《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 003


Rey opened her eyes and she was falling from the mountain's top.

The wind blasting past her face as she fell towards the Green Tree tops. She turned to see the blue sky. Her Jedi robes rustled in the gusting wind. As she continued to free fall from the top of the mountain.

Rey felt like not even catching herself.

“Rey.” She heard the voices of the Jedi call out.

Tears fell from her eyes. Rey extended her arms and began to let the force flow through her body. The force began to slow her Descent.

Rey landed in the nicely built stone seating area in the forest. BB8 Rolled up to her. Rey knelt on the ground and cried.

“BooooIipoboobii.” BB8 rolled around her.

“Leave me alone BB8.”

Rey laid on the ground and looked at the tree tops. “Ooowwooooo.” BB8 Rolled away sadly.

The day passed while Rey laid there looking at the clouds crossing the sky.

The winds through the Trees were super relaxing. Rey shut her eyes for a while. Rey laid on the stone cut floor sleeping.

Rey woke up to the sounds of little bugs making sounds in the night. Rey was being carried by Chewbacca back home. BB8 was rolling along beside them.

“Chewie, do you miss Han.” Rey asked chewbacca.

The large hairy being nodded his head and started to whimper.

“I Miss them all.” Rey said then she hugged chewie.

Chewbacca carried Rey and together they walked and BB8 Rolled along under the night stars, all the way back to the village.

The wookie put Rey back down on the ground at the entrance to the City and they walked past the New Republic guards who waved them into Wasko.

The glow panels lit up the streets as they walked along the stone path.

Rey walked to the fruit stand and picked up some large sweet Pears and star fruits.

The small robed man held out his hand to take the Galactic credits. Rey paid him and continued to walk along the stone streets back to her and Chewie's home.

Rey went to reach for her bag then she remembered she left the bag on top of the mountain.

“Oh no.” Rey looked back at the mountain tops then at the night stars.

“ I will have to go first thing in the morning again.” Rey said then she took a bite from the pear.

Chewie opened the door and BB8 Rolled inside. Rey walked in and kicked off her boots and walked into the kitchen to leave the fruit on the kitchen counters.

Her dirty feet left footprints on the clean stone floor. BB8 followed her along and cleaned up the mess.

Rey walked into the Refresher room and touch activated the Sanisteam (bathtub). She poured some soap in and watched the hot water pour in. Rey began to disrobe her Jedi Cloths. The robes fell to the stone floor. As She turned her slender naked body to get into the Sanisteam.

The scent was beautiful lavender. Rey closed her eyes when she stepped

Her bare feet in the stone tub. Rey got in Kneeling in a crouched position and began to wash herself throwing the water on her face then her tits and abs. Rey rubbed her body with the soapy waters.


Then she poured a bit of soap into her hand and began to rub it into her hair.

Rey threw water over her head and washed out the lake water.

The soap slid down her body and reached down to her tight pink lips.

Then down her legs down to her feet. She rubbed the soap in between her toes and washed them off, she washed off her soapy body before standing up and unclogging the tub.

Rey stepped out and walked over to the towel rack. She pulled one out for her hair and one out to wrap herself in.

Rey walked to her room, up the ramp in their round dome stone building.

The automatic lights turned on for the stairwell as she entered the main living area where chewie was sitting on the couch eating cookie pellets for wookies. Listening to the music box play soothing flute music. BB8 was rolling around the messy well decorated home.

Rey walked into her room and dried off her hair properly shaking it out in the towel.

Then she walked to her side table to pull out the brush. And she began to brush her hair.

Rey looked at herself in the mirror remembering the mirror in the cave back on Ahch-To. Then she shook away the thoughts in her head. Using her hands she Started to bun her hair the way she always did, watching herself carefully twisting Her long brown hair together.

After drying off with the towel wrapped around her slender body. She dried off her neck, back, stomach then her legs and Feet.

Rey walked across the beautiful soft carpet to her sleeper and laid down. Rey wrapped herself in the covers. Rey closed her eyes then her mind began to wonder. Back to the bottom of the lake how Ben Solo’s Ghost was so vivid in her mind. Was she making it up, or was it really him.

The Feeling in the force made it so real. She started to slide her hand down to rub her soft lips.

Thinking of when she was feeling Ben Solo.

Reys vigina was getting wet. But she continued to move her fingers around her clit and lips.

“Uhh aaaahh!” Rey moaned from the sensation. Thrusting her hips into her hand, The feeling was so good she laid there masturbating for ten minutes, after awhile Rey let herself go.

She threw off the covers and sat up looking at her vigina. She spread her lips with her index fingers with both her hands. Rey tasted her pussy juice.

The taste of herself made her nipples hard and she twisted her left nipple. The pleasure sent her back laying on her Sleeper again with her right hand rubbing her pussy vigorously which made Rey twitch and shudder.

Rey began to thrust her finger’s inside and out.

“Ooh mmmmm.” Rey breathed heavily and closed her eyes then she Thought about Ben kissing her.

Rey's feet curled from the tension then she placed a pillow between her thighs and began humping her pillow till she released rolling her eyes in the back of her head.

The release was so good she laid there with a pillow between her thighs and fell asleep.


