《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 002


Rey looked at the giant blue mountain and stood up. “BEN!!!!!”

There was Nothing but the silence in the wind blowing her hair to her sides.

“Ben…” Rey said quietly to herself again, wiping the tears that fell from her face.

“Don’t Give up your training.” A disembodied voice called out to Rey

“Leia.” Rey called back out to the voice to which she got no response. The spherical shaped droid BB8 rolled around Rey in the grass.

“WOoooobbeppeioboop.” BB8 said to comfort Rey.

“Yes BB8, They are around, come on let's go.”

Rey picked up her boots and put them in the bag. She rather enjoys feeling the Planet with her feet.

Rey slung the carrying bag around her shoulder.

Then Rey followed the Round metallic Droid, BB8 zipped through the grassy fields.

Rey started to Run. The feeling of the wind on her face made her feel better.

The lake was just a five minute walk from where she was now so she began to walk again.

Looking at the beautiful trees and the little birds that lived in them.

The forest was alive. Rey could feel it in the force field energy. Everything was so alive and vibrant. She Breathed in and Out. Reaching out with her senses just how master Luke had taught her on Ahch-To.

The force field was healing to her soul. She could see the mountains and the massive lake she was walking to Rey opened her eyes and continued forward down the grassy field

Seeing the nice sandy beach that went along most of the lake.


There were no surface ships which usually navigated the massive lake Fishing and boating around.

Rey noticed BB8 rolling along the sandy Beaches.

She shook her head and gave a slight chuckle at the funny sight of the little droid rolling along the beach. The sand on her feet sure brought her back to Jakku.

Although the sand here was bright white sand.

Rey walked to the shallow water and walked in to feel the water. “Oo Cold.”


The chill went up her legs which gave her a cold tingle on her neck.

Rey bent over to wash her face with the water. She wiped her face with the lake waters.

The sunlight glistened off the lake. The tranquility of the natural setting had Rey in a state of calmness, Rey walked back to the sandy beach and dropped her bag on the ground.

And then she took off her Jedi robes. Then walked back and jumped into the water.

Rey swam out into the middle of the lake. Here she meditated. And allowed herself to sink to the bottom of the lake.

Focusing on the force energy to sustain her breathing.

There she sat at the bottom of the lake.

Feeling the water around her like a cold blanket. Becoming one with it.

2 hours passed by while she sat at the bottom of the lake. In her meditation she reached out.

“Ben.. Do you hear me?”


“Ben.” Rey called out in her meditation to get another response. But got no reply.

“I know you're out there Ben,” Rey said to herself.

“What must I do, I only want to be with you again.” Rey said out to the white light abyss she was surrounded in.

“You must trust in the force.”

Rey turned around and saw Ben’s force ghost walking up to her. She was shocked to see him again and when he got close enough she reached out with both her arms and hugged him.

Ben Solo held the sides of her hips and they started to kiss.

Rey in her meditation felt his force energy and it was almost enough to feel real.

She started to move her hands through his hair and on his chest.

Ben solo moved his hands around her slender body.

He continued to kiss her and pull her into him Ben wrapped his huge hands around her ass.

And they continued to kiss. Rey felt his hands reaching down to her soft Pink vigina lips. Just how Ben solo used to when they would force connect.


Then she woke up sitting on the bottom of the lake.

She smiled and swam back up.

Once she got to the surface she swam across to the shores. Rey walked out of the lake, once she was close enough she used the force, Rey's Jedi robes floated across the beach. Rey grabbed her robes and began to wipe herself down. The lake was refreshing. And Her force energy felt More Energized. Rey was more grounded from the natural environment.

Feeling the beautiful sun's energy.

Rey walked over to her bag and pulled out her boots and walked back to the water to wash off the sand on her Feet and put on her leather boots.

At the shore BB8 Rolled up. “Beeeoooiioowwoop.”

“I’m Fine BB8, no need to worry, Let’s continue our journey.”

“WWWOOOOO!” BB8 rolled around in sporadic excitement.

“Let’s get going little buddy.”

Rey began to walk the mountain path. BB8 followed Rey into the forest.

The Dark old green pine trees made up this ancient forest.

Rey noticed the slight incline and BB8 started to use its booster thrusters. Rey and BB8 started to make their way up the mountain.

Rey was watching BB8 starting to have a harder time getting up the Greater Incline. Rey examined the path and now they were so high that the path ran out going up the cliff and Rey Looking back out at the world She could see from the mountain top.

All the Pine tree tops that surrounded the area. And the massive lake that stretched into vanishing distance.

Rey could see the mountain top still ascended to the clouds but from here she would have to climb.

“Alright BB8 see those trees down there by the seated meeting area wait for me there.”

BB8 moved its head around its round body and looked down the mountain and up the mountain.

“WOWOOOWOWOO!” BB8 moved back and forth.

“The force is calling me up the mountain.”

Rey began to climb up the rest of the mountain and BB8 watched her till the Droid lost sight of her then began its trail back down the mountain. Rey started to get up twenty meters.

Then she looked up the mountain which kept going up. So she kept climbing. Remembering The Junk mountains and debris of crashed Star destroyers back on the desert Planet Jakku.

Rey was almost at the top when her hand Mistakenly grabbed a Lose vine and her hand slipped, her Quick Jedi Reflexes helped her catch herself from falling and she leaped up the last couple inches. Rolling over the cliffs ledge on top the mountain.

She pulled her bag from her shoulder and rotated her arm releasing tension in her shoulder from trying to keep the bag from falling while she climbed up.

Rey opened the Bag and Drank the Blue milk and ate the sweet Bread.

Staring at the open landscape. From here she could see the top of the bluish pink power crystal.

The little brown and blue stone city called Wasko She lived in with Chewbacca and BB8.

Rey thought about life and then she remembered reading in the Jedi Texts about the High Republic Training methods. To complete her training she would have to force fall. And safely land. Although usually they had someone to catch the Padawans.

Rey was twenty four and she spent the last four years training in the force under leia and master luke. Now Day’s Rey found herself most of the time training from the Jedi Texts.

She sat atop the mountain and started to Meditate feeling the force allowing it to flow through her. Rey Began to Levitate. Rey used the force and moved herself to the Edge of the Mountain Cliff Levitating over the edge into the open air. Rey's eyes were still closed.

Then Rey let the Force connection go and Rey began to fall from the top of the mountain.

End of chapter 002 The path of Rey Skywalker Fan fiction written by Travis W 2022

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