《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 004


Rey parked the land speeder and the repair droids walked up to inspect the speeder.

Rey continued to walk away back towards the house. She looked up at the deflector shields.The Lighting and thunder raged on. Rain pattered the city's walls and deflector shields.

Rey continued to walk the sidewalk back up to the dome they lived in and she passed a local food market she decided to stop in for some fresh vegetables and meats.

Walking into the store she saw a lot of other different alien species to which none paid Rey any attention they just continued to shop. Rey swung her bag around and the bag was slashed by the Mountain lion. “ oh no..” Rey pulled out the book she had got and the front cover and the first two pages were destroyed but the rest of the book was in good condition.

“ That was luck.” Rey put the book back in the torn bag then picked up a store basket and walked down the produce section picking out vegetables and putting them inside of the wooden basket.

Then Rey walked down the store aisle to the butcher's desk. She waited and watched the butcher walk up. Then Rey asked for chicken.

“Excuse me sir, I would like some chicken.”

The butcher who was a tall blue Twi’ lek picked out some packaged chicken from the cryo storage and Rey paid With her Galactic Credits.

The blue Twi’ Lek smiled “thanks Ma’ am.” Then he nodded his blue tentacles after receiving the Galactic credits from Rey.

Rey picked up the Chicken and placed it into the Basket.

Walking back down the store aisle. She noticed some sewing kits. Rey stopped and picked one off the shelves.

She also put that into the basket and continued to walk towards the store counter.

Rey placed the Vegetables on a scale and the price was read on a digital scale.

She placed the Galactic credit amount then she placed all the items in the bag and walked out carefully holding the bag so the items didn't fall out. .

Rey stepped out of the store front entrance onto the sidewalk and did a left turn and she started to walk to her home. Pressing the lock button to activate the sliding door when she got to the front door.


Entering inside she found Yoreen and Chewbacca rearranging the furniture.

“Rey, your back just on time, what do you think?”

Rey looked around while taking off her boots.

“The place looks alot more cozy than expected, you both did great.” Rey said walking by the living room, into the kitchen table area she stood at the table side and placed the vegetables and chicken on the table and started to prepare lunch.

Rey unpackaged the raw chicken then she washed the chicken in the ripple bath after doing so she prepared the chicken seasoning and coated the chicken with it before placing it in the Nanowave cooker. Rey watched the chicken cook in a nano wave cooker while she prepared the salad.

Within minutes the chicken was prepared and she mixed it into the salad she made with the vegetables.

“Yoreen, Come try my Chicken Salad.”

“Sure it smells really good.” Yoreen walked into the kitchen.

“Chewie, come eat.” Rey called out to the wookie who stood up from sitting on the couch.

The three sat at the table and ate the Chicken salad.

Crunching and munching the fresh vegetables and chicken.

“This is really good.” Yoreen said while she watched Rey extend her arms and she pulled out the book from the bag.

“What happened to the book?”

“The cover got slashed by a mountain lion.” Rey held the book in the air dor Yoreen to see the damages.

“Wait so you got attacked?” Yoreen questioned then took another bite from her salad.

“Yeah, just now.” Rey smiled and moved her hair back behind her ear.

“Are you ok?” Yoreen looked at Rey inspecting to see if she was hurt.

“Yeah the lion cut me here but I'm fine.” Rey pointed at the slashed article of her robe that was cleaved by the lion's claws.

Yoreen and Chewbacca looked at each other.

Yoreen watched Rey pull out a sewing kit. “See everythings fine, I got it covered.” Rey said and then picked her feet up to sit crossed legged and began to eat her bowl of food. Sitting up straight she ate a fork full of leafy greens and chicken. “Mmmmm.” Rey Smiled.


“ The book is alright ? I take it?” Yoreen questioned.

“Oh yes, let's both take a proper look together.”

“Sure.” Yoreen moved her chair closer to Rey and they both flipped the pages looking at the art works across the Galaxy.

“That's cool, Are those Ancient Jedi Temples?”

“They Sure are thought you would like it.” Yoreen flipped the page.

Rey then stopped Yoreens hand with the force.

“ Rey what's going on?”

“Hold on, what's that Painting of the old temple?” Rey let Yoreen’s hand go.

Rey looked at the painting of A huge ancient Jedi temple surrounded by a forest and mountains.

“Where is it located?”

“What, the Jedi Temple painting?” Yoreen asked Rey. “Yes that one,Can you tell me more about it?”

“Oh the artist who painted it was a force user, who was cut down by the empire and his artworks destroyed after order 66, it was said that he was tapping into the forgotten records of the Je'daii order from the earliest of times. Before the The Jedi Order was formed.”

“This temple painting was painted years ago and now only pictures of it survive? Any more info on the place in the painting?”

“ Not to my knowledge other than the empire took these photos, but you know who knows.” Yoreen looked at Rey.

“C-3PO. “ Rey stood up and walked across the stone floor and pressed a button that brought up the hologram projector.

Rey sent a hologram communication link to C3PO, within seconds from the New Republic headquarters made from the former resistance base on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss.

Standing in the living room a blue Giant C-3PO hologram appeared.

Rey stood talking to C-3PO.

“Master Rey, oh how wonderful it is to see you, what can I do for you?”

“C3PO, I need you to tell me as much info on this Ancient Jedi Temple painting.”

“ That beautiful artwork was done by master Xravis, Killed in order 66. Known for his artworks channeled from his visions of the past Je’daii. That Ancient Temple was his last known art work, He was forbidden to do anymore by the Jedi Order.”

“ Are there any paintings of his left?”

“After the destruction of Theed, We can’t be certain, his Great Great Great Great grandson Zon is still alive. On the planet Naboo.”

Rey looked at Chewie and Yoreen. Then back to C3PO.

“I will be going to Naboo Tell Poe and Finn that I Miss them and hope we can all see each other soon.”

“Alright Master Rey, DO BE careful the Galaxy is still a Dangerous place.”

“ I will C3PO, you guys stay safe on your mission.” The Hologram Closed down and Rey turned to Chewie and Yoreen who were still sitting at the table listening in.

“Well I will be going to Naboo, Would you like to come along?”

Chewbacca nodded and let out a notable sound that meant he agreed.

“Umm I will stay back and watch over your place please do bring me back something nice from Naboo, it's such a beautiful place.” Yoreen picked up the empty salad bowls.

Rey walked to the kitchen table and picked up her book. Rey then quickly walked up the ramp to her room. Rey walked over to her Dresser, opening it to see her freshly dried Jedi robes. Rey picked out her nice white hooded Jedi robes and arm wraps.

Rey disrobed her current damaged Jedi Robes. Then wrapped herself in the Freshly sanitized clothes.

She then put on her new white tight leggings and then her Lightsaber belt. Rey looked at BB8 and held out her Hand. BB8 Opened a port and shot out the Lightsaber from his compartment.

Rey caught it and hooked it to her belt.

End of Chapter 004 The Path of Rey SkyWalker Written By Travis W Fan Fiction

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