The next morning. She woke up to BB8. “Wooobiiipppobbi.”


“Who's here?” Rey sat up and swung her feet to meet the floor on the Sleeperside.

Rey stood up and walked across the sun lit room to her dresser.

Rey picked out her last clean set of Gray style of Jedi Fatigues she had and Began to wrap her tits in the wrapping and then she Put on a Pair of Gray pants. Threw over a small matching jacket and walked over to the refresher room and washed her face and hands then Rey went down to see who was there.

Yoreen Was there handing Chewie a huge basket of Berries. “ Yoreen, Hi how are you today?” Rey said with a smile on her face.

“Oh I'm fine, I thought I would come by and see how you were doing today, I didn't see you come back home.” Yoreen looked around the dome stone home.

“Your home is beautiful, a little dirty but Beautiful I love what you guys did in here.” Yoreen looked at a huge rock crystal that Chewie lugged into the home.

“Where did you get that beauty?”Yoreen bent over to examine the beautiful mineral. “Not sure Chewie just brought it in one day, where did you find the Crystal again Chewie?” Rey looked to Chewbacca. Chewie made some audible sounds explaining the location then pointed in the direction of west. Yoreen nodded, seeming to understand Chewie's explanation.

“Very nice find, maybe we will have to take a walk together Chewie, so I can go find one for my home.” Yoreen smiled at the Wookie.

Chewbacca nodded and stuffed some berries in his mouth.

“Yeah I got worried thinking you didn’t make it back last night.” Yoreen explained Yoreen twisted her curls on the side of her face.

Yoreen walked around the Stone dome household. “ I notice all your robes are piling up and the dishes are stacking, would you like me to help you out today it’s my day off?”

“Sure if it's not any trouble to you, I would hate to ask anyone for help.”

“Yes, anything to help out my friend.” Yoreen leaned in and hugged Rey. Yoreen whispered in Rey's ear. “ You saved us all from the First order and the Emperor, the least we could do is help you.” Then she patted her on the back and walked around the house picking up a tipped over Basket of Rey's Jedi Robes.

“Your help around here sounds fantastic yoreen, I'm still getting used to living in a home.”

Yoreen smiled at Rey and started to walk to the pink Metallic Cloth sanitizer. (washing machine) with all the dirty Jedi Robes.

Yoreen opened the lid and started to put all the clothes and robes into the machine.

“Why don’t you add a little color to your life?”

“What do you mean?” Rey asked while she brought the rest of her white robes.

“All these are white and gray.”

“Which are both colors are they not?”

“Fair, but I'm thinking you need more blue and maybe some magenta.”

“Oh I'm fine.”

“Seriously you should try it. There is a nice shop down the street owned by my Twi’lek friend Nira. She's like a sister to me. I will tell her you're going to stop by and she will set you up.”

“Alright Yoreen.” Rey smiled and walked back up the stairs to grab her Sleeper covers and pillow.

The stone floor was a little cold on her bare feet this morning. When Rey walked into her room she looked out her window. Rey saw the Dark gray clouds rolling in over the mountains.

“Oh no, I better go get my gift from Yoreen.” Rey thought to herself.

“Yoreen I gotta step out, Be Right back alright.” Rey walked down the ramp in the dome and to the entrance where she slipped her boots on. Rey was out the door quickly and running down the streets.

Which were full of different species across the galaxy all were doing trade or had somewhere to be. All various sizes and types. Rey moved her way through the crowd and to the Rental service.

The small metallic droids walked up. “Would you be renting the speeder today?”

Rey nodded and handed him Galactic credits. The other little Droids brought around the speeder. Rey hopped on the land speeder and Accelerated off into the distance. Towards the mountains. Crossing the grassy fields. The wind on her face was getting colder the closer she got to the mountains. Then once she hit the forest she started to feel tiny raindrops.

Rey pushed the Aratech 74-Z Speeder to the limit up the side of the mountain. Rey leaned into the Speeder bike The Speeder flew up the side of the mountain and for a moment she was driving up the side of the mountain then the speeder bike flew into the air above the mountain.

Rey drew her force energy in and shifted the Bike weight to land on the top of the mountain’s cliff where she was the other day.

The speeder bike descended to the top of the mountain’s cliff.

Rey took a deep breath then got off and walked to her Book bag picking it up and placing it around her shoulder. Then She Heard a loud growl. A large mountain lion jumped out at Rey, slicing her side. She used the force to calm the creature down before it could attack her again.

Then she placed her hand on herself and used the force to heal her minor wounds.

The Lion sat down on the cliff and waved its long tail around.

“Nice girl.” Rey said to the lion as it licked her blood from its claws. Then she backed up to her Speeder and got on. Then she looked out at the distance seeing the clouds and rain oncoming. She revved up the Aratech 74-Z Engine then sped off the mountain controlling the descent with her force abilities she landed not far from the forest edge and she continued to drive back as the storm followed her. Rey drove the speeder back to the town Wasko which had its protective storm deflector shield being activated from the walls.

Rey got back to Wasko just in time before the gates closed.

End of chapter 003 The Path of Rey Skywalker fanfiction written by Travis W

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