and my steaks would be perfect. Baked potato with all the fixings and corn on the cob rounded out the meal. All of it was easy and tough to mess up. I asked Mattie and Hanna if they preferred hamburgers, but they assured me they were steak kind of girls.

Hanna took charge of making a salad and prepared it like a pro. A great bottle of merlot, virgin strawberry daiquiris for the girls, and we were ready for the timed arrival. I lit candles, closed the curtains for atmosphere, reviewed the place settings, and tried to quiet the butterflies in my stomach. I hoped I could make it through dinner before I popped the question.

The girls were getting dressed up in their Sunday best. As they strolled down the stairs looking gorgeous, I took the steaks out to rest. It was about five minutes until Laura was due to walk in the door. I was pacing trying to calm down my nerves. Hanna was at the door ready to do her assigned part. Mattie was already in her chair with her tablet to keep her occupied.


We saw Sarah’s car pull in. There were a few moments of conversation, a hug, and Laura emerged from the car. We were ready. The timing was perfect.

The door opened, and a surprised Laura was greeted by Hanna looking beautiful and composed. Before Laura could say anything, Hanna greeted her.

“Mrs. Wilson! We’re glad you’re here. Your reserved table is ready, and the rest of your party is already seated.” She led Laura into the dining room.

I stood to greet her with a hug and a smooch. Mattie shouted out “Hi Mommy,” without looking up from her game. The distraction worked.

Laura was beaming. “What’s all this?” she asked with a huge smile.

“The girls and I were having a great time and we were talking about their wonderful mommy and wanted to do something together that would be special.”

“This really is special! Thank you all!”

Hanna and I said “You’re welcome” while Mattie thankfully continued to play.

Hanna seemed so adult. She insisted on serving the food and she did great. I poured the wine and strawberry drinks for the girls. Ice water was already at each place. I said a prayer and we dug into a wonderful meal.

I could tell Laura wanted to get the girls talking about their day, but Hanna and I kept her busy with questions about her time with Sarah. Laura was beaming. I imagine she sensed more was happening than what meets the eye, but she just basked in each moment. When we finished, Hanna and I cleared the table and brought out plates of New York cheesecake, one of Laura’s favorites.

I couldn’t wait any longer.

“Laura, the girls and I had a great time today. We had a chance to talk about something important that I wanted their opinion on. So, with their approval...” I went to one knee by her side and revealed the ring box “...Laura, will you put up with me for a lifetime and be my wife?” Hanna was crying with a huge smile. Mattie, who kept the secret perfectly, was gingerly bouncing in her chair with a huge grin. My tears flowed.

Laura barely hesitated. She fell on her knees next to me with a magnificent smile and tears starting cascading down her cheeks. She grabbed me into a bear hug and shouted “Oh, God! Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Each yes was sealed with a touch of our lips.

Hanna joined the hug and Mattie came over to us so she wasn’t left out. Laura’s and my lips were locked in joy, and Hanna exclaimed, “Good job, Dad!”

Hearing that, Laura pulled back, looked at us both smiling brightly with a glowing in her face and sparkles in her eyes.

“Yeah, good job Daddy!” Mattie shouted. “Yay! Mr. Ben is our daddy now!”

Laura pulled her into our hug and said, “You bet he is, baby!”

Laura suddenly realized she hadn’t even looked at the ring. She reached for it to slip it on and her jaw dropped. “Oh my God, Ben! This must have cost a fortune!”

The ring was a solitaire 1.6-carat diamond set in a white gold mount. She was right, it wasn’t an inexpensive mall variety ring even after the nice discount my friend gave me. I would have spent less on a new car.

“How much did this cost you?” she asked even as she realized the question was a bit out of order.

“I had a nest egg I was saving for something I’ve always wanted. But when I thought of you, of the lifetime of happiness and joy I know we’ll share, I wanted you to know without a doubt that you and our family will always be my only real treasure.” Her lips crushed into mine with pure passion and love. I think she understood.

We helped each other up to sit back down, but she chose my lap rather than her chair.

“I have a few more gifts!” I announced. “Girls, can you come over here?” Hanna and Mattie moved quickly and stood in front of us like soldiers awaiting their command.

I handed them each a wrapped box and asked them to open them together. Hanna was first to open the little jewelry box. She opened it with a gasp as Mattie was now catching up to see her identical gifts. Each was a golden heart pendant. On the back, Hanna’s had this inscription: “Hanna, thank you for sharing your mom. Daddy loves you!” Mattie’s had the same with her name.

Laura held me tighter and she kissed me. “Ben, how’d I get so blessed? You think of everything!”

I looked her in the eyes. “You are the greatest blessing I could ever hope for. I don’t know why God led an undeserving guy like me into your arms, but I intend to thank Him every day and show you the girls that His plan is a good one. My love for you is greater than I ever thought I was capable of. The same is true of my love for Hanna and Mattie.”

Our lips met. Hanna had to add, “Are you guys gonna keep doing that all day?”

“I EXTREEEMELY love your mother, Hanna! So, yes. We may do that all day!”

Laura laughed.

“I’m good with that!” Hanna added.

I whispered in Laura’s ear, “And I very, very, EXTREEEMELY still like you too!”

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