《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 001


Rey woke up in her Sleeper (bed). Looking at the ceiling. “oooowwwoooo.” BB8 rolled up.

“I know BB8, I’m alright.” “oooobiioobboop.” BB8 rolled back.

“ Yeah I know everytime I see him.” Rey sat up in her Sleeper and wiped her tears.

She looked across at the table on the opposite end of the wall and she pushed her covers to the side and walked to sit in the chair.

Her feet touched the beautifully made carpet she had purchased with her Galactic Credits. She pulled out the chair and sat down lifting her feet up to sit crossed legged.

Rey opened up the Jedi Texts and began to Read more about the force energy.

Reading about its connection in everything. She spent some time drawing out the Jedi Symbols and writing out the Jedi Meditations.

She then reached over and picked up her cup of water and took a sip. She pushed the side of her hair back. Putting the cup back down. She picked up a tiny Metallic box with some Death sticks inside.

She placed one in her mouth. Rey turned to BB8 and leaned over for him to Release his lighter.

BB8 Lit up the death stick. Rey inhaled and exhaled the smoke. Looking out the window above her desk she could see the little mining city she was stationed to protect.

The yellow Glow panels emit light emanating out of most of the buildings. The city's power coupling ran from the power crystal plant. The town's riches came from the mining of Power Crystals. The city was also surrounded by mountains all around that went on into the distance. To the East Rey could see the sun Begin to rise.

Rey inhaled another puff and exhaled. She felt numb to the feelings hidden in her thoughts.

“BB8, let's take a Stroll out to the lake today.”

“WOOOO! Beooobiboop.”

“Yes, we Can go right away.”


Rey uncrossed her legs and stood up. She walked over to her clothes drawer and pulled out her Gray pants and white Jedi Republic robes. She sat on the bedside and slid one leg in at a time. Standing up she pulled up her pants and slipped her belt around buckling it up. Rey bent over and picked up her White robes and arm wraps and began to wrap herself in the white robes.

“How do I Look?”

BB8 Rolled back and forth. “WOOOO!”

Rey walked over to her table and placed the little metallic box inside her belt pouch.

“Alright let's go!”

Rey then stood up and walked to the door and opened it up to the hallway. The house was a large dome structure with inner chambers, for rooms and storage.

Rey walked to the kitchen, she opened the Bright green Conservator. Looking inside she pulled out a Jar of Blue milk. And some sweet loaf.

She opened a cupboard and inside were bags to carry these items in.

Rey pulled out the brown shoulder bag and placed the items inside. The corked jar of milk then the Sweet loaf of bread on top.

Rey swung the bag over her shoulder and walked out to the building entrance where she kept her boots. She picked up her right boot and placed her bare foot inside. Then she put on her left boot. She moved her feet around inside her boots to get them on just right.

Then she hit the door lock button and the large round door slid open.

BB8 Rolled out into the still very early morning light.

Rey followed the droid along. The streets were nicely cut stone.

The Glow panels lined the brown and blue stone buildings and were automatic and turned off when the Sun came out.

Rey looked at the many market buildings that lined the streets.

Mostly restaurants, Cantinas, General market. Quality clothing, Technology and repair shops.


All were still closed except Rey's favorite bookstore.

She stopped and looked in to see her Caphex friend Yoreen at work.

Yoreen waved at Rey and walked out. To say hello. “ Rey, I got an interesting book for you to read.” Rey smiled and walked up the stoned steps to meet the thin Purple Robed Caphex woman walking up to Rey with a book.

“Interesting, what is it?” Rey reached out to receive the book looking at Yoreen in her brightly lit dark brown Caphex eyes. “ It’s a Book on Art works Across the Galaxy, When it came in I thought of you.”

“I Love this, Look at all the beautiful different stuff in this.”

“Oh yes, there’s Paintings, Clay works, Stone Carvings, Temples.”

“Thanks Yoreen!” Rey hugged her.

“Ooo watch the curl’s hun, how do they look? I styled them this morning?”

“They make you look great, Yoreen.”

“Come by the store later I will be on break if you want tea.”

“I will forsure, I’m just going down to the lake for a walk.” Rey slung off her bag and put the book inside.

“Oh do be careful there's some vicious Rock lions, who were spotted roaming last time people were out there.”

“ Oh no need to worry Yoreen, I will be careful, May the force be with you.”

“May the force be with you!” Yoreen nodded her head and walked back inside.

Rey continued to walk down the streets of the stone building city following behind the BB8. Then the Sun began to come up and the huge large power crystal mountain lit up pink with a blue hue.

The sight was magnificent, and filled Rey with a Healing warmth. She continued to walk to the

Edge of town where a Large entrance to the city was located.

Near the entrance was a Speeder and Ship Rental shop.

There were rental services droids asking Rey if she wanted to Rent a Speeder.

“20 Galactic Credits, and the speeder is yours for the day.”

“Oh, no thankyou, I will be walking today.” Rey replied to the droid’s question.

Rey walked out the entrance and out into the fields of green Grass. BB8 Rolled along beside her.

Rey breathed in and out feeling the wind under her extended arms as she walked along.

She looked around and closed her eyes and breathed in and out.

Rey continued to walk to the middle of the field. Far enough away from the small city she could see the whole blue and pink power crystal mountain in the distance. The blue skies and surrounding mountains were calming. Rey unslung the bag around her back and placed the bag on the ground. Rey then decided to take off her Boots. Stepping her right then left foot on the grass. The feeling grounded he senses. She enjoyed the Grass feel in between her toes.

She sat down on the green grass and pulled out her metallic case from her belt pouch and opened it pulling out a death stick.

BB8 Extended his lighter and she leaned over and lit her death stick.

Rey Began to smoke and inhale then exhale. The feeling numbed her.

She looked at the mountains. Breathing in and out. The scenery helped her forget.

Rey took a rather long puff of the Death stick and when she blew out the smoke

The sight shocked her when she saw His face in the smoke.

Rey put her face to her knees and began to cry. Then she heard his voice in the Wind.

“ Rey….”

Rey looked up and questioned the air. “BEN?”

End of the Chapter 001 The path of Rey Skywalker written by Travis Willier Starwars Fanfiction

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