《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 17. Second on the List


Laura let out a big sigh of contentment. “So, what’s next on the agenda?”

“First, I just have to say, that you’re without a doubt the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on!”

She rolled her eyes with a smile. “Thank you, Ben! Being with you certainly makes me feel that way!”

She gave me a smooch and sat back quickly with a huge smile. “That was a test, wasn’t it?”

We both laughed. “Yep! And you passed with flying colors.” Another smooch followed. I couldn’t get enough of them.

“Okay!” I said. “On to subject two and the one I really am looking forward to. We should talk about Hanna’s question.”

“I assume you mean if we’re going to get married,” she stated with amusement. “Can I take the lead on this subject?”

I was a little surprised, but pleased she was ready to attack this part of the agenda.

“The floor’s yours, beautiful lady!”

She blushed. “Thank you!”

“I’m sure people think we’re nuts even talking about it after only a few weeks. Heck, I think we’re nuts.”

I nodded in agreement with a smile as she continued.

“But something happened that first day we really met when I came over to you and the girls. I saw you having a great time with Hanna and Mattie and you … you just looked… so content. You weren’t humoring them… you were enjoying them. I felt like I was in a theatre and the three of you were in the spotlight. Then the most unusual thing happened. I never felt anything like it before. I felt like I was being pushed towards you… as if the hand of God was leading me right to you. Do you know what I mean or am I crazy?”

I know I had a huge smile and a few little tears as I struggled to make my throat cooperate enough to respond. “I know exactly. Me too!” I shortened my response to try and gain some composure. My voice was cracking. Her smile became overwhelmingly inviting as I pulled her into an embrace. I held her tight, so I could speak into her ear without gazing into her eyes because I didn’t want to lose my loose grip on the emotions welling up.


“When you walked toward me that day, it was as if I was watching my every dream come to me in the most beautiful package I ever saw. You were glowing. It was all I could do to not run over, grab you in my arms right there, and march you to the altar. I guess we’re both crazy but at least we’re crazy together… and I know I’m crazy in love with you!”

We melted together as our lips locked with pent up emotion. We couldn’t sit still. Our mouths and tongues met in frantic passion, constantly moving as if we were trying to climb into each other through our kisses. We mumbled words of love and thanked and praised God for answered prayers. This wasn’t happening too fast for either of us. I had visions of our family life together and my emotions felt like Old Faithful – just shooting up in glorious relief to the sky.

My lips were sore, so I assumed hers were too. Hanna’s question was clearly answered in both our minds. This was going to happen. More details would be fleshed out as we cooled down a bit. But right now, it was time to take care of ordering dinner delivery.

We sat back at the table after taking care of ordering dinner, and I reopened our discussion.

“What are your thoughts on timing? I mean, I haven’t formally asked you yet so we’re not ready to announce anything.” I flashed her my most impish smile. “Assuming I ask, how long should we wait?”

“We could call the pastor now!” she replied half-joking. I pulled out my phone trumping her bluff.

“Put that away!” she giggled. “Let’s be a little serious! Assuming we do this, I don’t want a big wedding or lots of pomp and circumstance. Us, of course…”

“That would be good!” I said interrupting.

She continued. “Our immediate families, Sarah and Bobby and very few other friends… and that’s it! Small, uncomplicated, a luncheon reception in the church hall, and I’ll be the happiest bride on the planet!”


I flashed her an impish grin. “If I ask, then… this could be pulled together rather quickly!”

“Yep!” she happily agreed. “I don’t need a hundred-thousand-dollar royal wedding! Our friends won’t care if we have steak or sandwiches. We want them there to share our joy, and spending ten times more than is necessary isn’t going to make it more memorable or more meaningful!”

“I’m with you, sweetie. So, for now, we are thinking alike again! At this rate, I think we’ll get bored of each other!

She laughed. “No, I don’t think I’ll be bored!”

“So, changing the subject just a little but closely tied to wedding stuff.” I squirmed a bit. “Sex!”

Her face erupted in an impish smile. “Do you mean we should head upstairs?” I knew she was kidding, but I wanted to take her offer for sure.

“Don’t tempt me too much. I am just a weak-willed man!”

A little laughter ensued. “Actually, you’ve shown admirable restraint. I’m both glad you have, and a little sorry!” She smirked.

I pondered that statement a moment with a smile. “Look, I know in our society most people would assume we’ve been doing the human pretzel for a few weeks now to make sure we’ve test-driven the car before we bought it!”

She roared in laughter. “Human pretzel? Where do you come up with these things? It does paint a picture though, doesn’t it?”

I had to chuckle. “Yeah, it does. But trying to be somewhat serious… something I’m failing at… but that’s okay… I need to be clear on where my head is, and I think… or at least hope you feel the same way.”

“Okay. Seriously now.” She chuckled and blushed.

“This may sound like we’re teenagers living at home, but I think it’s important. I don’t believe we should make love until we’re married.”

“It hurts a little to agree, but we’re on the same page.” She seemed both sorry and relieved.

“I know about the hurt. Something’s turning blue!” I laughed as she snorted a giggle. “I mean, I know neither of us are virgins. We were each married once, and both have only had our first spouse as a lover. But it’s not about that. The first time we make love I want to look in your eyes and feel us finishing what we agreed to in our vows. I want that bond to be felt at that moment. Just like the rings will be a symbol of our eternal bond, the first time we make love is the physical and spiritual manifestation of that bond. We will be one!”

She leaned over and kissed me. “Yes, we will!”

Again, we embraced. There was no room for anything between us. I could swear we were melting into each other. We had a path to walk together.

“This is really happening!” My heart was leaping for joy.

“Thank God! Yes, it is!” she agreed.

The doorbell rang as dinner arrived.

“The fun talk starts when the girls are asleep!” I said with a near evil grin.

“I can’t wait! But I guess we’ll have to.” Her pouting smile gave away her thoughts.

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