《Flowers From A Killer》Chapter 4


“Hurry up Aaron. The guards could come looking for us at any moment.” I laughed skipping up the hill.

“I’m Coming. I’m Coming. Has this hill always been this steep?” He gasped breathing hard as he trudged his way up. Reaching the top, I gazed happily at my secret hide away beneath the hanging leaves around the the tree. Creating a tent and hiding the trunk from view. Glancing back, I giggle as I see my silly fiancé being over dramatic and crawling up the hill on hands and knees.

“You’re such a dork.” I teased laughing. He gave me a goofy grin before joining me at the top. Turning back toward the tree I pushed the leaves and branches aside to reveal a little space at the base of the trunk beneath the hanging branches. The sun could be seen shining in between the branches down onto the area. Making for patterns of light across the ground. The wind rustled merrily through the leaves. Singing a song of peace and serenity. Giving the area an almost magical feel to it.

“Wow it’s just like I remembered.” I gleefully sighed clasping my hands together in excitement.

“It’s almost as beautiful as you.” Aaron teased coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. Leaning my head against his chest I closed my eyes and listened to the soft chirping of the meadow larks.

“Well shall we get this picnic started than, before Conner comes and crashes it like last time.” He whispered his mouth inches away from me. Sending shivers down my spine as his hot breath brushed gently against my ear. Blushing tomato red I grabbed the basket, and blanket, and began setting up the picnic. Avoiding eye contact all the while.

“Conner’s not going to crash it Aaron. Last time if you remember he heard something rustling in the bushes. He was just trying to protect me.” I pointed out handing Aaron a bottle of lemonade.

“It was a rabbit Sasha. He heard a rabbit in the bushes and reacted like a mad man when he grabbed you and ran back to the castle. You were screaming for him to let you go the whole way.”

“Yes, but Aaron, my attacker is still out there. So of course, he was being over protective a few days ago.”

“If you say so.” He relented taking a sip of his lemonade and sitting down beside me.

“Are we really going to spend our rare opportunity alone together by arguing?” I sighed smiling and folding my arms. Putting his lemonade down he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.


“Your right. I’m sorry. It’s so rare that I ever get to see you anymore and here I am ruining it by arguing.” He laughed his emerald green eyes sparkling as he gazed down at me.

“I…It’s ok it’s in th…the past now.” I stuttered a blush creeping up my face at how close he was. My heart pounded a mile a minute as I melted beneath his radiant grin.



“I love you.” He whispered leaning toward me. Closing my eyes, I waited with bated breath. My heart fluttering like a bird as he drew closer. We were only an inch apart when it happened. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end as Aaron pushed me out of the way of an Arrow aimed at his head. It lodged itself in the base of the trunk right where he was only moments before. Jumping to his feet Aaron races out of our hideaway in search of the culprit. I am just getting up to follow when I hear yelling and arguing coming from where he just vanished. Hurrying out of the grove I raced toward the commotion.

“What are you doing shooting an arrow at us!?” Aaron demanded holding Conner by the collar of his uniform.

“I told you already I didn’t shoot an arrow at you why would I do that?”

“I don’t know maybe because you are jealous that Sasha chose me rather than you. You want her all to yourself, so you are trying to break us up.”

“That’s stupid. I did not shoot that arrow. I saw someone in a cloak run out here, so I followed them. I had just lost sight of them a few minutes before you came bursting out attacking me.” Conner Scoffed pushing Aaron away from him. Straightening his collar Conner glared at Aaron daring him to try that again.

“Aaron…” I began only to have him cut me off mid- sentence.

“Don’t Sasha it’s so obvious he is responsible. I bet he tossed the bow and arrow in the bushes the moment he saw us coming.” Aaron accused racing over to the bushes and rummaging through them. Conner sighing shifted his weight, so he was leaning against a nearby tree. Crossing his arms and watching Aaron search. Suddenly Aaron stopped and straightening up he turned toward us with a triumphant look on his face. I gasped in shock as I saw a bow and arrow held tightly in his hands.


“See I knew it you did shoot those arrows.” Aaron accused throwing the evidence on the ground and stomping toward Conner, and rolling up his sleeves. Alarm bells were ringing in my head as I realized a fight was about to break lose. Rushing forward I stood in front of Conner with my hands placed on both of their chests.

“That’s enough Aaron. Conner did not shoot that arrow he wouldn’t do that. We have known each other since we were children.” I chastised sighing in annoyance that our rare moment together was once again ruined.

“You’re taking his side! You are so naïve Sasha he tried to kidnap you and shot that arrow too. Don’t forget the night you first were attacked he was no where to be seen. The guards were there but he wasn’t.” He shouted shaking with anger.

“That’s because…” Conner began only to have Aaron cut him off a moment latter.

“Don’t try to lie. Your excuses are not going to work this time.” He spat pushing me out of the way and attempting to punch Conner. Only to have him dodge out of the way. Stepping once again in between the two I held my arms out shielding Conner from Aaron.

“Just drop it Aaron. Anyone could have shot that arrow. We can’t prove he did it. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. How about you do the same.”

“You always see the best in people Sasha, but this time you are just grasping at straws. One of these days that positive attitude is going to get you in trouble." He angrily stormed away mumbling under his breath.

“So much for our alone time.” I thought as I watched him go.

“Sorry about ruining your alone time.” Conner apologized a guilty smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

“It’s ok. He just needs to cool off is all. He has been so stressed about these attacks that he is desperate to catch this guy. So much so that he was willing to believe you had done it.” I stated watching Aaron round a corner and disappear from view.

“Well hey. To make it up to you how about we hang out tomorrow. It’s been a while since we last spent time together as friends. Plus, since I am the head of security I am sure I can convince your dad to let us go without sending an army of guards after us.” He suggested his hands in his pockets. I hesitated wondering if I should accept with how upset Aaron is right now.

“No Aaron is a big boy, he just needs to take a chill pill. Conner is my best friend.” I thought to myself shaking away my doubts.

“Sure, that sounds great. It will be nice to hang out with friends for a while.” I agreed making sure to put weight on the friends part. After all even though I doubt Conner is behind all this. I still wanted to make sure he knew I only saw him as a friend.

“Awesome let’s say about 5 pm tomorrow. See you than.” He stated his smile never faltering at my friend zoning him. Proving my point more that its not him. Shaking myself from my thoughts. I reached out and grabbed his sleeve. Stopping him before he could get to far.

“Wait where are we going?”

“Oh yeah. Sorry thought I told you. There is this new circus that’s just opened up on the pier overlooking the beach. I thought we could go to that.” Images of my mom’s lifeless body immediately flashed through my mind at the mention of a circus. I stared at him not quite sure how to voice my concerns. He seemed to understand because he suddenly slapped his forehead as if just remembering something.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot your mom was killed at a circus. We can go somewhere else if you like?” Swallowing my fears, I shook my head.

“No that’s fine. It’s been 16 years now. I can’t avoid it forever.” I stated trying to hide the tremor in my voice as once again my mom lying on the hard-cold cement flashed through my head.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I will see you than.” I quickly turned away and headed for the castle doors. Determined not to show him the immense fear swirling in my eyes. It was 16 years ago, but it still haunts me to this day. After all, if it weren’t for me maybe she would still be alive right now.

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